Starting Couch to 5k - want to join??



  • millec
    millec Posts: 1
    Not sure where to get app....still on a dinosaur cell phone. Any ideas. I would like to join. Racing Mama
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    Have you guys seen this?

    I intended to start this week but an old injury has not made it possible, I think I will start with walking fast /extra effort when supposed to be running for now (I carry a lot of weight). Hopefully then the weight will come off and the more I loose the more I will be able to run ....eventually!

    Good luck everyone!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    Have you guys seen this?

    I intended to start this week but an old injury has not made it possible, I think I will start with walking fast /extra effort when supposed to be running for now (I carry a lot of weight). Hopefully then the weight will come off and the more I loose the more I will be able to run ....eventually!

    Good luck everyone!
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Well, day 1 of Couch to 5k done!!! When I first saw the programme, I thought "run for 60 sec, walk for 90 secs - easy!" However, it was not!!! I really enjoyed it though, and will def keep going!! I dont have a treadmill, so was doing it outside. I only live in a small village so ran past a couple walking their dog and a boy at a bus stop about 4 times!! I felt tired once I got home, but now ive gone, I cant wait until the next day to progress!!!!

    Hows everyone else getting on???
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hia, I did my day yesterday and it was fine. I get quite bad shin splits though so any suggestions for those would be appreciated if anyone knows of anything.

    I also run outside. I find it refreshing particularly this time of year when its 'starting' to ger warmer (haha - its still freezing, but still).

    Well done on actually starting, I think its the first day that's the worst.

    My last day of week one is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it too.
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    Good job! Glad you liked it!

    It's still early in the morning here where I am, so I'm hoping to get out there soon. It's freezing c-c-c-old though!! ( -12'C!)

    Just thought of something: how are you keeping track of calories for these runs? I don't have a HR monitor, so I have NO clue! Anyone?
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    My husband and I are going to start one in a couple weeks. We have already been "training"
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm planning on starting today. I was reading a lot about the program last night and am planning on starting it right away. I want to get my cardio up'd and I've been out of the habit of hitting the treadmill hard so I'm hoping this will put me on the right path. Hope everyon'e start on this is going well.
  • ababygrace
    ababygrace Posts: 123
    I am planning on starting this on Monday since I don't go to gym on weekends. I want to build up my endurance while running. So yes, I would love to join.
  • censu67
    censu67 Posts: 53 Member
    I ran a 5k last year, first one ever. I was 280lbs and finished good. I think I came 209th out of 333 or something like that. It wasn't easy, but wasn't super hard. I was the biggest guy in the field. I got smoked by a 77 year old but have nothing but respect for him.

    I worked with a fitness trainer and the most important advice he gave me about starting to run is speed. When you start training, run as SLOWLY as you possibly can. He told me that people start to fast, and end up giving up soon after because it's too hard. I was about 300lbs when I started with him. I ran so slow, people were walking faster than me. But it only took 4-8 weeks till I was running at a good jog. My first practice time for a 5k was 45 minutes. Second was 41. But when I got into the race and had everyone around me, I ran faster without realizing and did it in 33 minutes.

    The most important thing though, people where clapping and cheering me home, complete strangers, both on the street and at the finishing area. I was actually over come with emotion at the end, was not expecting that.

    Alas I hurt my ankle a few months after and it's only now that I'm starting to train again for another one. But I'm also 3lbs lighter than when I started, so I'll do it again. I would love to be part of the group you create and support each other.

  • areiger
    areiger Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me to the challenge. One of my major goals it to be able to run a 5k in September against my local police department!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    What an encouraging story! You must feel so thankful & proud of your achievements! Keep on going! You are an inspiration!
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    I DID IT!!!!!! :happy:

    Just one small problem; I ran the entire way. I don't know what happened; I had the stop watch, was planning to walk and jog...but then my legs sort of took over and just went by themselves!

    I've stretched and am excited and also nervous.
    Did I do too much?
    Why did I wait so long?
    How come I just want to cry?

    I am so proud of myself. I realize I didn't follow the plan; I'm just happy I actually RAN again! First time in loooong 9 years!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hi wonderingpilgrim,

    WELL DONE :smile:

    If you are fit enough to manage it then thats great, you'll find out whether you did too much or not tomorrow or the day after. Don't stress too much worrying about it though as it obviously felt ok for you to do it.

    Good luck to everyone doing this. I'll do my week 1 day 3 run at some point today :bigsmile:
  • RK74
    RK74 Posts: 3
    Sorry - I'm a newbie too. what is the couch to 5K. I presume it is what it says. get up and star running. but how? obviously you cant just start running 5K. I'm in. - let me know what I need to do.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hi there, I've finished week 1 today.

    Chubbers - its an interval training programme.

    I got my info from here:

    But I copied and printed it out and stuck it to my fridge (along with my before shots) as it would have been a real pain to keep looking for it.:

    I'll copy it below for you and I hope you find it useful;

    Couch to 5k

    Run 3 times per week with free day between running days

    Week 1
    You’ll have a brisk 5 minute warm-up walk followed by eight sets of 60 second interval runs. A 90 second recovery will follow each interval and you’ll finish up with a 5 minute cool down.

    Week 2
    This week You’ll have a Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. You will then have 6 intervals alternating 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of about 20 minutes. We’ll finish up with a 5 minute cool down.

    Week 3
    This week you’ll have a brisk five-minute warm-up walk. You will then have 2 repetitions of the following: Jog for 90 seconds, walk for 90 seconds, then jog for 3 minutes, and walk for three minutes. Then we will repeat the intervals jogging and walking for a total of about 15 minutes. We’ll finish up with a 5 minute cool down.

    Week 4
    We’ll start with a Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. We will then have 2 repetitions of the following: jog for 3 minutes, walk for 90 seconds, then jog for 5 minutes, and recover with a 2 1/2 minute walk. Then we will repeat the intervals jogging and walking for a total of about 18 minutes. We’ll finish up with a 5 minute cool down.

    Week 5
    This week is a little different in that each day is a different running program. After they all start with a Brisk 5-minute warm-up walk, Day 1 then has three intervals of 5 minute runs and 3 minute walks. Day 2 has two intervals of 8 minute runs and 5 minute walks, and Day 3 has one long 20 minute run with no walks. Do not panic like I did, you’re ready, I know it!

    Week 6
    Each day’s run begins with a Brisk five-minute warm-up walk, Day 1 has a 5 minute run interval followed by 3 minutes of walking, an 8 minute run followed by 5 minutes walking, and a final 5 minute run. Day 2 has 2 intervals of 10 minute runs and a 3 minute walk between them, and Day 3 has one long 25 minute run with no walks. Each days runs end with a 5 minute cool down brisk walk. Try this, instead of giving your self reasons why you can’t, give you self reasons why you can.

    Week 7
    After we start with our usual Brisk five-minute warm-up walk, we will then jog for 25 minutes, or about 2 and a half miles.

    Week 8
    After we start with our usual Brisk five-minute warm-up walk, we will then jog for 28 minutes, or about 2 and 3/4 miles.

    Week 9
    We begin with our brisk 5 minute warm up walk and then run for 30 minutes or about 5K. We end with a brisk 5 cool down walk making this run about 41 minutes.

    5k to 10K

    Week 1
    Day 1 – 30 Minutes
    Day 2 – 30 Minutes
    Day 3 – 30 Minutes
    Day 4 – 30 Minutes

    Week 2
    Day 1 – 30 Minutes
    Day 2 – 35 Minutes
    Day 3 – 30 Minutes
    Day 4 – 35 Minutes
  • RK74
    RK74 Posts: 3
    Thanks! this is excelent and just what I have been looking for. My brother in law just came for dinner after completing the Ballycotten 10 (miles) in under 70 mins. I cant begin to imagine how I would do this but I really want to try. Road running is way differant to trad mill running and I always seem to run out of breath way too quicly. hopefully this will bring me up to spee.
  • JackiesPal
    JackiesPal Posts: 1 Member
    I'm game I've done it before but am finding myself with a serious lack of motivation! I have been on My Fitness Pal for a while but I sort of "fell off the wagon" and just got back on today. I am feeling kinda lonely too, I sent requests to some of my friends but so far no one has responded...wanting to join!
  • katt2360
    katt2360 Posts: 12
    I have started couch to 5K 3 times and never make it past week 3. I am in and going to finish it this time. :wink:
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm starting this tomorrow. Feel free to add me.

    Oh yeah, also if you have an android phone there's a free app for this that will give you audible alerts when its time to change pace. I'll let you know how that works out too.