New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    Just starting is 1/2 the battle hot pickles. Welcome, and just press play!
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    day one p90x was awesome! Back and chest wasn't bad but I used the band instead of pull ups since I can't do those yet. Arx kicked me! I couldn't do half of that stiff but im looking forward to being able to do them and pull ups too!!!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    I've been lurking and you guys are all doing fantastic!! I'm still sad I couldn't start on Monday but I was way too sick!
    So I'll be that girl who is 4 days behind everyone.

    Oh well I'm all better and I did Day1 today and I feel great!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Well I went out and was playing with my chickens and time got away from me so I never did get in Core Synergistics or any of the other options I was toying with today. Since I didn't do that though I picked up an extra Taekwondo class tonight and probably worked harder than I would have if I'd done a video.

    I don't know what's happening to me but tonight during sparring I was a crazy woman! I'm pretty sure I shocked the 17 year old boy I was sparring with how aggressive I was! Those plyo videos are definitely coming in handy! lol The 17 yo actually told me that sparring me was fun! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is legs and back! It's a killer but I love that one! Can't wait for my butt to look better!
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Day four lean version done :D I only managed to make it through 45 mins of yoga (which is longer than I've ever made it lol) but it was right after 30 day shred so I was pretty pooped. I'm going to finish it after my 3 mile jog tomorrow morning. Everyone is doing so well!!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i'm goin outta town 2day & i forgot my p90x. :grumble: i'll b back sunday nite so i'll just start over LOL. i'll think of this wk as a warm up wk :laugh:

    doin a half marathon this wknd so i'm at least doin a little workin out :tongue:

    both excited abt it & dreadin it. i'm wonderin if i can finish it. 13.1miles & i have 4hrs to complete it. if i was able 2 keep up with my trainin i wouldn't b so worried but abt 3.5wks ago i hurt my ankle & didn't train for 2wks... :cry:

    but i've already paid 4 the HM & i'm doin it anyways. besides my mom will b there so that'll b extra incentive 2 complete it in time :smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Knittnponder - take it easy on those teenage boys now!!! Tony didn't say knock em out.

    Goobegone - Good luck on your race, you'll do just fine. No need to start over on the X, just be good to yourself and start your 2nd week next week. Maybe to a double workout on Monday.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Talk about delayed onset muscle soreness! I could hardly move yesterday afternoon from all the pullup and pushups on day 1. I managed to do Plyo yesterday, but failed to do my workout this morning. Hopefully my muscles will relax enough that I can get it done tonight when the kids are in bed (might need some Advil to help that along). Wish me luck!

    Also, is it possible that I pushed myself too hard, or is that just the way it is with these workouts? I used 15lb weights for the Heavy Pants/BackFlys/Lawnmowers.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Excited for Day 1 today! I've tried the program before but gave up. I probably made it to the 2 week point. Since I seem to stop everything after two weeks, I think if I make it to 30 days I will be just fine.

    Since I've done the C&B workout before, I am going to push myself a little further. Maybe not quit just because I feel like I don't want to do push ups anymore. I also do the modified push ups, but I am going to actually try and do at least 1 on my feet. Just give it a try. If I fall flat on my face, fine. At least I tried it.

    As far as ARX goes, I've done it to the video before, and also done it without the video (just by writing down the exercises and doing them on my own). Which is better?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Talk about delayed onset muscle soreness! I could hardly move yesterday afternoon from all the pullup and pushups on day 1. I managed to do Plyo yesterday, but failed to do my workout this morning. Hopefully my muscles will relax enough that I can get it done tonight when the kids are in bed (might need some Advil to help that along). Wish me luck!

    Also, is it possible that I pushed myself too hard, or is that just the way it is with these workouts? I used 15lb weights for the Heavy Pants/BackFlys/Lawnmowers.

    If you were in pain, then you would have pushed yourself to hard. If it's soreness, then you just put in some work. Soreness is just fine. There are days that my Aleve Gel Caps come in handy. I would also recommend Glutamine for recovery.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Today Was leg & back day 33 and I really enjoy it. I know I cant do a pull up :sad: but I know I will one day I am starting with bands and After I start the next 90 days"classic" I know I will try the pull up bar Right now I'm just trying my best and bringing it.:bigsmile:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Funny, that no one has said anything about Yoga yesterday! I would've tried it if I had time, but took a rest day instead. I think after standing in 48 degree water for 5 hours sexing fish (yes you read correctly and it's not a perverted thing) I earned a day off.

    Excited for Legs and Back today. The soreness is going away so I need more! Am I crazy because I love Mason Twists at the end of ARX??!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm still here just trying to fight off this stupid cold!!! I hate being sick! I hate missing my workouts! Good news is, I've been feeling ok up until yesterday when it really hit me; I went to the store and loaded up on stuff so I haven't really missed a workout, other than stretching yesterday but I used it as my rest day obviously. Today is scheduled legs & back though and I do not want to fall behind! I feel like this happens to me all the time, every time I start a new program! Grrrrrrrr!!!!!! :explode: So, I will rest up today and see how I feel later.

    Thank you all for keeping this thread going, you all are doing so good and reading your posts just makes me want to push through....but not too much. The last thing I want to do is end up right back in bed!

    Keep up the good work! Welcome to all the newcomers! Glad to have you! Tons of support and energy here!

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I'll be updating you later!

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Funny, that no one has said anything about Yoga yesterday! I would've tried it if I had time, but took a rest day instead. I think after standing in 48 degree water for 5 hours sexing fish (yes you read correctly and it's not a perverted thing) I earned a day off.

    Excited for Legs and Back today. The soreness is going away so I need more! Am I crazy because I love Mason Twists at the end of ARX??!!

    Yes, I think you are insane (in a good way). By the end of Ab Ripper-X, I can barely get up. When I do Mason twists, I end up resting one heel on the ground and switching legs every 10-15 seconds. I still feel the ab work, but I am able to twist more from side to side...otherwise I just look like I am having a seizure or a temper tantrum...LOL. Not sure if it is proper to do that, but I simply cannot keep both legs above the ground for more than a few seconds during that workout. I hope to grow to love them as much as you...LOL. :laugh:
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Just finished up Chest and Back!

    I am so proud of myself. I got through the whole thing, and I actually started off each of the push up variations on my feet. Yep, even the military style ones. I could do maybe 1/2 of one, but it doesn't matter - I tried! I did about 6 standard push ups on my toes too. The funny thing is, I just assumed I couldn't even do one, so I just always started the push ups in the modified position.

    I'm going to do ARX later on this evening.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Nobody warned me there were so many push-ups in core synergistics! Also, wow, those moves require a lot of coordination and balance. Here's hoping that it gets easier with time just like all the other workouts. Glad my roommate wasn't home. Hehe.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Just finished Legs&Back and ARX. Wow what I work out. I was a little tired today but I finished. Now I feel pretty good. One more day then I get a day off. Kenpo tomorrow!! burned 515 calories
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Talk about delayed onset muscle soreness! I could hardly move yesterday afternoon from all the pullup and pushups on day 1. I managed to do Plyo yesterday, but failed to do my workout this morning. Hopefully my muscles will relax enough that I can get it done tonight when the kids are in bed (might need some Advil to help that along). Wish me luck!

    Also, is it possible that I pushed myself too hard, or is that just the way it is with these workouts? I used 15lb weights for the Heavy Pants/BackFlys/Lawnmowers.

    The first week I was so sore I made my husband carry my 1 yr old. Even just up to bed. But my the end of the week the soreness went away
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Well its day 5 and I have survived... just Kenpo tomorrow and a 7 miler on Sunday ...

    I have done exactly half of the video each day this week ...but what should I do next week? I was mighty sore this week...
    Should I do 3/4 of the video... or all of the video? I have yet to do Ab Ripper yet ...
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    It's my second week of P90x. I did Yoga today even though I hated it last week. It wasn't as bad today...I'm already getting better. An hour and a half is so long though. I'm really feeling like I need to add more cardio in during the week. Since P90x is so long I haven't had the time. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to. Not really too sore this week. On a positive note I weighed in today and lost 1 1/2 pounds.
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Day 2 done!!! I'm drenched in sweat and I'll be glad when I can do more than 2/3 of it all!!!
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Today is Plyo day!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Just did Kenpo-X and burned 868 calories...good dinner tonight! On day 6 of week 2 of Lean. X-Stretch tomorrow to get my mind right for Core Synergistics to kick off Week 3.

    One improvement for this week from last week is I was VERY sore on day 6 of week 1. Today, I am mildly sore, but I BROUGHT IT! harder than week one (more weights, kept up better, better form, less rest between reps, etc.)

    Looking forward to see what week 3 brings...may have to travel next week. It will be interesting to see how that affects my routine.

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey everyone! Well, I was going to double up today, doing legs & back, ARX and Kenpo but I decided that I better not push it or I'd end up right back in bed again, sick. So, I'm going to continue to rest up as I'm feeling a tad better and I'm going to just have to start over again on Monday! This ticks me off!!! Oh well, I need to rest and get my energy back so I can workout to my hardest.

    Continue to keep bringing it and I'll catch up with you all on Monday! Have a great weekend!

  • stacy7533
    stacy7533 Posts: 11 Member
    Day 1, week 3 today Chest and Back. I noticed a huge improvement over last week. By the end of the video I was dragging a little but I got a bunch of "real" pushups done and more pull ups (even though I'm on the chair). ARX is still kicking my butt but my breaks are getting shorter. 527 calories burned. :)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did legs and back today and ARX. Still hating pull-ups even with using the chair. Oh well. Happy Kenpo is tomorrow.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Survived exactly half of Kenpo today ... proud of myself. Dripping sweat by the end of it. I am apparently only going to kick my attacker in the ankle though. My hips are soo tight, I had trouble even doing some of the warm up stretches.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    good job every1!! :flowerforyou:

    just finished my half marathon in 3hrs33min (burned 7580 calories!! :noway: ) & i REALLY wish i had the p90x stretch x with me :sad:. my feet r HURTIN & i could use a good stretch abt now :cry:

    won't b able 2 get 2 exercise til 2morrow then it'll just b a mile or 2 walk/joggin, haven't decided yet. plus i'll b back on the p90x =P

    keep up the good work every1!!!! u're doin AWESOME!!! :drinker: <--water
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Great Job on the marathon!!

    I finished legs/backs and ab ripper today. Could actually hold the wall squats until almost the end! It's really nice to see/feel improvement. Got an HRM today so I'm looking for to Kenpo tomorrow and checking my calories burned.

    Keep up the great work everyone!:happy:
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