Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    227.4 for me. Im glad to see movement!

    Good job everyone, this really is a nice little group we have going and is a great motivation.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    LWW: 400.8
    CW: 400.6

    Only down .2 lbs this week, did two-a-days a couple times this week and started lifting weights so that might have something to do with it. Hopefully this just means a big loss next week, nothing else to do but keep at it...
  • pgp_protector
    269.8 (Almost wrote 296.8 :laugh: )
    but I think today I'll be going over cals unless I get some gym time in today, just had too many cravings & didn't even really try to fight em today. :(
  • pgp_protector
    269.8 (Almost wrote 296.8 :laugh: )
    but I think today I'll be going over cals unless I get some gym time in today, just had too many cravings & didn't even really try to fight em today. :(

    Well back from the gym. :smile:
    Stair-treadmill ergometer, general
    18mins for 254 cals

    Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)
    15 mins 91 cals (I think this one is off)

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog
    15 mins 190 cals

    Daily Total / Goal 48 / 30 535 / 297
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    This week's weigh in is 273. Woo Hoo 2 pounds.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    I was 284 whopping pounds October 2010. Currently at 229 and dropping
    NO DIET, complete lifestyle change
    Increase activity
    no more bull shipping myself.
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    I was 284 whopping pounds October 2010. Currently at 229 and dropping
    NO DIET, complete lifestyle change
    Increase activity
    no more bull shipping myself.

    WAY TO WORK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TreyTLH
    TreyTLH Posts: 11 Member
    CW: 220 (3/6/11)

    Hit a little plateau, but I am continuing to stay strong in my workouts.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I missed this post for us big guys. The best part about being a big dude and dropping weight is that you can still enjoy a good amount of calories. I started out at 292 (6'3") last April and my CW is somewhere at or just below 245. Most of that loss started at Thanksgiving to now (thanks to Android and MFP)

    I've gotten to the point where my 1.5lb weight loss is requiring a sub 2000 calorie diet which is tough for me on my rest days, typically 2 per week. I've had to cut my losses back to 1lb per week in order to raid the fridge before bed. I think that at 235, I'm going to stop the weight loss all together and just maintain for a while.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Men! Reporting in at ... (drum roll please) ... 232.8lbs! However, jaskelley did better! He dropped a 6 pounder this week and took first! I guess I need to start razzing some more of you guys, eh?

    This forum is great - it is not the main reason for me losing weight; however, it really helps motivate me and keep the momentum going. Thank you Men for your help! I've lost 29 lbs since January 2 and almost 70 since I began my weight-loss journey (less than 2 years ago).


    This week's topic - you know that baggy pair of pants you have? How long do you wear it? At what point do you go get something smaller? I am tempted to get new clothes, get my suits altered, etc. However, what if I keep losing more weight? Then I will have to go buy more!

    Keep up the good work Men!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I have officially taken my old jeans off the allowed to wear list. By the end of the day they are literally falling off me. I can easily pull them on and off without unbuttoning. I have a ton of clothes that I keep pulling from the back of the closet that are starting to again fit. I am refusing to buy anything new at this point.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Good timing for this topic because I bought a new pair today. I was at the point where even a belt didn't help because they were getting so loose. Of course I realize that may happen to this pair soon, but its okay because I bought them on clearance :D
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Regarding the topic. I am trying to wait until I lose it all to but new clothing. I have lost weight before though and gain back so I still have a lot of outfits I can not fit yet. But with the momentum of my weight loss this week getting me back to where I was last week I am hoping to get out of the 230's!!!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    As for the topic, My plan was to buy a few new clothes when I reach a weight loss of 30 pounds and then buy all new clothes at 60 pounds. Right now, my pants have gotten very baggy and the tight shirts are now fitting properly. I have a few pairs of pants that are a little tighter than the others so I will probably have to only buy one or two pairs.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    I retired my baggy jeans about a month or so ago. They were size 40 waist. They looked ridiculous with a belt, so bunched near the waist that it looked like they had pleats. I was hoping I could drop down to size 36, but they were a little too snug, so it was 38 instead. I'm thinking I could fit the 36s now, but I have to ride out the 38s until I get my money's worth.

    Other than jeans, I haven't replaced any clothes with smaller sizes. Any new shirts I buy, though, I've been getting large instead of x-large.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Men! Reporting in at ... (drum roll please) ... 232.8lbs! However, jaskelley did better! He dropped a 6 pounder this week and took first! I guess I need to start razzing some more of you guys, eh?



    I was just looking over the chart, and so many of you have lost 20+ or even 30+ lbs since January. That is just amazing. Congratulations!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I retired my baggy jeans about a month or so ago. They were size 40 waist. They looked ridiculous with a belt, so bunched near the waist that it looked like they had pleats. I was hoping I could drop down to size 36, but they were a little too snug, so it was 38 instead. I'm thinking I could fit the 36s now, but I have to ride out the 38s until I get my money's worth.

    Other than jeans, I haven't replaced any clothes with smaller sizes. Any new shirts I buy, though, I've been getting large instead of x-large.

    lol That's funny. I'm at exactly the same point as you. I'm getting L shirts also, but the only problem is with dress shirts because my neck is a 17 and all shirts that are L's have necks of 16 and under. I'm wearing 38s comfortably, but still need a belt or theyll start to lower when I move around. Want to make a side bet on who gets to 36s first? :P
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    lol That's funny. I'm at exactly the same point as you. I'm getting L shirts also, but the only problem is with dress shirts because my neck is a 17 and all shirts that are L's have necks of 16 and under. I'm wearing 38s comfortably, but still need a belt or theyll start to lower when I move around. Want to make a side bet on who gets to 36s first? :P

    I hear you on the dress shirts, DS. The neck is always too small & the sleeves too short. I hate buying dress shirts.

    I'd take you up on the pants bet, but I'd wind up at the store every Saturday checking to see if they fit yet. :D
  • Brian_Collins
    Just wanna say that I admire your courage to get fit and drop 50!
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Didn't weigh myself this week (translation : didn't loose any weight). Going thru a recomposition stage this week and will regain my weight loss regiment next week.

    See you all then.....may be another 6 pounder.......who knows.