30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Well singer I guess you do eat at "McDonalds" everyday then:)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I have been eating a lot of feta lately too! I hadn't had it much before I starting eating better. It's a nice bold cheese, kinda harder and thicker than other cheeses, I like it a lot with balsamic and spinach! And tomatoes!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    My new food today is the home made pizza I made, never made one before with wheat crust and the sauce I used, or that kind of cheese in my diary. It was wonderful! Also tried those salad dressing spritzers for the first time today, balsamic vinaigrette, it was great and it really lowered the sodium. Dressing and cheese always make my sodium high but today was good besides the olives I added...which stinks because I love olives. Also the meat I used in my salad made a world of difference. Last week I bought some oscar meyer chicken strips and they were LOADED with sodium, today I made my own and it really reduced the sodium significantly!
    Tomorrow I'm going to try these Kelloggs protein shakes I've had in the fridge.
  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    Sorry I didn't get a chance to log yesterday (prob coz I knew it wasn't good lol)

    My start weight was 121.5lb and my goal weight is 115lb
    On Monday 21st Feb = 126lb
    On Monday 28th Feb = 120.25lb
    On Monday 7th March = 122.00
    This week’s gain = 1.75lb
    Total weight lost since the beginning of this challenge = -0.5lb
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @Angela - suggestion for salad dressing - 'Ken's Steakhouse' lite dressing are really good and very low in calorie, fat & sodium. My favorite is the Lite Raspberry Walnut Vinagrette (sp?)

    30-day challenge SW: 240.1
    30-day challenge 2/22: 236
    30-day challenge 3/01: 234
    30-day challenge CW: 233
    30-day challenge GW: 232
    Down 1lbs
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    So, I was right. Got on the scale this morning and it said 175. That's a total of 1.5 down from last monday (1 lb down from yesterday's #). I knew something was fishy. 1.5 loss for the week? I'll happily take that! I had originally stated my goal weight was 175, but re-thought that to push myself and made it 173. I'm right on track to make it to 173.5 for next Monday (I've been consistently -1.5 each week), and I'll happily end this challenge and start the next one at 173.5 (which will be a total of 9/5 lbs lost since we started).

    I'd like to add an additional motivator to this week's challenge (if I might). There is a theory of human motivation/action called "goal attainment theory". What it means is that when the end is in sight, you really kick it up and push hard. So for example, when you can see the finish line of a race, you kick it up to your fastest possible speed, because you're almost there and you just want to be done with it. This week think "I can see the finish line. I wanna end with the best (lowest) numbers I can have!" We're just 6 days from finished with this challenge, I can see the finish line and I wanna get there fast, slim and healthy. What about you?

    (BTW, keep an eye out for the posted loss #s tonite)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    HI. Just checking in. Weight this week is 146, so no gain, no loss. On a brighter note though, I've lost a quarter inch in the hips! Always looking for something positive.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    aab, the dressing sounds great!!!
    Olivia, you are right on track! And thanks for the motivator, I loved it, so true!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks aab for the salad dressing idea. I've heard of that brand, just never tried it:) Ok for something new, I had tried fage yogurt with the fruit added in but last night I bought the plain fage in the 17.6 oz container. I wasn't prepared for the taste as it tasted like sour cream. I love sour cream but just didn't expect it to taste like that. I was glad that I had bought some honey to go in it. It's really good and the protein content in it is great! I find most days it is hard for me to get in enough protein. Thanks to all who suggested it:) Feta cheese will be on my grocery list as things to try next.
  • Ultrawomanll
    Ultrawomanll Posts: 18 Member
    So crappy news for me, the scale I was using at home was way off and broken and my hubby and I just bought a new one yesterday. So all my numbers were wrong :( I don't know what I lost (if i did lose, im pretty sure I did but who knows) and I definitely don't know what my starting weight was. I know in Jan I was 172 but as far as when this challenge started I don't' know what it was. OH man~!! I'm still going to continue but we can't count my numbers :( I'm so disappointed. But im not going to let it bring me down. I'm just going to start from the new number and when this challenge ends I'll be able to start another one with the correct facts this time. lol
    So January 172
    So todays weight with the new scale 166.7
    So if I can bring that down by one or two pounds by next week that'll make me happier. lol
    goal weight for next week. 164
    but on the positive side January -March I lost 5.3 lbs :)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ah so sorry to hear about your scale ultrawoman but that's ok. This challenge will end on Monday but we are going to continue with a "Spring into Fitness" challenge which will go on until St. Patty's Day. Still it has to be annoying to not know how much you have lost! Don't let it get you down though, just continue on:) Did you possibly get your measurements before the challenge started?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Spring into Fitness goes until Apr 24, 6 weeks. (St. Patrick's Day is Mar 17--next week Wednesday.)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to share a resource I learned about today with you all. I was in class, and we were learning about diabetes, and the doctor leading the discussion told us about this website that he uses with his patients when he's trying to work on portion control.


    It is a huge database of nutrition facts on almost any kind of food, and it has calorie and nutrition data for most chain restaurants as well. I think I'm going to use it more, especially if I'm going to eat out and I don't know what's in the meal I'm eating. Hopefully you find it helpful as well!

    Edit: I tried to make the website a clickable link several times, but I can't figure out how to do it. If anyone has any advice, let me know.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    my new food was a fiber one bar that angela (kylakesgal) had recommended to me a while back and a low cal and healthy sweet fix. it was fantastic! So glad I bought a 10 pack, but they're so good I have to restrain myself to only eat 1/day!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks ceejay for that link. I will check that out:) Oh Olivia on the fiber one bars, if you haven't found out already, they will possibly make you pass gas so I would eat those on an off day to see how they affect you. I was embarrassed when I first bought them because I was at work trying them for first time. I even was passing them out to other employees. Well anyway, I was a Curves fitness trainer at the time and I had to be on the circuit at all times. Whoa! My body was not used to all that fiber lol. Glad you like them though. Also the great value are great too. I have the oats and chocolate now.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Something new I tried today~~ Ok just made a personal pan pizza for just 230 calories. I was amazed at the low calories when I added it to my food diary. I used Joseph's oat bran & stone ground whole wheat pita as the crust. (can be purchased at walmart in the deli), black olives, red onions, fresh mushrooms, and bell peppers. Only thing I won't use next time is the turkey pepperoni because of the high sodium. I thought I would share this:) Was very delicious and satisifed my hunger for pizza;)! Yeah!

    Note: this brand of pita bread only has 60 calories for a whole one. I've been making sandwiches by cutting them in half and you have bread for just 30 calories
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Something new I tried today~~ Ok just made a personal pan pizza for just 230 calories. I was amazed at the low calories when I added it to my food diary. I used Joseph's oat bran & stone ground whole wheat pita as the crust. (can be purchased at walmart in the deli), black olives, red onions, fresh mushrooms, and bell peppers. Only thing I won't use next time is the turkey pepperoni because of the high sodium. I thought I would share this:) Was very delicious and satisifed my hunger for pizza;)! Yeah!

    Note: this brand of pita bread only has 60 calories for a whole one. I've been making sandwiches by cutting them in half and you have bread for just 30 calories

    great idea - thanks for the tip! I've been avoiding sandwiches, but with that few cals, it's a great substitue!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Your welcome Olivia and it has great protein too (7g for a whole pita) and 5 g of fiber. I think I'll try a grilled chicken pizza next time:)
    Allright we are all dieting and it's really important to not skip ANY of the food groups. Our bodies need bread, fruits and veggies, fats (sparingly) meats or proteins and milk servings. I don't know about you but it is really hard to get all the needed amounts in daily! So I suggest multi-vitamins to fill in the gaps.
    ******Wednesdays Challenge******
    If you aren't already taking a vitamin supplement, you may want to check into it. I was reading that someone working out needs more fuel and vitamins to function properly. Try taking one in the morning with food to help you work out longer and harder. Other great vitamins are Vitamin C which corrects damage done by stress to the body. Vitamin E which helps maintain the tissues in our bodies. Vitamin B2 B3 and B4 for proper functioning of the throid and also Vitamin B complex which plays an important role in how fast our body can digest food and turn it into energy.
    Share with us what you think of taking food supplements and vitamins. If you are already taking them, share with us what you feel helps you.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Wednesdays Challenge- Continued and edited:)

    Ok I meant to change it up some but I had already edited so couldn't.
    ***The challenge is to make sure you get ALL of your food groups in your diet tomorrow.*** Supplements are just a great way to do this. I realized what I posted really wasn't that much of a challenge.....sorry for the confusion.
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