Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So I weighed yesterday and was up 3.4 lbs. ARRGH so disgusted. I have been working out nearly everyday and hadn't been prior to March. I lost 6.8lbs in Feb and in forst week of March gained half back :sad:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kelly, good luck on not peeking at the scale, I KNOW you can do anything you put your mind too

    Bru...FANTASTIC!!!!! :drinker: on the over 50lb loss, you deserve it, you work really hard,,

    Krispage, try not to get discouraged, it can be many causes, it sounds like you are putting the hard work in though so soon it'll pay off,

    Zucena....WTG great loss for the week

    mamreese, great job at the gym but especially on the willpower of resisting those cupcakes!!!!!!!

    Wishing the rest of you all well, TGIF tomorrow all!!
  • Mar 1st 194.4
    Mar 7th 193.2
    Mar 14th
    Mar 21st
    Mar 28th
    Mar 31st

    Finally got rid if the water weight!! If it wasn't gone by today, I was logging a gain!! No gain here!! Woot woot!! This also means I've officially gotten rid of 50lbs!!! Aka a small hay bale or a medium/large dog or a small child or even a bag of concrete!! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!! GOOD BYE 50!!!! :drinker:

    Bru - Congrats on meeting a milestone loss! :flowerforyou: Hopefully my ticker will register 50 lbs soon.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Just checking in. Everyone seems to be doing very well! Congratualtions to you!
    March 1: 215.3
    March 3: 214.8
    March 10: 213.7
    Slowly but surely going down!
    Keep up the greatwork everyone!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Great work everyone!!! I have no idea what scary number my scale is going to say in the morning! Im scared to even look its sooo bad. I have been stressed beyond belief all week about school and its spring break!!! dang i cant catch a break lol. still not even half way done with the homework that i need to have done by tuesday and that is fast approaching. have not made it to the gym this week either because of my stressful life hahaha

    well I got my job! heck yes! shifts are 12-8 always predictable. and then whatever odd shifts my other boss has me work on the weekends. I will have a real routine!!! thank goodness for that. and I will be making enough to not only stay caught up with my bills but enough to pay day care as well. no more HELLLL trying to figure out who is gonna babysit on which day because I will already know!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I've been doing the 30 day shread dvd for SIX days and then when I could hardly walk down stairs without screaming out in pain and I kept gaining pounds every day, I check out my knees and they were swollen and inflamed! So I chucked Jillian and went back to my pilates for dummies and I feel great. The swelling has gone down with the help of some anti-inflamatories and NO jumping around and killer knee squats and all. I guess my knees just need MILD moves. Crazy. I was glad to see my weight back to the same as it was before I started Jillian and the 30 day KILLER shread.
    My advise is listen to your body and do what you know is best. Phyljen:happy:
  • ecahill91
    ecahill91 Posts: 69
    I'm in!!
  • karenakarena
    karenakarena Posts: 6 Member
    count me in!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    March 1: 137.4
    March 11: 136

    Yay progress! I briefly saw 135 flash up on the scale yesterday. I was really stoked. The negative side of that is that I'm stressing over school and therefore not eating well.

    Hooray for Bru on losing over 50! That's amazing! I used to toss hay bales back when I had horses. They are no joke.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Spring is here!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning all.....had great plans of going to the YMCA for some more last week 5k training but the weather decided not to cooperate, so it's me and my little girl home alone today.....maybe I could talk her into some P90x....we haven't done that in awhile...we were supposed to go to the movies tonight as a family to see Rango...but the snow MUST stop!!....hope all is well, my weight is still 170 today....really upset that I let myself slide so much that I am out of the 160's....anywho, TGIF all!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thanks all!! I'm still really excited about it!! Now I'm just hoping to land amung the 180's by the end of the month, 3.2lbs from it, we'll see what happens :)

    Keep up the great work everyone! Let's make March really count!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    151.2!!! thats a 1.2 pound loss so far lol
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    March 1st 175
    March 4th 177 water??
    March 11th 175
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st/April1st Goal 169

    My recovery took a downhill slide this week. Last Friday i had dinner with some friends and it exhausted me so badly I slept from Friday night until noon MONDAY!! I have been feeling better the last 2 days. I honestly think my problem for the past 2 months was the fact that my youngest son decided to stay in Florida with his father and I think I have been seriously depressed and just didn't know it. He was scheduled to be home for spring break March 12th to 20th but even knowing that he was coming to visit didn't help because I knew he was leaving again. I think it was depression because it has not worked out for him and Wednesday was a really bad day for him and my daughter removed him from that situation. Now that I know he is coming home and staying I have felt somuch better!!! I spent hours cleaning and getting his room ready and today I'm going to do more shopping to get everything ready for him. I feel whole again and all my baby birdies will be back in the nest LOL Now I just need to be patient about my restriction from the surgery, I see the doc in 2 weeks and will hopefully be able to start some exercise other than walking. I have also redoubled my efforts to eat clean, I was eating crap and still didn't feel better. I think I can still hit my goal and I am thankful for all the support of my Pals
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    156.1 today (which if I remember right is a slight gain)

    Sorry I have not been in everyday this week like normal, I'm busy with work this week sending out transcripts to high schools! A few of my girls have heard that they have gotten into their top choice schools! :love: Which is so nice for them, I'm really proud of how much they grow in just three years. I feel like their mama sometimes. :laugh:

    Anyway, the yearbook deadline is April 1 and that is the last big stressful event for the school year for me (other than my 3 graduation speeches I have to write and than speak!)

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, another not very good week.......124 pounds :sad: will try harder for next weight in :smile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just completed my 'virtual 5k' in my neighborhood and beat my personal best with a 40:27. I have my McKendree Ramble into Spring 5k next Saturday and I'm kind ahoping I break into the 30s..even if it's 39:50 :) Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • Skoshi
    Skoshi Posts: 6
    Hello! Im in as well. I had a bad week and I feel like I need to make up for it. :embarassed:

    SW: 171
    CW: 149

    144 by April 1 would be wonderful!

    So it looks like I am doing well
    3/12 - 145 this morning
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    The scale and I are getting along today, though it's not my official weigh in but it was enough to keep me focused through the less structured weekend. Hit the gym this am. Going to try and fit in a bodyrock.tv exercise tonight since my new Gymboss Interval timer is startnig at me like 'you said if you got this you'd do that!' so I better get at it!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well, even though I tried to talk myself out of it, went on a great run today with my SIL....she had never run for that distance until today, she did great!!! It was a little too cold for my liking, but we managed....Hope you are all enjoying the weekend...talk to you soon
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    ugh up down up down .... Its never gonna end!!!

    I hit this weight and I can not get past it for the life of me!!!!! every single time I get here I cant get past.
    This time my lowest has been 151 but then right back up the next day. this is no good at all. soon my life will slow back down again lol this week has been horrible!!

    check in time

    152.2 >>> back up by 1 pound and back at my narch start weight ....again.....
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