Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Erin-nice to meetcha! LOL and yes...Tara is right!! I love living in Vegas...but yeah tons of homeless people stories for sure!! and happy is a great word for it, very happy actually!! :) hope things are going better for you and your hubby still though:) oh...I really like that you are preplanning your meals for the next day...I did that for a while and it helps having a plan!

    QOTD-I would really love to get into kayaking and canoeing more :)

    Kandace-stay strong girl!! you will think of something as far as the eating goes, and I hope you feel better soon! Good luck and great job!

    Melissa-great job on your pace, you will soon be in the 8 minute range! I have never tried brussel sprouts but I must admit that the way you made them sounds pretty yummy!

    atrayu-great job on taking the leap and trying will get easier every time that you do it I am sure! Also great job on getting in your next "decades" for your weight!

    Rachel- great job on your inches lost!

    jbars-I love zumba!!! great job on the WO's

    Bethany-sorry to hear bout all the "trouble" that you have been going will be a great test for your are strong... and just remember that when things get tough...they only will get better :)

    QOTD-1.boyfriend, 2.son, 3.unlimited source of music,, 5.sketch pad and pencil.

    Marian-welcome to the group :)


    Meag-sorry to hear bout all your "stuff"! I would def make goin to the doc a top priority though...good luck!! Great job on the no sweetners!


    AFM-I got in a great day of hiking and sightseeing with my bf today at one of our state parks! I have been keeping up with my workouts and water, and after my loss of 3lbs on Wednesday, I am finally in my normal healthy weight range and have a normal BMI!! woohoo! AND my bf bought me an outfit today, and I was able to buy my first pair of 8 jeans since 7th grade! woohoo!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Tara~ awesome job on the weight loss! That is so exciting to be able to wear the same size you did in the 7th grade!

    Melissa~ great job as always with the running! You are a great inspiration. I would like to at some point run a 10k. When I finish my c25k I will probably be hitting you and Meag up for a good 10k workout plan.

    lostalykat~ That's exciting to be shopping for things to wear in Hawaii. You are going to have to take some pictures and post them after you go. I'm super jealous, but you have definitely earned this trip with all of your training!

    edryer123~ Glad to hear your feeling better!

    Kandace~ Hope you continue to feel better, and I agree with the above advice focus on getting better in rehab and don't weigh in until you get out. If the scale doesn't say what you would like it to that would be an extra stress you don't need. Plus it could be an awesome surprise if you leave rehab and then weigh in 5 pounds lighter than when you started.

    Erin~ Thanks for sharing about you and your husband. I hope that things are looking up for you. Believe me when I say the first year of my marriage was definitely the hardest, and there were days (or more likely weeks) that I wondered what I had been thinking getting married. I think I was so focused on trying to make sure we (mainly he) started off doing everything that I thought was right in our marriage, that I didn't relax and just enjoy each day at a time. When I finally did that things got a lot better. Now I have been married for almost 8 years, and I love him more than when we started. I think you are doing the right thing trying to stay positive.

    Meag~ I'm happy to hear you finally got assigned to a GP. I know you are better at giving advice than me, but I do think you should either up your activity level or your daily calorie level. I know you are scared to gain weight, but like you pointed out you are still losing weight, and if you go and see your GP about your missing periods. I'm sure they will advice you something along that line as well. Even if you up them and you gain a little weight you do know how to lose it again, and you might get your period back in the process. By the way I love the oatmeal if you can't tell I have eaten it the last 3 days!

    On a personal note, I got my period back today. Yeah! and then again Boo! But I feel better having one, and am happy to stay on a normal cycle. I weighed in today even though I'm on my period and scale says the same thing. No gain, but no loss either. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be awesome at maintaining! But I'm gaining muscle and losing inches so that is positive.
    Keeping up on my 30 day shred, and I'm running a little over on my c25k so I'm feeling good about my workouts. I also noticed something since I've been wearing my HRM. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma in middle school, and always had to take preventatives and inhalers for track and cross country. They never seemed to help and I always had an "asthma" attack at the end of every race for cross country. This was mainly when I tried to sprint in at the end. So I noticed when I wear my HRM I don't have any trouble breathing until my heart rate goes above 185. I think the 100% heart rate for my age is around 180. So I'm wondering if what I have isn't so much asthma as my heart trying to tell me to slow down??? That might explain why inhalers didn't help that much, or maybe my heart rate goes so high because I'm not getting enough oxygen. Probably a question for my doctor. Well, I'm at work so I better start working. :laugh:
    Have a great day!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Happy Friday everyone,
    just a quick post as I have lots of work to get done this morning. I ran out of yogurt so i put some fat free vanilla pudding mix into my smoothy ( just 25 calories) .. it might not be the healthiest but it was delicious!!

    Just thought I'd share. I love havign smoothies after hot yoga :)

    I will try and catch up on all the posts later in the day!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone- I hope anyone you may have families in Japan or Hawaii has been able to reach them and know that they are safe. So scary what can happen in a blink of an eye and how the world can change so quickly.

    Even though I have the day off today (yippee!) I woke up at my usual 5:30 time, drove to work, did spin class, and then came back home. My co-workers/boss that take spin as well were laughing at me- I say thats true motivaion! But it was totally worth it because I burned a killer 626 cals. Now I am enjoying my oatmeal a la cinnamon and vanilla greek yogurt, plus a special friday treat of 1 oz of pecans. So delicious! Not to mention brewing coffee and a couch with my name on it!

    I might take the dog for a walk later to help get rid of some of her energy. We got her spayed on tuesday and she is bouncing off the walls because she can't really rip and run. So possibly a walk if the weather stays decent and maybe even Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack. I got the DVD a couple of weeks ago and haven't tried it yet, but I know I have a super weak core so I really need to get on it! The stronger your core the better and easier all your other workouts become so I really need to work on this, plus my lower abs is where I would love for the weight to come off of so gotta work them!

    Also I am going to do something called Metro Dash. Its a 600 yd obstacle course but it involves a lot of upper body strength, something I just don't have. Gotta work on those pull-ups! Well I just wanted to drop in real quick after my work out. Up for today- a nice hot shower and some biggest loser followed by whatever other TV might be on. Sounds nice and lazy! I will for sure be checking back in with everyone and my next post will be a reply to everyone else PROMISE!

  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    hey again

    Megan- Congrats on going to spin class even though you didn't go to work!! must feel really good to have the day off and have already burned so many calories. I also have the 6 weeks to 6 pack and haven't tried it yet. Please let me know how it is, if you do try it!

    Rachel- great job on losing inches, I bet that feels really good

    Meag- hope the doctors goes well. In terms of calories and settings, its hard to know exactly. have you ever been weighed on a scale that shows your % body fat, metabolic rate etc..? When i go to the nutritionist I get weighed on a scale like that and I find that when i choose the maintain setting, it gives me more calories than my BMR. Actually even if you go to a website and plug in your height and weight and get your BMR that should help. I find when i put to lose 1/2 pound it gives me around the number of calories for my BMR so i figure that would mean just maintaining.

    Giving your foot though, it might be a good idea to up your calories until you can workout more. you dont want to be starving. Or try and eat more salads, vegeatbles, things with low calories to help fill you up..

    Hope this helps

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday all!!

    Meag - I haven't started clean eating just yet. I bought the magazine a week or 2 ago and yet to have the time to sit and read through it. I won't have my kids for most of the weekend so I might have some time then. But I :heart: to bake!!!! I have started to add healthier recipes to my collection and most of them have been very good. And I think of you everytime I make that baked apple raisin oatmeal. And personally, I think you have had valid reasons to not push yourself so hard lately. You have had more than enough on your plate and it takes a lot of energy to deal with all of that life stuff. But you are an amazing person and over time all of this life stuff will work itself out and you will be the happiest girl!!! :bigsmile:

    Tara - thank you for the encouraging words!! :blushing: This time around, I have chosen to become a stronger person because of this situation and not become a bitter, vindictive person. I think it helps that I am finally happy too!! This is the first time in my life that I have felt this way and it makes going through all of the drama that much easier. I :heart: that you are hiking and enjoying the elements of the earth. My next few weekends are busy but hopefully once life slows down, I will be able to take the kids out and do the same thing. Mine are younger though so I know I won't get nearly as good of a burn.

    Megan - great job on the WO!! I know I would second guessed making it to the WO since it would mean that I would have to drive to work. But my relationship with my work is less than stellar so I try to avoid this place as much as possible. Let me know how you like the 6 week 6 pack DVD. My stomach has always been my biggest trouble zone. Lets just say that I could conceal a pregnancy for almost 6 months. Super jealous of your lazy Friday but it sounds like its much deserved so enjoy!! :bigsmile:

    AFM...very happy that its Friday!! Headed to the gym after work to finish round 2 of W3 C25K training. I had a killer run on Wednesday and I'm hoping that today's run will be just as good, if not better. Also have a 3-part bachelorette party tomorrow. We will start out at the spa for some much needed R&R then head to dinner and finish up at a country bar. Hadn't planned on doing the last part but the bf made plans with his best friend cause he figured I would be consumed with the festivities so I might as well enjoy it while I can. The kids will be away for a weekend so it will be all about ME this weekend. This also means that the wedding is just a week away from tomorrow. I can't say that I will have any significant weight loss by then but I know that I have been working at it...some days better than others but I have yet to give up....although that thought has crossed my mind too. But I refuse to give up. I know what I want and I know what it takes to get there and the only person that can stop me is myself. I can do this!! I also realized that I am better at making good decisions when I am well-rested. If I haven't gotten a good nights sleep then I am more likely to make not-so-good choices. Lesson learned!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!! :flowerforyou:
  • @guam - Too bad you didn't get into the kettlebells! They are really crazy fun and such a killer workout. I'm still wore from the other day!! I think it's good to have a variety of things that you enjoy doing so you never get bored. When ever I come back to them though I remember why I loved them so much! :)

    @meag - haha oh well - kelly/kbell. *shrug* hope your day has continued to be productive. It must be frustrating having to re-work out the science that you've managed to perfect with calories/work. From my end of the spectrum I think that you are at an advantage because you are working out your maintenance. If you gained a pound from a miscalculation you could easily fix it - I think it would be more challenging to have to re-work everything at the beginning of a journey. But that probably doesn't make you feel any better..hmm not very good advice there Kelly. haha Meal plan yesterday worked out well - switched out a snack/dinner because I had a big snack so had to shrink dinner. I didn't post today's yesterday because I am home this morning so there wasn't as much pressure to have it planned the night before. I will at the bottom of this entry though. :) Happy friday!

    @Tara - yeah I'm in homeless central here too. haha Congrats again on the "happy'. I think my choosing to be happy with things has been working out pretty well this week. (Take my last pill tmrw though so we'll see if TOM wrecks it all). Had a minor flare up yesterday over his friend being over and some video-game action. But I kept it in check and we had a good evening in the end. I guess there are problems that you can fix and those that you can't. I hope ours prove fixable. :)

    @rachel - thank you for telling me that! It seems like everyone around here "loved" their first years together. (or wont admit otherwise) really reinforces my fears of making a mistake. Glad to hear that you guys are so happy, I pray that one day it is me bestowing those words of wisdom on someone else. :)

    AFM -

    Last night I went to the "yoga" class at my gym with a friend. It was an absoulte *kitten* show. The friend I went with actually left half way through because she said it was "a joke". haha. I stayed until the end because that's how I roll. It was admittedly a pretty weak workout. I don't know if it was supposed to be some kind of "yoga fusion" or something but waving my arms back and forth isn't part of any series I've ever practiced before. On the plus side it DID help my limber up my oh-so-stiff muscles. Which are still super tight today!! LAME! i really blew it with my crappy stretching after wednesday's workout.

    The same friend that I yoga'd with told me about her "double-class" day on Saturday's. She does 1hr of spin and then 1hr of a "force" class (which is some weight lifting class). She says it's killer but awesome. I'm thinking about making today just a gentle cardio (with uber stretching at the end) day and attempting this double class business. Bad news is I need to work later that day so I need to be able to MOVE haha. Sunday would be a rest day ( aka: finishing my paper)

    Alright - gotta get going here, I need to have a productive day as well. I'm going to go do an "AM: Yoga" dvd to try and loosen up a bit and then hit the road. I need to grab a couple things from the grocery store, go tanning (i know I'm terrible), work at my cleaning contract, hit the gym, then come home and write the better part of a paper. The paper is a short simple one this time though, so that's good.

    todays' meals
    #1 - ww muffin with egg & cheese slice (i'm a creature of breakfast habit)
    #2 - apple with 1 tbsp of almond butter
    #3 - left over chicken & veg soup
    #4 - raw veggies, spicy hummus & 7 crackers
    #5 - turkey or salmon burgers & salad
    #6 - protein shake IF I'm still hungry

    I know this is pretty much yesterday's exact plan but I ended up having a piece of toast and cottage cheese for my afternoon snack so I had to scale down dinner and had cereal (what a kid hey?) So I still have the stuff for the turkey burgers.

    Weighed in this morning for the heck of it and I finally crossed the 154.0 LINE! 153.4! I know that.6 of a pound is the equivalent of like, a sneeze, but I was thrilled. All hope is not lost! I WILL see 149 by April 1st!! And get my new lulu's as a reward. :bigsmile:

    happy friday/weekend everyone.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    omg, i've been gone a week & the pages of posts are overwhelming :o) i'll take the time to read through them later.

    AFM: i'm in a MUCH more optimistic mood now. i have a week left till i finish nursing school :oD ubber excited about that. i'm due for my TOM any day now, so i'm avoiding the scale, since i'm SURE it isn't going to be nice until i'm over it, i'll weigh next week, though i'm feeling pretty tempted to, i'm also feeling bloated & having a fat week- so for my own mental health, i know it is best to stay away.
    i had a tough last week with cravings. ever have an insatiable hunger day where all you crave is junk & just can't seem to be satisfied? well monday & tuesday, i had odd cravings for hot sauce & veggies & salt & chocolate, but i kept my intake in check... wednesday was a BAD intake day for me, but i logged it all anyway so i can make up for it. yesterday, i made myself do calestetics while i watched a movie on TV to burn off all the cals that i'd overeaten & fixed it, so i just have wednesday's intake to make up for.
    today i am doing SO much better. i'm not really hungry & brought my lunch/snacks to school to avoid eating out & my Nook for any downtime, so i'm staying busy. i'm in an all day review class for my boards today & tomorrow, so i'll plan the same way for tomorrow too. i'm in a great mood & feel like i'm back on the wagon & can fix this!
    also- as much as it sucks, my bf started night shifts (11p-5a) so i've seen less of him in the last week since i'm in school during the day when he is sleeping & he's been ubber cranky when we have talked, BUT it means more time at home making my dinners, instead of eating out with him. & i've talked my mom into buying me a bathing suit from VS once i lose the 5lbs i'm trying for this month, reward & motivation :oD since i'm a poor student & can't afford to buy anything for myself right now baha

    i hope everyone has a great weekend! :o)

    <3, Jennifer
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    hey everyone!

    Geez i have been gone forever it seems! I hope everyone is doing great! I have had a very busy week, but tomorrow is Skiing!! SOooo yayy!!!! Woke up early and heard about the earthquake in Japan, I pray and hope everyone has reached family if they are over there and I can only pray that things start looking up over there. Its hard to believe everything can change so suddenly.

    I got in a good workout this morning and now working till later tonight. I hope everyone is having a pretty good week! And that you guys have an even better weekend! Take care

  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    posted twice :]
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK I've been feeling terrible about my presence around here lately... TBH, I really feel a whole lot less "present" in the discourse. I know I still post a lot (yea, I talk a lot in general) but I am always rushed and my responses aren't as well crafted as I wish they could be. I think I just need to give myself a break and stop trying to be everywhere, all the time :ohwell:

    Just a quick selfish update today. It's all I can muster. I have LOTS of update-y-ness.

    I had a very stressful, exhausting day. :yawn: Less than 4 hours of sleep, ran around a bunch in the morning with errands and meeting this acquaintance about a favour I promised to do her (which is coming back to bite me in the *kitten*). Then I actually managed to get to the gym on time and the instructor of Total Body Tone wiped the floor with me :noway: I cannot believe how badly I got my *kitten* handed to me in that class today. Brutal! But it was good. Burned over 350 calories in a 45 minute weight class - That's like cardio, y'all! I actually caved this afternoon and finally napped -- Something I never, ever do. I always seem to feel like i just don't have the time but today I could barely keep my head up, let alone fathom working another night shift on so little sleep. Now I just have to get ready for work and head out. Had a great chicken, veggie and peanut sauce stir fry for dinner. Higher fat and sodium content than I would usually have, but so worth it as a treat :happy:

    Updates, in summary:

    1) I weighed-in today (my official weekly weigh-ins are Fridays) at 124.1lbs - another 0.7lbs loss :frown: This is majorly problematic. Fix? I increased my daily intake by 100 calories. And I plan to eat all of them. I cannot be losing any more, especially since now I'm worried I may actually be losing muscle mass. Major problem!

    2) Major sale at National Sports yesterday night and I scored a racing Speedo, new pair of New Balance runners, and a long sleeve Girls (size XL lol) athletic shirt all for under $100. Steal! I was very happy indeed :bigsmile:

    3) 5K race tomorrow and I'm pumped! I wasn't going to run it as of last weekend but my foot feels great and I think I'm up for the challenge. I'm not going to try and PR - just going to run it comfortably and see how I do. Really looking forward to getting back to running :bigsmile:

    4) Finally got an appt to "Meet and Greet" with my new physician - March 31st! So another wait... Ah well! At least there's some progress.

    5) Got a few really sweet job leads today - Hoping they pull through. Now I just have to find time to revamp my resume and send it out :noway: When? I have no clue...

    and lastly 6) Tomorrow is cheat day. I'm going to be good for most of the day but I'm going out to eat with Ty and his brother, and they aren't exactly the most adventurous eaters. Will likely have to settle for a boring, mediocre restaurant with few Meag-friendly choices. So I'm giving myself a break. Cheat meal it is.

    Hope everyone had a great Friday! Off to work - Hoping to catch up and post SOMETHING after the race tomorrow - But I may be strapped for time. Enjoy your weekends and I'll be back at it, full-tilt, by Monday. Hoping to have a little more motivation by then :ohwell:

    Meag :heart:
  • Meag - I can only speak for myself - but I don't think you should feel guilty about not being able to be on here all the time. Even though I LOVE MFP (I think we all do) and I DO think that it's important, i think that real life is more important. And we're on here talking about how we want to get healthier - 4 hours of sleep!! Poor you - I could not handle that, I'd be a zombie. You are a superwoman! I think you deserve a break.

    I know that we all greatly appreciate you on here (you are totally our "leader") but because we love you we want you to take care of yourself first! I hope you get a chance to relax this weekend (after your 5km) and that it can be guilt free relaxing. Rest is an important part of health. blah blah I know this isn't anything new to you. Just wanted to give you my permission to not be everywhere all the time. :wink: since obviously it's my decision. :tongue: Enjoy your weekend!


    Yesterday had some unexpected turns. Had my food all packed - hit the road to get all my stuff done. On my last stop I got back into my car only to find it completely dead. (Those who have been reading my car drama since February, YES this ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME! haha) Anyway - after some deliberation, two phone calls to my husband, the purchase of a pair of needlenose pliers and my probably getting battery acid on my hands I managed to get the car to start. (I should also add that my Dad drove over and helped me and that I am not some super car girl) Since it was still in need of a minor fixin' I drove to my parents which was much closer and waited for my Dad to get off to work to fix it. I also excluded how when I had to go BACK into Canadian Tire to buy the pliers a Reese's Easter Egg somehow made it into my possession, and then into my belly. Once at my parents I ended up going out for dinner with them to Chili's. Now I looked up all the nutrition information and made what I think to my a pretty healthy choice. I actually managed to stay in my calories despite everything! Although my fat content was SUPER high. yikes.

    At the moment I'm sipping my coffee getting ready to brave the double-class madness. (my paper is still anxiously awaiting me to work on it..oops) An hour of spin followed by an hour weight circuit class. I poured some gatorade into my waterbottle to get my through it. Usually I wouldn't advocate two hours of straight exercise but tomorrow is a rest day and I could really use the *kitten*-kicking after yesterday. I also have to work tonight so it's gonna be a long day.

    Have a good weekend girls.

    meal plan today
    #1 - ww egg muffin
    #2 (PWO) - pp shake - 1/2c apple cinnamon cheerios
    #3 - toast & cottage cheese
    #4 - chicken veggie soup
    #5 - greek yogurt with berries
    #6 - apple with cinnamon (if I'm hungry at work tonight)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rachel-thanks! Great job keeping up with your WO's!

    Megan-you seem yo be highly motivated right now! great!! wtg on getting to the gym...even on your day off!

    Bethany-I am happy to hear that you are happy! And I hope you enjoy your YOU weekend!

    Erin-great job on the loss!! every small step adds up to a huge journey in the end!

    Jennifer-an early congrats to you on finishing school!!

    Meag-I surely hope that the calorie up is just the thing for you! Good luck on the jobs, and enjoy your cheat day!

    AFM-with only 1 day to go on my 11 days off...I am happy to say that I got 7 days of working out in still, and I believe only 3 days of going over on my cals...whew! I sure hope the scale wants to be my friend on Wednesday!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa~ great job as always with the running! You are a great inspiration. I would like to at some point run a 10k. When I finish my c25k I will probably be hitting you and Meag up for a good 10k workout plan.

    I am NOT an expert by any means!!! BUT I :heart: running!!!!! so anything I can offer I would be happy to!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick update for me...hubby is up in Manistee (hopefully catching a bunch of fish :tongue: ). My mom came down yesterday to hang out with us girlies!!! Today we all went to Toy Story 3 on ice and it was in one word...MAGICAL!!! The mezmorized looks in both of my girls' eyes brought tears to my own eyes!!! It was such a GREAT show!!!

    I had to move my running schedule around a bit to fit in my 5k tomorrow. I did my long run today. I ran 11.65 miles in 1:58 (10:09 average pace). I felt GREAT!!!! :love:

    Am SUPER excited for my 5k tomorrow!! Neither of the girls are running with me but my mom is coming with us so she can stay with the girls. Normally I am not one of those runners that dresses up or anything like that but I bought some fun "boingy" shamrock headbands for the girls and I, some beads, and some fun socks to wear over my tights!!!

    I am running with some friends and this is their first race so unless I leave them behind I'm not looking for a PR...oh legs may not be able to run that fast tomorrow anyways :laugh:

    Have a great night!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-great job on maintaining that pace for such a long distance...that's sweet! Good luck AND have fun on your race tomorrow!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Good luck tomorrow Melissa!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm so behind...I can't even begin to catch up with all of you individually right now but just know that I'm still here! Keep up the awesomeness!
    My own level of awesomeness hasn't been that.. well, awesome lately. I only worked out once this week...and you can barely call that a work out. ugh ugh UGH. And my food choices haven't been so great either. I've been absolutely slammed with school and wedding stuff especially this week. This was midterm week and now I'm FINALLY on spring break! Not to make excuses for my poor choices, but I think with all of the stress I just let things go when I shouldn't have. Hopefully this week I can relax a little bit. I still have lots of wedding related things to do this week but hopefully it won't be very high stress. I'm hoping to do some of the fun things this week. Also my fiance and I are taking a mini vacation for 2 nights to SC so that should be fun!
    I reeeeally need to jump back on the wagon. I have a countdown to my wedding now (which is only 91 days away btw..ahhh!) and it's starting to look more and more hopeless to reach my goal before my wedding. I'm still almost 25 pounds away. I need to get the routine under control again so maybe it won't seem so depressing. If some sort of miracle happens maybe I can at least come close.
    Ok, sorry for the selfish post. I'll be back asap! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    emmarie-we all get "distracted" by life on occassion...but I know that you can do it! Take spring break as a opportunity to get a "re-jumpstart" back into exercise and eating healthy...and with just over 3 months to go until your wedding I bet that you could lose pretty close to that 25lbs that you wanna lose!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Crazy day planned, very little sleep, and no time to respond. Just wanted to update on my race yesterday.

    I managed to PR! :noway: 5K in 28:15 (timex - there was no chip start - 500 runners started at the same time and I was at the back of the pack, so not very accurate) and I got to race past Matt Hayes on the course, which was a huge victory for me. For those of you not from S. Ont (ie: mostly everyone) Matt Hayes is a majorly douchey television news anchor/radio personality. He's quite possibly the most annoying man on television. Felt great to pass him up on the course :bigsmile: Sure he's 50, but still! hahaha

    Other than that I've been eating really well this weekend, definitely lots of treats, and I'm trying my first adult lane swim today. Haven't swam in years, so I'm hoping it goes well.

    Shopping in the states with my mom tomorrow, and lots of other stuff going on, so I won't likely be around for a few days still. Keep things rolling here without me though - I'd hate to see this thread lose any steam.

    Great job ladies!! :heart:
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