Team UK - March 2011



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    woop woop! 2.5lbs off for me! now 8st 13.5! my goal was 9st! so in pounds its 125.5lbs! im going to go for 8st 12lbs so another 1.5lbs before i maintain!

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I can't wait to get back under 9st, but I reckon it'll take me the whole rest of the year. With every 10lb I lose it gets slower and slower... 160s to 150s was quick and easy, losing 2.5 pounds or so every week. 150s to 140s was dragging more, about a pound a week. Now trying to get from 140s to 130s it's literally a half pound weekly drib-drab... so God knows how long it'll take me to get back to 9st... I have resigned myself that the time it took me to pile it on (a year) is the time it'll take to all come off again... :huh:
  • 40notFatty
    I like the way you set interim goals - very inspiring and very achievable!!

    My first goal - get below 13st!

    Thanks for your inspiration and well done on achieving all your goals - keep going!!!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    woop woop! 2.5lbs off for me! now 8st 13.5! my goal was 9st! so in pounds its 125.5lbs! im going to go for 8st 12lbs so another 1.5lbs before i maintain!

    WOOOOOW!! Well done!

    I don't actually know what I'm in stone, let me just google a converter... Okay I'm 10 stone 7 lbs (68.3kg) and my goal is 10 stone (64kg).
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Well done everyone!!!

    Another 1lb for me....its slowing a bit so need to shake it up!!!!! Any ideas???
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Well done everyone!!!

    Another 1lb for me....its slowing a bit so need to shake it up!!!!! Any ideas???

    I dunno but I could do with some hints & tips! I'm stuck around the 10lbs mark, but am hardly doing anything differently! Grrrr!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Last couple of weeks were only half pound losses for me but this week strangely I'm 1.4lb down. I didn't do anything differently so I guess that's just the way it goes.

  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Thought as much....just gonna stick at it!!! (Did drink quite a bit of wine last nite though:blushing: )

    Gonna make the most of this sunshine and do some interval training in the park!!!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    It feels to me like my metabolism has to go through little periods of "adjusting"... like it likes to sit there for a couple of weeks to get used to a new weight and once it realises everything's fine I'll start losing again.

    Something else to bear in mind is that it is much much harder to lose the less it's truly "spare". I think all the posts by people who have a whole person's weight to lose and who can knock off 5lb+ a week can make you feel like you're not doing well when it's only half a pound, but that's not at all true. Just keep sticking with it. :flowerforyou:
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi everyone. Just found you and hope you don't mind me jumping on board. Love reading how everyone is doing so well.
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Guys !! Hmmm no loss this week - and i have been eating all my cals (well not been under by 70 ) poss reasons staying the same - not enough exercise (only one big session so far this week) , salty food (ready meal last night with lots of thai fish sauce) or its just wrong time in my cycle ( i really suffer with retention) but i'm not giving up no way jose!!! some good things that happened this week..

    Lovely friend of family who i have not seen in a year commented that my tummy was flatter !!
    I notice changes in the mirror yes even with one session of Wii yoga /strength exercises a week my boobies are a bit higher (core muscles working better?)and my waist does look smaller.
    Got some shoes out for the good weather this week that I have not worn since about October they feel a bit wide for me (!)
    Have discovered the Wii free jog is less boring with the aid of spotify play lists !!!! In fact it's almost euphoric!!

    I have another interim goal to look fab for.... they have just released details of London Feis (does anyone remember the fleadh?) which is round the corner from some family of ours so (fingers crossed if Husband gets a payrise) that is something to look forward too ( and plan a preety dress to wear).
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    woop woop! 2.5lbs off for me! now 8st 13.5! my goal was 9st! so in pounds its 125.5lbs! im going to go for 8st 12lbs so another 1.5lbs before i maintain!

    Thats fab - soon be time for a celebration!!
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    It feels to me like my metabolism has to go through little periods of "adjusting"... like it likes to sit there for a couple of weeks to get used to a new weight and once it realises everything's fine I'll start losing again.

    Something else to bear in mind is that it is much much harder to lose the less it's truly "spare". I think all the posts by people who have a whole person's weight to lose and who can knock off 5lb+ a week can make you feel like you're not doing well when it's only half a pound, but that's not at all true. Just keep sticking with it. :flowerforyou:

    Very very true!!
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Hi Guys !! Hmmm no loss this week - and i have been eating all my cals (well not been under by 70 ) poss reasons staying the same - not enough exercise (only one big session so far this week) , salty food (ready meal last night with lots of thai fish sauce) or its just wrong time in my cycle ( i really suffer with retention) but i'm not giving up no way jose!!! some good things that happened this week..

    Lovely friend of family who i have not seen in a year commented that my tummy was flatter !!
    I notice changes in the mirror yes even with one session of Wii yoga /strength exercises a week my boobies are a bit higher (core muscles working better?)and my waist does look smaller.
    Got some shoes out for the good weather this week that I have not worn since about October they feel a bit wide for me (!)
    Have discovered the Wii free jog is less boring with the aid of spotify play lists !!!! In fact it's almost euphoric!!

    I have another interim goal to look fab for.... they have just released details of London Feis (does anyone remember the fleadh?) which is round the corner from some family of ours so (fingers crossed if Husband gets a payrise) that is something to look forward too ( and plan a preety dress to wear).

    Its nice to get some positive comments, keep at it...some weeks are just slower than others!!

    I've been doing yoga/muscle exercises on the wii a lot more this week and have felt the difference too....:bigsmile:
  • Rhian_81
    Rhian_81 Posts: 49 Member
    Last couple of weeks were only half pound losses for me but this week strangely I'm 1.4lb down. I didn't do anything differently so I guess that's just the way it goes.


    Well done! Some weeks are easier than others. Nearly at your goal!

    2lb for me this week, which is > 9% of my body fat now. I went for a run earlier, and feel good about it. I'm not pushing myself with exercise yet, I'll save that for when the weight stops coming off so easy. I'm doing a little every week, but I know I could do alot more. I love playing with new healthy recipes!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I had DOMS from hell today after Fridays leg session. I always get the worst of it about 36 hours later so Fridays 100lb squats came to bite me today.

    Spent all weekend spring cleaning and probably burned more calories as if I would have trained. LOL
    Can't rememebr when I last had a WHOLE weekend off training.

    Feeling quite decadent... :bigsmile:
  • nikkionamission
    Wow, 100lb squats?! I used to lift a lot but don't think I ever got anywhere near that! Just stick to the lower weights of bodypump now ...
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I like Pump. It's a great laugh!! :flowerforyou: I may do a couple next week.

    I used to squat 60kg (just over 130lb) but I'm still a while away from that. I need to watch my knees a bit more too.

    An old female friend of mine used to be able to squat double that, 120kg!! :noway: And she honestly wasn't build like a brick s**t house. :huh:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Final week's results are out, done on brand new laptop :explode:

    Ros x
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    And if anyone is up for it, there's a new 6 week Spring Northern Numpties vs Southern Softies Challenge starting now: Post on this thread if you want to join.....

    Ros x
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Thanks so much for organising us again Ros. :flowerforyou: