SWaT Walking Group



  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everybody, just got finished doing two miles. I'll be so happy when the weather breaks here in Ohio. It really sucks:sad:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hi everybody, just got finished doing two miles. I'll be so happy when the weather breaks here in Ohio. It really sucks:sad:

    Amen! I was just telling my husband that with all the dreary rainy days, I could easily slip into seasonal depression... I'm struggling to fight it - but it's hard!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    deanna-you can join any time. Set your personal walking and/or lifting goals and get started. It's at your own pace and check in when you feel like it. Welcome!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Welcome to the group Deanna and it's good to see you back Panda!

    You are all doing so great with your walking & weights. I'm a little behind but determined to catch up. I did the 3-mile boot camp tonight, I figure it was a compromise wtih the weights. I"m not too sore today but I probably will feel it more tomorrow after the boot camp.

    It's been yucky here in Georgia too. Rainy and strong winds all day. I'm off next Thursday & Friday so I'll have a nice long weekend. We haven't decided if we're going anywhere yet but if we do I'll still try to get in plenty of walking. I really, really want a beach trip but I don't know if we're up for it since we'll only have 4 days and it's still a bit cold for a bike trip.

    TGTIF! (Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! :bigsmile:
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Can I count in my walking while at work? I print t-shirts and do other things as well so I'm on my feet all day long and know I walk a mile to 2 on most days.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    March Week 2
    Monday~4.5 10/weights
    Wednesday~3.5 miles
    Thursday~3 miles
    Friday~2 miles

    Please pray for the people of Japan, and all those in the path of the tsunami.

    Goal 80
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Friday morning, everyone, and welcome to our new walkers!

    Deann--you can count any walking you'd like. I'm starting to count some of the walking I do at work, myself--I walk 3-4 miles every day at work.

    Yesterday we got in a shipment of shrubs and plants and today we are getting 3 more deliveries. Lots of strength training going on at work now! LOL! Things are really starting to pick up for the new season.

    We had some incredible winds yesterday--25-30 mph with gusts of 50 mph! Add in the downpouring rain and it wasn't a very pleasant day at all! Supposed to be nicer today.

    I have a challenging weekend ahead of me--celebrating the month's family birthdays. I will try to be careful on my choices and portion sizes!

    Also asking for prayers for Japan and others affected by the tsunamis.

    Have a good day, all!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm so glad the weekend is here. I did the 3-mile walk your belly flat and 15 minutes on the weights and strength training. I'm really trying to get back into a regular routine here.

    Yes I'll be praying for the people of Japan also. My husband works for a Japanese company and he has co-workers that are still trying to contact their families in Japan.
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hi! Id Like to Join

    I love to walk and I could use all the support I can get. :happy:
  • Hi all ~ I've been writing down my walking but keep forgetting to put it down here!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    March Week 2
    Monday~4.5 10/weights
    Wednesday~3.5 miles
    Thursday~3 miles
    Friday~2 miles
    Saturday~1.5 10/W

    Please pray for the people of Japan.

    Goal 80
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Trying my ticker to see if it works LOL Still learning how to use it.

  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hi! :smile:

    I walked 5.6 miles

    I'll try and lift some weights tonight

    Have A great weekend!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hello All! I hope your weekend is off to a good start.

    Welcome to the group TaT. We're glad you joined us.

    I did the 5-mile advanced walk today. I made myself do it before I go grocery shopping because I knew I would likely wimp out if I waited till after. :bigsmile: I think I'm almost caught up on my mileage, now to catch up the weights.

    So now I'm off to do all the necessary stuff.
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Hey Everyone!

    WELCOME! Jeannar417 & TaTennis. Always happy to see new people join us. :flowerforyou:

    I've had a rough couple weeks getting used to being on a new med for nerve pain. Im feeling ALOT better now. Hope it lasts awhile.

    Ive been keeping up with my walking and strength training the best I can. I did get my Activity Tracker from S2H. I does work for the Leslie Sansone workouts but not as well as I was hoping because you don't move your arms the entire time (Its worn like a watch). So I got smart and tied it to my shoelace and it worked great! So thats what I plan on doing. I get 60 points for every 1 hour of exercising, then I get a code to download to the site. Once I build up enough points I can get gift certificates. Now I just have to see how long that will take.

    Not much going on here this weekend. Rent a movie and make popcorn.

    Hope you all have a nice weekend!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member

    Hi Trish, you don't have to do anything special. Just figure out what you want your goal for the rest of march to be. Post it and start walking. We're very flexible here. Some of us are doing strenght training also but its entirely up to you. Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Marie, I'm so glad you are feeling better and back with us. I've missed you. I"m finally trying to get back on track. I need to check out this S2H tracker your talking about. Sounds interesting.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Went out for my birthday dinner tonight. It was really good. I had pecan crusted tilapia, sweet potato hashbrowns, roasted asparagas, salad, and of course dessert (turtle cheesecake)! I made sure to work out this morning to earn more calories. Now tomorrow weights and walking with more strict calories at meals. It was a nice splurge but it will not derail me from moving forward!:happy:
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I havent cked in this last week. I actually forgot. Sorry new to this. I have my tickers to show my progress. I havent added today yet. I started the 30 day shred and I"m very sore right now LOL So walking is a little hard for me. I will stick to it tho. Promise LOL :bigsmile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Feel good today and actually got myself to the gym to do cardio and strength training. Feeling good! Not planning to weigh in until the end of March unless I feel like I may experience success. Don't want to focus on the number as much as how I feel. I think I'm in range to meet my target goals for this month. I really have to make myself lift weights. Love the walking/cardio but weights are not my favorite way to spend time...
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