30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Cramos77! we just got started ourselves...
    today was L1D3- I woke up early (SHOCK) and am so glad i did! am starting to feel it in all sorts of places and it feels GOOD! Also got in a 2 mile run after work (horray for nice weather!) Today was a good day- now lets hope the weather stays and keeps this motivation going!!??

    thanks for the tip foreverlyn- i think i'll hold off on those push-ups for a while!!

    Keep up the good work everyone:)
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Started my shred today as well!!
  • Ive done 5 days level 1 and yesterday tried level 2 as wasn't aching much, it's tough. But I'm getting really demotivated now as I'm putting weight on!! I know this means I'm building muscle but with the cardio I'm doing I figured I should be burning fat too, I can understand a plateau but to be adding lbs is so frustrating!
    Anyone else finding this?
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Ive done 5 days level 1 and yesterday tried level 2 as wasn't aching much, it's tough. But I'm getting really demotivated now as I'm putting weight on!! I know this means I'm building muscle but with the cardio I'm doing I figured I should be burning fat too, I can understand a plateau but to be adding lbs is so frustrating!
    Anyone else finding this?

    Well,i have only done three days andexpected weight gain but have lost (only .2 of a lb but i overate big timelast night) so i havent experienced it but have you thought about using smaller handweights? that may help!
    Im also trying to do cardio to avoid the weight gain but i need to take some measurements as from what i've read, it is where the big results are! am going to do it later on today!

    Has anyone who is further on than us seen any big inch loss since starting to shred?
  • JoEllen92
    JoEllen92 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm starting it today,I found the whole thing online.I'd buy it but I'm skint and can't afford it even though it is dirt cheap.
    I had a go of level 1 the other week and it killed me
    I'm doing the full 30 days properly now though.
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I just started Level 1 Day 1 last night. WOW! What a workout! My legs still feel like jello today. I used 3lb weights and they were so heavy by the end.

    Good luck everyone. I'm glad we are all doing this together!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Level 1 day 2 done! It seems to be getting a little easier to make it through. My arms feel smaller too...if that's possible in 4 days. lol.
    I'm curious if anyone saw significant inches lost as well?
    Tomorrow morning may be tough. I'm headed to a St Patty's Day wedding tonight for a cousin. Not sure how late I'll be home so waking up early tomorrow may be a challange. Hubby's working tomorrow night though so if I have to I will shred at 9 tomorrow night.:smile:
    Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't forget to take measurements!!!!
  • caboeyes
    caboeyes Posts: 24
    I did days 1, 2, and 3 first thing in the morning Mon, Tue, Wed but THIS morning could not get myself motivated for Day 4. My thighs still ache! (though not as badly as yesterday). Is this how the 30 day shred is supposed to work? Does JM fully expect the workout to be 20 minutes EVERY day? Just asking here. Thanks everyone for your support!!!!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I think she expects us to do it EVERY day, thats the only way i can see getting the results in the 30 days that she promises. I am going to plan on doing it every day if possibl, i am however, slightly hungover today so i'll wait until later on this evening to attempt the shred!
    I waitress 2 days a week so will have to wait until after my shifts to workout otherwise myarms will be wibbly and i wont be able to carry anything! It may be that i take saturdays (biggest work shift) off the shred as i am often tired after.
    I'm going back home this weekend (im at university away from home) and visiting my sister the weekend after (dissertation hand in, WHOOP) and will be taking my sports bra and dvd with me both times! I will also take it to my boyfriends when i go stay with him.
    i think because it's only 25 mins and you can do it at home that its really easy to get done!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    i too am going to "try" to do it everyday but won't beat myself up too bad if I do take a "hangover" day! As far as weight gain- i would say its ok, as long as you know your doing strength & cardio- your doing the right thing. I am telling myself to stay away from the scale b/c i don't want it to put me in a bad mood. I'm staying off the scale for right now b/c i'm starting to FEEL good, so thats more important to me right now than lbs lost. Hoping as the shred continues, it will all even itself out.

    L1D4 (level 1, day 4)- and so far still loving it. My husband passed by me this morning while doing it at 6:45am and said "your nuts". I took it as a compliment for dragging my butt out of bed (which is a shock!) and said back to him "i'm sick of being sick of my body"!!

    Foreveryln- congrats on completing your dissertation & stay focused while your away!!

    Eve- I did take measurements before I began... when should I take them again? each week or wait until day 30? what is everyone else doing?

    Good luck everyone:) HAPPY ST PAT'S DAY!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I did L1D5 today. Am really struggling with the pushups still, in fact, the 1st circuit makes me want to cry until I get to the abs, then I'm just grateful to lie on the floor! After that it feels a little easier.

    Broke through the pain in thighs barrier too - can now ascend and descend stairs normal speed!

    Gonna stick with L1 for the full 10 days though, gotta try and crack those pushups!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I did L1 D5 this morning, arms were sooooo tired i had to put the weights down and just do it myself.Ouch!
    I've only lost 0.1 of a kd all week somymuscle must be building! thank goodness i took somemeasurements so i can have an NSV and not be sad on the scales!
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Hey all,

    I did L1D2 today - I had a couple of days off in-between, though walked loads on Weds & did Pilates yesterday. I'm still finding that first circuit a killer, and I find it a struggle to even complete modified push-ups!

    We're away this weekend, though I'm going to try and do it on Sunday - but lock my boyfriend out of the lounge whilst I do it! I don't think I can feasibly do it everyday, so going to take it as it comes! I'll measure my weight and waist/hips/thighs every week though.

  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    L1D6 much easier than yesterday! Nearly got through all the pushups (modified), the sideway lunges I can't do on the 2nd rep, so I did them with bicep curls instead. Really went for it with the bicycle crunches though. Today was the first day I felt no pain!

    Not gonna shred tmz, got an early start - hope it doesn't show when I'm back in the shredder on Sunday!

    Glad we've got this thread for support! :happy:
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    wow did I say day 2 yesterday? It was day 4. Don't know where my head was. Day 5 done! It was so hard to get up this morning after a wedding last night. But I did it and I was sore but I made it through the whole level.
    Yesterday all I wanted to do was eat. Anyone else finding that they are more hungry?
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    L1D5 done!! I even got up and ran a mile before I shredded!! I am even saying to myself..."who is this person???" !!!

    its really nice to know that we have the support on here. It makes me laugh knowing that as I shred in my living room, some of you are across the "pond" doing the same thing!! LOL

    first circuit still kills the arms with the squats- she can't say "two more" soon enough!! but am noticing I am willing to do even more crunches than she makes us!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    I bought the DVD yesterday; I couldn't find the DVD remote so I didn't use it .. BUT, it's 'on demand' w/ my cable service so I was lucky to do it. I LOVE it & yes, I feel the soreness today. :glasses:
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    I will measure again after 30 days. I just want to know how many inches I have lost if I don't see the scale move..lol

    Good luck!!!:bigsmile:
  • Good luck, Im on day 5 and the aches are only just starting to go away - could hardly walk or sit on the loo for the first few days, my butt cheeks hurt so much :laugh: lol ... well worth it though !!

    I am on day 2 and SO know what ur talking about my thighs hurt soooo much!! lol
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