Thanksgiving Challenge!!



  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I'm so excited! I'm finally seeing a difference! YAY! I've lost 7 lbs and an inch off my waist and hips! Yipee! I haven't been successful the last few times I've tried to lose weight in the past and started to give up, but decided to give it another try. So this is a big deal, and motivator for me!

    Look at that ticker go! Woo Hoo!!!:tongue:

    Wow! That's awesome! You keep on going girlie!! emoticon_wink.gif
  • Nana27
    Nana27 Posts: 77
    Hi everyone! I am not doing so well so far. I had double ear infection, sore throat, ect last week, then my doc wanted me to get a flu shot. You guessed it, I got the flu!!!!! Unfortunately, I crave food (any kind, almost) when I am sick, UGH! But I am starting to feel better and only gained 2 pounds (lost several inches though, does that count?). Next week will be better, I promise. I think I still have enough time to lose to my goal (maybe wishful thinking, lol).

  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249

    I still have not lost a lot of pounds, but my clothes fit better. I lifted at the gym today and noticed in the mirrors (they surround at the gym, sometimes good, sometimes not) how much more toned I was. Not just toned but building muscle mass (not bulky).
    I have seen this progress over the last 3 months and expect to see more. I am going to stop focusing on the numbers and focus on how I feel when I look in the mirror.

    Good luck everyone.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Hi everyone! I am not doing so well so far. I had double ear infection, sore throat, ect last week, then my doc wanted me to get a flu shot. You guessed it, I got the flu!!!!! Unfortunately, I crave food (any kind, almost) when I am sick, UGH! But I am starting to feel better and only gained 2 pounds (lost several inches though, does that count?). Next week will be better, I promise. I think I still have enough time to lose to my goal (maybe wishful thinking, lol).


    NOT wishful thinking! Get that outta your head! I'm sorry you've been all icky. I hope you're at 100% soon.
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    Hey guys, I know I am late starting but I am hoping its cool if I still join?

    Starting weight: 177

    Goal weight for thanksgiving: 165
  • Pittsburgh
    :bigsmile: i'm in 21 pounds by thanksgiving

    starting weight feb 6th 350

    current weight 291

    goal weight 150
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    OH NO!

    I broke 2 bones in my foot, and now it hurts to just walk much less run. I'm hoping I'll still be able to bike, bc otherwise this challenge is NOT going to go well for me! How do you lose weight without using your left foot? hahhaha. :tongue:
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    OH NO!

    I broke 2 bones in my foot, and now it hurts to just walk much less run. I'm hoping I'll still be able to bike, bc otherwise this challenge is NOT going to go well for me! How do you lose weight without using your left foot? hahhaha. :tongue:

    Oh no! How the heck did you do that? You poor thing. How long are you going to have to be off of your left foot?

    I'm sure you can still lose some kind of weight. Hmmm...maybe you could try aquatics? I don't know. I can think of a lot of strength training exercises, but nothing cardio comes to mind. I'm sure someone will think of something though. Hang tight. :happy:
  • laurabelle25
    Jill!! oh no is right. :noway: i'm sorry you broke your foot! but keep your head up, maybe do pilates or work on your upper body....or swimming might be great, if you don't have a cast on.

  • guntherma
    guntherma Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to lose at least 5 more pounds by then just because I love to bake (and eat) all of the pies. Pumpkin, cherry, and apple. Of course the sweet potatoes get to me too. I know that I will have some weight gained back that week so I need to lose in advance.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    seriously-- I'm with you gunther-- I was just thinking about it last night when my kids were gushing about how they can't wait for Thanksgiving and LOVE our dinners, blah, blah, blah-- I thought there ain't no way I'm going to worry about measuring my food that day. I'll be mindful of what I'm eating, but I'm having stuffing, sweet potatoes and pie-- it's a once a year feast, and I'm going to enjoy.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Weighed in monday and 3 lbs down 5 more to go till thanks Giving. Keep the good work everyone is doing and don't worry sometimes you need to cheat a little cause if you don't the more you say no then you end up scarfing down and entire tub of ice cream vs eating just the right amount. (bryers double churned , it doesnt have splenda in it which is good and for a small portion helps the cravings.)

    Ht- 5'5

    Current Weight-151
    Last Post weight- 154

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Jill- I'm sorry to hear about your foot. For what it's worth, there is a machine at our Y that you sit at and use only your arms. It's like a bicycle for the arms. Youu get an aerobic or cardio workout without using your legs or feet. Hope your gym has something similar.
    I'm also writing to check in for the challenge since it's Friday. I didn't do so well this week, which is to be expected with 2 birthday dinners out (my middle son and my mother)!!! I re-gained the pound I lost last week. However, I am still .2 pounds lighter than the day I started the challenge. So, I just have to keep moving and avoiding all the high calorie, good-tasting food that will be around this week-end when my youngest comes home later today for Fall break from college. I am looking forward to seeing him. Hope you all have a good week-end too !!!
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Friday Check in:

    Height 5'7''
    Challenge Starting weight 173
    Current Weight 173
    Thanksgiving Goal 162
    Final Goal 155

    No loss no gain this week, but since I broke my foot this week:laugh: I'm okay with no gain!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I'm down to 148! I've got 9 pounds left to go!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    196lbs. - Original starting weight

    164lbs. - Challenge starting weight

    162lbs. - Today's weight

    152lbs. - Thanksgiving goal weight

    110lbs. - Final goal weight

    Still ten pounds to go for this challenge. I was really hoping to break out of the 160's this week. :frown:
  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member

    Oops. Did I do wrong? I don't know. Wasn't really sure, but I thought I saw someone else do it, so I just jumped right in. :laugh:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    you can do it whenever you want!!! I intend to do it on Fridays, but whatever works best for you is what you should do!
  • canawoman
    down 1 lb 9 more to go !!!