6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    @roselynsy - definitely rest your knees. I was having the same problem because I was doing hard workouts (like 30 day shred) with no break for my body to rest (and now I'm having achilles heal problems too). I know when you're on a roll like this you don't want to lose momentum, so turn to low impact exercise. Do pilates, yoga, slower walking, that kind of thing. NO jumping, squating, lunging, etc. The last 2 days I shadowboxed with 2 lb hand weights for 20 or so minutes. It didn't seem like much of a workout, until the 2nd say when I put my handweights on and lifted my arms. Boy did my triceps and lat muscles burn. That's a good thing! Stick to it, but rest your knees. You're right, you don't want a bigger injury!
  • Mchavez2018
    Mchavez2018 Posts: 56 Member
    I would like to join the 6 week challenge, a week late! Just found out about this after I wrote a post the other day. My weight as of 03/14/11 is 135.9 I would like to weigh 130 in 5 weeks. Please add me in!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hey everyone! I kind of took the day off from MFP yesterday because it was a big day at school. Yesterday was "Match Day" where all of the graduating medical students across the country find out where they'll be doing their residency next year. My school has a big ceremony and then an "after-match party," and I knew there was going to be a ton of food there, but I wanted to celebrate and not worry about counting calories, so that's what I did. I found out that I'll be staying in Indianapolis for another 4 years, which I am very happy about!

    However, I'm back now, and will keep you updated with my progress :).
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Duplicate post, sorry.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    @ceejay - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad that your residency placement worked out for you and that you gave yourself permission to celebrate, it's important to live life and remember that this is not just weightloss, but changing your lifestyle, and sometimes life allows for forgetting calories and living in the moment!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    @ceejay - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad that your residency placement worked out for you and that you gave yourself permission to celebrate, it's important to live life and remember that this is not just weightloss, but changing your lifestyle, and sometimes life allows for forgetting calories and living in the moment!

    Couldn't have said it better myself! :)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I think I'm going to break from the shred already too...and do a modified version. Every time I do it my upper legs get seriously sore and my upper arms. I know most of the movements anyways and can do them by memory. Plus the shred makes me gain!! Gain muscle hopefully...after the article I read yesterday about how walking steadily burns more fat than running, I think I will stick to my walking and I'm going to get into some Pilates and check out some vids on Netflix :)
    Hope everyone is having a great day! It's a beautiful one here, finally some nice spring weather!
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I haven't been keeping up well with this week's challenge, but I have been keeping up with my own goals this week. I've been so busy that even getting my normal gym time in has been difficult. I've done it though... or at least tried to do as many other activities throughout the week to keep the progress going.

    Unfortunately, I ate out last night, and I actually have plans to go out to dinner tonight with a friend from out of town, but I am committed to choosing healthy options. For example, the salad I had last night had grilled chicken and I got it with the dressing on the side. I only used about a Tablespoon, if that. Even for having a super busy day, I've managed to lose 1.8 lbs already this week. My official weigh-in is on Sunday, so I'm holding off posting anything until then. I'm stoked though! I definitely want to be gun-ho about next week's challenge.

    I hope everyone's doing well and having a great Friday!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I think I'm going to break from the shred already too...and do a modified version. Every time I do it my upper legs get seriously sore and my upper arms. I know most of the movements anyways and can do them by memory. Plus the shred makes me gain!! Gain muscle hopefully...after the article I read yesterday about how walking steadily burns more fat than running, I think I will stick to my walking and I'm going to get into some Pilates and check out some vids on Netflix :)
    Hope everyone is having a great day! It's a beautiful one here, finally some nice spring weather!

    Jess - check out this article on burning cals and fat loss. I found it really interesting and helpful. The interesting thing for me is that my heart rate tends to stay on the lower-side when I'm working out. Because of this, I find that walking is not super effective for me when I'm trying to lose weight, and that even just a light jog ups the anty a bit. We're certainly all different, aren't we. Have fun workouts!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    I think I'm going to break from the shred already too...and do a modified version. Every time I do it my upper legs get seriously sore and my upper arms. I know most of the movements anyways and can do them by memory. Plus the shred makes me gain!! Gain muscle hopefully...after the article I read yesterday about how walking steadily burns more fat than running, I think I will stick to my walking and I'm going to get into some Pilates and check out some vids on Netflix :)
    Hope everyone is having a great day! It's a beautiful one here, finally some nice spring weather!

    Jess - check out this article on burning cals and fat loss. I found it really interesting and helpful. The interesting thing for me is that my heart rate tends to stay on the lower-side when I'm working out. Because of this, I find that walking is not super effective for me when I'm trying to lose weight, and that even just a light jog ups the anty a bit. We're certainly all different, aren't we. Have fun workouts!

    hun is there a link to the article, also can you or ANYONE reconmend a pilates dvd. ive rested all day just hoping all will be better tomorrow.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I think I'm going to break from the shred already too...and do a modified version. Every time I do it my upper legs get seriously sore and my upper arms. I know most of the movements anyways and can do them by memory. Plus the shred makes me gain!! Gain muscle hopefully...after the article I read yesterday about how walking steadily burns more fat than running, I think I will stick to my walking and I'm going to get into some Pilates and check out some vids on Netflix :)
    Hope everyone is having a great day! It's a beautiful one here, finally some nice spring weather!

    Jess - check out this article on burning cals and fat loss. I found it really interesting and helpful. The interesting thing for me is that my heart rate tends to stay on the lower-side when I'm working out. Because of this, I find that walking is not super effective for me when I'm trying to lose weight, and that even just a light jog ups the anty a bit. We're certainly all different, aren't we. Have fun workouts!

    hun is there a link to the article, also can you or ANYONE reconmend a pilates dvd. ive rested all day just hoping all will be better tomorrow.

    guess it would help if I added the link :)http://exercise.about.com/cs/cardioworkouts/l/aa022601a.htm

    there are good pilates options on netflix streaming (if you have netflix), but you have to be careful because some of them are misleading. Ellen Barret does some great stuff, but most of them are pilates and cardio blend (so a little more impact). There are three pilates that I really like. Two are from 10 minute solution series: Pilates and Rapid Results Pilates with Lara Hudson. The other is an abs and lower body pilates from Ellen Barret called Crunsh: Pick Your Spot Pilates. All of these should be available on DVD as well. I like both of these women, I do many of their workouts, gentle voiced, not annoying and nagging like some others can be. Enjoy!
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    I'm so bad with the not eating out thing.
    Tonight, we are going out for fish. Which is a usual friday thing (not the fish, going out) with some friends.

    Tomorrow we are going to a museum in a city about 2 hours away, and we'll probably have dinner on the way home.
    At least there will be TONS of walking at the museum. :)

    Today I did get in the extra walking though. I parked on the way far side of campus from my class (and then had to walk back because I forgot something in my car. gah)
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi all,
    So I haven't eaten out all week...but tonight is date night with the boyfriend, and we're going to dinner. It's ok though...I don't get to see him much, and usually it's at midnight on the weekend, when he's off work. So I'm going to love my time with him and enjoy it!! Because, after all, that IS life :happy:
    But the good thing is, we LOVE to walk around the city...so there's a good 2 hour walk in my future!!

    Have an awesome, amazing weekend, Everyone!!!

  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 5/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 2/7
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thank you for the info Olivia!! It was a good article, I like how that link led to another then another, lol...I like to absorb information.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    EDIT: I did end up going to get fast food so I'm gonna change it back to four.
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 4/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 2/7
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Tonight I had friends going out to dinner & I SOOO wanted to go but I didn't think I could make the right food choices...so I said no.

    Today's check in....

    No eating out **sigh**
    Walked between meetings; walked extra on the treadmill

    Hoping everyone has a great weekend!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Evening all:) Friday night used to be the night my husband took me out for dinner but I rarely go anymore. I've stuck with the no eating out this week!! Yeah:) I wanted pizza so fixed a healthy one at home. I've done pretty good with exercise this week too. Hoping for a good weigh in for everyone on Monday. TGIF even if I have to work tomorrow. So ready to be off to enjoy this gorgeous weather we have been having!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I'm finding it nice to get back to my own home-prepared food after yesterday's disappointing potluck. Yesterday, I stayed within calorie limits, but went over a little on carbs and sodium. Today, I'm well within carbs and sodium goals. I walked 25 minutes at a pretty good clip and scrubbed my kitchen floor (moving the table and bench and all the cat food gear and trash/recycle cans).
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm going to go through here soon and read everything so I can catch up on how everyone's been. Haven't had time to yet, but I will this weekend hopefully. Have a good night, everyone!
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