What is your heritage



  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    heinz 57. Dutch last name, french, spanish. My dad's step father was hispanic, so my dad made us tortillas all the time growing up.
  • SivirSarah
    I am a mutt too. Scottish/dutch/german/english/portugese/native american. Lol total mutt :) so I eat and drink whatever. I do like italian food proably the most tho.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    That I know of? On my mom's side Scottish, Norwegian and Native American. We aren't so sure about my dad's side but we have heard rumors of Native American and German.

    I don't really follow any traditions and my tastes in everything from food to music are all over the map.

    *edit: Actually now that I think about it my grandma and her sisters and brothers eat a lot of Lefse and they always have it at family reunions.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I'm a Cajun! If I was on death row and got one last meal it wool be a vat of boiled crawfish seasoned such that my lips would burn and swell by time I finished eating them! My mother in law is the quintessential Cajun cook and I love everything she makes. Other than the Cajun food, south Louisiana has it's own unique culture. I was born and raised here and know nothing else. I get my Cajun heritage from my dad, mom is of scottish descent.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    british/persian/arabic.........i mainly eat breakfast cereal :wink:

    i think being into your heritage is much more an american pastime than a european one.........

    I think so too. But that's because most of us are immigrants here in the USA and we (our ancestors) took pride in where they came from and celebrate it, even though we're all American. It's a completely different dynamic than Europe.
  • allroundthesun
    My ancestory is 50% Croatian (on my father's side; his parents came to Canada in their thirties and his older brother was born in Croatia, so he was the first born in Canada). I actually have a Czech surname, as one of my sets of great-great-great-grandparents were Czech and then emigrated to Croatia, but it's only a tiny, negligible percentage of my heritage (I can't even figure out the fraction) that I don't really take it into account, the lineage just so happened to follow a certain path that kept the Czech surname going.

    From my mother's side my heritage is 12.5% Italian, 12.5% French and after that the percentages are small and confusing, but a mish-mash of Dutch, Scottish and English ancestory.

    ETA: My father's family is still very much culturally Croatian. Of the two generations born in Canada (my father and his cousins/my second cousins and me and my first cousins) I'm the only one who doesn't speak fluent Croatian. I have never been close to my father, and he isn't close with his family, so I've had very limited exposure to them and know next to nothing about their traditions. My mother's family has been in Canada long enough that there's little tradition left on her father's side and none on her mother's. I consider myself Canadian, period.
  • grneyety
    grneyety Posts: 46 Member
    I am STRAIGHT UP FLORIDIAN, give me grouper anyway you can make it. Stone crab is my absolute favorite. Love anything that comes out of the Gulf.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Albanian, 25%, all sorts of caucasian (English, Scotch Irish, German, French...), 75%...so basically I'm glow-in-the-dark! LOL

    To address the bells palsy thing...I had a bf in high school who hit his head and fell down in the freezer at work. He Was knocked out in the cold for a while and when he came to he had bells palsy. But he got better in a few weeks, he wasn't stuck like that.
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    Very much Dutch.
  • antigeist
    antigeist Posts: 14
    I'm half French half Welsh. French are very into their seafood while I take a back seat as I'm vegetarian, it makes special occasions 'difficult' for my grandparents but my nan is a fantastic cook and makes me some really yummy potato salad. For my Welsh side, I grew up eating a lot of Lamb/Beef which I obviously don't eat anymore. I defy my heritage :p
  • lkmariposa
    I'm an American...Truly...I am a mix of many many things, English, Scottish, Irish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Native American and That's just the side I know about. I am the product of the great cultural melting pot that America is. My food preferences very widely, but like a good all American girl, I love burgers and fries...:smile:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Cree indian. My great uncle was the artist Acee Blue eagle so named when a white eagle supposedly fell into a pot of blueberries. That explains the clumsiness. Also some German on my grandmothers side. My grandpa taught me a lot about about nature, my Dad about hunting and fishing and wildlife in general.
  • Jon_Rod
    Jon_Rod Posts: 158
    british/persian/arabic.........i mainly eat breakfast cereal :wink:

    i think being into your heritage is much more an american pastime than a european one.........

    Thats a Cool Mix : )

    Well thank you! East meet West LOL!

    Nice to Meet Ya : ) lol
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    90% cambodian
    5% thai
    5% chinese
    i eat rice ...rice ...and rice... LOL but i've basically completely cut that out of my diet! AHHH DISGRACE! jk and I ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE OFF MY SHOES BE FORE I STEP FOOT INTO ANY HOUSEHOLD. lol thank god my parents are younger and aren't "old fashioned" i guess you can say i'm pretty americanized...most people would think of me as a twinky =| yellow on the outside white on the in. i know some of you might not like that but i think it's funny...raised in New Hampshire..dominantly most of the population is caucasian... LOL i love myself...AND I LOVE YOU<3 yayy lol
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I Am Canadian. My mom is Scottish, my Dad is Cree Indian , and Im married to a Texan.
    Shepard's Pie, Meatloaf, Potatoes, Corn, Bannock.
  • rainbow_dawn1990
    I was born here in america but my heritage is Scotish and cheerakie...sorry crapy speller lol well anyways I go red hair and bright blue eyes from scotish side and high cheek bones and facecial stucture from the cheerakie!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    English, Irish, Scottish, and German- Love Yorkshire Pudding, pasties, sauerkraut, spatzl, European beer.