
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member

    Welcome to all the new people.....this is a great thread. A little over two years ago I stumbled on this site while looking for an online site that would tell me how many calories in some foods I wanted to eat. I had just started on a weight loss journey that started with planning three meals a day and one snack and sticking to the plan, no matter what. MFP opened a whole new world of weight loss ideas and introduced me to a great group of friends who had endless patience to listen to me talk about food, calories, exercise, recipes, clean eating, frustration, and success. I have logged food and exercise every day since then except for a few days when I had no access to the internet. I've made new friends and learned life skills that I couldn't have learned anywhere else.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: this has been a great journey.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Happy Spring to all.
    Welcome to all the new people. I will try to make time tomorrow to address as many as I can.

    There is a song that I have been listening to that I am going to share. She probably wrote the song for a lover or close friend. I think it could be for a friend or someone, who had been really close to you.

    You can hear this on youtube.com . The lady singing it is Sarah Mclachlan.
    She has a marvelous voice. I like the part where she tells you to not life pass you by...weep not for the memories. Many of us, on here, have bad memories and we have good memories. If we have come this far in our life. We have conquered the bad things we have lived through. So, even though they are sad...they made us stronger too. I suppose I relate to this song. If you have read posts that I have wrote before, you know how much I love music :heart: and that's how I "talk" to you sometimes.

    So here is another song:
    I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don’t let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories

    Remember the good times that we had?
    I let them slip away from us when things got bad
    How clearly I first saw you smilin’ in the sun
    Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

    I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don’t let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories

    I’m so tired but I can’t sleep
    Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep
    It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
    We are screaming inside, but we can’t be heard

    But I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don’t let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories

    I’m so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
    Clinging to a past that doesn’t let me choose
    Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
    You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

    And I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don’t let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories

    And I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don’t let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories
    Weep not for the memories

    Music and humor have helped me to get through life's many struggles. I am happy to be at this point in my life. I may not be as thin as I would like but I am working on that. It means something to be satisfied. Then you can work on your problems.

    Happy day/night to all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Welcome to all the Newbies and hello to all the Oldies! You know ,I wasn't going to say Oldies because I find it a bit obnoxious and absolutely not politically correct, when it comes to people. Records, oldies are good, cars, oldies still good. Someone told me that anything that's "50" is an antique, I don't care for that one either so I've decided I'm a Classic. Like a fine wine or a beautifully aged cheese, they manage to get compliments the older they get, I think we should too. We've earned it. We're all here working on ourselves, some making major emprovements and others just tweeking. No matter which group you belong to, you're doing something, not giving up and encouraging others to do the same. We're awesome...applause, applause, applause.

    I woke up Saturday with asore throat and no voice, I think I heard my husband thank the Lord. It must have been all that running around I did with my daughters and the grandchildren. I never get sick, but two different medical facilities in as many days...Yuck! If you hear of an opening in a barber shop quartet for a baritone, let me know.

    Maxymom...Thank you for the well wishes but even more so for the "Nice Lady" comment.

    rjadams...Don't get discouraged about the "no results". Sometimes the scale can be your enemy. Find your favorite pair of skinny jeans and try them on from time to time and that will be a better judge. If you are working with weights and doing strength training you will be building muscle, it is possible to gain weight and lose inches. Once that muscle is established your body will burn fat more efficiently and you'll come off that plateau.

    Rebelrenny....Welcome back. I'm a new face here, well as new as a 56 year old face allows me to be. I find so much encouragment here, it's like having a best friend to talk to. They haven't told me to shut up yet.

    Dottieg3...As you can tell by all the people who commented on your post, you're in the right place. You can just come in here and rant (I do it all the time) til your hearts content. If you have any questions whether it's about dieting, exercise or computers, someone in here will have an answer for you.

    Well, I'm going to go gargle warm salt water (ooowww yummy!) and hit the sack. I hear tomorrow is suppose to be another beautiful day. Everyone, get outside and enjoy it.

    Lynda :glasses:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    warning debbie downer rant ahead.

    Ladies, I appreciate all of the good thoughts and things you say but I know all of this. I know how long it took and when the scale didn't move to check inches ( I have gained 4 inches back in my waist thankyou very much) I lost all of this weight on this site last year with all the advice and support of many wonderful people. I gained it all back on this site last year with the same wonderful advice and supportive poeple. I haven't really changed anything from what I was doing to lose the weight last year and that is what is frustrating.

    I started this site at 178 February of 2010 by August 15 I was down to 144. thats 34 pounds. this morning I am at 162. :explode: I looked at my history and on March 21, 2010 I was 172 so basically a year of healthy eating and exersizing my butt off every week I have managed to maintain a 10 pound loss. I am starting to regret giving away all my fat clothes because no matter how clean I eat or how much I exersize I keep gaining. I have a feeling my body just likes to be fat. I am beyond discouraged but I will just keep plugging away at it. and yes I have had my thryroid checked and I am fine. the doctors just say eat less, exersize more. I eat 1450 healthy calories a day and I exersize 80 minutes a day 5 days a week. If this is the body I will have doing that then I guess this is what I am stuck with and I had better start investing in some more fat clothes. I am very stressed about a lot of little things and I am sure that is part of the weight problem. I have cut out alcohol in an attempt to kick in the weight loss but I think the stress of not relaxing with a glass of wine may have backfired. I am going to give it one more week but this Friday night I am having some wine.

    Okay enough of that. My son was beaten and mugged yesterday in Sacramento. :noway: in broad daylight. He had his money stolen but they let him keep his credit cards and phone. He is a very passive young man so he didn't go to the police or anything. he tried to keep it hidden from us but his mother posted something on her facebook page about it so DH's mom ( she is Facebook friends with DH's ex, of course since she absolutely hates me) called us and asked us about it. We had no idea. He is fine but it was a scary moment.

    Welcom to all you newbies and here's to the "classics" may we just keep getting better with age. :drinker:
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    have a feeling my body just likes to be fat. I am beyond discouraged but I will just keep plugging away at it.

    I so know where you are at this a.m.

    Good morning everyone, I have been absent for a few weeks at least. I didn't have my laptop and trying to access the whole website via my tablet was just too much hassle! I did try to watch what I put in my mouth and continued to work out.

    I did try to log my food in a few days and then after breakfast would get busy and not bother. Well, it showed. It has been five weeks and I have lost NOTHING. No ounces, no inches.

    I was really thinking about what could be the cause of this and I may have been eating too many carbs!. Healthy carbs, but still too many. I lost weight once before by following the South Beach Diet. Does anyone have an opinion? I bought plenty of fresh veggies this weekend and started my morning off with a delicious asparagus and cheese omelet. I know the cravings for carbs will start by this afternoon, but feel that this may be the best way of eating for me. Also realized that I was snacking on nuts way too much..while they may be a good choice, they are high in calories and I was having probably two to four servings every day.

    Thanks so much for the notes of encouragement I received from many of you while I was MIA. I struggle so hard to keep me in my daily schedule.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Still lurking I guess.

    I managed to clean out my closets yesterday and I have 3 bags of clothes be donated. I don't dare keep them around or I will just put them in a closet (just in case) and I don't want that thought to surface EVER.

    Robin - So sorry about the frustration and of course rant away. This week was the same for me. I did some form of exercise at lease 5 days worth and the scale hasn't moved. :grumble: I can only hope that I am losing inches because I need to lose a few of those to get into a new dress I just bought. Right now it fits but I look like a sausage. :noway:

    Welcome new people and Hello old friends. I will check in later this week and have a proper chat.

    Take it easy on yourselfs and have a great day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning Ladies:

    Went away for the weekend to open up my mother-in-law's house for the
    Spring and Summer (she is on a lake). No cleaning just turning on water and heat.
    My hubby found a broken pipe under the house so two trips into town with our friend
    T. and we had water for dishes and showers. She shuts down the heat for the
    winter to save on cost.

    My girlfriend wanted to clean because that is what she does for a living, but I didn't want
    to make her work on her weekend off. So we just did some vacuuming and sweeping.

    Forget about eating right with drinking and temptations for the weekend. I did manage
    to track my food and was over and then some everyday. I weighed this morning and
    was 3.2 lbs up so I hope this is water weight. I had to log my weight for the Easter
    Challenge so I was up. I have all week to get back at it and exercise.
    I did manage to get 2 hours of walking in at the Mall on Saturday. Then we
    had friends over for dinner on Saturday night.

    The guys went ice fishing and caught 47 Perch. So we will be having a fish fry sometime
    soon. It was a great weekend but too many temptations. So I am back on track and hope
    to lose that 3.2 lbs. soon. Everyone have a great Monday!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Pretty Ladies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It's good to see so many posting. :flowerforyou: I wanted to "drop by" and wish you ALL a happy and healthy week. Will be going out of town for a week. Hope all of you do well on your diet. :drinker: :drinker:

    I'll be checking back with you all Monday or Tuesday next week.

    Have a good one!

    Warmest Regards,
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's been several months, it's taken me HOURS to read just this month...and am hoping I will be better at keeping back on MFP.

    So much going on with everyone and new ones too....so many of you are so good at keeping at the exercise...I've really struggled with that since the middle of January...but with Spring here I have to do this or I won't be able to keep up with my hubby when we start biking.

    Stress, stress, and more stress...it does a number on your body, hard to find the 8 hours of rest that's needed. Work is over the top stressful and now my hubby is unemployeed so lets add that to the mix...just when we thought we were finally going to be feeling like retirement just might be in our horizon, the rug is pulled out from under us:sad: .

    Congrats to those that have been losing, to those that have new grandbabies and those of you taking care of your parents my heartfelt prayers.

    I will up date my goals and see if I can get back to being a regular here.....can't go backwards I have no clothes to wear if I gain:wink: so I'd better start back on the regular exercise and eating in line.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hi Laura,
    Just getting back into posting is a step in the right direction......taking a five minute walk or five minutes of jogging in front of the TV or microwave can get you pack into the exercise routine......just take it one day at a time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone,

    Laura:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have really hoped you were okay. I know the last 6 mos have been tough for you hang in there!!!

    Here is a parting song...have to get up at 3 am. So, I must get finished and go to bed early.

    I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

    I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
    All of the bad feelings have disappeared
    Here is the rainbow I�ve been prayin?for
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

    Look all around, there�s nothin?but blue skies
    Look straight ahead, nothin?but blue skies

    I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It�s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Sun-Shiny day.

    Have a good week!:flowerforyou:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    It was a terrific day. Started out cold and rainy but ended up sunny and quite mild. I finally found the manual for my pedometer and I'm so glad I did before plunking down money for another. Found out what the problem was and for three days it has worked perfectly. I tested it by first driving a route in the neighborhood and then walking it. Did two different routes over the weekend and was very pleased at its accuracy. Now I'm going to start charting my steps each day on my food/exercise diary. Had 8089 today just cleaning and grocery shopping! Didn't even get an 'official' walk in.

    I'm spending the night at my daughter's house because both our hubbies are away on business. Had a ball with my granddaughter after school, then when daughter got home we had dinner together. Now we'll just hang out and read which is a favorite pasttime for all three of us.

    I was reading through the posts but now I can't remember who wrote what. I need to do the two screen thing. Anyway, I do remember someone suggesting to have a pair of "goal" jeans to try on each week instead of relying on the scale. That is a great idea and a way more accurate measure of what the body is really doing. That scale can certainly be an enemy!

    Everyone have a nice evening!

  • I am new to this site, it was recommended to me by my co-worker. And I really must say the site is very user friendly and after reading quite a few of your post very support.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Finally feeling a bit more like my old self :bigsmile: I hate feeling moody and depressed, I'm normally a cup half full type of person, but every now and then the dreaded hormones (and life!) take over and get me down.

    It was a beautiful day yesterday and I had a day off work, went into town with my mum and did a bit of shopping, bought myself a top. After dinner when DD got home from work, we took the doggies out on a long walk, it was good to see some sunshine for a change, it was quite warm but with a cool breeze. Maybe spring is on its way!

    Hope today turns out to be as good, I'm going to have to phone work a bit later to see if they mind me having the morning off as someone is coming to measure up the windows for double glazing. A few of you know we have an insecure dog who doesn't like people coming in to the house (to put it mildly) so I would like to be here to keep him out of the way.

    Well talking of dogs, it's that time again - walkies. Barbie not sure if I said it before, but you are so right, if it wasn't for the doggies I wouldn't get half as much exercise in.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Viv xx
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    WOOHOO, Happy Tuesday morning everyone!.

    I started the Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet yesterday. By 3:00p.m., I was craving a cracker or cookie so bad, I may have mugged someone if they had walked by eating one at that time. I made myself go occupy my hands and mind with something else and soon the urge passed.

    Then I had a church meeting at Olive Garden last night. I had looked online and decided I would get the herb crusted salmon (which they were out of!!!) , so I ended up with the apricot chicken (without the apricot glaze). It was okay and I felt successful for not diving head first into a big plate of pasta. I have just come to the conclusion that in order for me to lose weight, I must really limit the amount of grains and starches I eat. Because, if I don't do that I end up eating some sort of starch or grain with every meal and by the end of the day, I do not have enough veggies and have had WAY TOO MANY carbs.

    I was thrilled to get on the scale this morning and see it was 2.2 lbs lighter than yesterday. I know i is water weight but still, it was the lowest reading I have had in almost the past year.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Welcome. LilacRoses! gflowers34.gif (Closest I could find to a lilac rose!)

    Rhonda--I have also decided to shake things up a bit as I had been having trouble staying away from simple carbs and added sugars. I started on the Induction phese of the "New" Atkins (lots more veggies allowed!) a week ago. I have not weighed yet because I am trying to only weigh once a month but I do know I have more energy. The cravings only lasted a couple of days so, hang in there!

    Prayers and good thought for everyone. Amanda--prayers for your surgery.

    Time to get moving (trying not to be on the computer for too long at a time).

    Have a good day, all!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. So far am just logging calories and getting some exercise.

    Glad all of you seem to be doing well.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    WOOHOO, Happy Tuesday morning everyone!.

    I started the Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet yesterday. By 3:00p.m., I was craving a cracker or cookie so bad, I may have mugged someone if they had walked by eating one at that time. I made myself go occupy my hands and mind with something else and soon the urge passed.

    Then I had a church meeting at Olive Garden last night. I had looked online and decided I would get the herb crusted salmon (which they were out of!!!) , so I ended up with the apricot chicken (without the apricot glaze). It was okay and I felt successful for not diving head first into a big plate of pasta. I have just come to the conclusion that in order for me to lose weight, I must really limit the amount of grains and starches I eat. Because, if I don't do that I end up eating some sort of starch or grain with every meal and by the end of the day, I do not have enough veggies and have had WAY TOO MANY carbs.

    Rhonda, I have been on this weight loss journey for over two years. When I started I wanted to have as much food to eat with the fewest calories so i gave up bread and pasta and all cereal except oatmeal (the kind you cook, not the instant packets) and at first i missed the bread and rice and pasta but the longer I am without it, the less I think about it. I have oatmeal and homemade applesauce or bags of frozen veggies as a snack and it has worked well.

    :flowerforyou: I wish you the best as you retrain your eating habits.......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I have been logging and reading but not posting. Honestly I had nothing to say. I have started over on the first phase of the 17 day diet plan. It is the only phase on which I lost weight. I followed the other 2 phases faithfully and nothing. so I decided to try it again for about a week to see what happens. I know part of the problem is that I am not doing any formal exercise. My allergies have me so tired and run down that I find it hard to put the energy into exercise. I promise I will try to get that exercise in. I know barbie that even a little is better than none and I have to convince myself of that. I let myself have a cheat this weekend. It was a planned cheat so no guilt. I really didnt do that bad. we went to golden corral and I had fried chicken instead of baked and 2 slices of cornbread instead of the one I usually allow myself. got right back on wagon the next day. for me as some of you know that is monumental. since I am a planner I figure if I plan my cheats then plan to get right back on track it should work for me. so glad for so many new faces. welcome. I do not respond individually sorry. cindy so good to hear from you again. let us know what has been going on. have a good day all.
    Vicki M
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning everyone.

    I finally trued up my ticker to match my actual weight. :sad: I hated doing it on the one hand (admitting the gain is hard) but will be glad to show progress when I lose it again. :wink: I’m up 7 lbs. Time to stop the downward slide and move on.

    Viv, I relate to the cup half empty feeling. I’m pretty much past the hormonal swings (do we ever get all the way past them?) but slump anyway from time to time. Funny how that coincides for me with crappy eating and not getting enough exercise.

    Robin, I don’t know why some of us struggle with one thing and some with another. I’m reminded of the title of the old book, “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden.” Dang. Why not? :noway:

    We could go into the whole Adam and Eve thing or just say, “That’s life.” What I want to know is why did I get stuck with an eating/weight problem! :grumble: I am the only one in a family of skinnies. Couldn’t my issue have been, oh, being a little obsessed about keeping a clean house? Or a little too addicted to exercise? (Notice, I say “a little.”)

    For me, being fat was not so good. For me, it didn’t have a stopping point. I got up to 324 (that goes back 10 years ago, way before I started my ticker) before I turned it around. That did not feel so good – hard on the heart, the joints, the ability to keep up with grandkids, etc., never mind the looks.

    I’m still surprised when I look in the mirror. I feel fat and ugly. When I see this okay looking, maybe even pretty good looking, broad in the mirror, I’m surprised. Huh, that’s me?

    We each have our own comfortable weight. I’ve been hanging out between 190 and 199 (never say 200!) since last October. I want to get to a normal BMI for several reasons (most mentioned above) and that’s what I’m aiming for. But, I’d feel okay holding where I am now. It does mean being able to eat more (as long as I exercise). Is it worth it? That’s a personal decision for each of us.

    I wish there were an easy answer. If anyone finds one, please let me know!

    Laura, so good to see you back. I’m sorry you have so much stress in your life right now. I don’t think it ever ends as long as we’re on the green side of the grass. We can be thankful for that, at least! :laugh:

    Cindy, good to see you, too. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda, thinking about you and hope you're not feeling in too much of a misery. :heart:

    To everyone new (and that covers a lot of territory for me, since I’ve been scarce on this forum for awhile), I’m glad you’re here. This is a great, motivating, bunch of women.

    I’m trying a new, new approach to eating. The semi-primal way didn’t work so well for me. Way too tempting to eat rich, buttery foods and still eat the carbs. I don’t think that’s the idea! :ohwell: I’m going back to my old way of eating, but doing it upside down.

    I’m starting my day off with veggies instead of waiting ‘til evening to get them in. That way I start my day feeling full and well-nourished and don’t face that, “It’s late, why bother” thing at the end of the day.

    I’ll also get some fat and protein in, e.g., with a hard-boiled egg, and a little grain, maybe a tortilla, early in the day. I’ve started making my own tortillas (so easy…who knew!) and they’re yummy. Of course, I haven’t tried them without butter yet. :tongue:

    …just read Barbie’s post. I’ll also have some oatmeal from time to time, although that may be for lunch as it doesn’t go so well with veggies! My whole day is going to be upside down!

    The other change I’m making, not so much for weight as for health, is to reduce my salt intake. I’ve been working on that for a while, thanks to many of you for the inspiration, including Barbie and Robin.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie, thanks as always for your inspiration. You are consistent and resolute. I appreciate your encouragement.

    Sister Veggie Queen is back!

This discussion has been closed.