6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    not sure if you were only putting losses but you forgot me on the list :) I lost nothing so not sure if I should be bringing attention to it :( Havent lost anything for 3 weeks now :( feel so rubbish about it! Ilost inches just not lbs :(

    so still 138lbs - I know I can be smaller as I have been before my childrenw ere born!!!!!!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    oh and by the way Im loving the challenge I am trying to stick with as many colours as possible :)
  • hellsbells417
    hellsbells417 Posts: 8 Member
    Ugh... Sorry everyone, I completely forgot that weigh-in was yesterday! Well, good news - I went down a little, but not much.

    SW 180.2 (at the beginning of the challenge)
    CW 179.9
    GW 172

    I'm happy with that though, and excited about this week's challenge. Good luck everyone!

    EmRN - every loss is a good loss no matter how big or small!!

    Btw, i love the goals in your sig - the fact that you have predefined treats ready for when you hit your targets is great. I'm looking forward to seeing your new jewellery!! :-)
  • soccerlyss08
    soccerlyss08 Posts: 31 Member
    So I'm having some trouble with this week's challenges. My week has been pretty hectic, and I haven't been able to get 500 calories burned every day, but the yesterday I had some time to work out, and burnt over 600 calories. So I am trying to get a lot of calories burned, just not quite the goal amount. As for the five different colors, I've at least been trying to get the colors in throughout the day, just not for every meal.

    But for those of you who are meeting the goal, and exceeding it, you're awesome!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    not sure if you were only putting losses but you forgot me on the list :) I lost nothing so not sure if I should be bringing attention to it :( Havent lost anything for 3 weeks now :( feel so rubbish about it! Ilost inches just not lbs :(

    so still 138lbs - I know I can be smaller as I have been before my childrenw ere born!!!!!!
    sorry about the oversite. will update you on the spreadhseet now
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So far I've got all my colors in, except for dinner. I'm really wanting to eat leftover pizza because I need to get rid of leftovers in the next few days. So that's two, white and red. Salad would be a good choice, but pizza usually is pretty filling for me lately. So if i have salad too, that adds green and purple. I need one more color.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    breakfast colors:
    white(- milk, yogurt
    red - raspberries
    blue: blueberries
    purple: blackberries
    tan - oatmeal

    calories burned: 312/500. taking a break for a bit, I'm tired from intense circuit stuff at home. Will take a walk with baby in stroller later and workout with my neighbor, which will put me over the top, I'm sure. Been banking a few extra calories burned everyday so I can take one day off this week. So far so good!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Been banking a few extra calories burned everyday so I can take one day off this week. So far so good!
    That's exactly what I've been doing too!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Just made a delicious sandwich for lunch. I think I got 4 different colors, unless I count the mustard, but I don't think I will.

    Brown - whole wheat bread
    White - turkey, cheese
    Green - avocado
    Red - tomatoes

    I've been slacking on the exercise this week (sorry!). I've just been feeling really tired and letting myself off the hook. I'm going to try to remedy that today.

    Great job, everyone!
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    Hi guys, glad to see everyone is doing pretty good on their exercise. I'm been hitting 500 on average so I'm happy, sore, but happy. I'm kinda in a food rut now though. Yesterday wasn't a great day, I didn't go over my budget thanks to my workout but I went out to eat instead of cooking what I have. I'm tired of the same old things so I've got to figure out a way to mix things up. I like the soup idea (considering we just got blasts with more snow!). So I'm off to look at cookbooks and then the store.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    ok. I know I am a week late to this challenge, but I've been off the wagon for six months.I've got a long list of excuses, but i choose to cast them down. So, in one month, give or take a few days, I choose to lose
    by April 25> 160
    by May 25> 148
    by June 25> 135
    GW 135.0
    What do you think,people, can it be done?

    to hit 160 by the 25th you would need to lose 3.76lbs a week (thats alot) if you ate 2000cals a day you would need to burn from exercise 13160 cals a week from exercise (if my maths is right) and if tour working out that much you must eat at least your 2000 cals aday as your daily burn would need to be 1880, your net intake would only be 120cals a day. so if my maths is right after working that out id say workout more so you can eat more. (but when your full your full) good luck x
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    No worries Olivia just didnt want to be missed off in the future just in case I lose lol
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    47 minute walk, 40 minutes yard work = 555 calories burned and colors in my food. Sun is shining today!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hi guys, glad to see everyone is doing pretty good on their exercise. I'm been hitting 500 on average so I'm happy, sore, but happy. I'm kinda in a food rut now though. Yesterday wasn't a great day, I didn't go over my budget thanks to my workout but I went out to eat instead of cooking what I have. I'm tired of the same old things so I've got to figure out a way to mix things up. I like the soup idea (considering we just got blasts with more snow!). So I'm off to look at cookbooks and then the store.
    @nikkimarie - go to cookinglight.com, you'll get great low cal meal ideas there. I've been on a kick of trying recipes from their mexican dishes
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I love cookinglight.com too, great site for healthy easy meals to make, I like reading the reviews.
    Lots of colors in my food today!
    Still working on burning 200 more calories this evening somewhere...did 300 on the xbox again today. I think I will either do that again or do some walking.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    got close to all my colors today:
    breakfast - 5 (as noted earlier)

    lunch (weight watchers mexican soup): 5
    yellow: corn
    red: tomato, red pepper, jalepenos
    green: green beans & peas
    white: greek yogurt, garlic
    light green/yellow green: tomatillos
    purple: blackberries

    dinner: 4
    red & green: chard
    white: chicken
    yellow: yellow pepper
    orange: carrots
    (going to drink a beer at trivia, does that count as a color: golden? :laugh: )

    just under 100 cals left to burn. off to workout with my neighbor and hit 500+ for the day. midday I wanted to call it a day for exercising, but I'm pushing through and feeling good about it!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Accumulate 500-ish calories burned daily 2/7
    2. Food colors 0/7

    Calorie burned total: 1354/3500
    I only got 312 burned today. Breakfast and lunch colors, I did get.
    Edit: I got more calories burned in, 15.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ Madamelaporte - you're about to hit double digit weight loss! WoooHooo!!! Keep up the great work!

    Week 2 / Day 3
    Exercise - 1230 for total of 3567/ 3500 (cycle, walk, ran)
    Food -
    Breakfast - white, red, green
    Lunch - orange, yellow, red, white, green
    Dinner - white, red, green, brown
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member

    LOL!! Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in, so no one would think I'm ducking out :tongue:
    First of all, thank you for the kind words, over the loss of my friend. I really appreciate it.

    Ok, no more tears...
    Work is killing me right now, making me feel very defeated, and I'll be honest, I really don't feel like working out. But I'm hoping a couple of advil pm's and a good nights sleep will take care of that!
    Colors today:
    Beige-kashi oatmeal...yumm
    White-almond milk...double yum
    Coffee & creamer (that's my breakfast staple-ha ha)
    HORRIBLE work cafeteria choices-
    White-ravioli filled with Brown mushrooms
    Cream & Green-mystery sauce for ravioli
    Brown again-1 piece of filet...seriously, terrible offerings today!
    Red-pasta sauce
    varying browns-turkey & mushrooms
    white-ish-whole wheat spaghetti
    Green-green beans

    At least I AM thinking about it, and TRYING!! (yesterday was much better)

    Everyone is doing so great, keep up the awesome work!! :flowerforyou:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    @leslie - hang in there. if you can keep up a sensible diet and even a little bit of exercise in the midst of this diffiuclt than you know you are changing your life in good ways. It's the hard times that really test us. Remember that you will cope better with life stresses when your mind and body are fueled with healthy food and exercise. My thoughts are with you...