New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks for theanswer repobob.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Adam, that's great! I can really tell a difference. Keep it up!!

    On a side note. I don't think I fractured my wrist, but I did definitely strain some muscles. Today is better, but still wrapped and not able to sleep through the night (even took vicodin). Oh well, thank goodness for recovery week, my treadmill and bike. Today I will attempt to stretch and maybe do one handed elliptical.

    Ack! Really hope its not a fracture! Take it easy and goodluck with your recovery. Even when it feels better, take it easy! My wife did the same thing with her calf, and pushed too hard too soon (joined me for a Plyo workout...ouch). Set her back another month in her recovery.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Skipped Yoga yesterday and went to a chair pilates class and stayed for zumba afterwards. What a workout! Feels awesome to be able to go to class I have never done and keep up with everyone (except for my total lack of rythm in zumba, lol) Back on schedule, CardioX tonight!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Wow Adam! Fantastic!

    Did Zumba today - great workout - lots of icky sweat! Finished it up with abs! Da
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Today starts Recovery Week. I haven't even looked at the schedule, but I think it's Core Syn. I've heard good things about it, so I'm looking forward to it. Also excited to have a whole week of cardio!

    And I am proud to say that I did the WHOLE yoga dvd yesterday. Finally! Wasn't as boring as I thought, but it really helped doing it with my husband. He said the same thing. So we may try it together once a week or so. My back was totally screwed up, but today it feels alright. Is yoga supposed to be good for bad backs? Anyway, in 90 min I burned less than 180 calories. Just isn't a burn for me, so I think it will be rest day exercise instead.

    Good job everyone! Keep bringing it! I am so anxious to take measurements at the end of this week!!!


    Yoga is fantastic for bad backs, it really strengthens all of the important muscle groups that support the spine. However DO modify some of the more 'advanced' poses, so no bridges, or wheels or cranes okay ;-)

    I had chronic back pain after being hit by a car as a kid, and taking up yoga in my teens literally cured my back pain. It's gone. Completely. The only back pain I get now is on the top of my neck from poor desk posture at work lol. I HIGHLY recommend Yoga.


    So for me, tonight is arms & shoulders, I'm making do the best I can with insufficient weights, but that's life - soon my 10lbs will arrive!.

    For those doing Zumba classes on top of p90x.. do you like it? I hear good things, I see amazing caloric burns (that I know I won't achieve with my height/weight but that's fine) .. will I feel like a clumsy self conscious dummy if I try a video out?
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    And Adam I see a HUGE difference in your pics - great progress!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Im Thinking about purchasing this workout system. Can anyone please tell me how much daily committment is there to do it? Im trying to decide if this is a good idea for me or not.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Im Thinking about purchasing this workout system. Can anyone please tell me how much daily committment is there to do it? Im trying to decide if this is a good idea for me or not.

    Most workouts are one hour. On ab ripper X days - you add about 16 minutes to that hour. THe only exception (I believe) is Yoga X which is a 90 minutes. These times do include warm-up and cool-down!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Im Thinking about purchasing this workout system. Can anyone please tell me how much daily committment is there to do it? Im trying to decide if this is a good idea for me or not.

    About an 75 minutes on weight days (target area plus abs), cardio is about an hour, and yoga runs 90 minutes. The classic schedule is weight, cardio, weight, yoga, weight, cardio, rest.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the speedy response. Im going to go for it!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member

    For those doing Zumba classes on top of p90x.. do you like it? I hear good things, I see amazing caloric burns (that I know I won't achieve with my height/weight but that's fine) .. will I feel like a clumsy self conscious dummy if I try a video out?

    I am not doing Zumba on top of P90x - I am incorporating it into my schedule, by subbing it for Cardio X and Yoga X (although I have been trying to get 30 minutes of the Yoga in on those days). I don't have a heart rate monitor - so I am not sure how much I am burning, but I sweat, it feels good, and I am so goofy and uncoordinated, but I can do most of it - if I can't do a move, I just keep moving and doing something!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Oh. My. Word. Back and Biceps today and I don't think I will be able to lift my arms tomorrow! On that strip set on the first two sets of weight I couldn't finish the last rep I was so gassed! (Yes, I did write it down.) I'm doing all the pull up moves with a band since I don't have a bar. I think I've just decided to stick with the bands until my next round. That will give me time to get a pull up bar figured out before I need it.

    The last two times I've done the ARX I've made it through all the exercises and today was the first day I was able to do the mason twists with my feet actually off the floor! I did 20 before I had to put my heels on the ground to finish up. Progress is being made!

    i did have my DH take my pictures last night. At first I was so bothered that I just couldn't see any difference but DH was pointing out where I'm trimmer. My stomach, hips and legs are the most noticeable but my shoulders are smaller too. One thing that really excited me was that on the back view on day one I had a definite "spill over' on my waistband whereas the 30 day pics it's gone!

    Now I'm just going to sit here and feel my muscles quiver for awhile before I practice my TKD form.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Oh. My. Word. Back and Biceps today and I don't think I will be able to lift my arms tomorrow! On that strip set on the first two sets of weight I couldn't finish the last rep I was so gassed! (Yes, I did write it down.) I'm doing all the pull up moves with a band since I don't have a bar. I think I've just decided to stick with the bands until my next round. That will give me time to get a pull up bar figured out before I need it.

    The last two times I've done the ARX I've made it through all the exercises and today was the first day I was able to do the mason twists with my feet actually off the floor! I did 20 before I had to put my heels on the ground to finish up. Progress is being made!

    i did have my DH take my pictures last night. At first I was so bothered that I just couldn't see any difference but DH was pointing out where I'm trimmer. My stomach, hips and legs are the most noticeable but my shoulders are smaller too. One thing that really excited me was that on the back view on day one I had a definite "spill over' on my waistband whereas the 30 day pics it's gone!

    Now I'm just going to sit here and feel my muscles quiver for awhile before I practice my TKD form.

    I just did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and I feel the same way...I can barely lift my shoulders. This is the first time I have done this workout (I am doing Lean...first appearance is in Phase 2).

    The recovery week did me wonders because I saw similar improvement in Ab Ripper-X, especially in the V-Ups and Mason Twists. Overall, I was able to do the moves with more fluidity than before...the little improvements is what gets me excited, especially in Ab Ripper. I dreaded that workout 5 weeks ago, now I sorta look forward to it.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Today has been so frustrating... from a stressful day at work to walking home through a blizzard to babysitting a screaming baby for almost three hours to the fact that I still have papers that I need to grade. Plus I had no time to do Kenpo X, which I love. And I already used my rest day for this week. I haven't missed a day yet, and it's really ticking me off that I have to start now. Maybe over the weekend I will make it up, but it's already pretty busy with Yoga on Sunday.

    Really, I just need a rest. I have been working so hard this month to get ready for my upcoming trip and move to start the next phase of my training. I would loooooove a day to sleep in and just take it easy. No rest for the weary, I suppose. At least not yet.

    Sorry for the pity party. I'm sure I will feel better when I'm busting out push-ups again tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that going over 40 days without missing a workout is pretty durn impressive. Thanks for being the support I need, guys! Keep pushing play!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Evening X’ers! Today was Shoulders & Arms & Abs! Brought it hard for sure! I have also revamped my diet a bit. I realized I had some things in there with hidden sugars…no good! So, I’m going to continue my “new” diet into phase II so I can hopefully lose some pounds!

    Cnance: I really hope you feel better soon! I used to get sinus infections all the time, no fun! Get better so you can bring it again with us!

    Jljohnson: Hope your potluck went ok and not too much indulging!

    Adam: WOW!!!!! You look fantastic my friend! Nice work! I can totally see those results! You’ve got to be one happy guy! Keep it up!

    Liz: Hope that wrist heals girl!

    Becca: I love Zumba! Such a fun workout! Bring it tonight with Cardio X!

    Wedding: Just like everyone said, you should allow a good 75 min on weight days; the longest workout is 90 min long, that’s the yoga. You are going to love this program! I hope you stick around here and share your experience with us!

    Fran: Way to go today! Nice results with your first 30 days! Love to hear about your progress, gotta love it! I bet you totally have results in your pics! Make sure to drink lots of water tonight, repair those guns! Lol

    Anny: Sorry you’ve had a hectic day. I know how you feel by missing workouts, doesn’t make for a happy camper! I get cranky! Keep pushing through girl, you’ll get there, rest when you need it, the stress alone will have effects on your results, so don’t stress too much! We’ll be here for ya!

    Well, time to call it a night all! Keep bringing it! You are all so inspiring to me and to each other!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hello everyone! I had a few mins while on break (work 3rd shift) and thought I'd check in. I did Legs, Back, and Ab ripper before work tonight and I am feeling a little sore but I'm not complaining!! :) Tomorrow is KENPO X yay!! My favorite of all of the workouts! Good job today everyone!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I will keep you all updated! I can't wait for it to come in the mail. I ordered from your site too! Maybe if I get really ambitious I'll have to buy some other programs also to be able to mix things up. I'm not looking forward to the yoga aspect I'm a big blob and not very graceful lol.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey everybody, today was my kenpo day but I found a firm video at the library called "the 500 calorie workout" that I just had to try. Since it's a cardio day for me I did it this a.m. and burned 486 calories. I'm not really coordinated but kept up with most of it. At the end there was a couple of ab moves that seemed totally basic after doing p90x for the past 6 weeks even though I still can't do all 300 reps with tony!

    Love to hear that everyone is losing inches! I keep forgetting to take mine but I needed to buy new jeans last week a size smaller!

    Adam pix look great!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Today I swapped Yoga for Kenpo. Good workout, but I didn't get as good of a calorie burn as I see with a lot of other workouts (only 360 calories this morning). Maybe I wasn't pushing hard enough?

    Question for everyone... What are some good snacks? I'm trying to go a little higher protein, lower carb. I currently do string cheese, greek yogurt, nuts, and some protein bars/shakes. I just don't want to get burnt out.

    I also am going to try increasing my calories. I changed my goal from 1lb per week to 1/2 lb per week, which will give me a little over 200 calories more a day. I've been feeling really run down these last few weeks, and I'm hoping I just need to fuel myself a little better.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Made it through 2/3 of Legs and Back this morning. Subbed Windsor Pilates for Ab Ripper ... and as god as my witness I am going to stick it out during Ab Ripper if it kills me. I was better at the Pilates than I thought... and I realized this isnt going to get me to where I want to be ... so I am going to gut it out on Ab Ripper and just do my best ... thats it!