The most common mistake women make!



  • Sammyk50
    Sammyk50 Posts: 77 Member
    Bump :)
  • cayzee
    cayzee Posts: 5 Member
    I found this to be true. I joined a local gym in Feb and started a rigorous workout plan 6 days a week. I dropped my caloric intake to under 1000 cal/day and less than 20 carbs/daythinking this would give me a good start. I didn't lose anything! Finally, two weeks ago, I joined a weight loss challenge group and the trainer increased my calories to 1532/day and my carbs to over 200/day. I lost 7 lbs in the last two weeks! I feel so much better and have a lot more energy even though I work out from 1 to 3 hours at the gym 6 days a week.
  • foleykm22
    foleykm22 Posts: 32
    AWESOME! I think if we all started looking at this journey as trying to get our bodies healthier, we would all be a lot more successful.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    there are numerous others, what it boils down to is finding what works for you, for some of us eating 5 or 6 small meals a day works for others 3 meals a day works. I just listen to my body as the needs can change daily.

    Thanks! I think listening to our bodies is something most of us can work on. Good advice. And thanks for the links!
  • Albylulu
    Albylulu Posts: 2
    Oh goodness. I just started and read your advice and it made sense. Bottom line (for me personally) thank you girl!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Ok people I decided to write this one for the women as they seem to make this mistake all to often as well as some men, but more so the women.
    1) When they join regardless of how much they weigh or their stats they instantly go for that golden 1200 cal/day minimum.
    2) They workout as much as possible and eat as little as possible.
    3) They totally starve the body for fuel and nutrition this way and either have 0 weight loss or have a great start until the body adapts and then stops them dead in their tracks.

    Now I know what you are thinking, less in + more out = greater fat loss and to some extent that is true until you factor in the bigger picture here. I also know that there are the naysayers who have lost lots of weight doing just that, well here is a news flash for those women I bet you may have lost fat but the bulk of what you lost is the muscle girls, slowing the metabolic rate down to a snails pace. Now I can sit here and preach all day long about diet and advice but I am not going to do so in this post, short and sweet I will give you the condensed version in an analogy that is deadly accurate and gives you a crystal clear overall picture.

    Think of it like driving a car, you have a limited amount of gas before the car starts to break down. The calories or fuel that mfp gives you will get you to your destination driving at 80 mph. Now think of exercise as getting you there at 120 mph but not stopping for fuel means that the tires get worn down faster, the car will break down easier and in the end will explode. The body is the car, the calories are the fuel, the tires are your muscle without proper fuel they break down and in the end the body feeds off itself. The point of the exercise is to increase the metabolic rate (the speed at which you can safely drive) not to burn off the fuel (calories).

    Cardio burns fuel off in the short term, weight training raises the overall metabolic rate and increases your fat loss but neither will do you any good if you are not fueling the body right. All that hard work, sweat, tears in the mirror when you are not seeing results are because you are your own worst enemy. Work with your body and not against it. You can choose to be a prius or a "insert fav exotic or muscle car here", does not matter which, but the "fav exotic or muscle car" is a lot more fun and that is the one who feeds their body right and rips down the road of fat loss blowing right by you like you are standing still.
    guilty of both!!!
    oh but you forgot one. :smile:
    a lot of women belive in lifting small weights and more reps thinking that by lifting heavier they'll bulk up...negative. this one I'm actually not guilty of!
    thanks for posting.
  • chickylet
    chickylet Posts: 76
    When i read some of your topics yesterday, i thought you sounded like you had some good advice , now i'm not so sure !

    YOU have just offended 90% of the female population on this site!

    For starts "The most common mistake women make" Just as many men, work out to hard and eat to little..

    secondly we are not GUYS!

    Your welcome to look at my diary , i don't starve myself..

    I go to body pump twice a week , i know i don't do cardio , but i think i should do some...

    Please if you are going to write post , for or about women , speak to some first!
  • chickylet
    chickylet Posts: 76
    I don't find this posting offensive at all. It's true, alot of women do starve themselves thinking it's going to help them lose the weight faster. I was one of those people until I joined this site. If you read most of the comments, there doesn't seem to be many people upset by this post other than yourself. Maybe you shouldn't speak for the other females that use this site!!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    WOW this is all getting pretty nasty....I say we let it go!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    WOW this is all getting pretty nasty....I say we let it go!
    I do not get upset at what ppl post on here good or bad, I am hoping that others take it as lightly as I do.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Not offended. I've been on both sides. At one point I had no appetite for whatever reason and was eating only 600 cals a day because I simply wasn't hungry. I unsafely got down to 108. Then I started P90X and obviously put on weight for a few reasons. I've been at it for over a year now. Even with P90X's formula, I wasn't getting enough calories. I joined MFP so I could actually get the right amount of calories for my work outs. In all my time with P90X I hadn't lost weight or inches. Now after almost 3 weeks with MFP, Ive lost 5 pounds and finally lost an inch. My base goal is set higher than my BMR. Like I said before, I eat back all exercise calories so I take in anywhere from 1850 to sometimes over 2000 calories a day. The difference is astonishing. The amount you need to eat each day depends on what you burn during work outs and such and as much as I love P90X , their formula doesn't account for that.

    I might also say that I LOVED the car part as one of my favorite shows is Top Gear =} I would also say I'd like to be the Bugatti and am now safely and effectively on my way.
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