INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Are you keeping measurements as well as checking the scale? I know alot of people on here have said they saw a lot of movement with inches and less so with the actual scale probably because of the toning aspect of INSANITY. Also I know I had to make sure I ate back my exercise calories because I was not getting enough intake in with what I was putting out. I'm only on week 2 of Insanity but learned that lesson a while ago.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Are you keeping measurements as well as checking the scale? I know alot of people on here have said they saw a lot of movement with inches and less so with the actual scale probably because of the toning aspect of INSANITY. Also I know I had to make sure I ate back my exercise calories because I was not getting enough intake in with what I was putting out. I'm only on week 2 of Insanity but learned that lesson a while ago.

    I lose inches not pounds. My scale is stuck. Anything shrinking is ok with me though. :laugh:

    I forgot who asked me: tomorrow is the plyo one. Since my arms feel like lead weights right now, I'm not looking forward to it. :happy:
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    I started this week but it hasn't been a good one...

    Monday - Fit Test - holy moly I almost threw up.
    Tuesday - Plyometric Cardio - made it until the last set of exercises then did the cool down. This was intense but felt good.
    Wednesday - snow storm hit and shoveled the driveway which made me burn over 600 calories so I didn't feel so bad missing the workout.
    Thursday - serious migraine and was in bed the moment I got home from work.
    Friday - looking forward to tonight and getting my butt kicked :)

    I have a feeling the scale isn't going to move too much but I'm happy with the inches that drop off. My goal is to drop a size at least by May 7th for family event I need to go to. Hopefully that isn't too realistic.

    Good luck everyone!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I think my favorite move is the moutain climber!!
    Today was a rest day for me! It feels weird to do nothing (excpet work all day). tomorrow is fit test, which is really not much, so I was thinking of running since I used to run 20 miles per week and since starting Insanity I havent run at all. Anyone have any thoughts about doing a workout on a fit test day???

    Kisha: dont get discouraged. I started this program because I was in a plateau, and I noticed that alot of people dont notice any physical changes (weight) for several weeks after starting the program. It may just take your body a little bit to adjust, and also make sure you are drinking alot of fluid!!! Keep track of measurements as well. i just started a couple of weeks ago and havent had much of a loss, even though I have at least 500 calorie defecit per day. remember with all this work you may be building muscle!!!! Keep with it !!!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Cee- Yes, we do it all together. Hubby gets home from work at 5:30 and we all jump into workout clothes, do the workout, then eat dinner (I usually try to have it ready to pop into the oven as we start and it's usually done by the time we're done), then everyone cleans up and the kids run off to their turns in the shower and disappear for the evening. But, I figure by then we've spent at least 1.5 hours together, which is a lot at their ages, or at least that's what they lead me to believe, LOL.

    We started working out together as a family last summer, when we were doing Couch to 5K and did awesome, but then winter hit, and with our brutal temps (the Interior of Alaska) we don't do much during the winter besides running out to the wood shed to bring in another load! We definitely needed to find something we could do indoors, although today, I'll be sad being stuck inside as we've edged above freezing (36 atm) and it's GORGEOUS out there! I wish we had time for an evening walk tonight, but it's grocery shopping day, so it'll be a late night for us, but worth it to get it over with tonight so tomorrow a.m. is nice and relaxed!

    We did Cardio Recovery yesterday and today I am SO sore.. not looking forward to Power and Resistance on top of these muscles, ugh.

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Wow, Veronica, that is AWESOME!! My kids vary so widely in age (17, 14, 7 and 6) that it wouldn't be realistic. Like I said before, my 14-year-old son tried the fit test and it wasn't for him. My 17-year-old daughter tried doing the EA Sports Active 2 and she's just too lazy to keep up with it. She'd rather be on the phone or computer. *sigh* I try but I don't want to push the exercise part too hard on them. They're really good with the eating bit so I figure that's best anyhow. :smile:

    Today was Pure Cardio followed by Cardio Abs. Bootylicious, no popping body parts, sorry! :laugh: I have NO clue how they were able to do the one move where you bring your knees in first, straighten and then lift up in the air. I was able to do ONE whole rep without stopping. Wow, those were tough. Rest day tomorrow and then fit test on Monday.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    So I am not doing the full program...but did do the Plyo for the first time after work to get some extra cardio in since it was a weight day for P90X. WOW! I only did about 25 minutes because I didn't want to totally wear myself out for the other workout later. I LOVE IT! My heartrate was up to 160 and I burned 405 cals! I am going to try the other workouts over the next 4 weeks while I finish P90X. I think it's going to be AMAZING!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Insanity shipped and should have it next week... Plan on starting it on Monday Apr 4. I dont understand why I'm so excited to put myself through this pain... lol.. Yes I do.. I want to get back into great shape like I was 16 yrs ago!!!!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was Pure Cardio followed by Cardio Abs. Bootylicious, no popping body parts, sorry! :laugh: I have NO clue how they were able to do the one move where you bring your knees in first, straighten and then lift up in the air. I was able to do ONE whole rep without stopping. Wow, those were tough. Rest day tomorrow and then fit test on Monday.

    That's the move that makes me pop!! Something today was making my back pop too. I think I'm just falling apart. LOL

    Plyo today. I was in bed saying "I don't want to workout! I don't want to workout!" and my 11 year old said "come on mom...get going!" He watched for about 5 minutes and left because he was "jealous" that I could do it.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Aww!! Didn't you feel good after working out? My 7-year-old decided he was going to do the warm-up during Cardio Abs with me. I had to tell him to stop because he had no shoes on and we were doing a bunch of jumps. I don't want him to hurt himself. I felt bad telling him to stop though. :(

    Ed, can't wait to have you join us! I was SO nervous before the first workout (not the fit test) but now I can't wait to get started every day!! :smile:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good work everyone. Glad you got your workouts in today. Keep it up! :)

    I did Max Interval Sports Training. It's by far my favorite of them all.

    Tomorrow is my off day. I think I need it. My abs are still screaming (especially my obliques) at me from the last few workouts,
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I always feel good AFTER. That's why I like the inhale/exhale part. That means I finished it! I like the plyo one. Monday is pure cardio and cardio abs. That's a lot to expect from me on a monday morning. :happy:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    But it's the start of the end of the first month then a week of recovery. How exciting is that??? :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Today was Cardio Power and Resistance for the second time. The only thing getting easier is the stretch! Getting alittle worried about how Phase 2 is going to go!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    But it's the start of the end of the first month then a week of recovery. How exciting is that??? :laugh:

    That is really exciting!! Wish I was there. :tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great weekend workouts all! I'm off schedule...go figure since it's the weekend! Hubs is at a volleyball tournament so I've been home painting, cleaning, wresting active children...and haven't gotten to the gym yet. Ate okay and I will go to get in Plyo after he gets home but I feel so...blah!! Must be from being off schedule because I have been super busy with all my to dos. Finally got my stairway molding painted with help from my 4 year old and hung family pictures. Of course I have paint all over my self but that'll come off with some sweat during Insanity! LoL.
  • NataliaXtine
    I am on my almost done with my 4th week of Insanity and have become a little disappointed with my results. I push myself during every workout and can see no difference I don't want to give up but am a little discouraged. Any suggestions as I go into the week 5 which is supposed to be rest week???

    Today I finished day 4/6 of CC&B[Recovery week]. SW:164 CW:156. I lost 6#s the first 2 weeks & the scale fluctuated UP afterwards so I stayed off it til day 30 bc I didn't want to get discouraged. Now, I base my results on measurements & how my clothes fit. When I started my size 7/8 jeans were FITTED. Now, they are loose in the waist area AND I can see the incision from my c-section[the pooch used to cover it;)]

    Try to stay off the scale, eat your exercise calories, get lots of rest, drinks LOTS of water, & KEEP PUSHING PLAY!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hey there!!

    today was my 2nd fit test. I will post results tomorrow, but overall I did slightly better. I guess I thought I would do better than I did. I also went and ran 4 miles after the fit test and was hoping that my time would be better since I noticed alot of runners who do this have said that they get quicker.

    Any runners out there have any input on this?? I dont know if my time was about the same or even slightly slower because I havent been running since I started, or because its too soon to see results. Do any runners run while doing insanity???

    Tomorrow I think is cardio circuit. I dont think I mind that one. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I am off to a gathering, hoping to stay away from the buffett. Wish me luck....
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I survived my first week of Insanity!!! Rest day tomorrow then back at it on Monday. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dawn, I don't have any advice for you. I'm still doing week 1 of C25k every now and then, not consistent at all.

    ldon, great job!

    Today is a rest day and I'm looking forward to relaxing! Enjoy your day, everybody!