Starvation Mode is Real, and ugly



  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Hang in there Marla.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    *bighugs* I'll check in more with you later. I'm so sorry, my dear.
  • greatvic
    greatvic Posts: 13
    Thank you for sharing this. I worry about not eating enough calories but also don't know how many I should be eating. And then once I add exercising in there it gets all confusing with the whole eat back what you burn. If I do that I'm eating close to 2000 calories and it's hard enough trying to eat 1500!!! I really need to find out more about this and if there is any information that you can give me to help me it would be appreciated. As for you I believe once your body catches up to the new signals you are sending it about no more starvation mode you will be back on track. Good luck and thank you.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I think this doctor is giving you good advice. The goal should be to be medicine free. Have you looked into homeopathy? Practitioners can be rather expensive but it is such a gentle way of treating the body. Maybe you body needs some gentleness. google homeopathy and edema.

    Praying for you my friend and hoping you spend many minutes of your day running to the bathroom as your body gets rid of all that extra fluid.:wink:

  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    I, also, took HCTZ for water retention due to hypothroidism and high blood pressure. It has had an effect on my kidneys, so please be very careful.
    Thank you again for starting this thread. I really think I have been in starvation mode for a long time and will try to eat more and see what happens.
    Have a great evening.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    I don't know if there's anything helpful in this link:

    But it arrived in my e-mail in box today, and I thought of you when I read the subject line: "Metabolic damage: what causes it & how to fix it."
  • ericzintx
    ericzintx Posts: 32
    As many replies as there are for this thread (I didn't read them all), I'm sure this has been said already, but this is a good reason why a lot of dieters give their body a cheat day once a week. It helps keep the metabolism chugging and doesn't suppress it for too long.

    Hopefully her metabolism will recover and she can do some carb-cycling to prevent this from happening again.

    I'm watching every calorie like a hawk too, and I'm just starting out. Luckily the program I am on addresses this very problem (and I am thankful for it).

    The best of wishes to you.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I, also, took HCTZ for water retention due to hypothroidism and high blood pressure. It has had an effect on my kidneys, so please be very careful.
    Thank you again for starting this thread. I really think I have been in starvation mode for a long time and will try to eat more and see what happens.
    Have a great evening.

    Yes, thank you-- I will indeed. What the doctor said was that an increase in dosage does not increase the efficacy, and only increases the risk of side effects, and cited kidney damage-- lovely.

    I took one last night and one tonight, and will make that do for a while-- my stomach is still unbelievably huge with water, but I don't want to go nuts.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't know if there's anything helpful in this link:

    But it arrived in my e-mail in box today, and I thought of you when I read the subject line: "Metabolic damage: what causes it & how to fix it."

    Thank you so much-- yes, two other friends posted this today and I have read it.

    What I came away with, coupled with a talk with my husband who used the dreaded "Q" word today-- "quit,", was that I have to keep going on the exercise, the weight lifting specifically-- that I've let it slip the past few weeks, that he felt I had been giving up the past couple weeks and that I can't quit. He's right-- I've been weary and forlorn. Family stress doesn't help, but no excuses....right?

    Thanks, very much-- need to get back on the horse-- this is reversible. I can't quit.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    As many replies as there are for this thread (I didn't read them all), I'm sure this has been said already, but this is a good reason why a lot of dieters give their body a cheat day once a week. It helps keep the metabolism chugging and doesn't suppress it for too long.

    Hopefully her metabolism will recover and she can do some carb-cycling to prevent this from happening again.

    I'm watching every calorie like a hawk too, and I'm just starting out. Luckily the program I am on addresses this very problem (and I am thankful for it).

    The best of wishes to you.


    Thanks, Eric-- and to you.

    I have been talking about cheat days, or spike days with Russell, a friend on here-- I agree it's very important. My biggest obstacle to getting everything back in order is going to be my resolve. I've never stopped, never quit....but I'm growing way too close.

    need to snap out of it....see below. My motto-- snap out of it, woman, and fix the mess you made!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Marla, you CAN'T quit! There are too many people on here who care about you and your success!!! We need you to succeed so that we know that we can also do it!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, you CAN'T quit! There are too many people on here who care about you and your success!!! We need you to succeed so that we know that we can also do it!


    Nah-- I'm no quitter. I let the wind get out of my sails the past couple weeks-- family crap going on, to boot-- but, it's all good.

    I'm down 10 pounds since taking my pill two nights ago-- that can't be good for the kidneys. But, I'm happy it's gone.

    197 this morning.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    Stress sure doesn't help, and family crap going on when you're already down just compounds it. But you *will* get through this, and you will feel lighter (figuratively and literally) and happier again. I just know it. It's funny. I don't know you, but I think about you often. I think a lot of people are pulling for you. There's power in numbers. :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Stress sure doesn't help, and family crap going on when you're already down just compounds it. But you *will* get through this, and you will feel lighter (figuratively and literally) and happier again. I just know it. It's funny. I don't know you, but I think about you often. I think a lot of people are pulling for you. There's power in numbers. :wink:

    Thank you, Jill--

    And hello, I'm Marla !!

    There, now you know me! I hang out in the black team thread-- best bunch of people on the planet. Feel free to visit and get to know us-- bunch of hard working, non-excuse making people.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    Stress sure doesn't help, and family crap going on when you're already down just compounds it. But you *will* get through this, and you will feel lighter (figuratively and literally) and happier again. I just know it. It's funny. I don't know you, but I think about you often. I think a lot of people are pulling for you. There's power in numbers. :wink:

    Thank you, Jill--

    And hello, I'm Marla !!

    There, now you know me! I hang out in the black team thread-- best bunch of people on the planet. Feel free to visit and get to know us-- bunch of hard working, non-excuse making people.

    Nice to meet you, Marla. :happy:

    I think I will stop by and visit. Sounds like my kind of people!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning-- well, another week, another stagnated weight. If I've learned anything in this past year, I know it could be worse! So, I'll take it. At least I've stopped gaining.

    I have slowly reduced caloric intake, but truthfully hadn't exercised the past 2 weeks. I began back up with classic P90x three days ago, so we'll see how we do going forward with 1970 calories and exercise. See if this ol' metabolism is adjusting yet.

    Additionally, doctor called with some blood work results-- low serum calcium in the blood. I have to go back for more tests for that-- not sure what that's all about, and she was rather vague about what she'd be worried about. So back I go today for more paperwork for more blood work.

    I don't know if the calcium issue would be left over from the malnutrition, or from the diuretics, blah, blah, blah-- so much to research, so little time. So I'll wait and see what that's all about.

    Any input to add, lay it on me.

    Have a great day--
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Glad to see at least you're holding steady. :wink:

    If you didn't catch it (or haven't already seen it elsewhere) this article might be helpful.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Yes, thanks, I have read the article. Thanks very much!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    thanks, Teresa--

    Haven't posted here in a while, because things are status quo-- working through medicine issues with the Hashimoto's-- I think I may be onto something, but I'm waiting for the medicines to arrive-- if it all works, I'll fill everybody in.

    I was very pleasantly surprised to see how strong and fit I am, despite all physical evidence to the contrary-- I'm big as a freaking house, but I played Frisbee football with the family yesterday, and kept up speed wise with my 11yo soccer player. I haven't been that fast in years-- no breaking sound barriers or anything like that, mind you-- but speed and agility, and stamina-- good stuff.

    Trying to remember that exercise is for health NOT just appearance has been very hard. I've had a lot of down days, moping around in depression over the fitness that's been lost-- and then I have a lovely reminder like yesterday, that tells me my fitness isn't lost-- my size and weight is screwy right now.

    Soooo-- for now, I'm pressing on. My husband bought me a gym membership, knowing I need a shot in the arm-- running around the neighborhood embarrasses me, especially in lieu of my weight this time last year-- nearly 40 pounds lighter. The shame of "putting all her weight back on" in the eyes of my neighbors, and then still running has been more than I can bear right now--

    Silly vanity, I know-- but, it is what it is.

    Still eating my calories-- still trying to determine what foods are bothering me, and then faithfully avoiding them-- that's been the biggie. But, all in all-- I'm still hanging in.
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