INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Hi Jabdye, you're in for a treat with Pure Cardio because even Shaun T has a curse for that one when it's over, lol. I literally LOL EVERY TIME at the end of that workout:laugh:

    Yep, I've laughed at it too! :laugh:

    This morning was Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs for me - 63 minutes of hell! Gotta love it though :)

    Welcome Tpiper55! Glad to have someone around who's also done this a time or 2 or 3...:)

    Mamareese - enjoy your day off :)

    It's hump day! Woohoo! :)
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Toni - Wow! Your tranformation is awesome! It is amazing that you are on your 3rd round as well! I don't know if I would be able to do another full round of this when I am done but we shall see! How do you like ChaLEAN Extreme in comparison to Insanity? I was looking into her programs for after completing Insanity.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Jabdye- I ALWAYS have a harder time during the last half of the week cause that damn "recovery" workout kicks my butt so bad and I end up with really sore legs, ugh! Still going strong here, doing plyometric circuit today.. I think it's my least favorite! Daughter is really struggling.. she somehow managed to pull a muscle in her leg while in bed and woke up limping badly yesterday. She did the workout with us yesterday, but didn't do any jumping and just worked at her own pace (adapting a lot to what she could do without pain). She looked like she was moving better this morning, had her ice the calf and was on ibuprofen all yesterday.

    I woke up this morning to a one pound loss on the scale, woo hoo. Had been holding steady for the last two weeks, but raised my calories and seem to be feeling better and now the scale moves! (I hadn't been super low, but around 1500ish, now shooting for closer to 1750 or 1800). Hope ya'll have a great workout today!

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    vallejos6- Great job on the loss!! Hope your daughter is feeling better!! Good for her for sticking with it and doing what she could do! Hopefully it heals up quickly!!

    kcmomof2~I love your updates!! Honest but optimistic! Makes me not sooooo scared of the next level in Insanity!!

    tpiper-I echo what they've said- your transformation is amazing!! Great job!! Way to work for it!

    As I updated on my 'wall', I'm having a little induldgence of Mom's home cooking (thanks jabdye for the no calories from Mom's cooking comments!! :laugh: ) Tuesdays and Wednesdays I always have to be extra careful because my kiddos and I stay there usually (she watches the kids those days and it's my work late day so it's easier on them not to have to go back and forth) so with her being the wonderful home cooking Mama she is...there's always plenty of guilt food to indulge in and I never want her to feel badly about making such delicious foods so Tuesdays I get in my good workout and watch my lunch calories to enjoy dinner. Last night was twice baked potatoes, corn, and a beef roast. PLUS she made chocolate jello pie which is one of my favorites- so simple but so delicious. So I stayed within calories yesterday (actually had a little left over) but today, I def. brought a potato and a slice of's heaven. Good thing we don't live next door to her or I might be having more trouble!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Also as a random comment, I notice that when I update on MFP during lunch with all the typing I do I take longer breaks between I get fuller faster! Now that's a double plus- get to catch up with my MFP pals and eat less!! :tongue:
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    THANKS for the warm welcome Everyone!!!:wink::happy: , I spent a good portion of my morning at work reading this thread and was hoping I'd found a HOME:flowerforyou: and great people to hang out with during this round of INSANITY. It really is so much easier when you have others going through the fire with you.

    kcmom - I LOVE '63 minutes of hell'...I'm going to have to use that in a day or two, and I'll be doing this :sad: too, lol

    Jennieodwyer - I haven't done INSANITY back-to-back (I'm not sure I could do that), normally I move on to a different Beachbody program. But this time, I had a specific goal for the beginning of summer and I knew INSANITY was the proverbial "straight line". Hmmm, please don't ask me to compare ChaLEAN and Shaun, lol. I LOVE them both. I'm a TurboKick instructor as well (TurboKick is the gym version of TurboJam). Seriously though, I really like Chalene's programs. ChaLEAN Extreme is more weight training and my avatar photo was from doing ChaLEAN Extreme. The transformation in that photo is from a four month period where I did the chalean extreme program as designed, then did the 4 week Lean For Life program at the end. I also like her TurboFire program because it's cardio based - it gives me the kickboxing that I love from TurboJam, but there are also HIIT workouts in the program (for those of us that love INSANITY:love: ). Let me know if you have any specific questions about her programs...I'm familiar with them all.

    Veronica - CONGRATS on that pound loss:flowerforyou:

    mamareese - Is your mom looking to adopt?:happy: oh, and I'm typing this response as I'm eating lunch and agree with what you posted about getting fuller faster. Looks like I've found my new lunchtime activity:wink:

    have a great day everyone and Keep Pushing PLAY :smile:
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    tpiper -- ... How long did it take to make that transformation?
    Jabdye, those photos were taken four months apart - during my first round of ChaLEAN Extreme. The program is 90 days, but I tacked on the 4 week Lean for Life rotation at the end. I got a bit more leaner when I did INSANITY but now I've gained a little and I'm back to where I was in the 'after' portion of my photo. So THAT'S why I came running back to INSANITY.

    Oh, by the way, I'm trying to lose 15lbs by June 1 (EEEEK, I put it out there)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Tpiper-I've got Chalean Extreme waiting once I'm through Insanity but I feel ike Turbo Fire is calling my name too. I sound pretty ambitious for someone who could barely roll out of bed this morning :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    tpiper -- ... How long did it take to make that transformation?
    Jabdye, those photos were taken four months apart - during my first round of ChaLEAN Extreme. The program is 90 days, but I tacked on the 4 week Lean for Life rotation at the end. I got a bit more leaner when I did INSANITY but now I've gained a little and I'm back to where I was in the 'after' portion of my photo. So THAT'S why I came running back to INSANITY.

    Oh, by the way, I'm trying to lose 15lbs by June 1 (EEEEK, I put it out there)

    Looks like we have similar goals -- I'm trying to lose 13 pounds by June 10th. Looking forward to doing this insane journey with you!
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    Tpiper-I've got Chalean Extreme waiting once I'm through Insanity but I feel ike Turbo Fire is calling my name too. I sound pretty ambitious for someone who could barely roll out of bed this morning :laugh:
    Shakemybooty - well if your screenname is any indication, you will LOVE TurboFire...the music is seriously banging!!! :laugh:
    Looks like we have similar goals -- I'm trying to lose 13 pounds by June 10th. Looking forward to doing this insane journey with you!
    Jabdye, we can do this!!! Let's hit those goals!!

    Did I mention how happy I am to have found this thread?:bigsmile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    ChaLEAN Extreme is more weight training and my avatar photo was from doing ChaLEAN Extreme. The transformation in that photo is from a four month period where I did the chalean extreme program as designed, then did the 4 week Lean For Life program at the end. I also like her TurboFire program because it's cardio based - it gives me the kickboxing that I love from TurboJam, but there are also HIIT workouts in the program (for those of us that love INSANITY:love: ). Let me know if you have any specific questions about her programs...I'm familiar with them all.
    First off, welcome!! Like Ms. Booty, I've been going back and forth between CLX and TF. But after reading your post and looking at your photo, I'm DEFINITELY going with CLX!!! Wow, your transformation is AMAZING. So inspirational! I'm still going to do TF but not until after CLX. Looks like I'll be doing BB workouts for the rest of this year!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Like Ms. Booty, I've been going back and forth between CLX and TF. But after reading your post and looking at your photo, I'm DEFINITELY going with CLX!!! Wow, your transformation is AMAZING. So inspirational! I'm still going to do TF but not until after CLX. Looks like I'll be doing BB workouts for the rest of this year!!

    We can suffer/look hot together! Woo hoo!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Welcome Toni!! Your pics are amazing!! I hope I look half as good as you in a few months!!

    Today I did cardio power and resistance. I dont know if I was delerious because of the early hour (5:20 am) or what, but I actually enjoy this workout!! I think its my favorite, although I still have the globe jumps. On the downside I mentioned that my right knee was creaking and crackilin and today i noticed a mild ache. Not even really an ache so much as a sense that my knee is starting to get upset. I find this surprising since I have run a couple marathons in the past with no pain whatsoever, but I did pick up some glucosamine/chodroitan and will start icing and wrapping my knee.
    Tomorrow is cardio circuit, which I dont mind. I think my least favorite is the pure cardio, which I thought would be my most favorite.

    Anyway I am going away next week and was going to take the workout with me, but since my knee is bothering me, I might just rest it and do running while I am away and pick up where I left off when I get back......

    have a great day everyone!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member had to say that Pure Cardio was your least favorite -- of course that is my scheduled torture for tomorrow!!! YIKES!!!

    Hope the knee feels better. A friend was warning me to be careful -- cause running never takes you bounding left or right, unless of course you are running in traffic. The moves are not natural in terms of running so......Be careful!!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member

    Today I did cardio power and resistance. I dont know if I was delerious because of the early hour (5:20 am) or what, but I actually enjoy this workout!! I think its my favorite, although I still have the globe jumps.

    I think Cardio Power and Resistance is also my favorite, even though I burn more calories with Plyo Cardio Circuit.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Quick update on my Fit Test results before I get ready for work: The only thing I was happy about were globe jumps. I actually went down one on that. I attribute it to just plain not pushing myself enough this morning. I'm not feeling 100% but I should have pushed just a little harder to see those numbers go up. I'll knock it out the next 2 weeks so the next fit test is much improved!!

    Switch Kicks 55
    Power Jacks 50
    Power Knees 80
    Power Jumps 26
    Globe Jumps 6
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push Up Jax 15
    Plan Oblique 48

    Push play!! Have a great morning and check back in later!!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Cardio circuit for me today!!

    Jab-I was thinking about you this am and glad that I wasnt doing pure cardio ;)
    Its not that bad, but def. not my favorite, the only thing that gets me through it is knowing its only 40 minutes total....not looking forward to max cardio.
    Rest day tomorrow, might do a short run, and then (aagghhh) pure cardio for saterday....
    Knee is fair, hoping that by wrapping it today that helped. Doesnt really hurt during workout, just creaking, but hurting slightliy afterwards.

    Anyway hope you all have a great day!!

    Dig deeper!!!!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    Pure Cardio COM-PLET-ED!!!!! Woohoo!! It was definitely tough. I like the water breaks (aka gasping for air breaks) in the other workouts. Definitely had to stop a couple of times -- but I enjoyed that one. I think, now that some of the muscle soreness is subsiding I might actually start liking these workouts. Today my obliques are a little sore -- glad to know they got a workout!

    Dawn -- take care of that knee! ARe you running while doing insanity? I'm trying to figure a way to add my running in so I don't lose my base. I have a 1/2 marathon coming up. I know I will get a lot of benefit in my running from completing insanity -- but I don't want to lose all my running stamina either. Any suggestions?

    Enjoy the day!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Today was recovery day. It burned so good!! Tomorrow is Cardio Power & Resistance. To be honest, I can't remember what exercises are in that DVD except jumping. lol Looking forward to out anyway. My favorite is actually Pure Cardio, as crazy as that sounds. I like being able to do a bunch of different exercises.
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    GOOD MORNING Everyone:wink::happy:

    Today is day 12, Cardio Power & Resistance...I think it's absolutely hilarious that CPR is the abbreviation for that workout cause that's what I feel like I NEED when I finish it:glasses: . I took a few pictures last night after I did Cardio Recovery yesterday and my abs are coming back in nicely. Hey, are any of you guys on facebook? If you are, I'm Toni Piper Brunson...I'd love to be friends.

    mamareese - wow, those numbers look good. I'm looking forward to taking my second fit test on Sunday. I can't wait!!

    Julie - re: adding in running...are you strapped for time? Maybe you could swap out Cardio recovery for a run and extended stretch workout, then just add a run for a double workout on one of the shorter workout days. You can certainly maintain your running fitness level with two days. Probably can't increase it, but you could definitely maintain, just a thought. Let us know what you decide.:smile:

    Did you guys know that Beachbody is releasing a follow-up to INSANITY called The Asylum? It's scheduled to be released THIS MONTH!!!:noway: I'm a Beachbody Coach, so we'll be able to order it early and it will take everything I have in me to NOT do it while I'm doing INSANITY...but most likely that will be my next program.

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