Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I just realized something!!! I guess this will go toward my "Thursday triumphs" too! So like I've mentioned before, I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30-day shread and last night was day 6 on level 1 for me. Anyway, As I was throwing my hair up in a pony tail just now (bad hair day UGH) I realized that the flab under my arms, the stuff that keeps going even after you're done waving, is not so flabby anymore! WOOHOO!! I keep cursing at Jillian for being such a b!t3h, but I think I'll start thanking her instead! :laugh:

    CONGRATS that is great. I have the 30 day shred but havent tried it yet because I have heard how hard it is and with the fibromyalgia I am scared to do it, but I hate the underarm flabbiness. Maybe I should give it a try. I am glad you are now thanking Julian. She maybe tough but she gets results
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    I had a killer workout tonight, ran out of steam about halfway thru, it was really tough...I don't think I had enough protein today before the workout. Tomorrow will be a rest day or at least a light cardio day as I was pre-warned that Friday will be a heavy cardio day for the first half.

    Luv you all..Sweet Dreams :yawn:

    Awesome working out Shelly!!!!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thursday Triumph: I'm celebrating a few things today.

    1. I'm almost finished with Spring Cleaning Projects. There are still a couple of really big jobs left, but most of the little stuff is done.
    2. I've exercised nearly everyday for the past three weeks!!
    3. I'm still excited about being down another size in jeans. I only have one more pair that is a size smaller than the ones I"m in now. I'll have to go shopping soon!!
    4. While my weight hasn't dropped as quickly as I'd like, it is coming down, and with my blood sugar numbers as well!!

    Enjoy your week every one; the weekend is almost here!


    Congratulations on all your recent triumphs!!!! Sounds like you are doing super!!! No doubt the scale will keep on moving with all the work you are putting into it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Its a little after midnight here in Washington but I wanted to check in anyway. I was up 2 pounds this week! I am upset, but at the same time...I am motivated to work even harder this week. I am going to adjust my calories, so I am allowed less..drink more water, and exercise more. We'll see if that'll work. It should right? Going to the dr on Monday for a complete physical as well...maybe its my thyroid....thats a joke by the way! lol. Parf of my problem is...I dont eat much during the day...due to Im working..and I just dont have time. Then...I spend my evenings on the couch...snacking. I need to break that habit. OK>>>everyone...its a new week! thanks for all your support!:flowerforyou:

    You can totally do this Jackie. Sorry your workday is too hectic to be able to eat much. But, I agree with you that getting moving a bit more should definitely help. Hang in there - you are doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all. It has been a killer busy day here at work! I have to hit the grocery on the way home and then hopefully make a spot of dinner and get some exercise!

    My Thursday Triumph is that I exercised yesterday. While I have been walking every day, I decided with the pain in my foot, I needed to lay off it for the night. Had planned to veg on the couch all evening, basically using the foot injury as an excuse to do nothing. An hour or so after having dinner, I was feeling like a slug, so I drug my big *kitten* up the stairs, put my iPod in the speaker doc, cranked up some tunes and did 30 minutes of strength training. It certainly did not burn as many calories as my cardio normally does, but I was spent after and pleased as punch with myself for not letting the foot pain keep me from doing something positive last night! :bigsmile:

    Cathy, wonderful triumphs my dear! You are doing fantastic!!! Avoiding eating your stress is a huge accomplishment!!! You and I have a similar goal – amusement park rides. I used to love to go to King’s Island and long for the days when I can go for 2 days, ride every ride and walk the snot out of my legs!!!

    Kelly, I am so jealous of you being across the pond where history happened!!! The Showtime series The Tudors got us really hooked on ready about Henry and his wives/children. I will have to find the book you recommended at the local library.

    Sara, wonderful successes!!! I understand what it is to do something that most people take for granted – like climbing a little ladder or walking to their car without getting winded. I am so proud of you!!!!

    Claudia, congrats on sticking with the 30DS!!! Imagine if you feel good after 6 days how great you will feel after 30! And good job with the loss – every little ounce lost adds up! Oh and super news on the bat wing improvement!!!

    Sheri, great job with the commitment to going to the gym and doing other exercise! And thanks for the inspirational quotes!

    Mollie, thanks as always for the inspirational posts. Also, thanks tons for preparing the group chart. My info was correct by the way!

    Hugs to all. Hope to be back on tonight, but if not, know that I am proud of each and every one of you wonderful ladies!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    I've been trying to get caught up from being off work last week so I haven't had much time to get on MFP. I'm logging my food but haven't had the time to read & post.

    Thursday Triump
    It has been 3 months since I joined the Group Personal Training at the gym & I was measured today to see how much progress I've made. I've lost 13.2" total. I'm very excited about that & I can really tell in my clothes.

    Today I'm trying to comment on everyone & I know that I didn't quite make it but bear with me, it is my first attempt at a mega post!

    @cassienoir – I tend to be sensitive to sodium as well & retain water like crazy if I have too much. Great job on walking 20 minutes at a time. It will get easier the more you do it.

    @jjustjo – Congrats on the new space & the screened porch. I love mine.

    @katzpaws – Sorry the new scale has caused you aggravation by showing an unexpected number but Mollie is right. The amount the old scale showed that you lost is correct. Just revel in the fact that you are in smaller clothes. That is a better indicator of how you are doing than the actual amount of weight lost.

    @Claudia007 – Ooooo, you are going to Onederland by the end of April. I want to go, too!

    @gabbygirl – Hate to hear that you are up 2lbs this week. I’m up 1lb myself & am not happy about it! Let’s work extra hard this next week to get rid of it.

    @milesbackwards – I also talk to my computer rather sternly (that’s code for yelling, screaming & cussing at it). Sometimes it works but most of the time the darn thing just sits there & laughs at me.

    @cathyv – Regarding your husband if he’s like mine, he needs to actually see something to believe it. Might want to just measure out of couple of things that he regularly eats so he can see what a proper portion is compared to what he thinks it is. After that, it’s all up to him about what he’s going to do.

    @akaDumbo – What great triumps for you today! Way to go! Good job on the 1.2lb loss, too.

    @themommie – Congrats on sticking with the gym.

    @Mollie – I love your inspirational posts. They lift me up when I read them. Also, I wasn't able to log on yesterday so here is my info for the chart:
    Screen name: christyrussell2
    April 27 GW = 210
    March 30th: (SW) = 213.4
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    @bigmama – Don’t get discouraged, just get back on track. We’re here for you.

    @Shelly – Good job on losing 2.2lbs this week!

    @jojo – I can’t stand when a doctor looks down his nose. He isn’t any better than the rest of us. I had one do that to me one time & I knew it would be the last time I saw him. I hope your knee gets a lot better soon.

    :heart: Christy
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
    Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Thursday Triump: hmmm can't wait to start work tomorrow and find my routine. Maybe I will stop feeling so out-of-sorts. I am so tired of living in limbo. Diet Limbo...Exercise Limbo....Life in General Limbo. Tomorrow is my fresh start! yeah!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    "What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?"

    Ditto on the being able to cross my legs and to be able to sit "indian leg" style again, oh and the amusment park rides also :)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    @Claudia007 – Ooooo, you are going to Onederland by the end of April. I want to go, too!

    Christy= GREAT job on losing all those inches WTG!!!! As for ONEderland, I've been trying to reach it since December, so I'm not holding my breath. :grumble:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Kelly, Cathy, Sara, Sheri, Charmaine…wonderful triumphs :heart:

    Gabby…I had the same problem with eating (never eat breakfast or lunch) then have a big dinner and snack all night. It is a terrible thing to do to your body. You have to provide your body “fuel” every 3-4 hours. Try hard to find a way to be able to eat at work; prepare the night before and pack all your food the night before. I actually made “appts” on my computer so it would ding at me when it was time to eat. Once your body "knows" it will be getting fuel on a regular basis it is more likly to give some up :noway: Trust me I know this is hard to figure out, it was for me, but it made a big difference in my weight loss journey

    Mollie…the chart looks wonderful:love:

    Sheri...loved the quotes, thanks for sharing :happy:

    Christy…you are shrinking, woohoo :bigsmile:

    Jolene…cheers to leaving Limbo behind tomorrow :glasses:

    Busy day at work for me; lots dropped on my plate today but I will organize it and get it under control next week (fingers crossed). :grumble:

    Triumphs…Logging exercise and food daily, this is big for me, I hate it but MFP has made it so easy! This is a great accomplishment for me and has made me much more conscious of what I am eating. The other is not “sneaking in snacks” as much and making sure what I do sneak is logged and accounted for AND within my calorie budget.

    I am taking a rest from working out today so I have more energy for tomorrows torture.
    I’ll jump back on after Dinner to log, log, log :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    had a real bummer of a day yesterday...my daughter and daughter in law have this passive aggressive arguing by texting thing going on and my daughet is feeling like she is being pushed out of my house....i tell her it is not my problem that they need to talk to each other but neither will. i feel like my only role is as a negotiatior.....my daughter is going to ireland in july for a year so i hope they do not burn any bridges before then
    katzpaws- i loved the quote 'rome was not built in a day"...i wish i had more patience tho....you are doing an amazing job making progress forward!

    linda- i am sorry peri-menopause is messing with your body and your mind...it is like beign taken over by aliens.....do the best you can each day with you meals and get some physical activity...walking is good for the body and for the soul

    sue- i agree that some days we need to turn off the external noise and recharge out batteries

    cathy- wow you have made some very positive changes and great choices! keep it up

    sara- congratulations on having 2 triumphs!! especially your blood sugar!! way to go!

    claudia- great job sticking to the 30 day shred- i know it is hard...forget about the scale for a while...you will notice changes in the way your clothes fit and the improvement in your endurance

    sheri- congrats on getting to the gym....the hardest part is the first bit while you work to make it a habit...keep it up

    charmaine- doing weights 3 thimes a week is great....anything that consistently makes us use our bodies is good...if you tried something much harder you may not stick with it so build the good habit first then think about changing it later

    shelly- i am always amazed at you 'knock em down' workouts'....i am envious

    MJ-gerat job on finding some exercise you could do with a sore foot. give yourself a pat on the back for making a fabulous choice to get off the couch

    Christy- you lost 13.2 inches????? wahoo!!

    jo- good luck starting your new job...be patient....it may take a while to 'find your groove' with work, home, eating,living,etc

    it is sooo inspiring to read eveyone's challenges and sucesses.

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
    Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!

    Oh what fun that would be, what a great motivator too. What theme park is in the middle of all of us? I am in california........
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member

    Another book you might enjoy is "Mary Tudor" by Anne Whitelock. It is an historical account of Henry VIII's daughter Mary, who later became known as "Bloody Mary." After visiting Hampton Court Palace last year, I couldn't get enough of the Tudor period.


    Katz, I have read Carrolly Erickson's biography of Queen Mary, I will check this one also. My Tudor and Stuart and Hanover library keeps on a-growing!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Karen, so sorry you are having to deal with the daughter.....daughter inlaw drama. I have the same problem with 2 of my daughters and it can be extremely stressful. I feel like no matter what I do I am always in the middle.I dont like it and they are adults . Being a parent is hard and we are never truly done, they will always be our babies.I hope they work it out and you can have peace once again.((((HUGS)))
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
    Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!

    Oh what fun that would be, what a great motivator too. What theme park is in the middle of all of us? I am in california........
    I am in Florida! But I am as close as a plane ride.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    I have been on this site since dec 2010 Grand total to lose 170 pounds
    Sw 350
    Cw 273
    Mini goal to be 233 (down 40 pounds) by 06/22/2011
    Final goal to 53 pounds down, and be 180 by 12/31/2011
    I truly wish everyone the best
    Thank you
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
    Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!

    Jolene, that sounds like a fantastic plan!!!!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    had a real bummer of a day yesterday...my daughter and daughter in law have this passive aggressive arguing by texting thing going on and my daughet is feeling like she is being pushed out of my house....i tell her it is not my problem that they need to talk to each other but neither will. i feel like my only role is as a negotiatior.....my daughter is going to ireland in july for a year so i hope they do not burn any bridges before then

    Karen: Tho my kids aren't fighting, they all seem to be going through life changes. Marriages breaking up, babies born, others sick,others fighting to get parental rights, others single and wanting to be married, etc. It's always something. No matter how many miles you are removed from it, you still feel concerned when your kids are suffering or upset. I remember my mother saying "you are always a parent". Boy was she right. I worry. I guess it is aging, because sometimes I get really afraid for my kids/grandkids futures. I imagine my mother felt the same way.... and things turned out fine for us.