20 weeks to a healthier me!



  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hoping I make my goal tomorrow morning of 219 - I did keep seeing that on the scale this morning...but I put 221. My weight was 219, 220, 221...figured I'd go with the 221 figure.

    Right now I have a raging headache.....
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    According to their charts, that down 2.5 lbs this week. That's just about the target of 1.5 to 2 lbs per week that we're working towards.
    That is a fantastic loss! Congratulations. (I know, the elephant parts...maybe we can look some other items up and make our own list!)

    I appreciate this group! Yesterday when I was tempted to grab some chips or cookies, I actually decided to read what everyone had written and looked around this website. It was inspiring and I didn't need to go and get the cookies or chips. One day at a time! Yesterday was good for me (I even exercised on the elliptical). I can't wait to weigh in on Wednesday! Thank you all for your encouragement.
    Hey, that is what we're here for. Just remember YOU made the choice not to grab the unhealthy snacks and you should feel very proud of your decision. A big congratulations on the elliptical. It was a challenge for me to start working out on it again and I know it can be a difficult workout. Great job
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I posted this in another thread but I hope this helps people interested in healthy snacking here. Here are my snacks.

    Here's my own 100ish cal ideas for snacks - all of these can be make aheads:

    1. Popcorn - either with sea salt, or sea salt & pepper, or taco seasoning, or a bit of nutritional yeast and some sea salt. In small bags that you can eat throughout the day.

    2. Kosher Dill Pickles - gosh I love 'em. They're really LOW in cals too. I have binged on 5 of them at a time but the cal count is so low that it doesn't really matter. You'd probably have to brush your teeth and mouthwash after eating them.

    3. I like cereal, especially Dorset Cereal which is a Muesli. You can make your own to take in small boxes to work. Add non-fat milk in it...it will fill you up. You can also make your own muesli with lots of oats, some raisins and a few nuts in it.

    4. Small 100 cal salads with the dressing on it already that you can put in the fridge (if you have one at work with your name on it. Like a Fresh Express Ensalada Salad, you could break that up into 6 boxes or so and bring it already done at work.

    5. Same with fruit salad - you'd have to squeeze lemon juice on it, and get a can of reddi-wip (which is really low cal) and it's just heavenly.

    6. Bananas - love the baby bananas - they're just 40 cals.

    The key to all of this is snack planning, write it out on your food diary and just follow it.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Hello? (insert echo sound effect here)

    Just checking. Pretty quiet.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I'm here. Did not do too well on cal counting today but at least it was not a binge. I got so tired from the heat and dealing with the bulbs that have to be planted immediately.

    It just wore me out for the day and our dinner was pretty big. It also threw me off schedule. Hoping that tomorrow will be better :)
  • Im in !!!!! x
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Night weight was 220.4! I am .4 lbs from being 219 my goal for March! :)

    Happy April 1, 2011 everyone! My goal for April - 209 or....lol, 205! The countdown starts now!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Im here too ! Happy April 1st 2011 My goal for april is 196.5 ! I will be so happy to be in onederland !
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hey gm everyone! Ok I am still at 221 lbs........hopefully that will change up soon. We went to bed rather late last night but woke up early - gave the gardener the bulbs to plant which was awesome. Today I'm doing my EASA2 (EA Sports Active 2) workout and I'm really thrilled about it...I probably ate too many calories yesterday for weight loss to occur.

    My goal for April - 210.
  • Yesterday I went out with my husband and I didn't make the best choices at dinner, but I felt like that was okay. I don't want to make really dumb choices but I want to let myself indulge a bit and not feel guilty. So now I am feeling guilty for not feeling guilty! ha ha No, I see these 20 weeks as a lifestyle change and not a punishment or an inflexible diet. I know that I could have done better, but I am okay with all of that. I guess Wednesday morning will not be as good as it could have been, but.....
    How are you all doing this week?
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have to do meal planning again. The last thing we made which was a vegan multigrain pizza was not too tasty. It was ok, nothing spectacular....so I've got the cookbooks out to figure out what we're eating.....for the next week. I'll probably go shopping tomorrow.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Really interesting topic about eating back exercise cals from a professional trainer.

  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I posted this in another thread but I hope this helps people interested in healthy snacking here. Here are my snacks.

    Here's my own 100ish cal ideas for snacks - all of these can be make aheads:

    1. Popcorn - either with sea salt, or sea salt & pepper, or taco seasoning, or a bit of nutritional yeast and some sea salt. In small bags that you can eat throughout the day.

    2. Kosher Dill Pickles - gosh I love 'em. They're really LOW in cals too. I have binged on 5 of them at a time but the cal count is so low that it doesn't really matter. You'd probably have to brush your teeth and mouthwash after eating them.

    3. I like cereal, especially Dorset Cereal which is a Muesli. You can make your own to take in small boxes to work. Add non-fat milk in it...it will fill you up. You can also make your own muesli with lots of oats, some raisins and a few nuts in it.

    4. Small 100 cal salads with the dressing on it already that you can put in the fridge (if you have one at work with your name on it. Like a Fresh Express Ensalada Salad, you could break that up into 6 boxes or so and bring it already done at work.

    5. Same with fruit salad - you'd have to squeeze lemon juice on it, and get a can of reddi-wip (which is really low cal) and it's just heavenly.

    6. Bananas - love the baby bananas - they're just 40 cals.

    The key to all of this is snack planning, write it out on your food diary and just follow it.

    Good ideas! I would also suggest just putting spices on popcorn so you are not eating as much salt :)
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    hi all-

    sorry i've been away. i have been tracking food on my phone (love the blackberry app!) but not had alot of time to sit down at the computer lately and catch up on this thread or status updates.

    I don't have a weight goal for april. I like to set long term goals but short term ones don't tend to work out for me.

    It is really nice outside (above zero, snow melting!!) and i'm stuck inside studying boo :(
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Really interesting topic about eating back exercise cals from a professional trainer.


    Excellent post and correct information posted about this topic...definitely a recommended read.
  • All right, it is a new week! Let's take this one day at a time and be successful! We can do this...
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Going to do my wo soon! My weight is stuck at 220 for now.......
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    hi everyone !
    this is a busy couple weeks for me, just warning you ahead in case i am not around much. i am going to do my best to keep tracking each day because i think it is important and helps me stay on track.

    weigh in again in two days!!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am hoping that in the am I will be 219...here's to fingers crossing!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    i am having SUCH a difficult time staying on track with my diet while studying. i'm sitting there for 12-14 hours each day studying and all i want to do is eat bad things ...but i'm trying to do the best i can and get healthy stuff instead. and then i get grumpy because i'm not having 'treats'...not that the food makes studying any better!! one week from tomorrow my life will be much less hectic!

    i am hoping tomorrow is a great weigh in for everyone!
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