Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Karen, so sorry you are having to deal with the daughter.....daughter inlaw drama. I have the same problem with 2 of my daughters and it can be extremely stressful. I feel like no matter what I do I am always in the middle.I dont like it and they are adults . Being a parent is hard and we are never truly done, they will always be our babies.I hope they work it out and you can have peace once again.((((HUGS)))

    Amen Sheri!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Feel like my energy is back today, I actually made it to the gym for first time in a week. Boy have you all been busy, re-read the posts:

    @claudia – I have the 30 day shred DVD ……but it is still in the wrapper, lol! Well done!

    @cassie – Yeh! 1.5lbs!!!! Well done! Glad the sun came out and you haven’t just got snow. Spring is coming though here! Some of the flowers in my garden are bursting into bloom as the last few days it has been 15-18 degrees (due to change to colder again of course!).

    @katzpawz – great you have new scales. You have still lost a lot of weight wherever you started. I am so impressed by your walking. Love the idea of affirming everyday that you are going to do your best today.

    @joanna – frustrating when you are working so far and the scales don’t move, they will honey. They have to, you are doing all the right things. For the last week I ate all my exercise calories back and 2 days went over and I lost just under a 1lb. I am saying this to show it doesn’t always make sense but believe that your body is ‘preparing’ during the week it doesn’t move. Lots of people do believe that eating back is important to maintain metabolism. They minimum amount of calories you need just to maintain a healthy body is what MFP gives you as daily target (based on how much per week you want to use). The deficit is already calculated based on weight and height so it is ‘healthy’ to eat your calories and what is burned. Others on other posts swear by this to ensure the body doesn’t slow down. Others argue they never eat their calories nor their exercise ones. It depends on what works for you and how healthy you feel.

    Hope the visit to the knee surgeon went well. Remember every llb lost = equivalent to 4lbs off pressure off knees! You have made such a difference to your body already!

    @MJ – well done on the exercising triumph! I could just see you doing with your headphones on from your description!

    @Sara – Well done!!!! 1.2lb down. Way to go! Wonderful, wonderful triumphs!

    @Cathy – I think we all wish we had your doctor! As others have said, your hubby will see how fantastic you are doing and will probably come around re logging everything.

    @Jolene – you did a terrific job burning those 5lb you put on during your trip, fab!
    Hope you are enjoying your screen room and your new plot. Hope you enjoy your return to work, you seem to so look forward to it!

    @Shelly – Woowoo! 2.2lbs down! Fantastic! Well done! You are the fitness master! Lol!

    @Karen – sorry to hear about your daughter and daughter in law. Your daughter moving on sounds like a big change coming up. Hugs!

    @Charmaine – well done with the weights!

    @Mollie – love your new rose. Really like the idea of the journaling. To some extent I guess that is what we all do here but with our most private thoughts, when we do feel too vulnerable, then yes, I agree a journal is a fantastic idea!

    @Gabby – frustrating re the 2lb up! It will shift I am sure. See my note below re evening eating.

    @Sue – hugs to you, hope the book and bed worked. Interesting to see that is what your therapist suggests, I always felt a bit guilty when I do this so it is good to know this is actually the best course of action for us to regain ourselves. Thanks for that!

    @Christy – Wow, fab re the 13.2” lost!


    Evening eating….I used to save my calories/do all my eating in the evening until my trainer told me that everything we eat at the end of the day could be stored as fat as that is when most people don’t do any exercise, i.e. nothing gets burned when it goes in, it just sits there. I kind of knew this but then I suddenly KNEW it and it helped me on my way to a change. I reorganised myself and TRY (not always successful) to eat more at lunchtime and around 4pm so that I go from work at 6.30 to the gym and workout and the only thing I allow myself is almonds (protein won’t store as fat), or if I really feel the need I have a bowl of multigrain cheerios. It is not easy as I was someone who would have breakfast around 11am previously!

    My top tip:
    At night, have a glass and a jug of water by your side whilst watching TV etc. When you think you will go have something to eat, or simply to ensure you drink enough water, drink, drink, drink.

  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Just catching up:

    SILLIEST THING I am looking forward to once I have lost weight:
    Bending down to paint my toenails without my tummy being in the way! Fitting into a seat on the train without feeling like I am sitting on the other persons lap! Being in my garden and lugging my compost bags about like I used to several years ago (I actually told my trainer at the gym I wanted to do this and he has given me appropriate arm exercises, lol!).

    Not eating anything naughty!

    Sliced boiled egg in superseded bread! Yummy!

    What is ONEderland?????
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    I am going to be away now until Monday (it is Friday morning here now). Unsure if they will have internet where I am going. I am already missing you all, fingers crossed I have a connection.

    Off to Cornwall with the family, will catch up with everyone on my return. But hey, I may get withdrawal symptoms and go driving around to find an internet café, lol!

    Take care all x

    Linda: Thinking of you lots xxxxx
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Final thing promise!

    I have continued to wear a ring on my engagement finger since the death of my man last year. I just couldn’t bear to be without it on my finger. Yesterday morning I just didn’t put it on. Neither did I wear it today. Today I realised what I had (or hadn't done) whilst I was driving back from the gym.

    Something has shifted. Not sure if that is why I have been feeling so low of energy this last week (my body/mind sorting something out internally perhaps).

    Maybe it is the wonderful support you have all been giving me that has moved me onto the next step. Thanks to you all x
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Final thing promise!

    I have continued to wear a ring on my engagement finger since the death of my man last year. I just couldn’t bear to be without it on my finger. Yesterday morning I just didn’t put it on. Neither did I wear it today. Today I realised what I had (or hadn't done) whilst I was driving back from the gym.

    Something has shifted. Not sure if that is why I have been feeling so low of energy this last week (my body/mind sorting something out internally perhaps).

    Maybe it is the wonderful support you have all been giving me that has moved me onto the next step. Thanks to you all x

    HUGS L! Have a good trip! Your thursday/friday triump is sorting all the above stuff out in your own time and way.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Oh what fun that would be, what a great motivator too. What theme park is in the middle of all of us? I am in california........

    I live in Kansas so we can all meet at my house :smile:

    I promise a quick post because I'm headed for bed.

    Claudia - I am so jealous that you are losing your arms...not jealous enough to try 30DS yet but maybe one day :drinker:

    Linda - have a great trip! I know what you mean about the support here - this is the best bunch of ladies anywhere!

    Christy - What a great loss in inches! That is fantastic!!! I was just thinking today I wish I had measured my thigh when I started but I know the reason is I didn't want to see that number on the tape :sad:

    Karen - I'm sorry to hear about your daughter/daughter-in-law feud. Stuck in the middle is a terrible place to be!!

    Goodnight all!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Definitely roller coaster riding!!! I KNOW the seatbelt or overhead harness thingie will not latch over my girth right now. :sad:
    Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!

    Jolene, that sounds like a fantastic plan!!!!

    I am so in with this....i will go anywhere...
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thursday Triumps day-

    March was the 1st month I had over 12 days under 2000 calories and this week 3 days in a row. Despite not losing 1 pound this monthh I have several NSV's. Today I was able to wear a skirt I could not wear this time last year. I start wearing it in December and January but it was snug. Well it is not snug anymore! YAY! It fits wonderfully. A few more pounds and it will be loose.

    Also last month I challenge myself to no fast foods. It was a bad habit I had gotten back into after my weight loss surgery. March I only had fast foods 3 days out of 31. So April is going to be better for sure weight wise. Shooting for 21 days under 1900 calories. I am going to work on eatling less processed stuff too.

    Have a wonderful trip! Onerland is getting into the 100's. Claudia is 2 to 3 pounds away from 199 which is Onerland....:-) I am trying to get into Twoderville......:-)

    Congrats on inches lost! I remember when you started your training with the group. You are doing awesome! BTW - I got your weigh in.

    Congrats on ladder! I know you felt wonderful and well you should!

    Have a good 1st day back at work.

    Hang in there and feel better soon babe.

    I know I missed plenty just going from memory tonight. Thanks again for your support! I am so loving our little fold here.Good night everyone!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    thursday truimps
    joining the gym and actually sticking to it and going the days I said I would go , also walking the other 2 days a week

    everyone is doing great on their truimps congratulations
    Mollie thank you so much for doing the chart it looks great

    I am reading Chicken Soup For The Soul Shaping The New You and wanted to share some of the quotes from it that I thought were encouraging

    I dont want to blame my genes for not fitting into my jeans

    If we are not willing to settle for junkliving, we certainly shouldnt settle for junk food Sally Edwards

    the rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that precedes victory.......Karen Bliss Livingston

    there are no shortcuts to any place worth going....... Beverly Sills

    you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream,,,,,C.S. Lewis

    no matter our age or condition there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born......Dr Dale Turner

    Love these!
    Thanks for posting.

    I hope these help to motivate and encourage you, if you like them there are alot more I can share. Everyone have a great day. My weigh in is tomorrow. I have done really well this week and have upped the exercise, so I am hoping for a loss
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Good morning,
    Another quick check in before I head to the place I love...Haha! My scales haven't moved! 2.5 litres of water, stuck to my calories....Ho de hum. Patience girl patience.

    I saw my surgeon's registrar on Wednesday. She said my knee is still healing but it can not be fixed other than a replacement. If I have one know then I will need another by the time I'm in my mid 50's. Second ones are not very successful :(

    In the past the minute my weight stays the same despite effort on my part I then quit. This has happened a lot! I even went on a doctors liquid diet and stopped losing! So damn unfair that some lose so easily.
    This time I do feel that I'm not strange or do I feel the desire to quit. By sharing your stories I know that none of you find this journey easy either . What strength there is in numbers!
    Again I'm in my phone, Sorry about typos, predictive text produces some strange words sometimes!
    I loved all your silly thin wishes, very glad I'm not the only one to want to cross my legs...small dreams! L*** you will be passing very close to me this weekend, I'm 20 minutes away from Exeter, which you'll pass if you are going by train or driving. Have a wonderful trip. I'll respond more in my lunch. I have read all your posts and wish everyone a great Friday.

    P:s I'm up for the theme park! Xx
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday peeps!!:flowerforyou:

    I have a question for all. Do any of you find gum helps you not eat when you are not hungry? Sometimes I feel it does but then there are other times I feel it makes we want real food. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.

    2nd question today,
    Who watches the show Heavy and The Biggest Loser? Just curious. I watch them both and I am loving Heavy for sure.

    I agree on the logging. I did like keeping a diary in writing but it is so much better on the computer and with the awesome calorie base too. Even though you have to check it, MFP is a wonderful too.

    I agree about giving up by now. I know I would have. I am so thankful for you guys and MFP because I know I would have thrown in the towel by now. I ususally last 4 to 6 months.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I just thought I'd jump on here quickly before my little munchkin gets here 'cause once Sam is here I am "on call" or he wants to go on the computer to play his games. He's 6 yrs old and I think, no I know, he knows more about the computer than me!
    I haven't really thought about my Friday Food yet. I will give it some thought and get back to you all later.

    @Mollie - you cracked me up with your Twoderville comment! OMG, I laughed. I can't wait to visit that place on my way to ONEderland!

    TTYL, Charmaine
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning,
    Another quick check in before I head to the place I love...Haha! My scales haven't moved! 2.5 litres of water, stuck to my calories....Ho de hum. Patience girl patience.

    I saw my surgeon's registrar on Wednesday. She said my knee is still healing but it can not be fixed other than a replacement. If I have one know then I will need another by the time I'm in my mid 50's. Second ones are not very successful :(

    In the past the minute my weight stays the same despite effort on my part I then quit. This has happened a lot! I even went on a doctors liquid diet and stopped losing! So damn unfair that some lose so easily.
    This time I do feel that I'm not strange or do I feel the desire to quit. By sharing your stories I know that none of you find this journey easy either . What strength there is in numbers!
    Again I'm in my phone, Sorry about typos, predictive text produces some strange words sometimes!
    I loved all your silly thin wishes, very glad I'm not the only one to want to cross my legs...small dreams! L*** you will be passing very close to me this weekend, I'm 20 minutes away from Exeter, which you'll pass if you are going by train or driving. Have a wonderful trip. I'll respond more in my lunch. I have read all your posts and wish everyone a great Friday.

    P:s I'm up for the theme park! Xx
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Joanna, My Dr. has told me the same thing about getting a knee replacement. I'm 45 now and he says they only last for about 10 yrs., so he thinks I'd be better off to wait if I can. When I tell people this, they do not always agree. They tell me I'd be better off getting it now whle I'm young, but they are not doctors either. Also, I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery (bock, bock,bock)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for April 1, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Use all five senses.

    Many people who have weight issues focus primarily on the sense of taste for pleasure and soothing. Maybe you know, in theory, other things would feel good, but food is such an easy and familiar source of comfort. Finding a new source of pleasure, and getting as much pleasure from it as you do from eating, will take time, effort, and open mindedness.

    When you accept that food cannot be your only source of comfort, you make room for other pleasurable experiences. You can enjoy a delicious massage, listen to motivating music, appreciate a beautiful painting, or relax with aroma therapies.

    Action for the day: Today, think about other pleasures in life besides food. Try something enjoyable that involves a sense other than taste. Don't be afraid to take a risk.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    One Day at a Time
    March 31, 2011

    ~ WORDS ~

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    "Handle them carefully ...
    for words have more power than atom bombs."

    Pearl Strachan Hurd

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    let me choose my words carefully but not
    so carefully that I become calous. Let
    me use words to heal and not hurt; to
    make things better and not worse; to
    express feelings, even negative feelings
    to and about others, kindly
    ... courageously ... carefully.

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Joanna, My Dr. has told me the same thing about getting a knee replacement. I'm 45 now and he says they only last for about 10 yrs., so he thinks I'd be better off to wait if I can. When I tell people this, they do not always agree. They tell me I'd be better off getting it now whle I'm young, but they are not doctors either. Also, I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery (bock, bock,bock)

    Joanna & Charmaine,
    Same thing I was told. Thank goodness I feel I have a high tolerance for pain. I think when you have carried around over 500 pounds you learn to endure certain things and with natural supplements and occasionally I take tylenol or advil. But the tylenol and advil always expires before I use them all. I rarely take them. I don't like taking any meds until I absolutely have too which I know is going to happen but until it does I will stick to natural.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Finally caught up on everyone's posts. I have been in weight loss groups before, but none like this one. As Paul Simon said: "We've got a groovy thing goin'!" I'm not the best at responding to everyone every day, but I do read all the posts.

    My default setting has typically been to see the glass as half empty. One of my goals for improving myself, is to look for times when I can see the glass as half full. Those are the days I will usually post. No one benefits from my negative rantings (although I have indulged myself a few times). It seems to help in so many areas, not just weight loss.

    I just got in from my walk!! I'm still holding at about 2.5 miles in just under an hour. My goal is to reach 3 miles in an hour. It's going to take some time to get there, but a month ago I couldn't do what I'm doing now.

    I wish everyone a great weekend. Remember, the glass is half full, and celebrate your successes!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Finally caught up on everyone's posts. I have been in weight loss groups before, but none like this one. As Paul Simon said: "We've got a groovy thing goin'!" I'm not the best at responding to everyone every day, but I do read all the posts.


    I totally agree Kelly! I can't keep up with commenting on it all but I definitely read everything.......:-) I like the glass half full analogy. thanks for you support dear and we can't be positive everyday for sure but just as long as we are aware and keep on trying!
This discussion has been closed.