Starting c25k again tomorrow!!!!



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    okay i did it...wk 4 day 1 plus extra intervals done...
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Tonight I begin week 5! Woot so proud of everyone for sticking it out!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    W5D1- Done yesterday! My time per mile time is going down too! Going to try and do W5D2 tonight. I know I should take a rest day, but it's supposed to rain and possibly SNOW *gasp* at the end of the week (Wed night, Thursday, and some of Friday. Eww). My running schedule is dependent on accuweather...
  • soccerlyss08
    soccerlyss08 Posts: 31 Member
    Ugh between being sick all weekend (and still not feeling great) and trying out Zumba, I have been slacking on my 5K training. I'm hoping that once I start feeling better I can start right back up with W5D1.
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Completed W5D1 last night!! Plus I actually ran a complete mile at a slow and steady pace after that!! Onto W5d2 tonight, Normally would be on Thursday but I have my lap band support group to attend so bumping it up!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Finished W5D2 last night and it was awesome. I'm thinking about doing W5D3 tonight. Really enjoying the running. How weird is that??? A little nervous for 20 minutes with no walking, but I'm going to try and take a more level route instead of the hills I normally run so that I don't have that as an excuse to slow down. :)

    Good job, Kwilliams75!!! Another mile running after doing W5D1 is awesome!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm supposed to go running today at my "lunch" but i dont think i'm gonna get out - really busy at work.....soooooo, i'll either try to do it tonight on the treadmill when i go to the y or i'll do at lunch tomorrow.....great job keeping up with it girls and reporting to the thread...i'm finding it very encouraging to be on track with the rest of you guys...well pretty close LOL...

    PS....i'm part of a move your @ss challenge that we are starting another one for april if anyone is interested in joining....its an exercise thread that tracks miles moved for the month we are in.....all are welcome....*kitten*-challenge
  • Denise (I just saw your name in your signature! :) ) -- thanks so much for giving me the heads up for this thread. I need all of the motivation I can get!

    I completed Week 3 Day 3 this morning, and will start week 4 on Friday. I've been a weenie and foregoing stretching before and after running, so I've been dealing with a little tenderness in my Achilles tendon. But I stretched today and it's feeling a little better. I'm a little nervous about week 4. 5 minutes seems like eternity!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Finished W5D3 last night, but I didn't make it the whole 20 minutes without walking. Sigh. I mapped out my route first on and either I read the elevation wrong (completely possible) or the route guide lied to me. Straight uphill for about 0.3 miles. Made it for a while but had to walk for 1 minute during the worst of it. I'm going to repeat W5D3 this weekend when its not pouring and dreary out on more level ground.

    Hope everyone else's C25k progress is going well!
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Yesterday I completed my W5D2. Three days of running straight!! Now I will rest for my W5d3 of 20 minutes of running and pray for the mental strength to push myself!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Yesterday I completed my W5D2. Three days of running straight!! Now I will rest for my W5d3 of 20 minutes of running and pray for the mental strength to push myself!!

    You can do it! I think it's all mental at this point! Good job!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    did w4d2 today....wooohooooo
    planning on finishing week 4 on saturday while the kids are at gymnastics...
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi girls! I just finished Week 1. It felt great! I am not a runner (at all) so this is a great challenge for me to learn how. I really cant see myself running for more then a couple of minutes but willing to try. And since i am no runner, I couldnt believe the high i got after running on day 1. Why did nonone ever tell me? I see less wine in my Have a good day girls!
  • Well, I just finished W4D1. I did it!! I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT! I ran (err, jogged) each of the running intervals without stopping! I was so nervous and scared that I wouldn't make it, but I did! W4D2 on Sunday! (Mayyybe tomorrow if I'm not sore at all).

    BTW-- thank you all so much for the stretching advice. My Achilles isn't bothering me nearly as much today. It was a little tender, but NOTHING compared to how it was feeling earlier this week.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I did W5D3 again yesterday and I finished it without any walking! Wahoo! But, I think I held myself back a little too much because I was nervous about not walking so my time running was a little slower, but its not about time at this point in the game. I'm starting to love running though. I think I'm going to take today off and start tomorrow with W6D1. Doing C25K with the 30 Day Shred is a little painful, but I think in the long run, both will help me be better at the the other. The 30 Day Shred is strengthening my muscles and addressing my upper body, which running doesn't, and the running has made it so the cardio in the dvd is nothing to me. Very cool.
  • Question for all you C25K-ers. What's the general opinion on going through the program faster than it suggests? I did W4D2 today, and I'm considering running W4D3 tomorrow, taking Tuesday off, and then starting week 5 on Wednesday. I'm not experiencing any soreness or problems (now that I've stopped being a weenie and have been stretching before and after each run :laugh: ). This is the only exercise program I'm doing right now; I'm not coupling it with strength training or anything. Any insight?
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    did w4d3 saturday with some extra intervals...i struggled badly which was weird cause afterwards i ran a straight mile on the treadmill at the gym between 5-5.5mph...anyway, i'm going to push onto week 5 tomorrow and see how i feel....
  • Hi everyone! I've been using myfitnesspal for a while to track my food and exercise but this is the first time I've ventured onto the forums - and am glad I did as I found this thread with you all doing c25K! I'm following the Get Running app on my iPhone but as far as I can work out it is the same as c25K.

    I did W7D1 last night - 25 mins. I did find it tough but so pleased to have completed it. I was meant to do 25 mins for W6D3 too but did that Sat morning after a few glasses of wine on Friday night (opps!) and had to walk 5 minutes of it - so really pleased to have cracked 25 mins none stop this time.

    Having a rest today but then another 25 min for W7D2 tomorrow!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i hated pretty much most of today's's obviously getting harder, not undoable just harder LOL....
    did w5d1 today with no extra just the 5 min warm up and 5 min cool a 284 calorie burn which i'm happy with...
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Question for all you C25K-ers. What's the general opinion on going through the program faster than it suggests? I did W4D2 today, and I'm considering running W4D3 tomorrow, taking Tuesday off, and then starting week 5 on Wednesday. I'm not experiencing any soreness or problems (now that I've stopped being a weenie and have been stretching before and after each run :laugh: ). This is the only exercise program I'm doing right now; I'm not coupling it with strength training or anything. Any insight?

    I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I add a day to my weeks every week for the past 3 or 4. If you're not sore and its working, go for it. No reason you shouldn't.
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