6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 1



  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I did 30 minutes of the Cardio Max DVD tonight which isn't much compared to what everyone else is getting in but its 30 minutes more than I normally would do lol. I'm finishing up my 9th glass of water right now.

    Cardio minutes: 30
    Strength minutes: 0
    Other minutes: 0

    Total minutes: 30/350
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Well my big push for today was getting to the gym, Im a member of a small community Gym adjacent to the local Boys and Girls club and when school is out (like this week for Spring Break) our gym is only open from 530 am -730am...normally I would say "forget it" and not exercise for the week...but this morning I was up and at the gym at 630, just in time to do an hour on the elliptical! I also cant go for walks or use my treadmill at home since I have a foot injury which limits me to elliptical or the rower or weights, but I am signed up for Yoga twice a week so Yoga tomorrow!

    Stayed within my calories and and on # 4 glass of water :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I did 30 minutes of the Cardio Max DVD tonight which isn't much compared to what everyone else is getting in but its 30 minutes more than I normally would do lol. I'm finishing up my 9th glass of water right now.

    Cardio minutes: 30
    Strength minutes: 0
    Other minutes: 0

    Total minutes: 30/350
    It all adds up, so I think you'll do wonderful. :)
  • jeanaustin
    jeanaustin Posts: 101
    I'm excited about this challenge because I really want to PUSH myself over the next 5 weeks. The 2 weeks before last week I gained weight, but last week I finally lost a couple of pounds. I'm running with Ullrey's Couch to 5K and am on Week 8. I'm so happy that I'm running 28 minutes!! I never thought I would be able to do that. Now I want to be able to run 5K in 30 minutes by 4/23 for my first 5K. I really want to push myself to do strength training every week. I'm hoping that I can build some muscle to help burn the fat. :)

    Here's my plan:
    Monday & Wednesday: Strength Trainings - Lower Body (60 minutes each day)
    Tuesday & Thursday: Strength Trainings - Upper Body (60 minutes each day)
    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 35 minutes of Couch to 5K
    Sunday: Bike Ride to Townlake (90 minutes)

    I hope I'm able to do this! That would be 240 minutes of Strength Trainings and 195 Cardio. I might have to change this if the Strength Training makes it hard for me to go running. So far, I'm not having any issues drinking 8 cups of water per day. I drink from a 24oz water bottle and that helps.

    Day 1 Results:
    Today I weighed in at 146, which I'm really excited about because I'm 1 pound away from a mini-goal. I did a 5 minute warm up on a stationary bike and then my Lower Body Strength Training for 60 minutes. My boyfriend is in PT and showed me how to do all the exercises properly. My legs are shaky!
    > 60 min strength and 5 min cardio and 11 cups of water
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hello Everyone !!!!! My name is Lori and I am super excited to take on this challange . Today I did 30 min circuit and 60 min cardio total of 90 mins and I drank 7 glasses of water..sorry I just couldnt get the rest in but will try harder tomorrow ! For the first time today I ran the track...well more like a slower trot but none the less it was faster than walking. measurements and MAYBE pics tomorrow
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    My first day totals:
    34 minutes Cardio
    7 minutes strength training
    25 minutes other exercise
    For a total calorie burn of 569
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    To everyone that decided to post their results, today, wow fantastic! You are all taking this serious and that is great and makes me so proud! Also, thanks for the honesty! That's one thing I said we would be doing, working on the honesty system. Try hard to get that water in! If you are going to be working out more, PUSHING YOURSELVES, you will need the extra water.

    Keep it up one and all, we are off to a good start and I want you all to be proud of that.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Evening all ... Tracie I took it seriously and decided to try a two a day today.

    60 minutes: P90X Chest and Back (350 calories)
    30 minutes: Treadmill running (450 calories)

    Rockin it! Great job to everyone who posted their results today!
  • babyprincess13
    U all seem to have done super great:-)
    I'm going through a nasty flu but I just had to make myself start the challenge today so I did a 50 minute walk and drank my 8 glasses of water. Was too weak to do any strength trainging so I will double it up during the week as soon as I'm feeling better.
    My starting weight is 167.
    All the best to everyone for the week ahead :-)
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    I sit at a desk all day and I sit on a stability ball. I bounce up and down on it or side to side and I flex my stomach at the same time and it does wonders! It makes the day go by faster too

    I do the same thing! I also do 10 crunches after each phone call! It does make the day go faster.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Hello everyone! What a great start we are all off to! A little about me, I'm 45, married for 25 years, three kids 24, 22, 20, twin granddaughters age 2 1/2, and one moose of a dog that I finally weigh less than!! (Emma is a Mastiff and weighs about 185) I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and between drugs that wrecked my body and enough pain not to want to get out of bed for several years, I have been on new drugs for the past 6 years and I've gotten my life back! I topped out at 225 and lost 50 lbs in the first year after finding some relief. I walked in a 3 Day for breast cancer in 2006 and I've been pretty stable with my weight since that point. I finally decided that I do indeed want to push myself and get my BMI into the Normal range so...here I am.


    30 min - Wii Free Run (new personal high score YIPPEE)
    30 min - Wii Free Step (great way to watch the news)
    8 glasses of H2O

    Total = 60 mins/cardio; 0 mins/strength

    Good luck to all!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    GOOD MORNING everyone! How we doin? FANTASTIC I hope! It's Tuesday, it's day 2 and we are all off to a running start, YAY! Go out and make it another great day everyone. PUSH YOURSELF, PUSH YOURSELF. (Don't forget the water!)
  • Southboundnana
    You are doing a Great Job!
    That is a great loss of weight that you did.
    I had bypass surgery 5 yrs ago, and lost 120#, but have put back on 70 of that, so I
    am working really hard to get it back off.
    Thank you for your story.
  • conkelv
    conkelv Posts: 7
    I did it!! I kept under for my calories and I worked out. I did 30 min on my stationary bike and went 7.2 miles and I also did strength training for 15 min.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    @ conkelv - Way to go, you PUSHED YOURSELF and that is what this challenge is all about! Yay, good job
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Maybe I need the link to the original post. I may not be doing this right . Could you send that to me Tracie?
    I did well yesterday and have gotten in my workout for today as well. Drinking water, water, and more water.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    got all my water in for yesterday. today i did chest and shoulders and ab jam. so that is 78 minutes. for water today im at 4/8. will drink the rest at work tonight.

    total mins this week is 146. done got all my strength and cardio in for the week.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Doing great got in a jillian michael dvd today which is a 54 minute one:) Drinking all of my water.
  • conkelv
    conkelv Posts: 7
    Day two was another success.
    So far this week:
    Cardio: 85 minutes
    Strength: 10 minutes
    Calories burned: 962

    Thanks to everyone that post's. I keep this site up on my work computer and check it throughout the day to keep my motivation up. It's a life-saver :happy:
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Amber 24 years old been with my husband 8 years we have 3 children ages 7,5, and 2. I used my first pregnancy as an excuse for 2 and never quite recovered from it after my youngest son i got my tubes tied and am not gonna have any more of my own children so its time to get my health back glad for all the support and motivation

    Today i did 60 mins on the elliptical which my hrm said 597 calories

    ive got in 4/8 cups of water in

    and i plan to do some self weighted strength after dinner