Sexy In Six : Week 3 !!



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -4.4
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 204.6 GW: 199--PROGRESS +0.2lbs.
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    And myself Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Emily (eHarris)
    Leigh (lcorrell14)
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.6, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.4lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -2.5 lbs
    Tammi (tlg314) -- START: 162, CURRENT 162, GOAL LOSS: 5lbs, PROGRESS: 0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Lynnmarie234 (Is your name Lynn?)
    RunnyRatty2 (I don't know your name, sorry)
    Lyn (SugarPlum098) - START:178.6, CURRENT:178.6, GOAL LOSS: 8LBS, PROGRESS: None yet, just started
    Chrissy (Chrissyh) start 218 current 218 goal loss 8# Just started no progress yet.

    Breakfast - egg beaters, fat free sharp, ham, english muffin coffee fat free half and half 232 calories
    Lunch - smart ones mango chicken (yuck) and homemade greek salad 367
    Supper - shrimp cocktail with sauce 277
    Snacks- 4 oz Yogurt, Special K bar, Starbucks Fat free mocha 360
    total today 1236
    trying to stay between 1200 -1360

    I started making smarter choices on Sept 1 and I've lost 21# so far. Happy to join you all!

    OOOPS I guess I am typing in the quote
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    lol, thanks Cass!! It was really early this morning, and I was still so sleepy lol!!

    Great job on the losses today everyone!!

    Kristin, dont worry about it- you may just be retaining water or something!

    So yea..havent logged cals since stomach started acting up-(a week ago) so Im feeling better about 90% now! I went out this evening and jogged around a lil and stuff with my daughter for 20 min-too cold to stay out longer!! I burnt like other exercise tonight.

    Tomorrow I will start fresh again..nice lil break I had (cept for being sick lol)

    I will start logging food again, and gonna try and get up early and hit the gym at school before classes! Im wanting to jog !!

    Been craving sweets all this afternoon :noway: lol Ive tried to quelch it with a skinny dipper ice cream (80cals) after lunch and a lindys watermelon frozen ice (80cals) after dinner. Munched on the oatmeal squares cereal as well. Split a packet of hot chocolate with my daughter while I read her some books before bed! Hopefully I will wake up and that wont happen again tomorrow LOL

    Okay Im off to study for a bit and then go to bed!!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Katy, sometimes we just have those days!! Craving sweets, that is. You didn't go overboard and that's what counts!

    Kristin & Deb, I'm glad you guys are keeping pace - nice to have an on-par loss buddy!

    Cass, nice to see you check in :wink: :flowerforyou:

    AmyLou, good for you for making smart choices! And no one can truly take credit for keeping you in line but YOU. Don't forget that :wink: Also, when you have your caloric intake limit set at 1200, really try to hit that number. A day here and there slightly under won't kill you, but make sure you TRY okay? I'm always concerned about that :tongue:

    Cathy, sorry about the pain with your son... it's really hard to feel taken for granted by family. I think it happens to everyone now and then but it's no less annoying!! Sorry to hear the game didn't even WORK after all the trouble!

    Hi everyone else.. I just came on to get tomorrow's menu so I'm not flying blind like I was today. Need to get that organized. But I did finish the main part of the Hallowe'en costumes today and I can't WAIT to post pictures on here for you to see! I'm very proud of both of them but the horse costume takes the cake for me this year and since I even made the PATTERN myself I'm feeling really proud of that one. They're both great though, and they were both very challenging! I love making costumes... so much fun. Katy, Cass, Lauryn what are your girls dressing up as?

    I did wonderfully today as far as our challenge goes. Was right on target for calories and nothing questionable. Well, 1 bite of a cookie but it was accounted-for and it was a healthier one at that. Shared it with Ava :smile: I'm glad we've stepped up our accountability. Let's keep it up!! We can do it!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    My meals for tomorrow:

    1: homemade multi-grain porridge
    2: 1 apple & chocolate protein shake
    3: homemade porridge muffin w/ homemade apple butter
    4: mixed baby greens w/ olive oil & balsamic vinegar, vanilla ice cream protein shake made w/ skim milk
    5: sprouted grain bagel w/ 2tbsp almond butter
    6: 1 cup steamed cauliflower w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar & sesame seeds
    7: baked halibut fillet seasoned with lemon juice & herbs de provence, 1 cup steamed brussels sprouts, 1 cup steamed carrots, 1/2 cup steamed green peas & 1/2 cup baked sweet potato

    Work out is my choreography step class. I assume I'll burn 450 cals from that class but it's almost always between 600 and 750 so I usually have calories left over. If I do, I'll eat a banana in the evening. The above meal plan puts me 2 calories over my limit based on earning 450 exercise cals so I should be under by about 50 to 100 once I know the numbers from my class. I love when I have a great food day planned. I love food and I always wake up in a better mood when I've planned a menu that I look forward to! :laugh: Good night everyone... off to burn some calories :blushing: hahahahaha
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    hey Ladies,

    Sorry for the late check in. Its been a busy week. I am reporting 0 pounds lost.

    Start weight 232
    current weight 230 ( same as week 1 results) :noway:

    So since sunday I have been working out 3 times a day. Surely I should see some results with that. I also drink 15 glasses of water a day.

    Wish me luck!!!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    drtamm, remember that your body needs time to rest and recover from working out and if you push it too hard your body will definitely dig its heels in as far as shedding weight is concerned. Also, 15 glasses a day may be too much for your body and you could be throwing off your balance of electrolytes. Just food for thought. It's all about experimentation to find out more about your own personal physiology but patience is truly the name of this game.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Thanks for the tips Pedal!! I am drinking half my body weight in water ounces because I read that in an article. I will have to see if it will do harm. I weigh 230 so 115 oz is what I calculated. Also, I am experimenting to see if I am active more through the day if my body will lose more. I have tried this before and I gave up too soon. I plan to rest one day this week. I will keep your suggestions in mind. :wink: I have noticed my body enjoys doing my dance videos!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I do have some good news. I weighed in this morning for the Biggest Loser challenge and I lost my 2 lbs that I had gained last week. I was so happy because I was like that for over a week and half. So I am back down to my starting weight when we started this. Which is 273. YEA
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Yay Connie!!!! Congrats that is exciting!!

    Pedal, thanks for the encouragement :heart: and the advice, normally I am over my cals so it was weird that i was that much under yesterday. Plus I had raisins after my workout so I was definitely over 1200 by the end of the day. What I wanted to ask you ladies however was this, when you workout and say you burn 300 calories, do you try to eat those alloted calories then? Or do you just eat whatever you are allotted for food that day and then the excess is just burn? I was unsure on how to approach this.

    Today is going to be busy which means packing lots of small snacks/meals into my bag for school. Here's what it is looking like so far:

    B: oatmeal, soy milk, coffee, coffeemate
    L: Fiber one bar
    S: honeycrisp apple, almonds & raisins, 2% milk string cheese
    D: (not positive) but am thinking Chicken with mixed vegetables and brown rice.

    We will see how it goes and what my schedule turns out to be. One thing is for sure, lots of water!! Will probably go for a run and/or shred tonight because I know I won't be getting a workout in tomorrow. When I workout depends on the homework situation this evening!!

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Yippee! I weighed in this morning and was so happy. I'm glad I waited an extra day.

    START: 162, CURRENT 160, GOAL LOSS: 5lbs, PROGRESS: 2lbs

    No time to post much more.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies! So...last night ended as I had posted it. I didn't do much...dishes and then watched some TV. Today should be fine. Here's the plan so far:

    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 calories
    Strawberries - Raw, 0.5 cup, halves 24 calories
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Ocean Spray - Light Cran-Grape Juice, 8 fl. oz. 40 calories
    319 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Kashi Tlc - Baked Apple Spice Cereal Bar, 1 Bar 110 calories
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    Tuna Salad Sandwich w/cheese, 1 meal 205 calories
    Jello - Sugar FreePudding (Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl), 1 snack 60 calories
    380 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 calories
    Snickers - Marathon- Nutrition, 1 bar 150 calories
    222 total afternoon snack calories

    Tilapia - Fish, 4 oz. (1 filet) 98 calories
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83 calories
    Potatoes - Red, flesh and skin, baked, 1 potato medium (2-1/4" to 3-1/4" dia) 154 calories
    Kemps - Fat Free Sour Cream, 2 tablespoons 25 calories
    360 total dinner calories

    Of course I adjust depending on how many calories I burn with exercise, but tonight is BodyPump for 1 hour and 1/2 hour running, so I should burn quite a few. I will have an evening snack also, but will list that later. So...reviewing my goals for this week:

    1. Lose 2 pounds (weigh in at 160.0 pounds next week).
    2. No peeking at the scale until next weigh in.
    3. Stay within my calorie limit EVERY day!!!

    I CAN DO IT!!!!! WE ALL CAN DO IT!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning ladies.
    cold, frosty morning here in the south. already did my workout. had to push through it. just not feeling well. my body is telling me it needs to rest. i think i have pushed it a little too hard these last few days. time for shower and some warm clothes.
    talk to you ladies later.
  • Lynnmarie234
    Lynnmarie234 Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't check in yet, I did lose 1 pound!!!
    I wanted two, but one will do, I had a really stressful few days at work - we cut 1/3 of our salaried workers monday!! So those of us who were left went for margaritas after work and packed on some extra calories. So after surviving the cut, the disappointing weight loss hardly mattered! But I am going to really watch the diet and try to get a little better focused and atleast get 2 this week!

    Congrats fellow Losers! :wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    we cut 1/3 of our salaried workers monday!!

    That is scary. Seriously, drew up fear in me. The economic times scare the crap outta me.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    AmyLou, you don't have to eat the cals you just burned right away, it's just over the course of the day. It's also not an exact science. But for me, take today - I know I'm doing my big calorie burn work out tonight so I've set up my day to include more calories throughout. Usually each sitting is about 250 calories for me but today it is closer to 400. And of course I still honour if I'm feeling full. Also remember that you need to SUBTRACT between about 15 and 25 calories per 10 minutes to account for the calories you'd be burning just sitting there. So if you burn 300 calories in 60 minutes you would remove aprx 20 cals per 10 minutes for basal caloric use (120 cals in 60 minutes) so you should only be adding 180 calories to what you want to eat that day. That can be a tiny but HUGE factor in what you see on the scale. And always, if you feel full then honour it. Unless you routinely fall under 1200 cals and then you need to consider that your body isn't the only factor in determining your state of hunger. But you said you're normally good there :smile: And a good rule of thumb for food and work outs, is if it's going to be a fairly challenging work out, you should have a clean carb (whole grain &/or veggies) about an hour before and a clean protein source within about 30 minutes after.

    I hope everyone has a great day! I may check in but we'll be out a lot tying up hallowe'en costume details!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    I haven't check in yet, I did lose 1 pound!!!
    I wanted two, but one will do, I had a really stressful few days at work - we cut 1/3 of our salaried workers monday!! So those of us who were left went for margaritas after work and packed on some extra calories. So after surviving the cut, the disappointing weight loss hardly mattered! But I am going to really watch the diet and try to get a little better focused and atleast get 2 this week!

    Congrats fellow Losers! :wink:

    I hear you. These are scary times. Your stress is understandable and hopefully you will survive any more cuts that may come. My husband lost his job two years ago; he was there for 22 years. Thankfully he has another one now, but with the economy like this who knows. I have felt stress over this situation and it does make a difference in gaining/losing weight. Your body goes into the fight or flight mode when its stressed and tries to hold onto that weight. So try to do little things to help you relax. :heart: For me deep breathing, reading a magazine, taking a bath, or a hot drink can help do the trick.

    Cathy, I woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground here. What a bummer about you finally get your game and it doesn't work right. You'll have to let us know how many calories you burn with it, and how it compares to doing a shred or turbo jam workout.

    Kristen, I love how detailed your daily menu is. It is helpful to see what others are really eating everyday. I will try that after this class ends. We are gonna lose it this week!!!!

    Pedal, Can't wait to see the kids costumes. I love to sew and made a few for my kids. Ohh I miss those days.

    Tammi, Good job on the loss this week!:happy:

    oatmeal, 1 tsp. brown sugar splenda, coffee w/sf creamer, apple
    banana, 1Tbs. natural peanut butter, 10 pistachios
    Salad w/chicken breast
    ??not sure maybe a yogurt
    omlette, brownberry carb counting bread
    skim milk & biscotti

    Exercise: 1 hour at community center included 30min. strength & 30 min aerobic- burned 473 calories.

    Have a gread day ladies:happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -4.4
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 204.6 GW: 199--PROGRESS +0.2lbs.
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    And myself Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Emily (eHarris)
    Leigh (lcorrell14)
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.6, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.4lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -2.5 lbs
    Tammi (tlg314) -- START: 162, CURRENT 162, GOAL LOSS: 5lbs, PROGRESS: 0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Lynnmarie234 (Is your name Lynn?)
    RunnyRatty2 (I don't know your name, sorry)
    Lyn (SugarPlum098) - START:178.6, CURRENT:178.6, GOAL LOSS: 8LBS, PROGRESS: None yet, just started
    mamakitty---SW: 138, GOAL: 134, PROGRESS--
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    heres my day.......

    Sara Lee - 45 Calories and Delightful Wheat Bread, 2 slices 90
    Great Value - Reduced Fat Peanut Butter Spread, 2 Tbsp 190
    total for breakfast 280
    Zaxby's - Grilled House Salad, 1 order 604
    total for lunch 604
    Smithfield - Garlic & Herb Pork Tenderloin X, 4 oz. (112g) 120
    Hodgson Mill - Whole Wheat Wide Egg Noodles, 2 oz. 220
    Kraft - 2% Milk Cheese Singles, 1 slice 50
    Lettuce - Iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw, 0.5 cup shredded 5
    Great Value - Frozen Broccoli & Cauliflower, 90 g 30
    total for dinner 425
    snacks afternoon/evening ?????
    Total: 1,309
    Daily Goal: 1,827
    Remaining: 518
  • cassangelidy
    Hey Hey Hey...

    So how is everyone? :tongue: My day has been good...I haven't eaten enough, but hey, whatchagonnado.... Yesterday I had stayed on plan and over ate by 12 calories.

    Plan was 1200

    I woke up and weighed myself again because as you all know...I think my scale is broken. LOL....I have to get my head Same as I think I just need to accept that I am having success and try to celebrate it. lol.

    I didn't run last night. I got WAY too into my book and had to finish I read for like 4 hours last night. hehehe. Stayed up too late and Reagan crawled in bed with me at 3 there was NO getting to the gym today. I'm going to try to get to the gym tonight....we will see how this all plays out. Hubby is working OT so we'll see....

    Today's food plan is like this....
    Chicken Caesar Wrap....299
    Soup w/Saltines....170
    That only puts me at 699 calories for the day, which leaves 501 for dinner and snack. I don't know what I'll make, since hubby is working OT, it might be on the go....But I found out that Taco Bells Chicken Fresco Soft Tacos are only like 170 calores. And they are good!! to you all!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hmm, Cass you're going to have to do better than coffee and a banana :laugh: Don't you love getting lost in a good book?! I'm glad you're realizing that you just have to accept your success! Why is that hard for us to do sometimes??

    Deb, Lauryn, the economic stress must really be difficult. We've actually noticed a higher-than-usual number of Americans buying homes in our city in the last month. No coincidence, I'm sure!! Take care of your emotions. Stress is so rough.

    Alright, into the shower for me!