10 Week's To June



  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Morning everyone! I am feeling much better today - I was worried I was coming down with something

    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat........ DONE!!
    --Steadily work on the p90x routines........ DONE Kempo X almost kicked my butt last night
    --Clean the menu up a lot...... CURRENTLY RESEARCHING
    -- Be in bed by 11 pm........DONE!!

    Tuesdays totals
    Calories 1659 out of 1973
    Carbs 173
    Fat 75
    Protein 78

    Looks like everyone is doing great!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Morning! Just checking in...

    Just finished my first week of CE Burn Phase, feel great and definately am feeling the burn! :laugh: Did great on my food and water intake yesterday and plan to do the same today.

    Everyone have a good day!

    What is CE Burn?
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Also, I think the elliptical is fine - its how you use it! I can do some great interval work on it when I am trying to give my knees a rest from running!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!

    Thanks on the weight room encouragement. I do get bored on the elliptical, however I can get lost in my thoughts on it and I love that aspect. I am using the elliptical because I have been grounded from running by my physical therapist. I had a sprained ankle, and I have bilateral tendinitis in the inner and outer tendon that runs from your knee down into your foot.....so hopefully I will be back to running within the next week. I will tell you nothing makes me feel more confident or powerful (sounds weird I know) than running and nothing gives me a better workout. I have a love/hate relationship with running I really suck at it, have gotten injured many times from it, but I feel so good afterwards.

    Doesn't sound weird to me!!! I have to make myself NOT run everyday as my knees wouldn't take it, I love it (usually after the first km!!) I am lucky enough to live in a lovely city and near the sea so there are great places to run!! I feel amazing when I run (usually!!) even on a treadmill! Hope you recover quickly!!!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Also, I think the elliptical is fine - its how you use it! I can do some great interval work on it when I am trying to give my knees a rest from running!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!

    Thanks on the weight room encouragement. I do get bored on the elliptical, however I can get lost in my thoughts on it and I love that aspect. I am using the elliptical because I have been grounded from running by my physical therapist. I had a sprained ankle, and I have bilateral tendinitis in the inner and outer tendon that runs from your knee down into your foot.....so hopefully I will be back to running within the next week. I will tell you nothing makes me feel more confident or powerful (sounds weird I know) than running and nothing gives me a better workout. I have a love/hate relationship with running I really suck at it, have gotten injured many times from it, but I feel so good afterwards.

    Doesn't sound weird to me!!! I have to make myself NOT run everyday as my knees wouldn't take it, I love it (usually after the first km!!) I am lucky enough to live in a lovely city and near the sea so there are great places to run!! I feel amazing when I run (usually!!) even on a treadmill! Hope you recover quickly!!!

    Thanks...I am a little jealous....living by the sea....wow, I am getting all dreamy just thinking about it....I live in Michigan the home of the never ending winter...LOL, can't wait until it is warm enough to run outside again..(I am not hard core enough to do it when it is cold.)
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    CE is Chalene Extreme I believe.

    About to head down and do a workout in the hotel gym. No dumbells unfortuantely really wanted to do Just Arms from O-o-O's or something like that but I will have to do some cardio of some sort or yoga decisions, decisions!

    Great job Steve, Gigi, and everyone else. This group is really cool for accountability and support. Keep it up everyone June will be here before we know it!

  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    I just googled NSV and finally after all this time know what it means hahaha! geez.

    LOL.... i had to do the same thing Steve!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    CE is Chalene Extreme I believe.

    About to head down and do a workout in the hotel gym. No dumbells unfortuantely really wanted to do Just Arms from O-o-O's or something like that but I will have to do some cardio of some sort or yoga decisions, decisions!

    Great job Steve, Gigi, and everyone else. This group is really cool for accountability and support. Keep it up everyone June will be here before we know it!


    Thanks, its been an adjustment for me to get these carbs under control... but it seems to be helping already and im really excited about that!!! And good job getting in your workouts while you are away from home, that takes great dedication!!! ;-)

  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Is it too late to join this group?

    SW 172
    CW 139
    GW 125

    I'm currently following the workouts from Crossfit.com (modified weight of course).
    Today I did 3 rounds of 800 meter run 6.0 mph, 50 back extensions, 50 sit ups.
    The workouts are posted daily on Paceperformance.net

    I'm close to my goal... but need to really push to make it. My diet is kind of a mixture of GNC total lean products and top tier Michi's ladder stuffs.

    Trying to eat back most of the calories I burn... netting at 1200 calories.

    Never to late - I love that CrossFit stuff. It goes so hand in hand with Primal lifestyle, maybe for my summer maintenance I'll do it. My basic plan is - cut to June, the leanbulk until Sept, then bulk bigger until Christmas, and start leaning out to June again - what a cycle!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Also, I think the elliptical is fine - its how you use it! I can do some great interval work on it when I am trying to give my knees a rest from running!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!

    yeah - just to be clear on this - the elliptical is fine - so is the treadmil and stair master, but not every day. I see the same people doing the elliptical every single day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. They look the same forever. It's a nice change of pace sometimes, but the bulk of works should involve more than just your legs on a machine! Get your upper body involved! Think CrossFit, Insanity, P90X, BodyRock - all the best workouts involve full body during cardio - BURPEES!!!!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    CE is Chalene Extreme I believe.

    About to head down and do a workout in the hotel gym. No dumbells unfortuantely really wanted to do Just Arms from O-o-O's or something like that but I will have to do some cardio of some sort or yoga decisions, decisions!

    Great job Steve, Gigi, and everyone else. This group is really cool for accountability and support. Keep it up everyone June will be here before we know it!


    Thanks, its been an adjustment for me to get these carbs under control... but it seems to be helping already and im really excited about that!!! And good job getting in your workouts while you are away from home, that takes great dedication!!! ;-)


    You know - I've learned that I'm best about my workouts when I'm either really busy or on the road. I have to plan ahead and make sure I don't waste time, but I love getting them in. When I'm off for the whole day, that can get a little rougher. Sometimes the days I end up working out at 11pm are the days I did nothing all day.... Just keep putting it off.

    It took a while to figure that out, I love the feeling of a morning workout - but never ever ever do it!

    Wed did Fit Club today and knocked out Interval X from the P90X+ series and Insanity Cardio Abs. It was just 3 of us this morning, so we really went for it. Sometimes when the other ladies come, we take it a little easier, since they're newer to exercise.

    Today will be a perfect day. Somewhere around 2,000 calories I think.

    Off to train - 2 clients, spread out hours between.... I'll be sucking down some coffee and studying my book for sometime today.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Working out on the road is easy if you are flexible. I like to do Just arms or shoulders and arms on the road but the hotel gyms dont always cooperate. So today I did Plyocide. Again had to improvise for some of the moves because I didnt have a medicine ball and they had a dumbell selection of 3's, 5's, and 8's. But I hardly ever watch tv on the road anymore, usually online or reading my kindle. I just wish there was a way to bring my kettlebell on the road with me.
  • Morning! Just checking in...

    Just finished my first week of CE Burn Phase, feel great and definately am feeling the burn! :laugh: Did great on my food and water intake yesterday and plan to do the same today.

    Everyone have a good day!

    What is CE Burn?

    CE Burn is the Chalean Extreme workouts :)
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    ;) Just checking in to say i'm here!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    174 grams protein but it was not even a little bit pretty. I need to re-evaluate and plan better. The only reason I got it in was due to a ridiculous amount of protein shakes.
    50 min. of cardio...trying to figure out how to get 3 times a week of weights in because I go to the gym on T, W, Sun (due to child care) and I am supposed to skip a day between doing them still contemplating how to arrange it.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Checking in! 100% on track with nutrition and workouts are going well - yesterday was the beginning of week 4 on C25K and today was day 2 with Chalean Extreme - I need heavier weights - the bands are just not hacking it. My muscles are definitely sore but I think I could do a bit more and track my progress a bit more using weights.

    Y'all are doing great and I love reading everyone's posts and gaining knowledge...It's because of you that I've upped my protein, lowered my carbs, and am eating much cleaner (work in progress but getting there). Also, the whole lifting weights thing was you, too. THANKS!

    - Shanna :flowerforyou:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys, it really means a lot to me. I've had two days back on track and I feel worlds better. Hit my nutrition pretty good today:

    Protein: 118g
    Fat: 28g
    Carbs: 211g
    Fiber: 44g
    Water: 12

    Cals eaten: 1555 of 1732.

    Bodybugg says cals burned today: 2415 so far.

    I cut back on the fat again, not really intentionally, but my skin was breaking out something awful! Have to find balance there.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 10


    macros for today
    43%carbs (162 grams)
    29%fat (48 grams)
    26%protein (97 grams)

    Calorie intake was 1512 of 1450 calories!!!!

    13 glasses of water today!!!

    Happy with the Day!! Hope everyone is doing well!!! ;-)
  • Checking in for today...

    I was under cals again today. Me and my friend decided to brave the dreaded weight room. It was kind of packed, too. We'll have to go during a down time next time. And with a better plan of attack, but we got a nice little workout in.
    My cold is way better, too. The Zicam must've done the trick this time.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    174 grams protein but it was not even a little bit pretty. I need to re-evaluate and plan better. The only reason I got it in was due to a ridiculous amount of protein shakes.
    50 min. of cardio...trying to figure out how to get 3 times a week of weights in because I go to the gym on T, W, Sun (due to child care) and I am supposed to skip a day between doing them still contemplating how to arrange it.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

    You could do Upper on Tue, lower on wed, and full body on Sun?
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Just checking in....u know me all good here!

    More important!
    Jennw10 good luck on ur new eating venture!I won't be around....But so super excited to hear how it works out!Best wishes...xoxox