Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I was a full blow alcoholic so I don't know if my experience will be helpfull. It seems you folks are just irritated with the calories in the stuff.
    I tried several different ways to quit over the years. All of which included a time frame and a specific amount. Like only drinking on special occasions, or weekends, or after work, or as soon as I wake up on Saturday (yikes!). All I wanted was to be a social drinker like normal people. I had no long term success until I quit cold turkey and vowed to never drink again no matter what.

    After I got my mind off trying to figure out when and how much I can have it got a lot easier. No drugs, no meetings, no alcohol replacements for me. Of course that's just me. One beer is too many. 20 beers is not enough. I just don't get to be a social drinker. That will never be one of my options.

    I'm at almost 3 months now. Sometimes I think a beer would be nice right now, but the thought is fleeting. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I just want to know why on a week I eat like crap and I don't exersize the scale just sits there. Yet when I do it all right the scale creeps up. I am beginning to think my body really likes being chunky and refuses to be anything else.

    I drank the rest of my wine last night then had two large vodka and shnapps things. oy!

    There's a lot that goes into the number on the scale. For me, when I'm eating healthy foods and getting my good amount of water, I hold onto a lot of water. Just yesterday I lost 5 pounds of water weight working out. It's nuts. Also, the right amount of calories is definitely key. Eat too little and your body wants to hold onto everything, eat too much and we know what happens. Also, even though we may not like it, once our body gets closer to the weight it, not we, likes to be at, it's tough to get it to lose much more weight. Everyone says focus on inches and yada yada but for me, I wasn't losing inches either. I'm starting another round of P90X on Monday, so we'll see what happens. If I finally lose inches but no pounds then I'll be happy. If I don't lose either, I'll have to look over my calories and diet and figure things out.

    On another note, no drinks Monday, Tuesday or yesterday. It's Thursday again, which means house to myself AND my shows are new tonight. I'm staying strong though ... Hopefully. Looking forward to some wine tomorrow though :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I'm at almost 3 months now. Sometimes I think a beer would be nice right now, but the thought is fleeting. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.

    Congratulation on staying sober for so long. It's a disease that completely takes over people's lives. I work in a hospital and see a lot of alcoholics come and go. I agree with you, it's a lot easier to just stay away then try to manage it!!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Robin, sorry you are frustrated. :frown: :flowerforyou: I agree, relax and step back and take a momment. It'll come together.

    I am going to have to give Zumba another shot. I hear so many good things about it but the one time I tried I looked like Elaine from Seinfield on the dance floor. :embarassed: Can we say two left feet and NO rhythm. :laugh:

    Heading for another alcohol free week!! :drinker:
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 0
    Wednesday 0

    Boyfriend played pool with some buddies last night and brought home a tall Budlight. I resisted though!! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Robin, sorry you are frustrated. :frown: :flowerforyou: I agree, relax and step back and take a momment. It'll come together.

    I am going to have to give Zumba another shot. I hear so many good things about it but the one time I tried I looked like Elaine from Seinfield on the dance floor. :embarassed: Can we say two left feet and NO rhythm. :laugh:

    Heading for another alcohol free week!! :drinker:
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 0
    Wednesday 0

    Boyfriend played pool with some buddies last night and brought home a tall Budlight. I resisted though!! :drinker:

    I felt like the old people from the movie "Dirty Dancing" taking dance lessons bumping into each other...OUCH
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Robin, sorry you are frustrated. :frown: :flowerforyou: I agree, relax and step back and take a momment. It'll come together.

    I am going to have to give Zumba another shot. I hear so many good things about it but the one time I tried I looked like Elaine from Seinfield on the dance floor. :embarassed: Can we say two left feet and NO rhythm. :laugh:

    Heading for another alcohol free week!! :drinker:
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 0
    Wednesday 0

    Boyfriend played pool with some buddies last night and brought home a tall Budlight. I resisted though!! :drinker:

    I felt like the old people from the movie "Dirty Dancing" taking dance lessons bumping into each other...OUCH

    :laugh: Yes!!

    I spent most of the time just trying to do something that remotely resembled what the rest of the class was doing, I don't think I really burned that many calories or targeted the correct areas. :embarassed:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Excellent article, Amy!

    I tend to steer towards the Three Olives flavored vodkas...I just wish they sold more of the BIG bottles in my favorite flavors at my L.Q.

    I didn't used to log my drinks, but I do now...keeps me honest. :tongue:

    The newest 3 O vod "dude" is amazing! mix it with diet dew and cherry juice for a killer drink!!!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I love this thread! I'm totally jumping on here. I drank a ton in college, it was pretty much all we did to socialize, as it was a small school in the middle of nowhere. I also come from a family of social drinkers, where every event includes wine, beer, trying out the latest cocktail... Now that their kids are out of the house, my parents love "happy hour" and we have drinks together when I'm visiting and often get carried away. :) I feel "weird" going out for dinner and NOT ordering a drink; it feels like an adult privelege that I should always take advantage of. haha. Post-college, I have tended to mainly socialize with other people who, like myself, are unmarried and without kids... so social drinking is still a huge player. I don't go out partying like I used to, but it's also so much harder to shed any pounds or to get over a hangover!! Girls' Wine Night, happy hour... even if we do something healthy like go for a bike ride, take a walk, play beach volleyball, we often follow those up with beer. House projects, gardening, cleaning... all better with a beer. :-D Some weeks I control myself and only have a couple on the weekend, other weeks I fall completely off the wagon and have to force myself into "detox". I know it affects my weight somewhat, but I also gave it up for Lent one year and didn't lose a thing. I think my love for food is my bigger problem, and the complete lack of inhibitions for what I will allow myself to eat if I've been drinking or if I'm hungover (need Greasy Food!!).

    I am entertained by all of your stories - and also feel less bad about my indulgences. :) I have been a little better lately, because I've been studying for a certification exam for work for the last 3 months... but the exam is on Friday, so there will be celebrating. And I will NOT be logging how many drinks I have!!! ;)

    HAHA! I am glad I am not the only one who feels lame if I go to dinner and do not order an old fashion or something!

    Around here it is supper club fish fry country and that goes hand in hand with drinking.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I was a full blow alcoholic so I don't know if my experience will be helpfull. It seems you folks are just irritated with the calories in the stuff.
    I tried several different ways to quit over the years. All of which included a time frame and a specific amount. Like only drinking on special occasions, or weekends, or after work, or as soon as I wake up on Saturday (yikes!). All I wanted was to be a social drinker like normal people. I had no long term success until I quit cold turkey and vowed to never drink again no matter what.

    After I got my mind off trying to figure out when and how much I can have it got a lot easier. No drugs, no meetings, no alcohol replacements for me. Of course that's just me. One beer is too many. 20 beers is not enough. I just don't get to be a social drinker. That will never be one of my options.

    I'm at almost 3 months now. Sometimes I think a beer would be nice right now, but the thought is fleeting. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.

    Do we have a mod that can move this to success stories?

    congrats man but we all plan to drink per the topic anyway.....
  • chris-- i'm w/ya... thats why we're HERE, in THIS thread :):drinker:
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Chris - Supper clubs and fish fries!! I grew up with that stuff (in the Upper Peninsula of Michingan/northern Wisconsin), so I hear ya! Last time I visited my parents, everyone drank too much beer and I had to volunteer to be DD. That is probably thanks to MFP, because I was sort of trying to be good, but still wanted SOME beer and no way am I going to order grilled fish when everyone else is getting their massive pile of perch & fries w/ coleslaw. :)
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    HEY, here ya'll are! Lost ya for a week or two, just been super busy!

    This weekend is the annual chili cook off downtown, my company is a major supporter! Tomorrow night we will be preparing and to help we usually have 3 kegs and plenty of liquor! Saturday night is a surprise party for a good friend! Vodka and soda here I come!

    Happy Spring to everyone!!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Oy, I may cave tonight. I've got all my portions for protein, carbs, fat, dairy and so on and still have calories.

    Boyfriend works late on Thursday's anyway but is in Boston for a work charity event so may be even later. Shows are new tonight and with being close to my gallon of water, I'm jonesin' to relax tonight with some vino. Guess we'll see what happens!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I LOVE this thread! So funny, and so glad to see all these people struggling to count calories and still keep their drinking habits (sucks, doesn't it?) haha.
    I am going to have to give Zumba another shot. I hear so many good things about it but the one time I tried I looked like Elaine from Seinfield on the dance floor. :embarassed: Can we say two left feet and NO rhythm. :laugh:

    I tried Zumba for the first time this morning, and I would say your description is PERFECT for what I looked like! I was only mildly comforted by the fact that pretty much everyone else in there looked just the same!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Robin, you've lost a lot of weight before...what were you doing different back then?

    Either you have to figure it out, take a break from it or give up on it...take your pick and relax with the decision.
    I was unemployed so I was working out for 5-6 hours a day. 3 hours on the treadmill and then other aerobics and strength training.
    Since that is no longer possible I am not sure what I am going to do.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 6oz of wine
    Wednesday 0
    Thursday 0 or so planned!

    Robin-I looked at your food diary, are you eating atleast 1200 calories? Sometimes that can make a difference?? :ohwell:
    haven't been recording dinner and snacking and drinking this week. I usually get between 1350 and 1500 calories a day when I am behaving myself.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I'm proud of you Robin, that despite no movement on the scale you are still exercising for the most part, logging etc. :flowerforyou: I hope you see some progress soon.

    I am in such a weird funk. I'm logging yet logging over, working out sporadically if ever. It felt amazing to feel not like a bloated cow, losing well, but I can't seem to get back into that mind frame again. Giving myself constant guilt trips isn't helping. I need to take the pressure off I think. Little losses are better than gains.

    My weekend is nearly over. :grumble: Hope you all have a good weekend :smile:
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    As tempting as it was tonight, I decided to not buy beer tonight. This morning was a bit rough and I was extra diligent on doing "healthy" to make up for it.

    Sending huge hugs to you Robin!! I wish I had better advice for you. Sending tons of good thoughts your way!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Robin, we're all so proud of you. :heart:

    Wednesday=2 glasses of wine
    Thursday=1 glass of wine

    I'm the Student Council sponsor at my school and we're hosting a "movie night" tomorrow at school, so either I won't drink at all...or I'll have several after it's over. :laugh:

    Bun (yes, that's my new "pet name" for you...) excellent work avoiding the beer!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I had a good healthy eating day again yesterday. Then I had 3 large cranberry juice and vodkas. not too bad really. I am glad it's the weekend.
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