Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • Katy114
    Katy114 Posts: 3 Member
    OMG, I am so glad to find this thread! Drinking is such a huge part of my calorie allowance...especially with my husband's help. I work long hours, and the ritual is that I come in the door and he's waiting with a G&T...what a man! Anyway, if I want to avoid going over, I have to skip meals entirely. I'm already a vegetarian, so my meals generally consist of vegetables and grains (all the calories are in the sauce! Grrr....), and even so, I can't afford to eat some days if I want to indulge with my hubby. I talk to him about it all the time, and remind him that I'm trying to watch it, but it's really hard to turn down a nice gesture from a doting husband, isn't it? I guess exercise is the answer...sigh.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    got hom last night and had two small vodka cranberry juice. I didn't feel like exersizing and since DH was not eating I didn't cook dinner. I ate some crap and today I feel like crap. Not a good day. I am just ate a maple bar this mornng. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. I gotta stop it. oh well
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    OMG, I am so glad to find this thread! Drinking is such a huge part of my calorie allowance...especially with my husband's help. I work long hours, and the ritual is that I come in the door and he's waiting with a G&T...what a man! Anyway, if I want to avoid going over, I have to skip meals entirely. I'm already a vegetarian, so my meals generally consist of vegetables and grains (all the calories are in the sauce! Grrr....), and even so, I can't afford to eat some days if I want to indulge with my hubby. I talk to him about it all the time, and remind him that I'm trying to watch it, but it's really hard to turn down a nice gesture from a doting husband, isn't it? I guess exercise is the answer...sigh.

    There are days that I also skip meals to indulge in some know friday, saturday and sunday, hahaha!! I also try to work out pretty hard those days too, also give myself a cheat day so I can feel human, hahaha!!!
    This thread is great! Your not alone!!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    got hom last night and had two small vodka cranberry juice. I didn't feel like exersizing and since DH was not eating I didn't cook dinner. I ate some crap and today I feel like crap. Not a good day. I am just ate a maple bar this mornng. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. I gotta stop it. oh well

    I ate like a crazy person last night and didn't workout either! Today is a new day! :)
  • Flocker1979
    Good to find this thread. That is the most annoying part of my weight loss is my refusal to give up my drinking on the weekends! It is my one vice and darn it, I'm keeping it! :drinker:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    OMG, I am so glad to find this thread! Drinking is such a huge part of my calorie allowance...especially with my husband's help. I work long hours, and the ritual is that I come in the door and he's waiting with a G&T...what a man! Anyway, if I want to avoid going over, I have to skip meals entirely. I'm already a vegetarian, so my meals generally consist of vegetables and grains (all the calories are in the sauce! Grrr....), and even so, I can't afford to eat some days if I want to indulge with my hubby. I talk to him about it all the time, and remind him that I'm trying to watch it, but it's really hard to turn down a nice gesture from a doting husband, isn't it? I guess exercise is the answer...sigh.

    I just try to do a bunch of cardio if I am going to drink. Maybe cut back my breakfast too. It is definitely a balance for me. If I quit drinking, I would probably lose 10 pounds. But then, how fun would life be?
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I stuck to it last night...but I didn't work out either. :embarassed:

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    What are the best low-cal beverages?... and don't tell me "vodka + diet soda" because that tastes awful.

    While I drink wine 90% of the time, when I'm watching calories or at a bar that has sh*tty wine, I actually do enjoy vodka with soda water but it must have lemon and lime. After a couple it tastes like water anyways. I've also been buying the low carb sugar free margarita mix; it has about 10 calories per 8 ounces. Mix with tequila, splash of triple sec and fresh lime and you have a low cal yummy summer drink. Rum and diet coke, but I don't really like that. Vanilla vodka and diet coke is good though. Tastes like cream soda. :drinker:
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Hahaha, I need this thread JUST for Saturday..... which is my 21st birthday.

    I've just decided, I'm going to work my butt off all week at the gym, especially Friday, and then Saturday I am going to enjoy my day and not log a thing. Because I'm frightened to see what the calories would be. We're going to a Brazilian Steakhouse for dinner, and then to a quieter bar (i hate lots of people) where I can just try a lot of different drinks to see what i like. I won't be drinking all of them, obviously, but still! It'll be ridiculous.
  • clstearns
    I have mixed vodka or rum with Crystal Light which is only about 10 calories plus the calories in the alcohol. I also mixed lemon vodka with water once thinking I was hydrating myself at the same time but it back fired and woke up with the worse hangover!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy Birthday, Maria! Enjoy yourself but don't hurt yourself:drinker:
    Monday=0 drinks
    tonight is pub quiz at a bbq place so I better eat light and get my run in. I think it is going to be windy though:sad:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Happy 21st Maria!!! Seriously, though. Be careful! :heart:

    Vanilla vodka and diet used to be "my" drink at the clubs...back before the advent of Red Bull. Yum!!!!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Oh I will be careful - definitely. It's my mom and Aunt who are taking me HAHAHA! And my best friend is coming too.

    Vanilla vodka and diet coke sound good... I want to try that!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Cherry Vodka and diet also delicious!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    here's another one
    you know you're a "like-minded lush" when you don't get to upset about bad service and actually think it's good the waiter was so neglectful or I would have drank more!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Because we've been eating out every night, I've been drinking most nights for the last week or so. (Moving into a new house and pot, pans, and pantry are packed up). Last week was almost every night. So far this week:

    Sunday: 0
    Monday: 4ish glasses of wine...maybe 5
    I'm going to try for no drinking tonight.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Happy Birthday Maria, have fun and be careful! :drinker:

    Last night was just the way to kick off the week. I went to the gym afterwork and came home started on dinner immediately and then got the baby ready for bed.

    Monday- 0
    Tuesday- going for 0 again!

    I didn't sleep too well cause I started the baby on table food and it upset her tummy. :sad: She hasn't been gassy like that since she was a newbie. :frown:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Cherry Vodka and diet also delicious!!!

    My new fave!!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Found this thread through a new friend. This is awesome.

    I have to say--I live in Oregon so beer is a HUGE part of the drinking culture.

    Since moving here 6 years ago I have become the biggest (can go both ways :)) fan of IPAs--really hopped up, high calorie beers.

    After last summer I cut them out of my diet (okay...maybe one every 3-4 months) and I lost 10 lbs without any effort. It was really sad at first--even though I LOOOOVE me some whiskey--but it makes the few i do get to enjoy that much more amazing.

    I now drink whiskey with diet coke or just straight whiskey. Sometimes I'll go ont he more spendy side an mix flavored vodkas with diet coke which is really yummy if you have a sweet tooth (ie: blueberry vodka with diet coke or vanilla vodka with diet coke). I also now only drink every other weekend which is hard, but saves me money and has led to MUCh easier weight loss.

    I'm not preaching or anything--if I had it my way I'd drink all my calories cos I love the taste of beers :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks, 16 hours workday overnights
    Tuesday, I really shouldn't...:ohwell: I'll let you know the count later