Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I got back from Lawrence Kansas! Tuesday I didn't drink, traveled, got in late, Wednesday I had a pineapple beer at a bar with dinner, really yummy and just pineapple juice in dos xx lager if you want to try it! I bought a bottle of wine and had a couple glasses in my room. Thursday I had two beers at Free State brewing and I was totally going to go back to my room but got talked into staying out, went to ellington's (?) where I had a blue moon and a french kiss martini, then too Sandbar where I had a marg and two miller lites-no wonder I felt awful today. I packed up the half-bottle and am drinking that tonight.
    Glad to be home:drinker:

    Sounds fabulous and welcome home! I have a cruise coming up the end of May and I love them, but I miss my pups soooooo much and it's just such a wonderful feeling being back home, IN your own home =]
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I caved. :ohwell: I also had some delicious brie, kabana, salami sticks and some apricot and almond cheese. I am a happy fatty right now.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I think it is going to be a two bottle Chardonnay night. I even gave in to my craving and picked up fried chicken for dinner. I don't know why I feel so pissed at everything. Maybe because DH has been home sick for the past two days. So you may see drunken ramblings from me later. it sounds like most of will be enjoying ourselves this weekend. (bikinis be damned!)
    I am the same. It's like I lost 7 kg so who gives a **** now? (even though I am still grossly overweight) It's weird I'm in a funk of not caring, not exercising. The new job put me out of routine etc. Why do I care about weight when for years I didn't care? It's not for health reasons cause I smoke, and I don't care about living longer. I am single no kids, so eh don't care. I need to somehow find why I started this again.
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    I got back from Lawrence Kansas! Tuesday I didn't drink, traveled, got in late, Wednesday I had a pineapple beer at a bar with dinner, really yummy and just pineapple juice in dos xx lager if you want to try it! I bought a bottle of wine and had a couple glasses in my room. Thursday I had two beers at Free State brewing and I was totally going to go back to my room but got talked into staying out, went to ellington's (?) where I had a blue moon and a french kiss martini, then too Sandbar where I had a marg and two miller lites-no wonder I felt awful today. I packed up the half-bottle and am drinking that tonight.
    Glad to be home:drinker:

    pineaple juice in dos exx, interesting. Now that its almost warm, time to start loading up on the miller chill. I add extra lime to it. More refreshing than the heavier darker winter beers. I also ordered some prickly pear cactus syrup. Hoping to make prickly pear cactus margueritas soon. If not, prickly pear cactus smoothies work for me also.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(k. (hoping <---that makes it past the censor-bot)

    So, Hubs got home at 6, I made us another drink (I was one down) to enjoy while we raked the yard. Then, we went to the neighbor's house where I proceeded to help her drink an entire bottle of Skinny Girl margaritas... might of had more to drink but I can't remember. I didn't eat, other than the 1/2 of a can of soup. I know I threw up, because my throat hurts. I think Hubs had to carry me home and much of the night past 9 is a blur. Oy.

    On a happy note, I don't feel like crap, because I threw up, and I woke up at 5 to pee and took some ibuprofen and chugged a glass of water. So, while I'm not could be worse.

    Friday=um, let's call it 8 :drinker:

    Faith, I'm sorry you're in a funk right now. Let us know if there's anything we can do to kick your a$s out of it. :heart:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    ooooo, Amy:flowerforyou: ...sounds like you had a rough night:sick:I think I would rather throw up than be super hungover and waste the day...just my perference.:ohwell:

    I had a bottle of skinnygirl last night...that's all I'm having this weekend...I have a weigh-in for a competition that I am hosting...I would hate to be the first one eliminated...especially, since it goes for 9 weeks and I would be running it and out of the competition.

    I'm going for a 5 mile powerwalk around the lake to burn off the alcohol calories and then hopefully I can work on the fat's kind of like a punishment for drinking:frown:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I caved. :ohwell: I also had some delicious brie, kabana, salami sticks and some apricot and almond cheese. I am a happy fatty right now.

    YUM! I love brie. so much so I named my daughter Sabrina so I could call her Brie ( I would have just named her Brie but her dad wouldn't let me) I love cheese and meat plates with wine. that is my favorite thing to eat.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amy, what a night. I remember having those when I was younger, now I just pass out in the chair in front of the TV and wake up in the middle of the night and slink off to bed.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I'd much rather throw up as I don't feel *as* crappy today as I could have. Apparently, there were shots of Tuaca as well, which explains just why I was so trashed.

    I'm coaching my son's soccer game today, so I'll be on the field, running around...which ought to suck, but it'll be good for me. I'm trying to slam a 32 oz. water bottle that I put a grape Propel packet in, and I'm hoping that will help. Needless to say...I don't think I'll be drinking tonight.:embarassed:
  • Beth_M217
    I'm sooo glad I'm not alone!!!! I love drinking wine and I will not give it up!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    ugh I'm so sick and hungover. My punishment. :sad:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Ooh well I went to bed at 2am and felt marginally rubbish when my son woke me up at 7am. Didn't last too long though as we went out to the shop to buy my mum a present for mothers day tomorrow and then it was off to soccer school on our bikes. I ended up with the job of pumping up all the balls so that was a pretty good upper body workout as my arms were aching at the end.
    I let my 13 year old take my 6 year old off to the shops together on their own for the first time as they wanted to buy me a present for tomorrow. Apparently I am due to be spoiled as they are planning breakfast in bed for me :smile:

    and I've just had pizza for dinner and started on the beer already :blushing:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ooh well I went to bed at 2am and felt marginally rubbish when my son woke me up at 7am. Didn't last too long though as we went out to the shop to buy my mum a present for mothers day tomorrow and then it was off to soccer school on our bikes. I ended up with the job of pumping up all the balls so that was a pretty good upper body workout as my arms were aching at the end.
    I let my 13 year old take my 6 year old off to the shops together on their own for the first time as they wanted to buy me a present for tomorrow. Apparently I am due to be spoiled as they are planning breakfast in bed for me :smile:

    and I've just had pizza for dinner and started on the beer already :blushing:

    Well, you deserve to be spoiled...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU...enjoy the day
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    ugh I'm so sick and hungover. My punishment. :sad:

    Ditto :frown:

    Guess I didn't eat enough. Think I had 6 glasses of wine and one of champagne. I'll be drinking tonight as well because I'm having my girls over. Once I have a couple of glasses of bubbly I'll be back in the game haha

    I'll eat lots of gnocchi so I don't have a hangover tomorrow :smile:

    Have a fabulous night everyone
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I wasn't feeling so well I can relate to how you're feeling. :sick:
    The worst part for me is I don't overeat when I drink..but I do the next day to help me feel better. Plus I don't exercise.

    Today I'm back on track for the weekend before I leave on vacay on Monday. Then all bets are off.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Alcohol takes away my appetite as well. Next day I'll either pig out or not eat anything. I still push myself and work out though. Today's stationary bike ride was rough but its my own fault so oh well.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Good for you for working out! I probably would have felt better if I did...but the thought of exercising just made me a little "green". :frown:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I hope you have a wonderful mother's day Yvonne :flowerforyou:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Happy Mother's Day Yvonne!

    Oh, running around while coaching today, I thought I was going to die, but it helped me feel sooooo much better. (That and the hamburger and Diet Coke from McDonald's I had on the way to go grocery shopping.)
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Confession time, I went stupid last night. As in thank goodness I have good friends to make sure I have all my stuff and get my hiney home stupid. :( I didn't mean to, never do. Hooping was painful for a bit this morning.