Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Very excellent Robin....glad you are happy with yesterday and possibly found some peace with the situation

    Monday, zip
    Tuesday, 8
    Wednesday, 6
    Thursday, zip
    Friday, zip, working
    Saturday, zip, working
    Sunday, zip, working
    Monday, weigh-in

    Total: 14
    Goal: 12

    Hey, peeps...I should be pretty much good for the rest of the week. I have to say that I am happy with the two days a week I allow myself to super indulge....maybe, I'll try to cut back on the quantity; but,not for know...I feel like I've reigned it in for now.

    Summer could be another story....
  • I purposely FORGOT to buy beer last night @ store. I'm really glad I did-- by the time I got home the kids had me so frustrated I could of downed a 6 pack in no time. Hubby was making him a drink & asked if I wanted one. I did WANT one, but said No last night. Tonight however, I doubt I'll be as reluctant to pass up anything! LOL
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I purposely FORGOT to buy beer last night @ store. I'm really glad I did-- by the time I got home the kids had me so frustrated I could of downed a 6 pack in no time. Hubby was making him a drink & asked if I wanted one. I did WANT one, but said No last night. Tonight however, I doubt I'll be as reluctant to pass up anything! LOL

    That was a good strategy!!! Don't you kind of feel happy in the morning when you don't drink alcohol the night before? I like getting up in the morning with a sharp mind, not dragging and not being bloated. But, then, I'll drink 8 beers on designated drinking night. Why, why, why??? I have to figure out why I prefer one over the other.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oopies....had 8oz of wine last night! Was supposed to be a dry evening, but I ate less than I had accounted for so I decided to make up for it with wine instead of food!
    Only a total of 14oz of wine Mon-Fri so not to bad.
    Tonight we are going out for a bit.....2 beers and 2 cocktails is all I'm gonna have. Gonna try and be good tomorrow too, maybe 2-3 glasses of wine. And sunday...well sunday forget about it :drinker:
    Happy Friday Everyone!!!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Rock on! It's Friday and that means drinking Fo Sho!...

    Oh wait I am starting to flash back to last night after volleyball...dammit...I may need to take it easy on the booze tonight seeing I downed atleast 8 bacardi and diet cokes.

    So no more than 7 tonight! haha :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Rock on! It's Friday and that means drinking Fo Sho!...

    Oh wait I am starting to flash back to last night after volleyball...dammit...I may need to take it easy on the booze tonight seeing I downed atleast 8 bacardi and diet cokes.

    So no more than 7 tonight! haha :drinker:

    I like they way you think :wink:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Oh wait I am starting to flash back to last night after volleyball...dammit...I may need to take it easy on the booze tonight seeing I downed atleast 8 bacardi and diet cokes.

    So no more than 7 tonight! haha :drinker:

    I like the way you think....

    I'm kind of jealous that everyones' weekend is starting and mine is gone, gone, gone
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I started drinking a glass of wine last night, but it got warm and I didn't want it, so I only had about 2 sips.


    I don't think I'll drink tonight. Coaching the boy's soccer game tomorrow and doing it hungover (like last week) sucked!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    I'm kind of jealous that everyones' weekend is starting and mine is gone, gone, gone

    Yes but yours will be here again sooner than ours :tongue:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I'm kind of jealous that everyones' weekend is starting and mine is gone, gone, gone

    Yes but yours will be here again sooner than ours :tongue:

    Nope, I will party along with you guys as I only work every other weekend:bigsmile:
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    Yup, I'll work out extra so I can enjoy my drink!!! Gonna get in some extra exercise in today! :P
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Caved last night. 7 glasses of wine.

    However, I had 6 glasses of water while having the wine which put me over a gallon for the day, so no sluggish feeling :smile:

    Going to my Gramma's for dinner tonight to see her before she goes on vacation. We always have wine when we go there. My boyfriend just laughs when my Gram, mom and I get silly from too much wine haha.

    Happy Friday everyone, enjoy :flowerforyou:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    Going to my Gramma's for dinner tonight to see her before she goes on vacation. We always have wine when we go there. My boyfriend just laughs when my Gram, mom and I get silly from too much wine haha.

    Sounds like a great time, enjoy!! I love drinking wine with my Nan :happy:
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member

    Going to my Gramma's for dinner tonight to see her before she goes on vacation. We always have wine when we go there. My boyfriend just laughs when my Gram, mom and I get silly from too much wine haha.

    oh my god, mutli-generation wine nights can be hilarious!!!

    m : 2
    t : 3.5
    w : 3
    th : 3
    f : ??

    total : 11.5 / 14

    playing hooky from work today so i can drive my husband to SF to play for the day .. starting with brunch in sausalito and then tons of little spots we've wanted to check out for different food stuffs ... so drinks won't be an issue today, just calories!
  • Does that really work? Drinking water in between drinks?????
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    The water between drinks helps...I just forget the water!

    I'm running a low-grade temp...99.7. .3 more and I'm going die. I need to bleach bomb my house or something. Boo (my son...that's really not his name.) is sick at his dad's. My hubs was sick this past Sunday/Monday, I was sick last week. Ugh.
  • Well I hope you feel better!! I HATE getting sick on the weekends!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    A glass of water per drink helps me, depending on what I'm drinking. If it's ever hard stuff I need more water. But I drink about a gallon of water a day anyway but last night in I downed 3 glasses at once, twice in between glasses of wine.

    Feel great this morning, unlike last weekend when I had the same amount of wine but no water :frown:

    Thanks Kblue, and yes foodie, it's hilarious. My Gram pours a giant glass for herself, about 7 oz haha and she'll get laughing at something and it looks like she's crying or in pain. It's always a good time and I look forward to it so much :smile:

    It's actually one of my boyfriends bestfriends birthday today and he's going out to Hartford to the bars. Nothing wrong with it but my boyfriend and I are younger than him and don't even like the bars anymore. I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to meet up with people after dinner but he'd rather come home and veg on the couch haha. The cruise however will be another story :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Hope you feel better soon....being sick is the freakin worst :cry:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    It's actually one of my boyfriends bestfriends birthday today and he's going out to Hartford to the bars. Nothing wrong with it but my boyfriend and I are younger than him and don't even like the bars anymore. I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to meet up with people after dinner but he'd rather come home and veg on the couch haha. The cruise however will be another story :drinker:

    I am so over going out to bars...much rather get my drink on at home. Like you, vacation is a much differnet story! We're gonna tear Vegas up next month :happy:
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