Lose 5 Pounds A Month April 2011 Challenge



  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    Down a grand total of 0 lbs, 0 ounces!! :grumble: I'm getting tired of this plateau, especially since I'm trying my best to get unstuck, and nothing seems to be working. I went up a couple of pounds over last weekend (had some wine, tortilla chips - nothing really crazy), and I guess that's off now. The frustrating thing is that it doesn't seem I'm able to have any sort of "cheat" at all without gaining weight immediately, and then working my butt off to keep it off. I'm nowhere close to my goal, and it's seeming farther and farther out of reach. :sad:

    Goal weight on April 30th: 164

    04/01: 170.6
    04/08: 170.6
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    SW 162.5
    Apr 8-162

    .5 loss, definately due to going off track last weekend! This weekend no cheating!
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    145.5 today down 2.5 lbs =) Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • sek92
    sek92 Posts: 43 Member
    157 blah bad week focus more next week
  • leamgood
    leamgood Posts: 32 Member
    Week 1: 170
    Week 2 : 165 w/ TOM :)
  • SW:162

    Hoping for more for the work put in but oh well!! :ohwell:
  • dnpamorgan
    dnpamorgan Posts: 29 Member
    4-1: 144
    4-8: 144
    Going to focus more on eating better and exercising more this coming week. REALLY want to see the scale move!!
  • KristiGuard
    KristiGuard Posts: 33 Member
    04/08 weigh in = 185.6 :bigsmile: 8.4 #'s lost this week!!!!!!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    4/1: 136.6
    4/7: 135.4
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Okay - I'm in. I only loss 2 pounds in March, so the focus will be good for me. Starting weight 207#. Good luck to everyone and will b e looking forward to the weekly posts.

    4/1/11 - 207
    4/8/11 - 205.4
    4/15/11 -
    4/22/11 -
    4/29/11 -
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a newby and ready for the challenge. Starting weight is 254 lbs. I need a lot of motivation!

    Welcome, and good luck I'm glad to see you are taking a challenge right from the beginning. it helps to have motivation and friends. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 04/01: 176
    04/08: 174.0 (-2lbs)
  • 4/1 = 159.5
    4/8 = 157.0 (down 2.5lbs)
  • AJsMOM83
    AJsMOM83 Posts: 6
    I'm in!! :)

    Just weighed myself right now.


    188lbs, I'm coming for ya!!!

    04/08/11 weigh in: 190lbs!!! YAY!! This definitely motivated me for the weekend, which are the hardest for me to eat healthy.
  • Im in...SW 196.4
  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    04/01/2011: 144.6lbs
    04/08/2011: 142.0lbs
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I weighed in at 172 this morning.

    Things have not changed at all this week. I'm still at 172 lbs :frown:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hello everyone,

    My funny story of the day...

    Today was "family sharing day" at my son's daycare (cute, right?) so I went in to work a little late so I could share with him. We all sat in a circle and went around saying what we thought our family member's fav...whatever was, color, pet, place, ect. When it came time for us to share what we thought our fav food was I said...

    "Justin's fav food is strawberries" (then he says Yes or No, and what it really is) then he shares what he thinks mine is...
    He said "My mommy LOVES diet food!"

    It was really funny and my face went all red at first but then a few other kiddos were like "Ya, my mom eats diet food also" one little girl said "my mom says french fries makes her booty REALLY BIG"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    At least we moms all got red at that point!

    LOL!!!!!! Hilarious!! Kids are so wonderful.
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    I think my scale broke. I start to work out this month and still eating about the same, but my weight went up 1.5 lbs. :mad:

    4/1: 142 lbs
    4/8: 143.5 lbs
  • Weigh in 1lb down this week but i havent worked as hard as i could have im gonna aim higher next week:wink:
    04/01/2011: 156lbs
    04/08/2011: 155lbs
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