Postnatal- April 2011



  • Can I join? I just found this site a couple weeks ago so I was not on the prenatal board, but I had my 2nd baby in January!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I think the lack of sleep was making me feel some more extreme baby blues, and then I started to panic that I was having PPD again. I called the doc and they prescribed something, but the side effects are scary, so I'm going to give it to my 2nd week post partum before I decide if it is baby blues or ppd. It doesn't feel the same as last time.

    Can you put those thoughts in your head? My husband said He thinks I'm so anxious about having it that I'm willing it?:embarassed:

    I was really worried I was going to hurt Logan, drop him or lay him down to rough or whatever, and my husband said he has the same fears. So I guess that's normal. It is a weird sensation when I think it I feel so bad like a bad mama, but the girl next door with the twins said she worries about the same thing.

    I think the lack of sleep increases these fears. Yesteraday I so had a hormonal moment. I got my feelings hurt so easily. :sad: I just miss spending time with my husband and my pillow:laugh:

    Yeah I think it's natural to have those thoughts. For a good two months after I had my LO I felt like I was going crazy with the sleep deprivation. I couldn't string a sentence together! Try to remind yourself there is light at the end of the tunnel and baby will be sleeping better soon x
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Had one great thing happen this morning (175.8lbs!, 3.6lbs loss this week) and one bad thing (AF started a week early, again, and we're supposed to be TTC in a few months).

    Anyways, :smile: for the weight loss at least.
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I think the lack of sleep was making me feel some more extreme baby blues, and then I started to panic that I was having PPD again. I called the doc and they prescribed something, but the side effects are scary, so I'm going to give it to my 2nd week post partum before I decide if it is baby blues or ppd. It doesn't feel the same as last time.

    Can you put those thoughts in your head? My husband said He thinks I'm so anxious about having it that I'm willing it?:embarassed:

    I was really worried I was going to hurt Logan, drop him or lay him down to rough or whatever, and my husband said he has the same fears. So I guess that's normal. It is a weird sensation when I think it I feel so bad like a bad mama, but the girl next door with the twins said she worries about the same thing.

    I think the lack of sleep increases these fears. Yesteraday I so had a hormonal moment. I got my feelings hurt so easily. :sad: I just miss spending time with my husband and my pillow:laugh:

    Yeah I think it's natural to have those thoughts. For a good two months after I had my LO I felt like I was going crazy with the sleep deprivation. I couldn't string a sentence together! Try to remind yourself there is light at the end of the tunnel and baby will be sleeping better soon x
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Not sure if you ladies are Breastfeeding , BUT if you are you might want to check out what D-MERS is. I thought many of times that I had the baby blues , but I only felt this way when I was nursing. I am only saying this just to help. My own Docter tryed to put my on Lexapro and wellbatrim these never helped.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Katrina- Hang in there girl, I think that the lack of sleep may have lots to do with it. I have had a few fits of crying, begging and just wanting to get a moment. I have had fears of not knowing what to do with the baby and when she is really fussy I sometimes just cant figure it out. If you feel like you can not handle it put him down, even if he is crying and just catch a moment for yourself. I think that the lack of sleep makes us overwhelmed, fortunately hubby is home with me right now so I can hand her over when I need a little break. Keep strong!

    Degaprincess- Welcome! Just chime in, there is nothing formal here. We are here to support each other and encourage each other towards our goals.

    Amanda- One the super plus down 3.6lbs with AF! That is amazing, also at least you can track your cycle and see where it is going to settle. I have never gone right to regular after having a baby, usually takes several months.

    AFM- Brooklynn through a curve ball last night, she did not go down until 11pm woke up at 1:30am and 3:30 am then we got to sleep until 6:30 when we had to get the other little ones up. I sure hope we can get the prior day sleep back because last night will not work for me when I return to work. Hubby would take care of her but I am exclusively nursing right now, I have begun pumping to get ready for hubby to introduce the bottle so we do not have any problems when I am at work. I :heart: my medela
  • Katrina - I definitely know how you feel. I've suffered with depression & PPD for awhile now so sometimes I think the same thing... am I just doing this to myself? I'm sure we will get through it, just gotta keep our heads up & mind focused on what is important! God never gives us more than we can handle :)

    Degaprincess - Welcome, the more the merrier!

    Amanda - Nice on the 3.6lbs!

    Sheri - I hope you & Brooklynn can work out a schedule together! My LO seems to be working against me right now :( I have begun pumping also but still haven't tried a bottle yet & I start part time on Monday so hopefully FOB won't have any problems while I'm at work. You like the medela pump? I looooove my avent :)
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Wow I feel like I am getting the cold shoulder ! I get it . :frown:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just wanted to say hello! I had a follow up appointment today and I am now 4cm dilated! He will induce me on Wednesday if I don't go naturally before then.

    Katrina ~ hang in there. I know it is easier said than done but I will keep you in my prayers.

    Sheri ~ a big hello to you!

    Jamie ~ hope you are doing well!

    And to everyone else, I look forward to getting to know you really soon!

    Hope you all are having a great Friday.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Wow I feel like I am getting the cold shoulder ! I get it . :frown:

    No one is giving you the cold shoulder - just jump in!

    I also have a Medela and love it - it was actually given to me by a friend of my sisters. Although, I've never used any other type of pump so I can't really compare it to anything. I only pump at night before bed and occasionally in the middle of the night. For the past week, Redmond has basically slept through the night every night. He's only gotten up to eat 2 times before 6am. Last night was one of was a long night and he's not napping very well today. I think he's having tummy troubles. I've given him gripe water and just waiting for something to happen.

    Hubby and I are going on our first "date" alone since Redmond has been born tomorrow night. I'm SO ready for a drink! :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • <<<<
    Wow I feel like I am getting the cold shoulder ! I get it . :frown:

    No way! Why do you think that?

    I am staying with my parents for one more day (tomorrow) and then I go back home to be alone & I'm so scared! I won't have those extra hands around when both girls need me at the same time. At the same time, I can't wait to get back home to get things back to normal & start to figure out some sort of schedule with the girls & FOB. I guess I will just have to make the most out of tomorrow because then it's back to reality & being a single mom :(
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My baby blues seem to get worse when my husband comes home? does that makes sense?

    Oh and I'm not breast feeding, because I didn't want that stress along with PPD if it came back again.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Tiffeney-sorry if it seemed that way, nobody is giving the cold shoulder. I think most of us just had our LO in the last week or two so we are totally lacking sleep and such.

    Sara- yay for dates! My aunt took my boys for the night so we only have the baby and can get some rest.

    Jamie- It will work out, my goddaughter's mom has 4 little ones and has been on her own for the last year. She says it is tough but somehow it just works. You should try having your mom or dad give Hayley a bottle, I had hubby give Brooklynn one today just because my breasts are really sore right now. She has been eating non stop for the last 2 days and I am wore out. She fussed for the first second or two but then chugged the bottle like nothing. I do absolutely love my medela, I had other pumps with the boys but this one seems to work very well for me. I have started stashing milk in the freezer. Sorry you have to go back to work so soon, I have 5 more weeks and then I go back. It will feel strange since I was put on bedrest in January and have not worked in months.

    Katrina- Does hubby help you with the baby? I know that when my hubby was working I felt like the baby was all my responsibility and when there were two it was worse. If you feel like you have to take care of your older boy, the baby and hubby that may be part of it. I know that my situation is very fortunate right now because I can hand Brooklynn to daddy and take a breather and he does 90% of the diaper changing. Breast feeding can be very frustrating though, I do agree with that because it feels like a full time job right now.... I hope it gets easier otherwise she will be drinking pumped milk.
  • Thanks! I'm Beth, btw. I need to add a signature.

    I tried to pump with DS and it was so difficult... kudos to all of you making it work! He stopped latching in the hospital so I pumped at home for about 3-4 weeks and then had to stop. I also have a 2.5 year old, and it just got to be too difficult coordinating everything.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • crythreetears
    crythreetears Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to join, I just had my baby on December 10th, I started on Wednesday. This site is really helpful!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Beth - I am sure, it was difficult for me to pump with my last son and I was balancing a then 3 year old, a newborn, a full time job and school. Needless to say I quit because it was much easier to make a bottle of formula at that time and have someone else feed him. I am very determined to give my little girl breast milk only just because I will not be having any others and I always felt like I missed out by not being able to nurse very well with my others,

    Crythreetears- Welcome, just chime in we have nothing formal going on. We are just here to support one another and motivate with your goals.

    Bethe (Dragonfly)- I can't wait to see pictures of little Wade, see you on this side real soon!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just want to say hi. We will be in the hospital for one more day because they weren't able to get enough antibiotics in me before Wade arrived for the Beta Strep B. So he needs to be watched for 48 hours. It is to be 82 degrees here today so unfortunately I have to miss out on that but oh well.

    I truly hope you are all doing well!
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I am new here and not really sure if anyone can answer this... Last week I recorded everything I get 1200 calories and only had one bad day where I think I went over by like 280 or something and when I weight myself I gained urghhh ! I really am so confused at this point. You see I have a 2 year old still on the nene ( lol ) ( I so can not wait to wean her she still wakes up in the middle of the night) . My diary is open and I really do not use the breastfeed calories caz at this point I am not sure I am still producing milk. She nurses at least 6x a day for about 5-10 minutes. At this point I do not want to go out & get a pump due to cost and really not wanting it. Anyone have experience with BF for this long.

    Word of advice if you do not want to be in my sitution stop by the first year thier cries only get louder. The only reason I did not stop by the first year is that we were entering swine flu season and did not want to give her that shot . She is a very healthy baby though !
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I am new here and not really sure if anyone can answer this... Last week I recorded everything I get 1200 calories and only had one bad day where I think I went over by like 280 or something and when I weight myself I gained urghhh ! I really am so confused at this point. You see I have a 2 year old still on the nene ( lol ) ( I so can not wait to wean her she still wakes up in the middle of the night) . My diary is open and I really do not use the breastfeed calories caz at this point I am not sure I am still producing milk. She nurses at least 6x a day for about 5-10 minutes. At this point I do not want to go out & get a pump due to cost and really not wanting it. Anyone have experience with BF for this long.

    Word of advice if you do not want to be in my sitution stop by the first year thier cries only get louder. The only reason I did not stop by the first year is that we were entering swine flu season and did not want to give her that shot . She is a very healthy baby though !

    My first thought would be are you drinking enough water? You could very possibly be holding on to water weight due to sodium intake. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses a day (my norm is about 12 glasses/day). I couldn't view your diary (maybe it's only public to your "friends"?) so I couldn't see what you had eaten. And, although it seems like it would be the opposite, if you eat too few calories you're doing your body more harm than good.
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks ! I am going to see why you can not see it ! I want it open to all , need all the help I can get. As of retaining the water not sure I pee all the time REALLY. I get about 5-7 a day . I could be backed up the other way to or it could be the sodium.
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