WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Just dropping in with a quick hello as I am at work.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! I have a sister Simone! Don't hear that name a lot! Welcome!

    Hang in there to anyone having a tough time of it:angry: . If we don't keep plugging along, one day at a time, our hips will express the frustrations we're going through:noway: and then we get frustrated even more!:grumble: If today is good...then GREAT!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: As far as the scales, what I do is get weighed every Wednesday. Because I track every day.....even triple chocolate muffins:wink: then I have something to regroup about.Honesty in what we track is the only way to really be able to step back and regroup in a way that can help us. Maybe it IS sodium or maybe we just ate more that we worked off. :ohwell: Whatever is key....will show up when you analize what you are tracking totally and honestly!
    Drinking lots of water helps me too, as well as exercise everyday that I can. I aim for everyday and there's always a day that something comes up that throws me off and the exercising gets thrown to the wayside. If I aim for 3 days....I'll probrably do 2. If I aim for 4....I'll probrably do 3. So by trying to fit exercising in everyday, I do 5 days minimum...sometimes 7!.

    Also, it's so easy to eat over life going awry.:angry::sad: :explode: I've had some bad days, emotionally and the first thing I think of doing is grabbing a snack.:noway: I'm trying to train myself to do ANYTHING but eat when I'm upset because once I take that first compulsive bite...I'm opening the door for trouble.:frown: :wink:

    Got to go! Have a great weekend lovely ladies!! We're all in this thing together....no matter what part of the world we're from!!!:laugh: :wink:

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I hope everyone is having great weather and enjoying the day. In my neck of the woods, the sun is bright and warmth is in the air.
    I am glad to be at the end of the week. I presented at a conference this morning. I'm glad that is over. It went well.

    Natalie, I am having the same problem. For the past two weeks the scale moved only half a pound. I thought I was doing fine with my diet and exercise.. I remind myself that if I am making a lifestyle change, then I have to stay focused on healthy food choices and keep moving. I am certain the pounds will move.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Hello my friends,

    What did you think about the American Idol results? Pretty crazy, huh? Pia was not my favorite but I didn’t expect her to go home so early. (I admit to being an American Idol junkie.) :wink:

    I am a big AI fan, but did not get to watch the show this week. I have on the DVR and may play it back over the weekend. I am not that impressed with the contestants this year Right now my favorite is Stephano.I was a little surprised to see Pia go home. She was one of the best on the show. I miss Simone.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I thank you for your input, I keep logging in here, and writing down my food, diary is viewable, if you care to take a look, i'll leave it public for awhile... I seem to be eating all the proper things, had tuna salad for lunch, on one of those 100 cal whole wheat thomas bagels, lettuce on it, about 16 mini baby carrots, one tablespoon ranch dressing, and on pickle (claussen)...
    ????? Dinner, we are going to Red robin, I will order burger, with lots of tomatos on top, and lettuce, and get steamed veggies instead of fries... drink water...
    Beats me...
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I thank you for your input, I keep logging in here, and writing down my food, diary is viewable, if you care to take a look, i'll leave it public for awhile... I seem to be eating all the proper things, had tuna salad for lunch, on one of those 100 cal whole wheat thomas bagels, lettuce on it, about 16 mini baby carrots, one tablespoon ranch dressing, and on pickle (claussen)...
    ????? Dinner, we are going to Red robin, I will order burger, with lots of tomatos on top, and lettuce, and get steamed veggies instead of fries... drink water...
    Beats me...
  • Hi!!!!! I am 56 years old, and have been a yo-yo dieter, for most of my adult life. I don't know which was harder......taking the weight off or keeping it off. Then came menopause......I really need to get healty, this time, for good. A heart health scare, as well as high blood pressure is my new motivating factors.

    I look forward to sharing and supporting everyone here!!

    Sue in Illinois
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hello ladies.

    I hope everyone is having great weather and enjoying the day. In my neck of the woods, the sun is bright and warmth is in the air.
    I am glad to be at the end of the week. I presented at a conference this morning. I'm glad that is over. It went well.

    Natalie, I am having the same problem. For the past two weeks the scale moved only half a pound. I thought I was doing fine with my diet and exercise.. I remind myself that if I am making a lifestyle change, then I have to stay focused on healthy food choices and keep moving. I am certain the pounds will move.


    This scale has not moved in the right direction at all in a MONTH, yes it dropped 3 pounds, but now this morning up 2 again.. so now only down 1, weigh in I am going to change to WEDNESDAY, and give myself a chance to lose these 2 lbs, wherever they came from.
    Thank you for your input...
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou: After a really cold, nasty, rainy day yesterday, today was such a gift. It was sunny and the breeze was minimal so we were able to enjoy the 55 degree high. We went to our meadow where DH fished and treated the pond, and I explored looking for junk for an artist friend who makes sculptures out of junk. Our property was once a stagecoach stop for three major stagecoach lines in the 1800s. The 1840s era house and barn were arsoned back in the 1980s (we've only owned the property for 6 years), but there's all kinds of treasures to be found early in the spring before all the wildflowers and grasses grow. I found some gate hinges, wagon parts and I don't know what the other things are This year I want to start digging to see what pottery, household goods etc that I can find. It's fun! After we got back to the cabin we hiked in the woods. My new pedometer says I clocked 9548 steps today. That makes up for all the sitting in the car yesterday driving up here.

    I am catching up on posts from yesterday and today. Here goes! :bigsmile:

    Mimi, I am an Idol junkie too! :happy: I was surprised that Pia left. I didn't feel she'd be in the last three, but, like you, I expected her to be around longer. Do you have a favorite? Mine are all guys this year: Casey, James and jacob. I think it's because they're all quirky. I like free spirits.

    Happy Anniversary Natalie! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda, take care! I think of you so often. I'm sending hugs, gentle hugs! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Mary, busy lady, you are such a role model for us. You still make sure to find time to swim even when you are so busy doing for others. Hat's off to you! :drinker:

    Vicki, you can do it......you WILL do it! :wink:

    Natalie, I don't know your story, but if I can help in any way, send me a message. :smile: I was a WW leader for a few years and my favorite part of the job was working with the members to work out problems, plateaus etc. Just got to your next post and I can really understand your frustration. Linda has a good idea. Put away the scale and eat your plainest favorite foods for a week and see what happens. Also eat the least amount of wheat you can get away with. When I dropped most of my wheat, I dropped weight. I am not allergic to it, just intollerant of it. Might work for you.

    Linda :bigsmile: I walked all those steps today (9548) and my pedometer says that = 4.52 miles. I am going to put 2 of those toward my total. Okay with you? Thursday I did 1.5 miles bringing it to 6, then 2 today I'm up to 8. Gee, only 37 to go. I can do it. Weather's getting nice so I'll aim for two walks a day at 1.5 miles each. That'll do it....no prob! :tongue:

    Hi Kackie and Lynn! :happy:

    I have been on more than one forum and have had an awfully lot of trouble keeping everyone straight. I have decided that I am going to just post here and hopefully really get to know you all. I am almost to maintenance goal.....5 difficult pounds to go..... and I am really loving the support one finds here. Not only do I need it for getting it off, I need support for keeping it off.

    WELCOME NEWBIES! :flowerforyou:

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome Dee
    This is a great board....I am relatively new here. Enjoy!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to Simone and Sue!

    I am home from the music festival. Didn't know how to log it, so I just put in two hours of walking. I'm sure that I did at least that. Now I have to go bake - my women's group has a bake sale at church tomorrow to raise money for the camp. I'm going to make homemade granola bars, chex mix, and a cream cheese bar with splenda. Got to run!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm at a satisfactory weight, but still working on the belly fat. Haven't done well on breakfasts, haven't done well on the water. Keep trying nonetheless. Everyone has their pitfalls; keep trying!! Don't give up, don't beat yourself up.

    Birthday: April 22
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Natalie I did look over your diary like you asked. I see a couple of things. First let me say I am writing this because you asked for help. No criticism just friendly comments.
    I only looked a few days but you did go over calories on a few days. First thing I would do is put your calories at whatever fitness pal says you should. Mine is at 1200. also you may want to try for a week to see if it makes a difference. Cut out all processed foods. Eat lean meat grilled or baked and lots of veggies and a couple servings of fruit a day. try to eat your fruit before 2 pm. if you cut out the processed foods I really think you will see a difference. some people can eat anything as long as they stay in calorie level. I have to cut out certain foods or I dont lose. I also have to exercise every day or I wont lose. also make sure your portion sizes are right. sometimes that is what gets us. if you try this weigh yourself when you start and not again until end of week. If I know I am going to weigh in I try to be good for the whole week. I hope this helps. If not you may need to get your thyroid checked out. You may have an underlying problem.
    Have a good evening.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    mimi - hope you had a great lunch. What was their reaction to your weight loss?

    Donna - welcome! Glad to have ya join us.

    Did a hour of HIIT on the elliptical today (Fri). Tomorrow I'm planning on doing a 30 min toning class and then yoga. Tomorrow night we're supposed to go out with friends of ours to a play. Guess I'd better make some dessert.

    I bought this hamburger patty maker today. I also went to a healthy cooking demo where they made this bean burger. Personally, I just thought it needed more spices, but it was quite good. What I'd like to do is make some of those burgers and have them in the freezer to prepare. But...when I got home I couldn't find the recipe! Maddening! Fortunately, I called the place and they had an extra one. So I'll probably go pick it up tomorrow. then I went bowling. Had a bad day. But that's what practice is all about. Oh, before the cooking demo I worked out, then went to Kohl's. I'd bought a tablecloth and just assumed it was the size that was listed on the front of the package. Well, it wasn't so I returned them (there were 2). Surprisingly, they didn't give me any hassle, it's been a while since I purchased them. but I did get a store credit since it would be more than if I'd gotten it put back on my credit card. Something about $10 Kohls cash. So I bought 2 blouses. Not that I needed them, mind you. Then I went to Aldi's and got sugar, stopped at Bed Bath & Beyond for the patty maker. Hope this works! Update: I found the recipe in a section of my pocketbook where I would NEVER have expected it to be.

    lovesauburn - welcome! what a lovely pic of you!

    Amanda - I'm so sorry for you. Hope you're feeling better real soon. When it rains, it pours, eh?

    Welcome simone! Boy, you ARE ambitious.

    Natalie - sometimes it just takes a while to see the results of your hard work. Hang in there! Remember, the scale only shows you a number! Go more by how your clothes are fitting rather than a number. The way I think about it is I let the doctor worry about the number, that's what I pay him for! Vicki had some really good ideas. I was amazed to learn how small a portion of spaghetti was, for instance. In looking over your diary, can you try upping your water intake? Also, I know that I need to track my sodium. I was amazed to find out how very high in sodium Olive Garden's apricot chicken was! It didn't taste salty, but it sure had a lot of sodium.

    Linda - I'm sure you enjoyed that muffin. Sometimes we just have to give in to those feelings, otherwise we'd go crazy. I know that I would. When I have those cravings, I usually make up for it with the calories in that I have something low cal to offset this. Also, if I have something that is high in carbs, I try to have some protein. You'll be fine; just don't let it happen all the time (and I know you won't)

    A big welcome to Sue in Illinois! Tell us more about yourself

    I have a meeting to go to for the Y Tuesday. Last month they had some bananas and we were told to take some home. So I'm going to make a banana bread tomorrow and take it with me to the meeting. Hopefully, we can get a few games of bowling in. Then in the evening all the bowlers are going to go to this one lady's house for a small get together. I'm going to buy a cake, since that is the ONLY one I could find with any sort of bowling theme. Going to do some Wii Hula Hoop tomorrow (Sun), then make the bread, while it's cooling hopefully we can go bowling some, then to the get together.

    Went to a play with a friend of mine tonight. It's just nice to get out.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good evening ladies,
    Natalie I did look over your diary like you asked. I see a couple of things. First let me say I am writing this because you asked for help. No criticism just friendly comments.
    I only looked a few days but you did go over calories on a few days. First thing I would do is put your calories at whatever fitness pal says you should. Mine is at 1200. also you may want to try for a week to see if it makes a difference. Cut out all processed foods. Eat lean meat grilled or baked and lots of veggies and a couple servings of fruit a day. try to eat your fruit before 2 pm. if you cut out the processed foods I really think you will see a difference. some people can eat anything as long as they stay in calorie level. I have to cut out certain foods or I dont lose. I also have to exercise every day or I wont lose. also make sure your portion sizes are right. sometimes that is what gets us. if you try this weigh yourself when you start and not again until end of week. If I know I am going to weigh in I try to be good for the whole week. I hope this helps. If not you may need to get your thyroid checked out. You may have an underlying problem.
    Have a good evening.
    Vicki M

    I take Synthroid for thyroid... got that base covered, I am telling you, I have triedc 1200 calories, if you look at diary from Marcy 7 to abotu April 1, I did do just that, nothing happened... I exercise 6x a week, riding bike outside 30 min, (bad knees, can't walk), started upper body strenght training using 5 lb weights (for arms), do the every other day...
    Drinking 8 glasses of water...
    SO, If I eat the fruist before 2 pm, what do I eat in the evening to satisfy me so I won't be hungry thru the night?
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member

    Linda :bigsmile: I walked all those steps today (9548) and my pedometer says that = 4.52 miles. I am going to put 2 of those toward my total. Okay with you? Thursday I did 1.5 miles bringing it to 6, then 2 today I'm up to 8. Gee, only 37 to go. I can do it. Weather's getting nice so I'll aim for two walks a day at 1.5 miles each. That'll do it....no prob! :tongue:

    Dee! Excellent milage!! You CAN do it, indeed! 3 miles a day is great, if the weather keeps up! Keep walking!
    Weather here is great too, so I'm off out, maybe get my swim in, if pool not too busy!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Michele I really DID enjoy the muffin and will manage to make up for it over a week or two if I need to, so not to worry! :smile:
    Great to know that you are here! :flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone, welcome all newcomers.

    :glasses: :glasses: The weather is lovely today, in fact it's been sunny since Wednesday, I hope it lasts. Well our new windows are all in place and it makes the whole house look much better (from the outside :bigsmile: )

    On Friday we took the dogs out, we were going to go to a place called Brandsby Woods, DD had been there before a few years ago with the RSPCA dogs and took Milo and Tara with her, (This was before Frankie was ours) She followed behind someone else in her car, so wasn't sure exactly where it was, but we thought it should be well signposted as it's a popular place for dog walkers. Could we find it, could we heck!we drove around up hill down dale - it was hot DD was getting stressed the dogs were getting fed up and wanted to get out to have a run I was dying to pee:noway: :noway: it was a nightmare!. We were going to head back home when I saw a sign to Dalby Forest so we headed there instead. It cost £7 to get in, luckily I had a bit of money with me - the main reason we stayed there was that I was almost to bursting point by now, once I'd "been" I said to DD that it was the most expensive pee I had ever had!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We had a really good long walk through the forest and the views were spectacular, Frankie and Tara were exhaused by the time we got home, in fact we all were.

    Unfortunately my weight has gone up a few pounds, a combination of sitting in the car stress eating and a box of choccies I got for my birthday which I was not going to open for a few more weeks. They were calling out to me and that little devil on my shoulder was egging me on.

    Back to the drawing board!

    Hope everyone is well, have a lovely Sunday and congrats to those who have lost/are losing.

    Viv xx
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Just a quickie, spent 8 hours yesterday scrubbing my truck from the winter oil spray, and getting the inside cleaned up. Had a good day ate a bowl of beef stew that was not supposed to be on the menu, but no snacks yesterday so I'm hoping for that I faired out even. Off to Smith Falls today to help my sister move, looking forward to a day away from home and some fresh air again. Supposed to rain later in the day, I'm crossing my fingers it will be later in the day.

    Hope all is well here, wish everyone a good day, remember be true to yourself!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,'
    Natalie, it seems you are doing what you should. I am not a doctor just know what works for me. I guess you can just hang in like everyone says or maybe see a nutritionist is that is afforable. Also I noticed on your ticker you only have about 20 pounds to lose. those last few are the hardest to go. I hope you find something that works. I know how frustrating that can be. dont give up.
    we slept in and are now off to the gym. promised grandkids they could come help us around yard later. see you later ladies.
    vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    To all the newcomers to MFP here are some things that helped me over the last couple of years:
    - Always check the website of a restaurant before you go there. If they don't have a website, then ask for nutritional information when you first get there. Beware of what may sound low calorie. The plainer the sounding the dish, the better chance you have of no hidden calories.
    -If you are just starting back to exercising after many years of not doing much, be realistic in what you commit to. Yes, 30-45 minutes 5-6 days a week may be best for a healthy heart, but it can be very depressing to set goals then not be able to make them. Start back slowly, be consistent and when your goal becomes too easy, up it.
    -Remember what works for me may not work for you. While there are some basics like drinking water, watching the sodium, etc. We are each different and have different needs. I admire some of the stuff the ladies here in this tread do, but I know I could never do it myself. Find what works for you and stick to it. (E.G. whole wheat pasta and brown rice. lol)
    -I never ate less than my BMR and lowered my daily calories slowly adjusting every 10 pounds or so.

    Good luck and this is a life long journey,

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