Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Joonzgurl- We waited a week to tell people which made me 6 weeks at the time. But we only told close family and waited a couple more weeks before telling everyone. Just like everyone here has said- it's all on what you are comfortable with. I was bursting at the seams so I'm lucky I lasted a week!!!

    Brittony- Cute picture! I have no idea who I will have do mine when I'm always the one behind the camera!

    Julie- Don't apologize for anything. What you are feeling is completely normal. I pray for strength for you to be able to grieve over this however you need. Know we're all here anytime you need to vent/scream/cry/curse etc. :heart:

    Ron- I did not like the ON maternity jeans at all. Probably just my build because I don't like their regular jeans either. I have had no luck with maternity pants yet- they are either too tight at my calves or too big everywhere else. I'm sucking it up and dealing with the belly band still for now and using my pre-preggo jeans. The belly band drives me nuts though :grumble:

    AFM: I am soooooooooooo sick and tired of people thinking that I need to hear their rude comments about my being pregnant.
    "How did that happen", "Planned?! I'm sure it was ;)" etc etc I was ready to punch someone yesterday because I was just done with dealing with it. If I hear it from one more person I'm going to- no joke. :explode: && sleep ya, we're not the best of friends anymore either. I go to sleep fine but staying asleep is a joke. I have so many intense dreams that I don't feel like I sleep, not to mention the insane sweats that soak the sheets and the peeing, can't forget that. Guess I'll just be ready for the minimal sleep once LO is here :laugh:
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Guess I got a new group :) Just found out Friday that I'm pregnant!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Guess I got a new group :) Just found out Friday that I'm pregnant!

    Welcome, Congrats.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Julie- You are still in my prayers, I have never lost a sibling but my brother did move away when my middle child was 1 and never looked back. He does not know any of my children and I think it sucks because it is by choice. I am not even sure if he knows that he has a niece. Stay strong, you should put together a scrap book or something all about him so that you can share it with Maisie when she gets big enough. I think it would be something special for her to have and learn all about her uncle.

    Lynn- Love the new picture

    Rachel- It will not be easy but do the best you can to ignore those comments. Some people just don’t care about anyone’s feelings. Let it roll off your back as hard as that may be.

    Megan- It is Annabelle’s due day! I hope she decides to come out and play!

    AnneElise- Prom sounds fun but heels? Gee I think I have worn them all of like 10 times in the last 7 years. Funny how I used to wear them all of the time but never got comfortable carrying a baby or chasing a little one around with them on. Practicing sleep deprivation did not make it any easier, Brooklynn’s sleep patterns are all over the place. She has been awake a lot more during the day so I thought she would sleep at night, NOPE! We actually got desperate for sleep last night and did what we said we would not do….we let her in our bed.

    I can't wait for you girls to get to the postnatal group, it is pretty empty right now and I miss all of you :cry: Funny how you connect with people in a support group who you have never met in real life and feel more comfortable talking to them about things than your real life friends. I have a hard time staying away from this group, I just can't wait to see all of your little ones after going through this for so long together and all of the encouragement I have gotten when it felt like pregnancy got the best of me. Thanks all of you!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Looks like I missed a lot the past couple of days.

    sthrop1179- I'm finding a few more people having 4 kids finally. I was feeling like I was the only one going to have I am hoping I have my baby in December though because it's too close to Thanksgiving.


    dreamc08- Congrats to you too! When are you due?

    littlespy- I am so sorry for your loss and you don't need to apologize for your feelings. It's a hard thing to go through

    jsecret-Congrats to you also!

    I found out my prenatal vitamin is making me nauseous ALL day so now I am taking a prenatal vitamin with B6 hoping that helps with the nausea. I am also having a hard time getting all my water in for the day too. If anyone here has any ideas that would be soooo helpful right now! Thanks :happy: My hubby also just left for a couple of days. He will be home on Tuesday so it's not too long but after having him home all winter it's kinda sad when he has to go.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    AFM: I am soooooooooooo sick and tired of people thinking that I need to hear their rude comments about my being pregnant.
    "How did that happen", "Planned?! I'm sure it was ;)" etc etc I was ready to punch someone yesterday because I was just done with dealing with it. If I hear it from one more person I'm going to- no joke. :explode:

    So, since I am rather determined not to use my brain at all today - what does AFM stand for? I know it's like "everyone" but I'm not going to figure it out - wait "all forum members" ?

    Anyway, I found with my last that dry somewhat sarcastic answers that leave them having no idea if you are serious or not are the best thing to get them to shut up. You can have some fun with it. Ie, the "I'm not pregnant" to a stranger, "I'm having triplets", "my due date was last week", "let's hope my husband doesn't notice", "i'm just hoping it's not black or my husband will kill me", "it'll be for sale in about 3 months if you're that interested", "I'm just hoping it's not ugly", etc.... it's much more fun than :explode: Especially for strangers who you don't have to see again so it doesn't matter what you say to them. :laugh: It's great seeing someone have NO idea how to respond! I haven't had much chance to do anything this time because only two people yet have asked me if I am pregnant. And now I think I do actually look pregnant so I'm out of some of the "fun" zone. :tongue:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Guess I got a new group :) Just found out Friday that I'm pregnant!

    Grounded for a while huh?

    (PS congrats)!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I found out my prenatal vitamin is making me nauseous ALL day so now I am taking a prenatal vitamin with B6 hoping that helps with the nausea.

    I have to take mine at night or it does the same thing. I have no problems at all if I take it at night as long as I have eating in the past 2 hours or so. Any time before and I will be nauseated for hours. Same with normal vitamins.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So yesterday I didn't make it to morning spin class because I thought it was going to rain and told hubby to take the car to work not his motorcycle. Same thing happened on Monday. Not sure I will make the challenge this week. Of course, neither day it ended up raining! It was 91 here yesterday! So I was rather unmotivated to do much. Might have to turn on the air on soon, but I hate to turn it on before May and at least here we have windows that open and no tin roof to bake us so maybe I can hold off! So I sat around most of the day, did a little laundry, slept in (sort of - the boy was awake so I was awake, just not up.) In the evening I had to help my husband tear apart an old VW engine. He bought me a '74 bug earlier in the week and for some reason thinks that since I want the car I want to do the work on it! :laugh: I have sort of always wanted one though and am going to have it painted hot pink when we're done - so it will be my fun around town car - providing we do get it all fixed up. Somehow burnt 200 calories doing it so that was a nice surprise!

    Got to sleep at like midnight thirty. Hubby brought me home a Choco Taco for 'dinner' (AKA midnight snack after skipping dinner) and it was tasty! The boy went to sleep around 10 or 10:30 so I thought he would be up somewhat early but he slept until almost 11! So I got to sleep until almost 11 too! :smile: And hubby fell asleep on the couch and the dogs spent the night outside so I actually got a good night's sleep! I didn't even get up to pee! My bodyMedia says that I slept for 10 hours and 3 minutes straight! I sort of think I remember waking up briefly this morning, but it must not have been enough to register! Or maybe because the battery / memory was low it was not as sensitive - either way - I haven't slept this well in months!!! I dreamed about being on a cruise and losing a ring over a balcony and that there were a bunch of cats that came on board and sharks were attacking the side of the ship and there were airplanes in there somewhere too. (a rather plain / normal dream for me! :laugh:)

    Today the boy and I made waffles with strawberries and cool whip for brunch (someone'e enjoying a little sugar rush!) and now we are going to go to the pool for a bit so that when it cools down a little this evening I can help tear out the interior of the bug so we can take it in to get a new floor put in. The only bad part of the weekend so far is.... still picking the occasional louse and nit out of my hair! :sad: :explode:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julie- You are still in my prayers, I have never lost a sibling but my brother did move away when my middle child was 1 and never looked back. He does not know any of my children and I think it sucks because it is by choice. I am not even sure if he knows that he has a niece. Stay strong, you should put together a scrap book or something all about him so that you can share it with Maisie when she gets big enough. I think it would be something special for her to have and learn all about her uncle.

    Lynn- Love the new picture

    Rachel- It will not be easy but do the best you can to ignore those comments. Some people just don’t care about anyone’s feelings. Let it roll off your back as hard as that may be.

    Megan- It is Annabelle’s due day! I hope she decides to come out and play!

    AnneElise- Prom sounds fun but heels? Gee I think I have worn them all of like 10 times in the last 7 years. Funny how I used to wear them all of the time but never got comfortable carrying a baby or chasing a little one around with them on. Practicing sleep deprivation did not make it any easier, Brooklynn’s sleep patterns are all over the place. She has been awake a lot more during the day so I thought she would sleep at night, NOPE! We actually got desperate for sleep last night and did what we said we would not do….we let her in our bed.

    I can't wait for you girls to get to the postnatal group, it is pretty empty right now and I miss all of you :cry: Funny how you connect with people in a support group who you have never met in real life and feel more comfortable talking to them about things than your real life friends. I have a hard time staying away from this group, I just can't wait to see all of your little ones after going through this for so long together and all of the encouragement I have gotten when it felt like pregnancy got the best of me. Thanks all of you!

    I don't mind that you stop by :D I like having you around!!! Yikes, I hope she starts sleeping a little better for you!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    AFM: I am soooooooooooo sick and tired of people thinking that I need to hear their rude comments about my being pregnant.
    "How did that happen", "Planned?! I'm sure it was ;)" etc etc I was ready to punch someone yesterday because I was just done with dealing with it. If I hear it from one more person I'm going to- no joke. :explode:

    So, since I am rather determined not to use my brain at all today - what does AFM stand for? I know it's like "everyone" but I'm not going to figure it out - wait "all forum members" ?

    As for Me :smile: It took me awhile too!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I can't wait for you girls to get to the postnatal group, it is pretty empty right now and I miss all of you :cry: Funny how you connect with people in a support group who you have never met in real life and feel more comfortable talking to them about things than your real life friends. I have a hard time staying away from this group, I just can't wait to see all of your little ones after going through this for so long together and all of the encouragement I have gotten when it felt like pregnancy got the best of me. Thanks all of you!
    @ Sheri. I know what you mean. 4 years ago, I joined a local forum just for moms in our area. it has been the best thing for me. I met amazing women who are now my current friends. (my childhood friends moved away, grew apart or didn't have kids)

    My "moms" group held monthly coffee nights, just for us to get away and have grownup conversation. we also held play dates during the day/weekend so we could still hang out, but could bring our kids too. at Christmas we do a cookie exchange so we only have to make 1 type of cookie, and then we give everyone who participates 1 dozen, and we get 1 dozen of what they made. :bigsmile: Variety without the fuss!
    it was very much like this forum with new moms asking questions and other moms offering advise or support. there were nurses, midwives, doulas, working moms, SAHM's, moms of children with medical, developmental, behavioural issues, it was an INCREDIBLE resource for me.

    Sadly with the popularity of Facebook, it's slowed down so much that the creators/admin are thinking of shutting it down or moving it to FB but a few of us are still wanting it to stay running. it's much more secure and private (than FB) and b/c we're local, if someone needs anything, we are right there.

    for example, one year a mom of 5 kids tragically lost her DH in a car accident a month before Christmas. some members started up a collection of food, toys, clothes, etc. we all got together and made freezable meals so she didn't have to cook, we started a bank account and asked our community to donate money to help her and the children. It was amazing. I think we raised over $10,000 for her, JUST from the bank account. never mind the other stuff. It was so fulfilling to be able to help.

    anyways, i totally know how you are feeling, b/c I'm lucky enough to have had that, and i feel the same way about you all here, that i did when my "moms" group was in full swing.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Sheri- Please continue to visit us! I think we all miss you here too! :flowerforyou:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Lynn- Love the new picture

    I can't wait for you girls to get to the postnatal group, it is pretty empty right now and I miss all of you :cry: Funny how you connect with people in a support group who you have never met in real life and feel more comfortable talking to them about things than your real life friends. I have a hard time staying away from this group, I just can't wait to see all of your little ones after going through this for so long together and all of the encouragement I have gotten when it felt like pregnancy got the best of me. Thanks all of you!

    Thanks Sheri!

    I'm really glad that you check in on this board still, we sure would miss you if you didn't! I have scoped out the post-natal board a few times and you're right, there isn't a whole lot of action or interaction. A few stragglers here and there, but pretty much just the few girls from here that have had their babies.

    I feel the same way as you do about this board, I can't stay away from it! I check it all the time throughout the day. That is another reason why I'm looking forward to the post-natal group, I think it will keep me much more accountable and motivated to stick with getting back into shape than I was before when I just had a few friends on the newsfeed.

    I don't even really feel like we have a thread, or board, or specific topic (pregnancy, TTC, post-natal) I feel like we are just a really unique group of women that have come together and mesh really well with one another.

    So whether it be on the pregnancy thread or the post-natal thread, I'm looking forward to staying in touch with all of you!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Megan - Haven't heard from you today..... Did Annabelle decide to arrive right on time? Please keep us posted!

    Bethe - Hope you and baby Wade are doing well!

    Ron - I'm glad you were able to find a pair of maternity jeans that are comfortable for you. Hope you had fun at the bridal shower!

    Mel - Yay for a good night of sleep!

    Welcome to all the newcomers and congratulations!!

    It is a beautiful and sunny 80 degrees here in Michigan today. Gonna spend some time outside soakin up the rest of the rays and cook dinner on the grill. Lord knows we'll get 3 feet of snow tomorrow.... :laugh:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Bethe - Congratulations, and welcome to Baby Wade!!!

    Megan - Any news?

    We had a very busy weekend, and our first 60+ day of the year!!!!! I even managed to get sunburned at our Church Easter Egg Launch!

    On Friday night I started having some very very painful spasms in my back. Each time they would come, about every 5 minutes, I would start sweating and feel like I had to throw up. We were at an NBA basketball game, in courtside seats. My secretary even called me (she was watching on TV and saw me) and said I didn't look very good!! I have no idea what it was, but after about an hour it stopped, and I was able to get up and move around. Anyone know if this sounds pregnancy related? I actually started to freak out that I might be going into labor in the middle of the game. I was envisioning my water breaking, and them having to stop the game to clean up the court!!!! I have been fine ever since, but I have been noticing a lot more BH contractions. Maybe this guy is going to come sooner than the Dr. thinks!!!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Just quickly checking in - No baby yet!! Still waiting! Today's her day, but still no signs...she's going to be one of those late comers apparently!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Just quickly checking in - No baby yet!! Still waiting! Today's her day, but still no signs...she's going to be one of those late comers apparently!

    Thinking of you. Hoping she comes soon :flowerforyou:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Just quickly checking in - No baby yet!! Still waiting! Today's her day, but still no signs...she's going to be one of those late comers apparently!

    You sound positive. Hang in there, each day brings you closer to your sweet baby.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    So we went and had our belly bump pictures done today. I think I am reaching the last points in my pregnancy where I still feel really cute. Pretty soon the stretch marks will appear. I'm not even going to try to tell myself I might not get them. I've had stretch marks since I was in 7th grade. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be up for naked belly pics once that happened. Don't worry, the only naked thing in the pics is my belly. I put on a button up shirt and unbuttoned it. Made one of the pics my new profile pic. It's my favorite.

    I love your pics! I dont feel like I am cute preggo yet. So I am waiting a month or 2 before asking my sister to take some shots. I have some good ideas but my belly isnt so cute right now.

    I am so proud of myself! I did a 1/2 marathon today. I walked a lot of it, but I finished! 3:29 finishing time!