10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Don't even worry a bit if you're tired one day. If it becomes a trend, then maybe it's time to take a look at your nutrition. One tired day could be anything at all!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 15

    Burned 375 calories doing P90X Shoulders & Arms!!!

    macros for today
    42%carbs (169 grams)
    28%fat (49 grams)
    33%protein (131grams)

    Calorie intake was 1593 of 1825 calories!!!!

    10 glasses of water today!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Day 15

    Burned 375 calories doing P90X Shoulders & Arms!!!

    macros for today
    42%carbs (169 grams)
    28%fat (49 grams)
    33%protein (131grams)

    Calorie intake was 1593 of 1825 calories!!!!

    10 glasses of water today!!!

    Looking fab there Gigi, as always!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hope people are feeling better and hope your back gets better. Gail, you are wonderful, I just had to tell you that...your positive attitude just flows and oozes I LOVE IT!!!

    Today.....what do I say....good or bad....no, I am going to stick to the good, because that is the way I roll.

    Crazy thing happened to me today, I was rubbing my upper arm and felt this weird mass...I thought WTF...seriously what is that, then I felt it again to see if it was tender just to make sure I was ok because if it is a hard mass, I better get to the doctor right......OMG.....it was a frikkin muscle..Seriously...haven't felt one of those in my deltoid or triceps in like ever...kind of took me off guard...then I laughed because apparently I am a dumb *kitten* that thought my muscle was some horrible mass. Yicks...

    Protein...fine 160 I think
    Still reading book
    Ran for the first time in weeks and ran outside for the first time since October. Really unhappy with my performance. I don't know why I have been so tired lately, but I am sore and tired. I don't know if is the increase in working out or extra protein less carbs (making me tired...although I can't even think why it would), but I have been void of my usual energy. I am stressing because my 5K is the 23rd and I am praying that my ability to go 8 miles on the elliptical will translate into 3 miles running as I have been away from running because of physical therapy....I have my doubts and I am hoping my ankle holds out....and no walking it is not even a little bit of an option...no accomplishment for me in that.

    LOL, I LOVE the muscle story, that's great! DOesn't it feel good though, when you can feel those muscles?

    How long have you been doing the low carb thing? I certainly am not trying to talk you into changing anything in your diet, but I know that for me personally, I totally crash on low carbs. I am totally devoid of energy and my sanity suffers. LOL. How hard have you been hitting your workouts? Are you taking rest days? Over training is a very real thing too. Have you been feeling zonked for a while?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    The Paleo Pizza was a HUGE success! I mean it - I couldn't believe how great it was. I put up the recipe on my blog (knightfit.com) and some pics. The crust kind of fell apart due to not having parchment sheets. I'll get some of those for next time, but it was delicious.

    Jay - looking great! I see abs man, you keep saying you don't have any - LIAR!

    My workout was really solid today. It was the first workout of Phase 3 of this 12 week plan. It's a 3 day split and this was PUSH day - which means, Chest/Shoulders/Tri basically. 27 sets of as heavy as I could lift. I'm happy that all my numbers went up this week, even doing 50lbs dumbbell shoulder military presses for the first time.

    Also, still making more of an effort to follow the Primal Rule "Move slowly often" and walked to the bank and grocery (which was more like 3 miles each way) then carried my bags back home. It took a while, but it was nice outside, and enjoyed the walk.

    My buddy Joe got inspired when I told him I was making Paleo pizza tonight and made his own. I"m going to try to get the recipe from him, he said it was delicious. (Pretty sure he used real almond flour.)

    Tomorrow is Leg Day and BodyBlitz Class - looking forward to torturing some poor souls who don't know what's about to smack them in the face.

    Good night everyone!

    I can't wait to check the recipe out! I LOOOOOVE eggplant!

    Excellent progress with your lifting! Good for you!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Cleaning a kettlebell is taking from between your legs from a hike position to standing up and resting it on your chest and and forearm.


    Thanks Steve I think it posted. Here is my progress as of today. Still ahve work to do on the belly but I am coming along

    Looking good there, Jay. I didn't see your week one photos, but I see abs there too! And nice arms :D
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Godblessourhome; I hope you recover quickly, I wouldn't worry about exercising til you feel fine! Hope that is real quick!

    thanks gail! i am just so bored. healing stinks. lol. you know newtons first law of motion... an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest... well i am definitely at rest and i don't know what to do with myself. i think i might start internet shopping soon. aaaaagh!

    LMAO!! Somebody hide her credit cards!!! An episode of Hoarders is not how you want to become famous ;)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    jessica - I really hope you are feeling tip top soon! Godblessourhome; I hope you recover quickly, I wouldn't worry about exercising til you feel fine! Hope that is real quick!

    Good day for me! Did my exercise fine! Food good and on track!

    Have lost 1lb and 1/2 inch off waist (as reported yesterday) AND 1 inch off lower tummy in the last couple of weeks!

    Thanks Gail!

    Those are excellent results and you should be proud! Keep on keeping on girl!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Exercise: 80 minutes running - new personal best
    Fiber: 58
    Protein: 68

    Today was the cleanest I have ever eaten! I made 160 cookies and ate NONE of the cookie dough! Today was an excellent day for me. Lots of temptation to face this week - so I am going to try my best to use the new tools/habits I'm learning from MFP :) I hope everyone is having an awesome day!

    Super job Cassie! That cookie dough is a mean temptation, too!!! Good luck with your temptations this week!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Ok, so I hope I am caught up after my post-quote-athon. If I missed anyone, you are doing fab too! LOL.

    I was a busy, busy girl yesterday. I walked the baby to the post office (meaning I let her walk too) which is probably a two mile trip round trip. That's more work than it sounds like because you have to keep chasing her after she runs up to people's houses and wants to climb everyone's steps. I also took advantage of the warm weather (82) and cleaned up my whole back yard. There was probably an entire tree worth of limbs and sticks that I broke down and loaded into my neighbor's truck and hauled up the street to unload. Then I raked everything and got it all cleaned up. That took me about 4 hours. Also did some house work. I kept it all fairly light and took it easy, but keeping moving REALLY helped my back. As soon as I would sit for a few minutes I could feel it tightening up almost instantly. Today it feels worlds better. Not quite "good" but I'm not hobbly anymore.

    To top it off I had a huge calorie burn yesterday, thanks to all the yard work, so not getting in a workout was inconsequential. I'm feeling good and really focused. I nailed nutrition yesterday. Did a partial day fast to clean myself out a bit, so my numbers were low. Made a delicious swordfish for dinner last night. OMG, I could eat it every day! I even dreamt about it last night.
  • kristarablue
    Hope people are feeling better and hope your back gets better. Gail, you are wonderful, I just had to tell you that...your positive attitude just flows and oozes I LOVE IT!!!

    Today.....what do I say....good or bad....no, I am going to stick to the good, because that is the way I roll.

    Crazy thing happened to me today, I was rubbing my upper arm and felt this weird mass...I thought WTF...seriously what is that, then I felt it again to see if it was tender just to make sure I was ok because if it is a hard mass, I better get to the doctor right......OMG.....it was a frikkin muscle..Seriously...haven't felt one of those in my deltoid or triceps in like ever...kind of took me off guard...then I laughed because apparently I am a dumb *kitten* that thought my muscle was some horrible mass. Yicks...

    Protein...fine 160 I think
    Still reading book
    Ran for the first time in weeks and ran outside for the first time since October. Really unhappy with my performance. I don't know why I have been so tired lately, but I am sore and tired. I don't know if is the increase in working out or extra protein less carbs (making me tired...although I can't even think why it would), but I have been void of my usual energy. I am stressing because my 5K is the 23rd and I am praying that my ability to go 8 miles on the elliptical will translate into 3 miles running as I have been away from running because of physical therapy....I have my doubts and I am hoping my ankle holds out....and no walking it is not even a little bit of an option...no accomplishment for me in that.

    LOL, I LOVE the muscle story, that's great! DOesn't it feel good though, when you can feel those muscles?

    How long have you been doing the low carb thing? I certainly am not trying to talk you into changing anything in your diet, but I know that for me personally, I totally crash on low carbs. I am totally devoid of energy and my sanity suffers. LOL. How hard have you been hitting your workouts? Are you taking rest days? Over training is a very real thing too. Have you been feeling zonked for a while?

    Thanks, and yes it feels great, I can't wait to lose more fat so that I can actually see them as well as feel them.

    I am not doing super low carb, but it is lower than I have done in the past, but I tend towards too many carbs anyway. But I have been really tired for about 4 days and no I have not taken a rest day, but Monday I only did 20 min of cardio which is like a rest day. That is a good thought, but it will have to wait until Thursday. I can only get to the gym when my babies go to there dad's house so I have to go while the getting is good..LOL
  • kristarablue
    Ok, so I hope I am caught up after my post-quote-athon. If I missed anyone, you are doing fab too! LOL.

    I was a busy, busy girl yesterday. I walked the baby to the post office (meaning I let her walk too) which is probably a two mile trip round trip. That's more work than it sounds like because you have to keep chasing her after she runs up to people's houses and wants to climb everyone's steps. I also took advantage of the warm weather (82) and cleaned up my whole back yard. There was probably an entire tree worth of limbs and sticks that I broke down and loaded into my neighbor's truck and hauled up the street to unload. Then I raked everything and got it all cleaned up. That took me about 4 hours. Also did some house work. I kept it all fairly light and took it easy, but keeping moving REALLY helped my back. As soon as I would sit for a few minutes I could feel it tightening up almost instantly. Today it feels worlds better. Not quite "good" but I'm not hobbly anymore.

    To top it off I had a huge calorie burn yesterday, thanks to all the yard work, so not getting in a workout was inconsequential. I'm feeling good and really focused. I nailed nutrition yesterday. Did a partial day fast to clean myself out a bit, so my numbers were low. Made a delicious swordfish for dinner last night. OMG, I could eat it every day! I even dreamt about it last night.

    What a great day!!! And man your baby is a trouper walking 2 miles...that is awesome and think what you are teaching her about using her body and exercising. Awesome, I hope that I will be able to give my kids the gift of lifelong importance of exercise. I don't want them to struggle as I have into adulthood; I want it to be a normal part of life for them and something they love and naturally work into everyday life. Yard work is awesome!!!! I know how good if feels when it is all done and everything looks great! Awesome job!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Godblessourhome; I hope you recover quickly, I wouldn't worry about exercising til you feel fine! Hope that is real quick!

    thanks gail! i am just so bored. healing stinks. lol. you know newtons first law of motion... an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest... well i am definitely at rest and i don't know what to do with myself. i think i might start internet shopping soon. aaaaagh!

    LMAO!! Somebody hide her credit cards!!! An episode of Hoarders is not how you want to become famous ;)

    LOL - nice!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    When you bonk on a low carb type of lifestyle it is caused by one of two things.

    1) Your carbs aren't low enough. When you're eating lowish carb - you can burn through your muscular and liver glycogen stores rather quickly because your body is still burning glycogen as it's main, go-to energy source. After a stressful workout, your muscular glycogen stores can be used up (but seriously - stressful is the key here, not moderate jogging type stuff) which means, you're due for a carb busting meal.

    2) You haven't been low carb for long enough to start producing keytones. (Anywhere from 3-12 days depending on the person and the insulin sensitivity from years or a lifetime of high sugar diets.) Once your body realizes that it's not getting any more incoming glycogen (glucose from carbohydrates) and starts taking fat (both dietary and body fat) into the liver and producing keytones. The body can use keytones for energy throughout the body. It's pretty amazing stuff - but you have to make it through the firs 3-12 days to really feel the effects!

    As a note - occasionally someone who actually knows stuff will point out that there are two problems with keytones. Two major things can only run on glycogen - red blood cells and parts of the brain.... (you know, the thing women use.) So if you're not eating any carbs ever, this is a slight problem. Your body can product glycogen in the liver from complete amino acids, the breakdown of muscle and fatty acids. However, for anyone eating the Primal/Paleo low-carb approach, this isn't a problem at all, since we eat tons and tons and tons and tons of veggies!

    Eat your veggies people!!!!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Thankyou Kristarablue and back at you!!! Thanks Jay for the info about what a clean is, I'd like to do a full kettleball workout sometime - it sounds totally hardcore! I do a bit of kettleball work with my pt sometimes and love it!

    Steve or any other low carbers how low a % is technically low carb? I lost the bulk of my weight through eating fish, chicken, Turkey, a littke red meat, berries, vegetables and salad but low fat - really clean eating too! Since then I've reintroduced more carbs and now seem to be about 40/40% carbs/protien - it varies from day to day but I seem to be managing training well dependent on when I eat the carbs.

    Well, I'd like to say that I feel I like this group - its nice to feel you are getting to know where people are up to and I like the fact people can disagree in a nice way AND that the advice is good and based on study rather than some of the strange things you read on here! Thought I'd say that!!

    Today has been a good day! Good food, delicious dinner tonight!

    My workout was so so brilliant!! Its the start of a new training 4 weeks prog and my PT said she was going to work me really hard! I'm carrying on with my weight progam and speed work for running alone, and together we are working on building up my endurance! We did some intervals - ran at a decent speed, slightly faster than my 5K pace on the treadmill and did incline intervals at level 7! I was amazed that even at the end at this speed my heart rate dropped pretty well! Then we did some weights work but mixed it with lower weight carrying explosive stuff like squat Jumps and ski Jumps - it was all timed and I was working against the clock - I absolutely loved it!! My heart rate was right up there! I looked like I had literally come out of the sea I was so sweaty and I did most of it in front of about 25 ladies waiting to go into the studio next door to do aerobics! I think the sweat from my hair was spraying them when I was doing the ski Jumps!

    I went to do a cool down on the elliptical and I saw two guys laughing and looking at my bum, they are nice guys and are quite helpful in the weights area and not creepy! I know I should have been all modest and indignant and the like, but I liked it, and thought I would let them appreciate what I had worked so hard to achieve, between weighted squats and weighted Jump squats, I did hundreds tonight! Sorry if that offends anyone but if you'd seen the effort I put into my bum tonight you wouldn't blame me!! I'll be all modest again tomorrow I promise!!

    Well good work everyone!! Keep it up!!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Checking in for Tuesday, it's almost midnight here - what an amazing night! I am so proud of myself for resisting so much temptation. And I really loved all the conversation tonight. This is what I want my future to look like, focused on conversation and relationships and NOT food.

    I ate really clean. I ran 7+ miles.

    I realized one of the reasons I am losing this weight is because I deserve it. Today, I really feel like I deserve it. Today, it's about treating myself really well. Today feels amazing. I hope everyone out there is having an awesome day!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday, it's almost midnight here - what an amazing night! I am so proud of myself for resisting so much temptation. And I really loved all the conversation tonight. This is what I want my future to look like, focused on conversation and relationships and NOT food.

    I ate really clean. I ran 7+ miles.

    I realized one of the reasons I am losing this weight is because I deserve it. Today, I really feel like I deserve it. Today, it's about treating myself really well. Today feels amazing. I hope everyone out there is having an awesome day!

    I really like this post a lot! I'm so proud :)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Steve or any other low carbers how low a % is technically low carb? I lost the bulk of my weight through eating fish, chicken, Turkey, a littke red meat, berries, vegetables and salad but low fat - really clean eating too! Since then I've reintroduced more carbs and now seem to be about 40/40% carbs/protien - it varies from day to day but I seem to be managing training well dependent on when I eat the carbs.

    Well, I'd like to say that I feel I like this group - its nice to feel you are getting to know where people are up to and I like the fact people can disagree in a nice way AND that the advice is good and based on study rather than some of the strange things you read on here! Thought I'd say that!!

    I TOTALLY agree with you here! I actually meant to say this yesterday - I love discussing something that is as polarizing as nutritional views without egos getting crazy!!! 2 years ago, what I thought was healthy, I currently think is quite bad for you - I would have debated current self all day long!

    This whole process is one of evolution and education - and I LOVE LOVE that we're all on that same page - and it really shows!

    As for carbs go - my baseline is 30g of carbs to maintain ketosis during the week, but that's "net" carbs (carbs - fiber). But the basic rule is:

    1. Eat all the veggies you can jam in your mouth all day.
    2. Eat limited fruit.
    3. No rice, corn, grain.

    Even with eating enormous salads (seriously - ENORMOUS!) I rarely hit my 30g a day. Why no grains? Here's a really clear article that I found on the topic.

    Why We Don’t Eat Grains (www.whole9life.com)

    A. Grains provoke an inflammatory response in the gut

    Lectins are specialized proteins found in many plants and foods, but are found in high concentration in grains (particularly wheat), legumes (particularly soy), and dairy. The most commonly referenced grain lectin is called “gluten”, but there are many others which are found even in pseudo-grains like quinoa. Lectins serve many biological functions in animals, but foods with high concentrations of lectins are harmful even if consumed in moderate amounts.

    Lectins are hardy proteins that do not break down easily, and are resistant to stomach acid and digestive enzymes. They migrate through your digestive tract largely intact, and disrupt the intestinal membrane, damaging cells and initiating a cascade of events leading to eventual cell death. (Translation: lectins destroy the cells that line your intestines, leading to small “microperforations” or tiny holes in your intestinal lining.) These holes allow intact or nearly intact proteins, bacteria and other foreign substances to cross into the bloodstream – where they do not belong. As the immune system notices foreign substances in the body, it responds and attacks. The immune response can manifest in an unlimited number of conditions (not just in the digestive tract!) commonly referred to as “auto-immune” in nature.

    It’s important to note that these cautions are not just critical for those with a diagnosed Celiac condition. These negative downstream effects happen to everyone who eats grains, to various degrees.

    B. Grains spike insulin levels

    Grains pack a whopping amount of carbohydrates in a very small package. As most grains are also heavily processed (yes, even whole grains) they are broken down into blood sugar (glucose) in your body very quickly. A high amount of ingested carbohydrate broken down very fast leads to a spike in blood sugar. The body, demanding homeostasis, then releases a massive dose of a hormone called insulin to pull blood sugar levels back down. This is often referred to as an “insulin spike”.

    When too much blood sugar is present in the system, your body quickly runs out of places to store it as useful energy, and will store any excess as body fat. In addition, when too much insulin is present in the system, the cells in your body become desensitized to the hormonal “message” insulin is trying to send. Since the message isn’t getting through, your pancreas is prompted to release even more insulin when your body doesn’t need it. Finally, chronically high insulin levels lead to a condition in which your body has trouble releasing the energy already stored in your cells. This is a bad place to be. If (via a diet high in carbohydrates) this pattern continues, insulin levels continue to rise, fat stores continue to grow and the body becomes completely incapable of responding to its own directions.

    C. Grains have an acidifying effect on the body

    A net acid-producing diet promotes bone de-mineralization (i.e. osteopenia and osteoporosis), and systemic inflammation. Grains are one of the highest acid-producing food groups. By replacing grains and grain-containing processed foods with plenty of green vegetables and fruits, the body comes back into acid/base balance (and a more positive calcium balance). Recent research out of Tufts University has also shown that a more alkaline diet preserves muscle mass. We like muscle mass.

    D. Grains are “empty calories”

    All grains – things like oatmeal, pasta, breads and cereals – have two things in common. They are calorically dense, and nutritionally meager. A small portion of grains packs a whopping amount of calories, almost all in the form of carbohydrates. All those calories, however, contain a miserly amount of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (also called phytochemicals). Compare the calories, carbohydrates and vitamin profile of two large slices of whole grain bread (100 grams) to one cup of chopped, cooked broccoli (184 grams – nearly twice the mass). (Nutritional stats from NutritionData.com)

    Note that we’re not saying there is nothing good to be found in grains. They do contain vitamins and minerals in various proportions and amounts. But the serious down sides of grains far outweigh any potential health benefits. Bottom line – there is NOTHING found in grains that you can’t get from a better source with NO down sides (like vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds).
  • kristarablue

    I went to do a cool down on the elliptical and I saw two guys laughing and looking at my bum, they are nice guys and are quite helpful in the weights area and not creepy! I know I should have been all modest and indignant and the like, but I liked it, and thought I would let them appreciate what I had worked so hard to achieve, between weighted squats and weighted Jump squats, I did hundreds tonight! Sorry if that offends anyone but if you'd seen the effort I put into my bum tonight you wouldn't blame me!! I'll be all modest again tomorrow I promise!!

    Well good work everyone!! Keep it up!!

    I AM ALL DYING AND CRAZY EXCITED FOR YOU!!! GIRL YOU SHOW THEM THAT *kitten*!!! You worked hard for it!!! Great job!! I am so proud off you. Oh and way to work out...great job on that too.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey guys and gals, just a quick note before heading to sleep. No workout for me today I had a long 1st day of my trip like most of them are. Spent my evening in the hotel researching and reading all kinds of good stuff, Muscle and Fitness, Knightfit.com, robbwolf.com, and even a little Mitch Rapp. You guys/gals are doing awesome. Keep up the good work, and we wil all reach our goals. This is a great forum, probably the most rewarding Ive been involved in! Everyone seems to be serious and really wants to be here. No one-upping, just accountability and encouragement. Not to mention lively debate! Good night all eat clean, push hard, and rest well.