WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I am noticing the number of diabetics lately....I wonder if there is a diabetic forum somewhere on MFP that would be of benefit to you all nutritionally and support-wise. Might be worth searching.

    My rule of thumb for me personally is to eat half or less of my exercise calories. Just something I've always done. When I get to maintenance, I will keep my calories at 1200 and eat all my exercise calories. That's what worked for me before I got sick. Again, it's all trial and error to find out what works for your body specifically.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Natalie - just got the new MahJongg card today. I played, didn't realize that when they play on Tuesdays they play for a longer period of time. I almost fell over when I realized what time it was when I left. The hardest part for me has to be trying to figure out what is the best hand to try to get and which tiles I should give away. Oh well...I'll get it...one of these days (note that I didn't mention in what century that would be....lol). Cottage cheese is high in protein (it's also high in sodium, see if you can get low sodium cottage cheese. I know Breakstone makes some.). Tuna is another thing, as are egg whites (trying to think of things that are fairly low in calories but high in protein). I get some ground chicken breast (have to get the breast meat, not just ground chicken), make patties out of it and have them. One pattie is about 100 calories. Plus, makes you drink a ton of water. Congrats on your water intake for today!

    Went to the Y, I made a mistake and the meeting is NEXT week. So I went to one food store, then the Walgreens, came home and got the refrigerated goods to take to the soup kitchen, stopped at a bowling alley near me to inquire about summer leagues (more about that later), went to the soup kitchen, mailed the package to Bryan, stopped at the Salvation Army, then went to MahJongg. Thought they started at 1:00, they didn't start until 1:30. I could have actually eaten lunch! I'm thinking that I might give canasta a try. The Newcomers have a canasta game, I may go once to just observe. From looking at the rules on the net, they don't seem anywhere near as involved as MahJongg. As for golf, at the moment it really doesn't interest me. Now walking on the greens from tee to tee to me would be interesting. However, I don't think there's anyway I can just walk and not play....lol

    About this bowling league....when I went there I mentioned about how my objective was to practice and, hopefully, get better. I wouldn't object to someone giving me advice. Well, there is this one league that bowls on Tues a.m. at 9:30, almost all women, it's not real competitive. But I really wonder if it's just comfortable for me, will it help me improve? It's only $6, at the other alley the senior league was $7. Not a big deal about the money. But the $7 league is sanctioned. Not exactly sure what that all entails. Gonna talk it over with Vince and see what he says. He's out shooting right now.

    Linda - congrats on the loss!!! I know that sometimes for me when I go over on the calories, I still lose. Guess it "shakes up" the system. That's what calorie cycling is all about.

    We have the Newcomers general meeting at 10 tomorrow am. I'm hoping to go to the Y early in the a.m. and use the Stairmaster. Then the meeting. We need to take Bonnie back to the vet, last time she was there they forgot to take her bp. They used to used to use this small cuff on the leg, but the vet said that now they have this piece of equipment where they can take it on the TAIL! I was surprised to hear that.

    Dee - I hear ya about the Keurig. I absolutely love mine. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I am a big tea drinker. I use it all the time in the winter for hot water. Also, it's good for me in that when we have company, they can have a cup of coffee and I can still have my tea and I don't have to dirty my big coffee pot. I love my Keurig, too.

    Robin - good luck on the interview!

    kackie - Honestly, one of the reasons I take so many different classes is because I have such a short attention span and get bored so easily. The bad thing is that when you take so many different classes, sometimes it's hard to understand what it is exactly the person leading the class wants you to do. But I muddle thru :)

    Ohhhh..when I used the spin bike today (after realizing that I'd gone to the Y on the wrong date I just went to another branch and used their spin bike) I decided that the 3/4 length pants I was wearing I'd wash and then donate to the Salvation Army. They are just too big on me (yeeeaaa!) I looked and they are a PS size. Guess that brand runs big. Some brands of things do. The other day I bought a shirt in the junior dept. I usually will take an XL in a juniors, but in this shirt the XL was swimming on me, I needed the medium!

    I so agree with you, Kathy, about the sodium. Last summer I was very careful about my sodium intake and I could feel my ankles didn't swell like they usually did in the summer. I just attributed this to the hot weather. But it really must have been the sodium. So this summer I'm going to be real careful about my sodium.

    Tomorrow at our last bowling session the lane is giving us the pizza. Guess I'll just allot for a piece. Maybe I'll have a ground chicken patty before we go just to balance out the carbs with some protein (also, it's fairly low in calories but causes me to drink lots and therefore get full)

    For me, I do try to keep busy. But I also find that if I'm busy then I just "grab and go", so I need to have healthy things in the house. Like today before MahJongg I didn't have a formal lunch, but I grabbed an apple. Yes, it was a large apple, but it was better than grabbing some cookies, that's for sure!

    Welcome Pam! And laurieann!

    Seems there's lots of discussion about eating back exercise calories. I found FOR ME that when I ate back my exercise calories, I not only didn't feel all that great, but I wouldn't lose. Right now I just note the exercise that I did, knowing that if I go over my allotted calories for the day, I'm still safe. That works for ME

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good discussion about eating the exercise calories. I know that I struggle with that so I haven't eaten them but I do wonder when I get stuck if I am my own worst enemy. I had a 1.8 lb loss for the week at the Weight Loss Challenge weigh in tonight....now to keep to my goals and not get side tracked. This past week was a good one...we didn't eat out, had whole foods, not much processed. I also got a period today for the first time in a few months so some of my problem could have been that too.

    Welcome,Pam. This board is a great resource and motivation.

    Have a good night, everyone!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi Lynda - sorry I don't get this... If I let MFP do the math, then using myself as an example,
    My nutritional goals are:Cals consumed daily =1470
    Fitness goals are:Cals burned weekly= 2310 (which I have more than covered each week so far)

    On the other hand: If I burn 1950 cals daily from 'normal activity' (not workouts?) and consume 1470 calories daily THEN my daily cal deficit would be 480 cals - these two figures balance out to a calorie deficit of 480 (MFP math) so the 2310 cals I burn weekly from exercise don't figure in this equation do they? In other words, my MFP diet profile is configured BEFORE I do any workouts.
    Have I made a terrible mistake somewhere?? :laugh: :flowerforyou:
    ps sorry if I'm causing confusion - I've got the bit between my teeth and need to get to the bottom of this, as well as stopping mixing my mataphors!! :laugh:
    Good luck again with your 4 lbs!
    You are correct. MFP figures a caloric deficit without any exersize, thats why it adds those calories back when you exersize so that you"net" the 1470 calories and continue with a 480 calorie a day deficit to safely lose 1 pound a week. you don't have to eat them back but you do need to be aware of your net calories because if it gets too low (under 100-1200) for too long you will have trouble. Your net shows up on your home page when you log in.
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    It's very obvious that all these posts prove that the subject of calories in, calories burned and exactly where you need to be to have a loss is very confusing. We all know that what works for one may not work for another. After all these years of dieting and exercise some of us still haven't found our niche. We keep trying because we know it's the right thing to do, not just for ourselves but for our families. As we get older it gets more difficult to lose the weight, our metabolism slows down, we start or are in the middle of menopause and we also have to contend with such things as arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Thank goodness for sites like this where you can offer your experiences and knowledge to possibly help others. I know I am very appreciative of the 50+ ladies.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Lynn, Thank you so much for keeping in touch with me. I do appreciate it. I was on vacation last week, without electronics -- celebrating 30 years of marriage. The week before that, crazy busy at work and getting my taxes done. I didn't want them hanging over my head while I was on vacation. Didn't post my food but I found myself being conscientious (for the most part) -- desserts are still my demon. I may have gained only a pound while I was gone -- not too bad. I did go on a couple of hikes while I was gone so that helped balance things.

    I started to read previous posts and realized I was in March part 2, not April -- we are a chatty bunch. Too tired to go thru April. My work week after time off is always busy, too so gotta get to bed. I'll just jump back in beginning tomorrow. Missed hearing about all of you. I've really gotten attached to this group.


    And then I got lost in some other forum, who's link was on women 50+
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone...just a quick note to check in and say that I read everyone's posts but am really tired today so I'm gonna go to bed early. Keep up the good work everyone!!! And personally, sometimes I eat some of my exercise calories and sometimes I don't...I like to have that option depending on how hungry I am.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi everyone...just a quick note to check in and say that I read everyone's posts but am really tired today so I'm gonna go to bed early. Keep up the good work everyone!!! And personally, sometimes I eat some of my exercise calories and sometimes I don't...I like to have that option depending on how hungry I am.
    Aaah! Donna, I think this pretty much sums up my feeling! It's having that option isn't it? Just as no two bodies are the same, then no two days are, either.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Another rainy day, but when I looked out the patio door today I saw bluebirds at the feeder and that made me :smile: !

    It is also a good day because it's official weigh-in day and I'm down another 1.something pound. Better than that, a friend who's been at it for a month or two is down another 2.5. :flowerforyou: She says it's because she's weighing and measuring and tracking consistently. :flowerforyou: That's really the :heart: of the matter! Healthy choices, portion control, monitoring and postive attitude:bigsmile: If you are doing all those things and gaining (that's what happened to me years ago) then go to the doctor and get a full physical including the blood panels for lymes, autoimmune etc. Trust me, if you are not losing doing those things, there's an underlying problem. OK....I'm off my bandwagon.:embarassed:

    I am working with Marie A. (my seizure friend) this morning, going to a retired teacher's gathering this afternoon, and to a new photography class tonight. Busy, happy day!

    Everyone have a great day! :smile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Grandee...I just finished a photography class. It was a beginner class and actually, my first. I enjoyed it completely. What type of class are you taking?

    Today, it is raining again. Well, to be honest, it hasn't stopped since Monday afternoon. The grass is so green and getting tall. It will soon need cut. Spring is almost here...it just needs to warm up.

    I decided to weight myself this morning....the darn scale just stared at me....not a pound change in 5 days. Oh, well, it will move in a day or so. I will just keep doing what I have been, just with a bit more gusto to push the weight again.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day!

  • cmcqb
    cmcqb Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I am just logging back in after months of not doing so. I continueto exercise almost daily and am struggling so much with weight loss and visceral fat around the middle. I knwo my meds assist in the fat and weight gain but gee I figured i would have lot some weight in the last 6 months. My exercise consists of 3 1 hr Zumba 's eacj week, waliing treadmill for 5-30 minutes, usualyy 10 min at least 4 days per week, yoga 1 time per week (upping that to two times starting this week)
    and weight class 1 time per week.
    I am getting so discouraged. Any thoughts.
    oh yes, me eating habits are poor int aht I am NOT hungry most days and will usually eat my first meal after 3 in the afternoon. I know this is bad but all food tastes like metal from chemo.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Each day is a new day to work toward our goals. Remember that our fitness is not determined by any given second, minute, hour or day.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    A beautiful spring day here in Kansas. I am getting off of work 2 1/2 hours early today (budget cuts), so I am going to pick up my grandson, grab my dog, and I think we will walk to the park so that Jacob can play. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Here's to smart choices!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'm so glad today is a new day! I did well yesterday until mid-day. Then, oh no! Long slide down. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning (chocolate!) I happened to check MFP and saw my brand new, unused and untarnished calorie allotment for the day. Woo hoo. Today is a new day and I get to start fresh! That's the thing I love about MFP and all the encouragement on here to take it one day at a time.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I'm so glad today is a new day! I did well yesterday until mid-day. Then, oh no! Long slide down. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning (chocolate!) I happened to check MFP and saw my brand new, unused and untarnished calorie allotment for the day. Woo hoo. Today is a new day and I get to start fresh! That's the thing I love about MFP and all the encouragement on here to take it one day at a time.


    Yes, it's a new day, and i took my blood sugar, and it was the lowest (fasting) it's been in a long time, by no means where it should be, but it's getting there... forget the chocolate, and continue on today, take a wee nap in the afternoon, and you will feel good as new..
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member

    First of all, congrats on your weight loss progress. This is a good place for support. We mentor each other. I am almost (3.4 pounds) to goal and then I'm counting on the support for maintenance. It's a lifestyle, there's no doubt about it.

    Now, about photography which is my favorite subject after God and family! :smile: I started learning photography in my retirement so I'm definitely an old dog learning new tricks. The bug bit me when the grandkids started coming which is when I got my first digital camera. I did take pix with film cameras when my kids were little, but I couldn't afford the processing so I left all the picture taking to my DHs parents who were both hobbyists. Anyway, I used a point&shoot for 4-5 years and then switched over to a DSLR three years ago. I have taken every community ed class that I could (some I took twice) in digital photography and photoshop elements. There is a three-class series at York College that I'll be taking in the fall. The class I'm taking tonight is called Learning to See in a Digital Photography World. It's my second time. We get homework assignments that make you think. You're required to bring in photos for the assignment and it makes you think out-of-the-box which I love.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your class, camera etc.

    Dee :flowerforyou:

    PS The bluebird photo is one I took. Love my birds.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Dee your photography classes sound fascinating - so far I just take my camera out and click when I see something I like. I wish I could find something challenging here to help me improve (or not as the case may be)
    Mimi Great attitude! A new day and a clean sheet! Chocolate IS nice, once in a while!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Dee, I'm a camera "nut" according to my family. My kids gave me my first digital in 2002 when they all joined the military and we were traveling to see their boot camp graduations. Since that time I've acquired 8 more cameras and two of them are SLR's. My husband has me "promising" NOT to purchase any more:sad: .

    I've taken hundreds of pictures of the kids weddings and holidays, the new grandbabies and thousands of our Europe trips.

    After I take them and get them on the computer I turn them into slide shows with music and intermix the video's with my pictures. I've done a few as memorials for deceased family and friends too. It's really my passion and I just wish I had more time to do my slide shows and take some classes to improve what I'm doing.:ohwell:

    I think the highest compliment that I have had was during #3 sons wedding day and I was taking videos and some pictures when the "professional" was doing his and he asked me to assist him in looking for any "flaws" that were in the set up of the photos he was taking.:smile:

    Yep, I love taking pictures:heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    hello to all my friends:bigsmile: I have been busy and not connecting much to MFP for awhile:sad: we are having a great time on our trip, finding time for various groupings of friends, kids, and grandkids:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: this is the longest I've gone without weighing myself since I started MFP and it feels strange...::grumble: :grumble: it is also the longest I've gone without logging either food or exercise and with restaurant meals I don't have a real sense of comfort about actually staying within a healthy calorie allotment. but for the most part I'm making healthy choices

    :flowerforyou: last night I went to a meeting of a women's group that I was active in for 30 years when I lived here (I moved away about six years ago) and there were many women I knew well.:bigsmile: I've lost 35 pounds since I saw them last about two years ago and over 70 pounds from when I lived here. Three of them commented on my new shorter hairstyle and only one mentioned that she almost didn't recognize me because I'd lost so much weight.:laugh: then she told me that she' lost 20 pounds (but she looked much heavier than she did when I moved away) It made me so grateful for MFP and for all of you.

    :flowerforyou: Naturally there was food served at the meeting.......chocolate chip cookies baked by the hostess's husband and a bakery cake with whipped cream frosting in honor of the 90th birthday of one of the members........when offered goodies to eat, I said "no thank you"........one woman said "oh, Barbie's being good" and no one else noticed......one of the great lessons I've learned is that I don't have to eat something I don't want just because I'm worried about hurting someone's feelings.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: hubby and I have found time to work out in the exercise room at the hotel and to walk either at the mall or outside and we've managed to get over 10,000 steps each day :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: my thoughts on eating exercise calories is that when I've done a big workout or a long walk, my body tells me that I need to eat more so I take care of it with something healthy like oatmeal and applesauce or peanut butter and banana:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: if:bigsmile: if I go out to eat and can't seem to keep my calories low enough, I make sure that I get a lot of exercise to balance things out.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: In a few minutes we're headed out to take photos with one set of grandkids, then off to meet the other family at the Oriental Buffet for dinner:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: too much sodium but lots of veggie choices :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    It's working!

    I started a new program on Monday, adding more cardio and a 30 minute strength training routine. When I weighed in this morning I had lost another pound....that's 3 pounds so far this week. Hitting my 4 pound goal may be easier than I thought. I hope this isn't just a fluke because I've changed things up, I'll take what I can get. In anything we do, if we do it long enough, our body becomes use to it or content. We've all heard about "Muscle Confusion", why wouldn't that work for food too. I use to keep things really simple with my food choices but lately I'm cooking alot. Spinach (raw baby) is my new favorite food and I put it in everything from omelets to wraps. When I read the package I was amazed to see that a cup of spinach is only about 5 calories.

    If you're looking for some great inspiration for cooking there are a ton of books out there that have some awesome recipes. Right now I'm reading The Flat Belly Diet & The Flat Belly Diet Cookbook and The Hormone Diet. I'm hoping for an aha moment that will turn this ole girl around for good.

    A toast :drinker: to all the 50+ ladies.
