Sexy in Six Week 4



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    ok Starting tomorrow I am going to try and do my menu on here. I never type what I eat for you guys because I never really decide what I am eating until I do and I am also a horrible breakfast eater so maybe this will make me eat breakfast now.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    woohoo! :drinker: I've actually done super super well today!! I'll be 100% on point by the time I go to bed tonight. I need to eat 2 muffins w/ apple butter so I'm not super low on my calories, and I'll have done everything right. NICE feeling!! A good way to end today so I can start off feeling optimistic tomorrow.
    Meals will be interesting because I have to take my little guy to the Naturopath in the afternoon and we'll be taking the bus there and back so all together it will be possibly 3 hours. Well, off to watch a show then get to bed!
  • pdxmomof2
    Good evening everyone. Sounds like it was a mixed day out there.

    I had a pretty good day. Ended up walking 7.5 miles this morning in the rain and cold. It took me all afternoon to warm up. I am really going to have to start using the gym. Its just getting too cold out there.

    I went vitamin shopping tonight. My sister in law is in school to be a nurse practitioner and made some suggestions to me today. We live in Oregon and the sun is not out alot this time of year so she suggested Vitamin D along with Calcium, especially with me dieting and maybe not consuming enough milk. Also I got Super B Complex and Cinnamon. Those are supposed to help with energy and sugar metabolism. We will see if any of this makes me feel better.

    My food intake today was right on so I am happy with that. Going to weigh in at Weight Watchers at 7am tomorrow morning. We will see what the results are?!

    Well, off for a nice extra warm bath and bed:yawn:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So, my meals tomorrow hopefully compensate for my otherwise mixed-up, out-and-about day.

    1: 2 homemade porridge muffins w/ homemade apple butter
    2: chocolate protein shake
    3: 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ 3 tbsp hummus & 1/3 cup alfalfa sprouts
    4: Luna bar & 1 apple
    5: 2 weight watchers whole wheat tortillas w/ tuna & skim milk cheese (tuna melts)
    6: 4 cups air popped popcorn topped with 1 tsp olive oil (needed to get some more fats)

    I don't know that I'll make my trip to the gym but we'll see. I REALLY want to since it's to do my C25K on the treadmill and some weights. I don't have to go at any particular time so it will depend on how my son is feeling tomorrow after the Naturopath and what he does about naps. We're going at his nap time so I'll have to play it by ear. If necessary I can do C25K on Friday since I don't do it again until Sunday.

    I'm way later to bed than I'd hoped but earlier than the last few days. I messed up on myself and my perfect day though :grumble: by having another muffin. Silly me. But it's not much over and tomorrow I'll be burning more cals than I can really make note of since I'll be carrying Leith in the sling for a couple of hours. Technically I did that today too for a good chunk of time and while walking a long way up hills so I'm sure I'm fine. Still wanted to stick to my numbers though. Darned muffins... they're just sooooo yummy! At least they are completely PACKED with nutrition...
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Wow!! I just read all the comments. I am happy that we are all still in the challenge. Facing our eating or fitness struggles is half the battle. I wish everyone continued success. The only way we can fail is if we give up!! I know we won't. We are making the blueprint for the most difficult time of the year.. the holidays.

    I made a veggie lasagne on election night. It was great and I was happy that I didn't make the cookies that I wanted just because I was happy. I like it when I stop myself from making a big mistake. I feel like it is a constant struggle dealing w/ my food addiction.

    I started at 232 and since the first week until now.... 230. I still hope to remove the other 6.

    This week I have been working out 1.5 hrs a day, spacing out my fitness but loving the way it makes me feel when I conquer it. I do 2 dvds of different variety each day (thanks to my shopping habit I had a surplus) and 30 min of walking or dreadmilling.

    I am going to Dallas w/ some dental school friends tomorrow. I will return sunday nite. I am excited w/ my healthy choices on my trip to Chicago in early Oct..... I hope I do it again.

    Take care ladies..... good luck!!

    Todays menu
    Multi grain Cheerios, 1/2 cup milk, apple
    L: Orange, raisins, small burrito beans and veggies, fruit tea ( calorie drink... loved it)
    D: steak (4 oz), potato w/ salsa, broccoli

    My goal for the next 6 weeks will be to manage portion control. I have a scale in my kitchen (food and regular.... :laugh:...just in case I wanna do something bad like eat cookie dough. And I have tons of measuring cups. Wish me luck.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Oh yeah.... Rhiannon( Pedal) whats the push up challenge???
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Pedal, How many calories are those muffins? They sound interesting, would you like to share the recipe? Sounds like yesterday ended up being pretty good for you. Have a good one today too.

    Tamm, You can do it. Measuring out portions is a good idea, since we think we know what 1 cup really looks like, but we may not really be that accurate. Good job on the 2 pound loss.

    Hi Katy, Cathy, Shanell, & everyone I missed. Where is Cass & Kristen? Miss you.

    I am feeling good about this morning. I finally have a food plan in place for today. I really prefer that instead of making it up as I go along. I will focus on drinking all my water again today to make sure I get back on track with that.

    1: raisin bran, soy milk, coffee w/ creamer & 1 tsp. sugar
    2: apple
    3: homemade vegetable soup & 1 slice rye bread, 1 light swiss cheese, ham
    4: popcorn
    5: lean cusine entree
    6: skim milk & biscotti

    1 hour walk/jog

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls. Sorry about being MIA yesterday. Had a BAD thing happen... here's my vent.

    I apparently pulled something in my lower back, I'm thinking Monday night in BodyPump. I was just simply sore Monday evening and Tuesday and didn't think anything of it as I am usually sore after lifting AND since I had bumped up weights. So, Tuesday after work I headed to the gym as planned for Step class. I started out fine, but as the knee lifts and jumping around got more intense, my back started getting sharp pains. When it was to the point where I was tearing up every time and the pain was so sharp I couldn't breathe, I headed home (this was about 15 minutes into class). My husband and I made dinner and then I layed on the couch. He ran out to get me a heating pad and came home with Dairy Queen for me!:grumble: I couldn't turn him down...the thought was sweet. So...went WAY over in calories on Tuedsay.

    Yesterday I woke up and was still in so much pain, so called into work and then made an appointment with the doc. She says I did probably just pull something. I'm taking 800 mg of IBUprofin every 6 hours plus Zantac so my stomach doesn't start bleeding, AND a pain killer. So...yesterday my mom took me to lunch (Fizolis...we split a panini and had a side salad). And then we had stir fry for dinner. Haven't added any calories up for yesterday yet, but I was probably close to being on track...maybe a little over since no exercise.

    Today I am back at work...gonna tough it out. Still VERY sore and mad because exercise will probably be out of the question for atleast the rest of this week. SO...all my motivation and goals for this week are probably going to the garbage...but I will still try and stay on track with the eating. Just SO mad since I had these wonderful plans to do so well this week. But I guess this is life...not always perfect.

    Sorry for the vent...I will check back again later.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Kristin - so sorry to hear about your back!! I hope it gets to feeling better soon. that was very sweet of your DH to bring you the dairy queen, even if it did mean going over on cals.

    speaking of which, here's my gripe today. So I had planned out my food for the day and with exercise I had quite a large number of cals left to fill in so i decided to treat myself after my 8am stats test and walk down to starbucks for the Gingersnap latte which is my all-time fav and I cannot wiat for christmas to roll around every year so it will return. I looked it up yesterday and a grande with skim was about 270 which filled some of the cals and they had banana loaf out so I got a piece of that too, thinking well my latte is lower than i expected so this will be fine and i had a light breakfast anyway (cereal). WELL to my surprise when i got my latte and took a drink as I was getting into my car i discovered to my absolute horror....IT WAS MADE WITH WHOLE MILK!!! Oh the humanity!!! So yeah, now I have to look up the cals for that, :grumble: Thanks a lot Starbucks, and after I've been so loyal to you for so long!!

    haha, anyway, here is my adjusted menu for today. flag football tonight so will be burning lots of calories yay!! Oh and I think my sicky feeling yesterday must have been a 24 hour thing because I am feeling MUCh better today!! :happy:

    B: multi-grain cheerios, skim milk
    S: Gingersnap latte, banana loaf
    L: scrambled eggs with green and red pepper and low fat cheddar cheese
    S: jello sugar free fat free strawberry cup
    D: sweet potato risotto

    Hope all of your days are starting off well!! Deb - I'm with you, I'm going to stay on top of water today too!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I wanted to do a meny but again I am so out of it for breakfast. I am about to make a brunch though to make up for it. Tuesday my oldest child was sick and throwing up and he went back to school today and now my 15 mth old is sick. She is taking a nap right now but earlier I was laying on the couch and wouldnt you know she just walks over to me and throws up on me. Hopefully it wont be as bad as my oldest. Now Im just hoping my 8 yr old doesnt get it.

    Brunch then... 2 scrambled eggs, weight watchers shredded cheese and 1 ole high fiber, low carb soft tortilla.
    snack / lunch..... premade bag salad with light ranch dressing and an orange
    dinner I think I will make me a turkey burger with cheese.
    snack... not sure yet.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    drtamm, it really is a constant battle with food addiction isn't it! Good luck on your trip!

    Deb, the muffins are 124 cals for a 69g muffin which is a decent size. I can try to give a recipe but the base of it is the homemade porridge I make so I'll include that recipe too.
    porridge: 1/4 cup steel cut oats, 1/4 cup brown basmati rice, 1/4 cup millet, 1/4 cup ground flax seeds, 1 tbsp whole flax seeds, 1/4 cup mixed raisins and goji berries, cinnamon & nutmeg, 2 1/3 cups water
    muffins (per 1 cup of left-over porridge): combine porridge w/ 2/3 cup orange juice and allow to soak while preparing other ingredients. mix dry ing's in 1 bowl (1 cup spelt flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/8 tsp sea salt, 1 tbsp millet, 1 tsp cinnamon & a pinch cardamom) mix wet ing's in separate bowl (1 egg OR 3 tbsp egg whites, 2 tbsp agave nectar, 1/2 cup apple sauce or apple butter or yogurt, 1/4 cup chopped dried figs or apricots or cranberries or nuts or whatever else you want to throw in!). Mix porridge and orange mixture in with wet ingredients - mix well. Mix wet into dry just until combined, spoon 3/4 full into standard size muffin cups & cook at 375 for 15 minutes until browned on top. It's just all in all my own recipe that sort of evolved but they are SO delicious and very very nutritious as you can tell!! :wink:

    Kristin girl!! POOR YOU! Back troubles are the worst - so frustrating! Sorry to hear it but glad you're taking care of yourself. We missed you yesterday! Now we just need to find CASS!

    AmyLou, that's a bummer! Silly Starbucks... you'll make up for it though :smile:

    Connie, sorry to hear about your kids being sick. That's no fun at all :frown:

    Well, I'm feeling SOOOO much more motivation today. Not that I was feeling particularly UNmotivated yesterday, but I just feel really on the ball today. I'll take it! I won't be back on until much later so I hope everyone has a great and successful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning/afternoon all......
    kistin...sorry to hear about your back. i know back problems take it easy.....don't push it.
    pedal....your doing great in your recovery, keep it up.
    connie...sure hope everyone gets to feeling better.
    amylou....burn them babies tonight playing football. get angry at starbucks...
    everyone else seems to be doing the keep on trucking dance.

    i myself....had a super workout at the gym this morning. i did treadmill, elipical, weights. i burned 1365 cals. i was surprised i burned 400 with weights. could be cause i get off treadmill go put ipod in locker and hit the weights and my heart rate stays up above 110/120 the whole time. hey, i'll take it. while i as on the elipical there were these2 guys going around talking to some female friends. they were asking this one why she was working out so hard to burn fat. she said she still had a pouch and wanted to burn it off. he said now why do you girls do this things. just ask us guys how you look and we will tell you. you look just fine to us. we guys don't like those skinny girls. i was surprised to hear him say that. just the other day i was telling DH that going to the gym w/guys was scary for me (being over 200). when i mentioned this to the trainer he said don't worry the guys aren't here to look, their too busy with their weight lifting. and i noticed that the females are more judgeing than the guys. i also heard some guy say ok, now that i am done i walking over to dunkin' dounuts anyone what some? i just laughed to myself. it's in the same complex.
    i am on my road to recovery. i get tired of calling it on track. i feel good i got the bad out of my system, now when i want something i am having it and going on, not waiting for it to pile up.
    off to shower and relax, than lunch.
    drive by later.....cathy
  • cassangelidy
    Hi ladies...thanks Rhiannon for the message. I have been MIA for a bit...Daughter and I got pink eye...YEAH...and got in a big fight this weekend with hubby...still feeling the after effects of that. On tuesday I was 184.8, however I think I'm down even more because I haven't been eating. So its not a GOOD thing that I'm losing this weight. I haven't been doing my C25K, however I'm still determined too. I want to run in the Jingle Bell Run and that is Dec. 13th I think. Its a 5K and you get bells for your shoe laces. :)

    I'll won't weigh in until next Tuesday to see if I can stablize a little bit....I started taking a multivitamin to at least get some nutrients I've been missing by not eating.

    I miss you ladies. I'm sorry I have been down in the dumps....I'll try to pull on my big girl boots and start kicking some *kitten*.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey...thanks for the kind works AmyLou, Rhiannon, and means a LOT. I've been SO down...just scarfed some popcorn and a granola bar at work that was not planned...and I still have a while before my lunch (which I packed so is good). But little calories will be remaining for the rest of the day so I know I will go over. Not being able to exercise seriously SUCKS! I totally depend on it! So...the rest of this week will be bad...I just know it! Plus it's my TOM so I really think I will probably not weigh in next Tuesday and wait another week...Week 6...OMG! :noway: That crept up! I am so SO mad!!!!!:explode:

    Cass...sorry to hear things have not been well for you. I'm thinking of you!:flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Cass, I know how much a tiff with family can affect everything, hang in there girl! Good to hear from you!
    Kristin, sorry to hear about your back. Mandatory rest, maybe it will kick your body back into gear when you can get moving again?
    Cathy, so glad you're feeling better today. It's still a learning game, isn't it?
    Amy, how can you tell if it's made with skim or not? Not a big starbucks fan, I like the gas station cappachino (sp?).
    I know I'm missing several of you, so sorry about that...

    Today... Started out well, with banana bread oatmeal and a banana for breakfast. Golden delicious apple and chunk of weight watchers cheddar cheese for snack. Had a beef sandwich packed for lunch (240 cal), but got out of parent teacher conferences early, so met my hubby and kids at the Shaft and had nacho supreme and mountain dew. I believe if you're gonna be bad, do it all at once! Only ate a quarter of the nachos (the kids ate more than I did :noway: , I don't know how) but I think that quarter had a cup of melted cheese on it! Too full now to think about working out :ohwell: . On the other hand, I've got to start baking several dozen goodies for the swim meet this weekend, and I know I won't be tempted to touch it... too full for that too!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Robin - I could tell by the taste and how thick it was. I tend to drink a lot of coffee so i can definitely tell from the consistency which kind of milk they used. haha. yeah i'm addicted.

    stuck to my meals today and am getting ready to let out some frustration at flag football. Frustration because I am going to a wedding this weekend and just tried on the dress I was planning on wearing and it' doesn't fit very well. Sad because it fit just a couple months ago, actually it was kind of big on me then. :sad:

    oh well, just more motivation i guess!!!

    Have a good night and i will try and check in this weekend but if i am not online much it is because i am out of town for that wedding!!!

    here's to making good choices when it comes to cake and mints at the wedding and dancing it all off anyway!!!!:drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cass, glad AGAIN that you checked in :wink: :heart:

    Kristin, do not.. I repeat DO NOT write off the rest of your week because you've had a couple of less-than-ideal days. Don't do it. Rather than just randomly go over due to lack of exercise, try just adding 200 cals a day to your total and try to stick within that. It may mean making different food choices but I know you can do this. Heck, I can HELP you plan your meals within the constraints if you want!!! I don't want to see you play all or nothing because it's not your style and you're way tougher than that. You'll decide whether you want to weigh-in on Tuesday but you CAN do this. I know it!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    AmyLou, how was football?? Sorry about the dress... that kind of thing is such a bummer! Have a great time at the wedding ANYWAY! :smile:

    Bunny, good for you for having only a quarter of it! Your body thanks you :wink:

    Amy, Katy, where are you? HI!

    Today was the most stressful, unpleasant day I've had in a while. It was long, POURING down rain, long bus rides, had to go to a walk-in after seeing the Naturopath because my son's diaper rash needed a prescription that she couldn't write then I was treated HORRIBLY there, given the wrong prescription :noway: had to wait around in the mall for 3 hours with tired, cranky kids as my husband was delayed from work, then had to go BACK to the clinic to be treated horribly again just to get the first mess sorted out. Then a pharmacist treated me like a hippie moron and ... wait for it... WOULDN'T SELL ME the thing I am supposed to be able to buy over the counter because he doesn't think it's indicated for the use for which we had it prescribed by our naturopathic DOCTOR. :explode: So finally we got home (after ALSO having to stop at the store!), made supper, and the little sweeties fell asleep early. I was SO grouchy today but I'm feeling extremely proud of myself because I've stayed on track!!! At the store there was a voice YELLING and CURSING in my head at me to get some chocolate or something but I did not listen. Serious proud moment. I came home, had a small snack (a small muffin and 3 small slices of cheese) since I'd missed part of one of my meals today and was totally famished, then made supper and drank some water. What a proud feeling :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Now I'm off to lay on the couch and do NOTHING for a while before I hit the sack. I'm going to sleep SO well tonight.
    Later gaters!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tomorrow's meals:

    1: egg white omelette w/ savoy cabbage & skim milk cheese plus hot low sodium salsa
    2: 1/4 cup blueberries & 1/2 medium banana
    3: homemade porridge muffin w/ homemade apple butter
    4: chocolate protein shake (after C25K & weights)
    5: hummus, tomato & alfalfa sprout wrap (on whole wheat WW wrap)
    6: muffin & apple butter (love 'em!)
    7: organic salt-free rice cake w/ 1.5 tbsp almond butter
    8: 1 cup steamed broccoli, 3/4 cup baked sweet potato, 1 organic turkey burger (no bun) & 2 cups mixed baby salad greens
    9: 4.5 cups air-popped popcorn

    work out will be C25K and some weights. I absolutely did not manage to get to the gym today but fortunately had not counted on it for my meal plan. Okay, NOW I'm off!! :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    rise and shine sunshines......

    kistin....get back on the wagon please....
    pedal...good job for not eating {{wispers: the chocolate}}. it wouldn't have made your day any better, just worse.

    i am SORE this morning. i had a very intense workout at the gym yesterday with the weight machines and my thighs are still screaming. they were last night too. and their still mouthy this mornig. thinking since it's nice and cool outside i might do my exersie outside and take a long walk. i don't want to push my thighs, don't want damage. i know they are in their healing process. the scale is going up, even though i am eating right and major exercising. i am not really worried about it. because it's now a week since i started stumbleing for a few days. so it's showing the damage i did. so i will just keep plugging along..... well second cup of coffee down. time to get dressed and strap on the HRM and pedometer and head out. todays goal is to burn at least 300/400 calories. now with such intense workouts at the gym every other day i need to figure out a new routine for home life.

    be back later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi gals....Man I want to cry! This SUCKS! I went WAY over yesterday. I just feel SO unmotivated when I can't get a workout in. It's ALWAYS like this...I can do SO well when I workout and totally blow it when I don't. And this injury is so stupid because it's not my arm or leg when I can do exercises that work other parts of my's my lower CORE...which restricts me from ALL exercise! I need to let it heal properly...hoping to start some LIGHT exercise next week...maybe walking on the treadmill. But no weights probably for another week. I HATE this!!!!!!!

    Rhiannon...thank you for the motivation...I KNOW I can do this...but it's just so hard...but I am going to try and take your advice...add 200 calories onto every day and REALLY try and stick to it. I'm not going to think about was REALLY bad...but I will think about today...make good choices. I CAN do it!!!!!!!

    Here's the meal plan for today:

    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 105 calories
    Quaker - Instant Oatmeal - Take Heart - Blueberry, 1 packet 160 calories
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 calories
    294 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Ripe Strawberry Cereal Bar, 1 bar (35 mg) 110 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    Turkey&Cheese Sandwich, 1 meal 138 calories
    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    253 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Grapes - Raw, 1 cup 62 calories
    Kashi - TLC Chewy Granola Bars - Cherry Dark Chocolate, 1 bar 120 calories
    182 total afternoon snack calories

    Honeysuckle White - Ground Turkey, 4 oz. 160 calories
    Kraft - Shredded Mozzarella-Fat Free, 1/4 cup 45 calories
    Mission - Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajitas, 1 tortilla 80 calories
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83 calories
    Kemps - Fat Free Sour Cream, 1 tablespoons 13 calories
    Flavorite - Black Beans, 1/4 cup 70 calories
    451 total dinner calories

    Total 1,320
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200 (+200 extra would be 1,400)
    Remaining: -120 (or 80 remaining)

    If I'm still hungry in the evening, I'll have some air-popped popcorn (31 calories a cup!) and that should do me for the evening! I also have some Jello pudding if I'm craving chocolate! Wish my luck girlies...this totally BLOWS!