Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 47



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Girls, I love coming here and hearing how everyone is. I saw a while back some post that said that the percentage of success for the people who post on the boards is much greater than that of the people who just track their calories. Not sure if it is true but why not?

    I also realized that pos_me is missing. So we need to start knocking on her door.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: none (my no-exercise day)
    water: not enough
    proud: that I stayed under my cals on a no-exercise day ... that is always tough for me

    I re-started my nutrition class last night. I am afraid it is going to be a bit boring for me to go over the same material - but hopefully it will help keep me motivated to follow their nutrition guidelines. It is all new people in the class and it was packed. I am taking it again to hopefully continue the success I've had so far with the class, but also because it was offered to returning customers at a very low rate so my penny-pinching self likes the idea of the cost of the two courses averaging out to a much lower amount after 24 classes!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma24 -- :flowerforyou:
    See? You're such a wonderful momma!

    I wanted to add to the updates that Meokk is also lurking. :smile:
    In other happy news, the baby on my ticker is about to move up another box (tomorrow I think)! Ladies, I'm about to hit 3rd tri! :noway:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Yay for heading into the baby homestretch!

    Lauren: You're right, I do need to put together a list of rewards that are non-food. A pedi would be a wonderful place to start with spring being here (sort of).

    lstpaul: Yes, a new short-term goal would be good. Any suggestions?

    Teresa: I think the scale breaking is awesome. Seriously. I find the less I weigh myself while keeping on track with food and exercise, the MORE I lose. I think the stress of the number on the scale makes me hold weight.

    Momma: Thank you for the updates on everyone. I'll start sending out some messages as well. We need everyone here!

    Yesterday was a good day. The eating was just a teeny over for the day, but no problem with the week. The substitute WW leader said I should consider becoming a leader. The topic of conversation in the meeting yesterday was walking, running and 5ks. Since the leader has only walked one 5k, she had me answer everyone's questions. It was fun! Maybe this fall when my schedule frees up, I'll be close enough to my goal weight to apply for a winter part-time job. Definitely something to think about!

    Have a great day!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I'm willing my motivation to show up today... I'm feeling pretty good overall. I finally got around to fixing my roots (I was starting to look a little like a Christmas tree .... with lots of tinsel), which is something that always makes me feel better.

    If anyone dyes their own hair - I just discovered John Frida's foam color. LOVE IT! Good color, no terrible smell, and the skin around my hairline doesn't look like I'm turning into a dalmatian.

    Adam is going out of town for work tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping to get the house totally spotless for when he gets back. Our landlords are probably going to be showing the place soon, so we should be good tenants and clean the place up haha. Plus it's good exercise!

    I've been thinking about the non-food rewards, and I think I'm going to be more systematic about it. So!

    1- whenever I go 4 weeks in a row with a loss, I can get a manicure/pedicure
    2- when I get under 200, I will buy myself the Chanel perfume I've been drooling over
    3- when I get under 190, I will buy myself some GOOD jeans that fit

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under!
    Water: ~50ish
    Exercise: Not real exercise, but I walked to the store instead of driving
    Proud: I had a lot of input at class last night, and everyone else is just as behind on their papers as I am ... hahaha
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over - but not too badly.
    Water: at east 8 8oz cups
    Exercise: 1 hour with trainer
    Proud: Not at all health related, but at the firm I am consulting at - they offered me a FT position on their staff. I have only been working there for about 15 days! Very flattering.

    I too am a "self-sabatoger" . The idea of non-food goals is great, I have tried it, but Tstout - I like your systematic approach. Especially like the every 4 week idea for general motivation!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    HeatherMN: I was thinking of a goal like 'this week I'm not going to eat ***', and pick some food that is sabotaging you. or 'for the next 3 days I'm going to eat more protein'. Something like that. Just something simple you can concentrate on and when you get through it pick something else to keep the motivation going.

    Which reminds me ... was I the biggest loser last week? If so I'd like to challenge everyone to eat more protein, especially for snacks. I think that has made a huge difference with controlling my cravings for late afternoon binges.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi all!

    Quick check-in from yesterday (while I'm on a conference call....whoops).
    Cals - Over - out for paella and I went a little crazy. Also, ate more jelly beans. The good news? No more jelly beans!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Walked a mile
    Proud - Eh...not much.

    Sending you love, but back to the craziness!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Hey everyone!

    I can't remember the last time I checked in, but I think it was Friday. Things have been nutso here as school winds down and I have a ton of stuff due all at once.

    I RAN THE 8 MILE RACE ON SATURDAY! It was chilly and gray, which I suppose if good running weather (it had been 85 the day before and that would have made me cry). I ran 6 of the 8 miles (ran 4, walked 1, ran 1, walked 1, ran 1) and did the whole thing in 1:52:34. Considering that this was about twice as far as I've ever really run in my entire life, I was so happy. I really didn't think I could run that last mile (it was torture), but my friend/personal trainer came BACK for me and helped me power through it.

    I cried at the finish line. I can't believe that I could change my life so dramatically in under 10 months. Even when I set this goal in July, I thought it was crazy. So I'm sharing a before and afters so that I can force myself to recognize the drastic changes I've been making. :happy:

    Here are my befores:

    In Barcelona, January 2010

    Last April at a dance

    India, January 2011 (6 months in)

    March 2011

    March 2011, trying on a size 16 suit!

    It feels really good to reach that goal. Now I need to start thinking of what I should be focusing on next. Any good ideas?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Figured I would post today!! Still feeling pretty icky but I am slowly regaining motivation.Instead of feeling sorry for myself I told myself why not do something once and for all about this weight loss journey.I always do this back and forth thing.I know whatt works for me and I know what to eat how much and how much exercise to do so why am I not doing it .I think for me its like a chore when I start myself on this plan and if I don't think about it or log like crazy I do so much better.In the beginning I needed to log to see what I was eating and now that I know what and how much I am eating I can control it better.So logging is a past time for me because I know what I can eat and how much and still be ok.I was burning myself out on logging calories that I wanted to give up on myy weight loss goals because it was frustrating to come to the computer everyday and say lets log your food for the day and what you can't have.I have learned over the past 2 years I have been here I can eat what I want just within reason and I have to move to lose the weight.With the weather warming my motivation is slowly coming back and I have been doing much more plant based foods and this is also helping me slim down.I have lost 6 pounds so far from my restart and few days ago and I refuse to go back to old habits.I have not ate out all week and although this coming week when I am gone to my mother-in-laws we will be dining out at least twice I have a plan to walk every evening with my girls for at least 1 hour while I am on my visit.Julie your post really opened my eyes about your brother and I am so sorry for your loss and what you must be going through if you need anything please let me know.But it made me see I am worth this so after I read your post I said I will not feel sorry for myself anymore I will do something about my weight and I will be a good example for my children.This body isn't mine!! I wasn't meant to look like this I want to be healthy and happy with myself and I will be and I need all of my sisters here to help me and support me as you always have.Any suggestions throw them my weigh because this is the year I meet my goals no more going back and no more lingering in past habits I will continue to move forward I AM WORTH IT!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Is this club open to anyone? Im wayyy over 200lb so I qualify in that sense lol. I just need people who are in similar boat as me to help motivate me and support me :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Is this club open to anyone? Im wayyy over 200lb so I qualify in that sense lol. I just need people who are in similar boat as me to help motivate me and support me :)
    More than welcome to join!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I miss you, my sisters! Been in kind of a slump, but I am slowly crawling out of it. I am going to try to come here more often.

    I hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome lexncheysmommy!!!

    awestfall - you can do it - so glad you found your restart button!

    purpleprose - those pictures are awesome - what a great accomplishment and very motivating. Keep it up, you deserve it!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    purpleprose - those pictures are awesome - what a great accomplishment and very motivating. Keep it up, you deserve it!

    Thanks!! I'm trying to continually remind myself that I look different now. What I see in the mirror no longer matches reality. Hopefully looking at before and afters like this helps me realize all the weight I've lost and my new shape.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Is this club open to anyone? Im wayyy over 200lb so I qualify in that sense lol. I just need people who are in similar boat as me to help motivate me and support me :)

    Welcome! Hope to see you around and posting. :smile:

    Getting ready for a big presentation tomorrow, then hitting the mall to try and find a swimsuit for beach week next month. I'm going to look at tankinis, but ones that don't show anything...I'm still so self-conscious about bathing suits and I think I'm even more self-conscious now that I'm thinner.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- You better hope you & everyone else is back here in July or I'm going to travel across the country kicking *kitten*.

    Allison -- You look fabulous!! :drinker: Congratulations on the wonderful change you've made in such a short time!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Allison! You look amazing!!

    Welcome to lexncheysmommy :) You are sure to find a lot of support (See Julie's note about cross-country *kitten* kicking haha)

    Nancy - Good to see you!!

    Weird few days coming up... Adam is gone for work, and these are my last two days at my current job. I've been there for six years! It's strange to think I won't be cracking open the laptop to run reports on Monday morning. Instead, I will be driving to an actual office with real, 3D people!

    I've also got the little one home sick with me today. Poor thing has a terrible earache.

    I have a GIANT paper due Tuesday evening, so I'm hoping the next couple days here by myself will get me motivated to get it done so I don't have to worry about it any more.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lexncheysmommy: Welcome to the group!

    Deb: Great job on the job offer. Even if you're not interested, it's nice to know they like you so much.

    lstpaul: My goal for the next week is going to be to increase the fruit and veggie intake. I also like your goal of eating more protein. I love protein. Truly, it's what my body craves.

    Allison: I am SO proud of you for finishing your 8 miler!! Your transformation has been been absolutely amazing. Wow. If I could, I'd give you a big hug. Good luck finding a swimming suit you like. I bought mine from Land's End (they sell them in Sears, too) and LOVE it. Mine is an adorable tankini that completely covers my stomach and chest but looks cute and trendy. My first one was a size 16 and it was so, so comfy.

    It's been another few busy days at work, so I have to get back to it. I'll be back sometime tomorrow for weigh-in! Have a great day.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good .... just sneaked under by 16 cals - ate all my exercise cals
    exercise: good - an hour of step and 10 minutes of weights
    water: not so good
    proud: of staying under calories when I was having kind of a 'craving' day ... really wanted to go out at lunch and find something else to eat but stuck with what I had packed.

    Welcome lexncheysmommy!

    awestfall - sounds like you are getting back on track and doing well!- my only advice is that it has helped me conquer my cravings by trying to keep my blood sugar stable throughout the day by eating balanced meals and snacks every couple of hours (balanced meaning a protein, some carb (veggies best), and healthy fat every time I eat)

    purpleprose - thanks for sharing those before and after pictures, you look great and they are really motivating!

    bluenote: good to see you here, I'd love to see you posting more often again! I miss your wit and wisdom!

    tstout: good luck on your paper!

    Lilspy: I'm glad to see you here, hope you are doing ok.

    heathermn: I do pretty well with fruit but really need to work on adding veggies too.