What's your goal weight?? Why did you choose that number??



  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    For now my goal weight is 175lbs which would be down 85lbs from 260 (63 to go) I'm 5"9' so I know its in the healthy range.
    I picked it because it would mean weighing less than my husband for once in my life :blushing:
    I don't know will I want to weigh that but the lowest I've ever been is 202 and I liked me at that weight so I think as I progress I may end up looking at how I feel & look rather than the scale.
    And I can always try & fatten up my skinny husband :devil: lol :tongue:
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    I'm 5'3 and my 1st goal weight is 160. I didn't really choose it per se, but my fitness consultant at my gym did back in December. I guess based on my measurements, frame, fitness and body fat %, the weight of 160 would bring me in a good body fat percentage. So he put me on a goal of "160 by May Long weekend" (end of May). I'm at 164 now, so I should be able to achieve it!

    My latest consultant said that I could probably go down to 150 (the two measured me a bit differently), but still left my goal at 160. I think I'll just assess how I feel at 160 and go from there!
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm not as concerned about a number on the scale as I am about getting to a certain body fat percentage - ideally under 20%. I *think* that would put me at about 140 lbs, possibly less. I'm 5'4". That's also just within the "healthy" BMI category, although I don't think I could ever fall in the lower range of healthy without dropping a lot of muscle, and I'm really not interested in doing that.

    Just for reference, I'm at a BMI of 29 right now (just dropped into overweight from obese), and I'm a size 10-12.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    My height is 5'2" and my Ideal goal weight is 120-122 its what I weighed in high school. But I can't seem to get out of 160's :sad:
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 5'6" and am aiming for 135lbs. I used to be 140lbs but always wanted to lose a couple of pounds so I'm aiming to drop those too. But I might be happier before I reach that weight, so I'll stop when I feel comfortable.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5ft2 and 5ft4 (it varies every time I get measured for some reason) and my goal if 140lbs. It's the high end of my weight range if I'm 5ft4 and I think it's still over if I'm 5ft2 but when I was that weight I looked good and I felt good so that's my goal again. If I feel I still need to lose a little more then I'll re-evaluate but for now I'll aim for 140lbs.
  • gupton11
    gupton11 Posts: 80
    Try figuring out your lean body mass and adding a healthy body fat percentage to that.


    BMI is bull... Even if I was at 10% body fat my BMI would still say that I am overweight, obese... My best friend is the same height as me, similar frame and has and average of 12-15% body fat. According to BMI he's obese.
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I'm 6'6" tall and listed my goal as 275. The reason I picked that number is because when in college I was 285 but solid as a rock. I figured I get down to 275, I'll take off a majority of my fat. But that might change once I reach it. There's a chance I might want to go lower. But to me, the weight is not the issue, it's about being in shape. If I stay at 295lbs, but can run and drop my waist and belt line to the numbers I want, I'm fine with that.

    It's about being healthy and inshape, not what the scale says.
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    I am 5'5'' and want to be in the 130-135 range. I am at 144 right now coming down from a little over 200. I chose 130 because thats what I was before I got prego with my son. I looked good and was overall happy with myself.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    My goal is to range between 130-135 pounds. At my lowest, in November 2007, I was at 125, and I think that is too low for me. I think this is a healthy range for me at 5'6".

    I hit 135 today, so I am doing the happy dance!:happy: Now, to see if I can maintain there. Initially, I lost 72 pounds, regained 22, and now have lost 12 of that, six since joining MFP earlier this year.

    I will continue to track my food and exercise. It's become an ingrained habit for me.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am 5'10 as well and my goal is also 135. My DL says 125 but again, I was 16. I did reach that number in college but that was because I was poor and could barely afford to buy food!! Anyway, I weighed 140-145 when I got pregnant with my son 3 years ago so I could live with those numbers (which I am currently at now) but I really want to be 135. I can not give a spcific reason other than the fact that being able to say I am 135 makes me feel good. Simple as that really.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my initial goal was 135. When I got about halfway there, I didn't see much change, so I lowered it to 130. Now at 140, the original 135 goal seems pretty spot on. The last five pounds have made a much bigger difference than the first 15! :happy:
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I'm 5'10" also and set my goal as being between 150 - 175. My thought is that depending on how I look/feel at 175, I will decide how much and if I want to lose more, or just try to maintain there.

    Good Luck to everyone.
  • sarahleelee
    sarahleelee Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I'm shooting for 160. I look fantastic at that weight and very long and lean with nice curves :)
  • Paiche
    Paiche Posts: 92
    I am 5'5" and my goal weight is 110. Which is in the underweight zone for me, but, i can't quite come to terms yet that i may not be able to get to that healthily. We will see. I may reevaluate at 125...
  • Sunshinema
    i am 5ft 6in and my doctor would like me to get to 170 but i want 145-150. put on a TON of weight in an unhappy marriage which i am now free of..as of this month....so my goal is to get where the doctor wants me first and then work towards my goal but that is a lot of weight either way.......my weight in high school was 105-115 and i was anorexic and looked horrible but you couldnt tell me anything. now i am the opposite......too much weight.....hope you all meet your weight goals ...healthy is awesome.
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    I have two goals. My first goal is 160 because that gives me a healthy bmi. My second goal, 150, is the goal my dr gave me.
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm 52 years old, 5'9" and would like to get down to about 165. I feel like it's a realistic number, given my age, and would put me about in a size 10 since I am working out. I got down in the 140 range some years back and my neck and arms looked sort of skeletal and my head looked big, lol! Like everyone else, I am sure I may adjust those goals as I go along. As of today, I have lost 5.4 lbs in about 3 1/2 weeks, am working out several times per week and feel better than I have in a long, long time.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'm 5'2 140lbs I want to weigh 125. I weighed that in high school and had an awesome body. It is high for my height but I looked really good at 125
  • Christyp123
    I was 166.8 when I started in Nov 09. My goal weight was 140. I am there. I've toyed with wanting 135 to be the new goal weight. But I've been maintaining the 139-140 for a few weeks, but after doing P90x more consistently for a few months, I've noticed a huge change in my definition and overall appearance. The number isn't such a big deal to me anymore. Oh and I'm 5.5 1/2. :)