WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening!

    Lynda: Way to go on the 3 pounds this week and for your new "program" working. Sounds like a good plan and I agree, that mixing it up is good for weight-loss. It also helps keep boredom at bay. Keep us posted! ( and I love spinach in everything too!)

    Barbie: So good to hear from you and it sounds like you are doing your usual good job of staying on track! Glad you are having fun seeing old friends too!

    Dee: How wonderful that you are enjoying your photography so much. Your photo of the bluebird is lovely (great composition and colors!) good for you for continuing to take so many classes...even re-taking them to challenge yourself. We should never quit learning, should we?

    Sounds like we have a lot of talented photographers! This is a talented group in so many ways.

    DH got in last night and it is great to have him home. So far I have done fine by planning, planning, planning and not joining him in his treats! It helps when it is so nice outside and I can stay outside working in the garden, walking, etc. I had a lunch meeting today and was served a sandwich that I tried to tally the calories for, but I never know if I am getting close to the count or not. That is why I have been trying to eat at home and prepare my own food recently so that I know exactly what I am eating. But real life means having to learn to eat out "well". I have to learn to just eat part of what I am served when it is not my own choice. I only ate fruit with the sandwich.(Turkey, cranberry & cream cheese...I think that's what it was...too bad about the cream cheese. It wasn't easy to scrape off without making a big mess) So it could have been worse. Had a lighter dinner tonight.

    Have a nice evening, everyone! Kackie:heart:
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    Just starting to check this wonderful log more often and enjoying the full benefits of MFP.

    I took beginning digital photography and have a point and shoot. I like that you wrote you had a point and shoot for 5-6 years before went to DSRL. I'm not there yet but I can certainly see why you've taken every class in the area! WTG and something to focus on and enjoy that is not food related.

    I am still doing my hot yoga and starting to weigh and measure what I eat...that's my next challenge, I just calculated up the old Chinese Chicken Salad recipe with top ramen, sliced almonds and sesame seeds so that was a bit of work but good to have down for next time. I just weighed this am and was down 2 lbs. so I'm feeling encouraged and getting to the point I like to exercise because I like feeling good. Also just don't eat as much between meals...not sure why except food isn't on the forefront of my brain 24/7.

    Thank you all for the inspiring posts! Keep up the good work, your successes are inspiring. God Bless!!

    Audrey aka lovesauburn
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, my day started out on the rigfht track, I was doing well until dinner, then we went to a volunteer dinner at the cancer center...
    they had a bbq outside, and there was ribs and chicken, I had some ribs, a small piece of chicken, bbq sauce, a very small amount of potato salad, and one piece of bread... didn't have dessert, no veggies at this bbq... i was not too bad...
    better tomorrow, i can control when I know where I am going..
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning All

    I've had a busy week so far, and it's played havoc with my eating. I wish I was more like you Barbie and could say No thank you - without feeling guilty about hurting someone's feelings. I am getting a little better with the girls at work, but family I find it so hard to say No.

    It was grandson's 6th birthday on Tuesday and I asked for a very small slice of his birthday cake, but was given a big slice! I didn't even have the dog to give half to :embarassed: Yesterday evening I went on a works do - I thought it was going to be a buffet style meal but we had a sit down meal in the restaurant. I thought I'd have something light like fish, but it was smoked haddock with flavoured mashed potato and a poached egg on top (I think it came with a spinach garnish) - I'll have to try spinach again, must admit I've never tried it before for sweet I had strawberries with a bit of meringue and cream.

    Woops look at the time, must get the dogs walked - I'll try and catch up with you all later.

    Viv x
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am up early this morn 6 am for those of you in different time zone. Got up when hubby left for work cause my bicycle was out of place and behind my vehicle in driveway. tire was flat so I guess thief did not want it. we checked everywhere and nothing else was taken. guess it was kids or who knows. I am light sleeper, kind of creepy that I did not hear anything. usually pretty safe neighborhood, over the years only things taken were bikes and a boat motor once long time ago. We have heard of some stealing though lately. Guess sign of the economy.
    Yesterday was a bad day and a great day. I decided to grout my tile. the bath is nearly finished except for grout. Disaster. I mixed and followed directions exactly. I got one small portion done. it looks very good. only problem is that it was so messy that it took me 5 mintues to grout and hours to clean up. finally got enough and stopped. To top it off my pool cover flew off in bad weather few weeks ago and it got green. Finally got it not green but it is still cloudy murky blue. I am not a happy camper. I know these things are not that important in whole scheme of things especially with some of things you ladies are going through but it was till frustrating for me. by time hubby got home I was in tears.
    Good news is I was not hungry and did not turn to food. Could not wait for him to get home so I could go to gym. That was a great accomplishment and a big change for me.
    When we got back from gym we threw grout out. Guess I will return other bag and get different kind. Not sure what I am going to do to pool. Hopefully when sun comes up and I go out there it will be clear.
    I hope you all have agreat day. thanks for letting me vent over my foolishness.
    Vicki m
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    It's working!

    I started a new program on Monday, adding more cardio and a 30 minute strength training routine. When I weighed in this morning I had lost another pound....that's 3 pounds so far this week. Hitting my 4 pound goal may be easier than I thought. I hope this isn't just a fluke because I've changed things up, I'll take what I can get. In anything we do, if we do it long enough, our body becomes use to it or content. We've all heard about "Muscle Confusion", why wouldn't that work for food too. I use to keep things really simple with my food choices but lately I'm cooking alot. Spinach (raw baby) is my new favorite food and I put it in everything from omelets to wraps. When I read the package I was amazed to see that a cup of spinach is only about 5 calories.

    If you're looking for some great inspiration for cooking there are a ton of books out there that have some awesome recipes. Right now I'm reading The Flat Belly Diet & The Flat Belly Diet Cookbook and The Hormone Diet. I'm hoping for an aha moment that will turn this ole girl around for good.

    A toast :drinker: to all the 50+ ladies.


    Great news on your weight loss, Lynda! That's amazing! Good to know you can do it, for future reference too! Spinach sounds good, I need to work on my iron intake... My next move will be to work out some strength exercises, I have a programme here that I haven't tried yet. You're an inspiration!
    Kackie, I'm sure you don't have much to worry about the sandwich, if you under estimate the calories, you can compensate in other ways, once in a while! I've found burning off more cals with exercise works for me, if I have the time!

    Audrey, you too with the weight loss! Great news and you must be really supple with your yoga -seems to be burning LOTS of cals too?
    I just checked in as my mobile app for MFP is showing different cals used than this website - don't see anything obvious...
    be back later to complete entry and log out.
    Good luck to all!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Lynda and Audrey, congrats on the weight loss. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, your vacation sounds just right - lots of friends, family and eating moderately. Congratulations. That's a real accomplishment. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda, thinking about you and hoping you're feeling better. :heart:

    I'm reminded again that one day at a time is what it takes. I think I better make that one meal or even one hour at a time!

    Yesterday was rainy. The sun is trying hard to peek out right now. I hope you all enjoy the day.

  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    Hi ladies - good to read everyones posts. I have been hungry these last few days - I am job hunting - after a few years of consulting - I have decided to go back to work outside. I was offered a job with a friend of mine - but I don't think she can afford to pay me until she gets established, I am impatient and want to start doing something now, I need to get out and about and meet some new people.

    When I feel hungry I log on here and read some positive messages and it usually stops me from eating for a while. I think once I am out of the house more I won't think about food so much either.

    I worry that being 50 might work against me in trying to find something interesting, although I see these days more middle age woman seem to be working than before - which is encouraging. Today I will email to some companies - even they are not advertising - you never know right???

    Have a great day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good afternoon All:flowerforyou:

    Glendaaus- I just read your post about job hunting...best wishes there:drinker: but I must admit it was your little line under your ticker that gave me a true smile and LOL moment:laugh: :laugh: Yep I would have to agree with you there....cooking bacon naked could be damaging:laugh: :laugh:

    I think I can say FINALLY DONE with the paper work having to do with Mom and Dad's passing. I don't think there are anymore insurance companies that I have to deal with, I have mailed the last of them today. Now if their home would just sell:grumble:

    Haven't heard from hubby today (he had his interview this AM) and since he didn't call I'm figuring it was a nothing interview:ohwell: . which means I will have to be positive when I get home....when all I'd really like to do is eat dinner and be a vegatable.:wink:

    I best get my payroll done and clean up my desk. Everyone have a good evening and keep up the GREAT job you are doing:drinker:

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Doing well so far.... Good breakfast and good lunch.... now dinner is a challenge...
    Will have to work on what I eat for a snack too later this evening while I play bridge with friends.. yogurt or fruit.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    barbie - did you read the letter in Dear Abby today about someone complaining about people accepting a dinner invitation and then when something is served they're saying "oh, I can't eat that, it's not on my diet"? To me, that's a sure formula for failure

    We had our last bowling session last night. I said in my journal that I had 2 pieces of the pizza they gave us, but I really had only 1. It was very dough-ey, I thought. But it was free, and it seemed that most everyone else liked it. Next Wed I think we're going to go see the senior bowling league to see how good they are. After that, we'll probably join them.

    kackie - I agree with you, it's so nice to be outside. I know that when I'm inside, I get bored and then eat to relieve the boredom. When you're eating out, you can order your food "without cream cheese". I do it all the time.

    Viv - when I ask for a small slice of cake and get a big one, I will just eat a small portion. Honestly, if it's on a plate in front of me, I'll eat it. So I'll cut the cake in half and put that other half on another plate.

    As I recall, there is something that you need to eat with the spinach. Is it some citrus? It helps with absorption of a mineral, I think. Maybe it's some oil. Does anyone know? This is really bothering me.

    Well, did a 45 min DVD band workout today, then went to this crochet class (I'll learn to crochet in the round yet....I'm just not saying which century), then went food shopping at one store, stopped at another one and got their circular, stopped at another store but had to get a rain check, bought gas (gulp!), came home and made the filling for the appetizer that I'm going to take to the newcomers social this Sat. I have to serve (EM) at the mass so I'll take it earlier. I found this recipe for stuffed celery. The stuffing is 1/3 fat cream cheese, vanilla yogurt, shredded carrot, crushed pineapple in a celery stick. The recipe says it has only 18 calories. To me, it's something different. Unfortunately, it seems that most people are content with store-bought foods. We'll just go to the social late, that's all. Then Mon I'm having a meeting at my house. Jessica is supposed to be here this weekend and somehow I have to get the house cleaned before then. Well, I already have the downstairs vacuumed. We're going to see TSO in concert Sun. I am psyched! Front row seats!

    Tomorrow I'll go to a yoga class then the deep water. I'm always amazed how much water I drink in that class. I must go thru at least 24oz. I usually take a piece of fruit with me because I am so starving hungry when I get out of the pool.

    Well, I think I'm going to work on my crochet a little. Hopefully, I can finish one placemat. Then I start on another one. Only problem is, I started the first one about 5 years ago, so I really don't remember what I did.....lol

    Glenda - good luck on the job hunting!

    Laura - the line at the end of Glenda's post made me smile, too :)

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member

    Viv - I really have to work on saying no. My mother, who has never struggled with her weight, always has junk in her house. When I visit she tries to get me to eat. My husband loves to cook and bake. He bakes something almost weekly. Sometimes I get mad, because I don’t think he really understands how hard I have to work to resist the baked goods. The harder I try, the more he seems to bake. Recently, he began exploring the possibility of going into business. Everyone loves his food.

    Natalie, good luck!. I have similar struggles. I don’t know which is stuck the most, the fat on my stomach or the needle on the scale. I keep telling myself that I am developing a new lifestyle not just a weight loss journey.

    Vicki, I need to grout my tiles. Given that you have experience, I won’t mind if you come do the same at my house.

    Lynda, “baby spinach” is one of my favs. I really like to use it in my green smoothies.

    Mimi, yes our journey is traveled one day at a time. I am learning to live in the moment. I use to eat food based on how much healthier I would eat later. Usually that was a way of giving myself permission to overeat, because I promised to do better the next time. The problem is that next time rarely arrives. Lately, I’ve had conversations with myself: “self, eat for the moment, not based on what you might or might not eat at a later time.”

    Michele – you are good. Size does matter – I have a hard time walking away from a big piece of cake.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening all!

    Another beautiful day here today...sunny and warm but not humid (yet!). I had to meet our community landscape crew early this morning and spent about 3 hours with them "helping" them do some clean up of our common areas...mostly pruning and shaping the shrubs and small trees along our entrance and around a pond. I have scratches all over my legs and arms! Should have worn long pants and shirt instead of cropped ones. Oh, well. It looks nice and I got some good exercise outside.

    Michele: I agree and I always order food in a restaurant the way I like it prepared. However, when I am in someone's home or in a situation where the menu is set for everyone, I try not to make an issue about whatever is served. (That's what happened yesterday with the sandwich) I think because I am SO often the cook for family and many other occasions, I try to eat whatever is served, within reason. I take whatever is given me and then TRY not to eat but a bite of anything I feel is too high calorie or is a trigger food for me. Now the problem is, of course, that...just like Viv's experience... once something is on the plate it is more difficult to leave it there!!! I have to work on this. I try to cut things in 2 pieces and only eat half. That works...sometimes!

    Lorri: I feel for you! If my husband was baking things all the time I would really have a tough time not eating it. (I will NEVER have to worry about this problem!!!) However, he does open a nice bottle of wine almost every night, offer me a glass and then take out some nice cheese, some olives and nuts and good crusty bread for his appetizer. That is my challenge! I guess we all have something to struggle with or we wouldn't be here, would we? Tell me about your green smoothie!

    Glendaus: Good luck with the job hunting. I am sure there are lots of people who would be happy to have a settled, experienced 50 something...keep us posted.

    Laura: I hope that DH had a good interview and you all have a nice evening. It's tough not to be able to "help" with things like that isn't it? Sending good thoughts your way.

    I am under my calories for the day, even without any exercise, so I think I will head towards bed with a book so I can stay that way. I need to see that scale move tomorrow.

    Good night, All!!! Kackie:heart:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Lots of good things happening on this board. It is refreshing to log on tonight to catch up here. I can really relate to so much of what is said. Focusing on each day and what I need to do in each moment is something I need to do. I have really been planning ahead and tonight I knew I would be getting in late so I had turkey burgers defrosting. I wrote my husband a note and said if he was hungry before I got home to cook his on the George Forman....When he tried to cook them (to surprise me) they were mush. I guess you need to cook them frozen or they really on like oatmeal! I can home tired and hungry so we went to Subway. I had a 6 in roast beef which isn't bad but I am really trying not to eat out (darn sodium). I also got a bag of Baked Lays...I need to learn to say no to the chips.
    Have a good night!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    good news. we changed the pool filter sand and it was so dirty. I know now that was the problem. so tomorrow we should start seeing clearer water. I bought another bag of grout different kind and I will try it tomorrow. crossing my finger. Lorri I will be glad to come grout your tile if you are willing to clean up my mess. If you only have a small area I suggest the already mixed grout.
    Natalie good work you can do it. tired after workout. see you ladies tomorrow. oh one last note. I am over the eating something for someone else. if I dont want it I just dont eat it. actually I have found that no one even notices what I eat or dont eat.
    have a nice night.
    vicki m
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. I've had a busy day. It got cold and windy here today. Luckily, the tornados have stayed east of us today. I'll try to catch you all tomorrow.
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Does anyone know what happenned to Lynn, she just disappeareda few days ago?
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I do enjoy photography. I have a digital camera...a Kodak Z981 which I really like. It does allow me to change settings, exposures and several other features. I would say it is between a point and shoot and a digital SLR. The photography class showed be about white balance, changing exposure settings, using the histogram....all the things that I had no idea what to do with. I enjoyed the assignments we were given. I would like to take more classes. I am going to upload more of my photographs to my profile so anyone can peek if they so desire.

    Today was a day of beauty....nails are done, pedicure so now I am ready for flip flop season and a hair cut. It was so nice outside and I did manage to get some walking in as well.

    Hope that everyone had a wonderful day.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Took the day off from exercising today... had so many things going on, I have not sat down, will exercise tomorrow, I am starting a new diet tomorrow, guess which one.. I will continue to log my food here...
    Cardio doc said all the tests I took came back negative, GOOD NEWS for me...
    Time for bed...
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Does anyone know what happenned to Lynn, she just disappeareda few days ago?

    I was wondering the same, we really miss her jolly banter, don't we?
    Hi Mary, hope the tornadoes pass you by!! Missing your chat too!
    On the subject of salt.... to add or not to add? I add half a teaspoon every day as an allowance for adding to
    eg potatoes. Two reasons: 1 to monitor my salt intake; 2 to make my sodium intake showing here more realistic.
    I measure the half spoonful into an egg cup each day and use from that instead of just adding from my salt shaker, so measured. Am I being pedantic again? What do you all think? (half tsp salt is an awful lot of sodium)
    PS thanks Michele for making me think about this! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I got a 'Spin gym' at Christmas but haven't used it yet (by Forbes Riley). I can't find much about it online and was wondering if any of you had tried it? I got 2 dvds with it but nothing like how many calories you burn with each exercise, as far as I can see...
    Any ideas?
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