*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    So my new personal mini challenge goals for next week (Fri 4/8 through Th 4/14)
    1) 3200 cals burned
    2) 14 miles run/walk
    3) Under on sodium
    4) Consume 72 + oz of water

    Results for 4/8 through 4/14
    1) ~3300 cals burned/3200 cals
    2) 12 miles/14 miles
    3) Under on sodium 3/7 days
    4) 72 oz water consumed 4/7 days

    Not a horrible week on my personal goals. I am impressed that I hit the cals burned goal. I am not suprise that I didn't meet my mile goal since Wednesday was disgusting and cold out and Thursday I was visiting my parents and there aren't really any great running courses for distance in the area.

    My personal mini challenge for next week
    1) 3400 cals burn
    2) Run/walk 14 miles
    3) Under on sodium
    4) 72 oz of water

    I really need to start focusing on the weekend. Weekends are horrible for me. I have planned Saturday dinner at home which will help. I am going out to dinner tonight but have already looked at the menu and picked out a few things that are reasonable in calories/fat. The weather is supposed to be crappy this weekend so I plan on running on the treadmill at least on Sunday. I am hoping to squeak out a run outside on Sat before the rain comes. Just hoping I can stay strong and not sabotage myself on the weekend.
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    4/1- 137
    4/8- 136.6
    4/15- 136.5

    Maintained this week, I'll take it!

    3:33 on my challenge.

    5K race tomorrow morning with ellis_rn!! YAY! Goal time of 29 minutes (9:21 min/mile).
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Finally a loss to report! I am down 3.8 pounds this week! Hooray!!! Can't wait for my weigh in/ticker moving day tomorrow! Great job ladies!!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Both of my boys are sick. I just got back from the doc. I didn't get a chance to weigh myself. :( I'll make tomorrow my official weigh in. I also haven't had a chance to do the weekly challenge. I hope to do that tomorrow as well.

    I do know that last weeks weigh in of 128 was a farce. LOL. I have no clue how that happened...but I know I was up a couple lbs by Sunday. So....we shall see what I actually weigh in as.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Weight Loss of 2.8 lbs this week! :-) Which is great, because I've been floating around the same numbers for a few weeks.... Also, ran 2.5 miles last night! Farthest ever, in my life! :-) And, did it again this morning just to remind myself I could! Happy Friday all!!

    Lurayne, you with me on the weekend challenge!?!?! :-)
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Weekend challenge will be to stay on track no matter what. This is quite a challenge for me because we usually participate in our church's potluck on Saturdays. Sunday is not helping either, I will be attending a get together: reason for the get together, to eat ... can you believe that none sense? Anyways the fam is going and we've invited a few friends to take along so it should be fun. I will need to squeeze in at least a walk today and exercise my behind off Sunday morning.

    Good news is, I've logged in everything I've eaten thus far today. That's progress. I usually start falling off the wagon on Fridays. 1/2 day down ... 2 1/2 to go.

    I will be reporting back so that I can motivate myself to keep it up :)

    Deep breaths, deep breaths ... I know I can, I know I can ...
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    I busted my butt this week, including a ton of walking I didn't log. My hard work has paid off! Back down to my lowest weight in almost 4 years. Yay! All that vacation weight is gone!

    Last week: 221.4
    This week: 217.8

    I haven't done this week's challenge yet, but I hope to get to it today. I went to a foot/ankle specialist this morning, and he gave me steroids for a week, then a prescription nsaid to take for a month. Hopefully that will help with this ridiculous pain so I won't need surgery.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @ Shamrock: Yikes, your injury doesn't sound like fun at all! Hugs and well wishes sent your way! Hope the steroids help, surgery sounds horribly painful thinking of that recovery. Ohh, the simple things we take for granted. Congrats on your weight loss, and your lowest weight in 4+ years! Woo hoo!!

    @Lucy: Yes, deep breaths, and take the weekend in stride. WE CAN DO IT! I too will be logging everything, including the adult beverages and appetizers I consume at my father in laws (to-be) retirement party. I need to get in lots of walks myself, I'm hoping for another great loss next friday!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I busted my butt this week, including a ton of walking I didn't log. My hard work has paid off! Back down to my lowest weight in almost 4 years. Yay! All that vacation weight is gone!

    Last week: 221.4
    This week: 217.8

    I haven't done this week's challenge yet, but I hope to get to it today. I went to a foot/ankle specialist this morning, and he gave me steroids for a week, then a prescription nsaid to take for a month. Hopefully that will help with this ridiculous pain so I won't need surgery.

    Yeeeeeee haaaaaaa!!!! (I think I have a cowgirl complex :)

    Congrats! Well wishes on your recovery and great job staying on track!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    @Lucy: Yes, deep breaths, and take the weekend in stride. WE CAN DO IT! I too will be logging everything, including the adult beverages and appetizers I consume at my father in laws (to-be) retirement party. I need to get in lots of walks myself, I'm hoping for another great loss next friday!!

    I'm preparing myself psychologically ... pumping myself up ... Yes we can!!! :)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Down 1 more pound this week, officially out of the 150s. I actually weighed less earlier in the week, after my vertigo/upset stomach days, but I'm happy to still have a loss over the week.

    Great job everyone!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    @ Shamrock: Yikes, your injury doesn't sound like fun at all! Hugs and well wishes sent your way! Hope the steroids help, surgery sounds horribly painful thinking of that recovery. Ohh, the simple things we take for granted. Congrats on your weight loss, and your lowest weight in 4+ years! Woo hoo!!

    @Lucy: Yes, deep breaths, and take the weekend in stride. WE CAN DO IT! I too will be logging everything, including the adult beverages and appetizers I consume at my father in laws (to-be) retirement party. I need to get in lots of walks myself, I'm hoping for another great loss next friday!!

    Yes sorry to hear about your injury Shamrock, hope it heals soon and in the meantime you can congratulate yourself on your amazing loss! Great news!

    @Lucy and Dezil, yes I am 100% with you guys in spirit this weekend! We WILL make the right choices and stay on track for the next 3 days. It will be tough and we may not like it but we'll be soooo happy when we come out the other end with smiles on our faces and NO GAINS to report! Woohooooooo!

    @Lori congrats on reaching the 140's! That must be an awesome felling, can't wait to get there myself! Hope you're feeling better now aswell :)

    @kms that is some amazing loss for this week! You must be so proud of yourself! It's always a great feeling to see that ticker moving in the right direction! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    @janana hope your boys are feeling better soon. Its never nice to see them sick. Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow morning aswell.

    Here comes the weekend everyone! Buckle up! x
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    This week has been very off for me, I haven't eaten much at all and only worked out once. My entire schedule is in shambles. I'm hoping to get it all back together next week but I do have some super surprising news to report, I lost 4.6 lbs this week!!! I know I will probably gain some back next week when I get my eating back to normal though and I'm totally prepared for it.

    I've got a 5k tomorrow with DianaM so hopefully we'll have good times to report back (I know she will, I just have to try to keep up :laugh: ). I haven't gotten the chance to go through all the posts but I hope everyone has had a great week! :flowerforyou:

    Challenge GW: 150
    4/1: 162.6
    4/8: 162.2
    4/15: 157.6
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    4/1 177
    4/8 177
    4/15 176.8 :( ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel like I'm barely moving the scale and its frustrating. i'm see up and down up and down throughout the week. i'm going 176.8 but I just really really want to see 175. that would put me at my lowest MFP weight and my next mini goal.

    A non scale victory though this week - my old fav pair of jeans (during the time I was 160-170ish) now fits again!! It's not a perfect fit but I can wear them comfortably (especially after working them in a little bit lol you know what I'm talking about, stretching them through the day) so that's great. I also tried on my suits for work that were too tight and i can wear 2 that were running tight before so thats good too. I need to FIX whatever is broken so i can lose some more.

    my thoughts: I had upped my water to 13+ glasses a day and was seeing a consistent loss - last couple of weeks I've been between 8-10 so that could be part of it
    -when i take my vitamins daily seems to help, haven't been as consistent last couple of weeks.
    -if my weekends aren't out of control that usually helps. last 2 weekends have been bad. this last weekend i ate ALOT friday and ALOT sunday. even though my weight came back down after a couple good days i know its not good to do that.
    -and finally, i need to work on continuing to improve the QUALITY of the food i'm eating.

    That said - I'm going to try even harder~
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    ahh...you all are amazing! After reading all of your posts and encouragement, I feel so, so blessed to be a part of this phenomenal group of women!!

    p.s., I am totally on for this Weekend Pact, and I am already doing better than usual...(!) Knowing I have to report back here on Sunday night is keeping me in check!
    Have a wonderful week...!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Survived Friday! Under on overall calories and have consumed my 72 oz of water. Now to get through Sat and Sun.

    Sat might be tough, I am going to be running around all morning. Saturday morning family breakfast kills me. I have in my mind what I am going to get. Now I just have to stick to it. I always go in there with one idea and end up seeing the specials and change my mind. At least tomorrow night I am cooking dinner and dessert so I know exactly what I am having.

    Good luck everyone! Have a great weekend!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Happy to report a 1lb loss this week, so i'm down from 142 to 141 :)
    Confession time though, last night i had the worst binge i have had in a very long time. I ate to the point of feeling sick, and i don't know why... I wasn't stressed or nothing happened to push me to do it. It just happened and then i couldn't stop. I haven't had one like that in a long time though, but it did still scare me and i don't know why i did it to myself, and i definetly don't want to do it again. I have no idea how many calories i ate, but i'm guessing it was over 2,000 in one sitting, which i know is just crazy.
    But today is a new day, and i know i will be okay. I'm not going to give up and i'm about to hit the gym and go to spinning class. Lets make this a good weekend!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Thanks for the support and kind words, ladies. I have a huge heel spur on my left heel that goes up to my achilles tendon and is causing mad pain. I'm hoping the prescriptions help.

    @Cupcake lover - You have the right attitude. Put it behind you and move on, and try to avoid it in the future. At least you are getting out to exercise and still had a loss! Keep it up.

    @Dani, you're doing great!

    I'm getting ready to feed my little ones, and then I have to figure out what to eat tonight for dinner - no meat since it's Friday. I ate sparsely this morning and exercised, so I have over 900 calories left! Oh dear!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Just got back from my run - Its about 50 degrees and REALLY windy but I planned to go so i stuck to it! :)

    I ran what I aproximated to be 5k (1.4 mile track, so 2.21 times around would be 3.1 miles - had to estimate the .21 part - hopefully can get exact later somehow) did it in 31min 26sec. If I calculated correctly (fingers crossed!) that puts me Under a 10 minute mile :) I feel good about. I paced myself and ENJOYED it (:::

    I'm totally down for the weekend challenge. 2 weekends in a row I have not done so hot, want to make this one a great one!

    For the weekend I will:
    Drink at LEAST 13 glasses of water a day
    Stay Under on cals (and watch my fat/sugar/sodium)
    kick butt working out on Saturday
    would like to do something active with my BF on Sunday, will try to convince him even if the weather stinks :)

    - I'm hitting the shower. Thanks for the encouragement everybody :) I'm going to try and read back through posts this weekend. its hard to keep up with so many fabulous ladies :)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384

    I've got a 5k tomorrow with DianaM so hopefully we'll have good times to report back (I know she will, I just have to try to keep up :laugh: ). I haven't gotten the chance to go through all the posts but I hope everyone has had a great week! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! Great way to spend your Saturday :)