WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Glenda, I thought Paul would be in the final four. I am losing interest in AI. The judges are “too” nice. Some of the contestants are lousy. I want Simon back on the show. With respect to your job hunt, try matching your experience with the educational objectives. You might have to look at some course description and then match your experience.
    Natalie, what is the 17 Day Diet? Good Luck.

    Mary, stay safe. We are experience lots of rain, but no actual storms.

    To all, bad weather is a good time to curl up with a book and a cup of tea. It is not a time to for comfort food.


    The 17 day diet is basically as follows....

    You eat Turkey, chicken as your proteins, eggs in the morning (2) (or egg beaters), veggies if wanted (make an omelette), green tea and fruit
    You can have 2 yogurts (fat free) a day and 2 fruits (eaten before 2 PM)
    This goes on for 17 days, then you start adding carbs back into your diet...
    My doctor said this was ok, since it was only 17 days....

    Thanks Natalie. Keep us posted on your success with the 17 day diet.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Lorri - one thing I've found that helps me but it doesn't look like you're doing anything weird, is to put some of that "true lemon" powdered lemon and have some water or iced tea. Seems to squell those desires for baked goods

    kackie - sounds like you do well and are a great guest!

    sally - aren't the baked lays high in sodium? At least, I thought they were higher than the regular ones, but I could be wrong

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of the deep water. On Fridays they use the noodle and not the weights. You know, I think from now on I won't go on Fridays, we don't seem to do as much cardio. I may just go and swim some laps myself. At least until I get bored doing that, Then it'll be on to something else. Tomorrow I'll do an hour of yoga. Jessica is supposed to be here tonight, we're going to see TransSiberian Orchestra in concert Sun and she'll be going with us. I need to stop at the store and pick up her "Easter basket". What I do is give her (and her bf) a fruit basket with a bottle of wine in it. Even tho she's 27 years old, she still wants a chocolate bunny so I get her a small one and put that in the basket, too. So I'll need to pick that up.

    Linda - what is a spin gym?

    Natalie - why is it do you think that seniors always serve desserts? It seems that almost every activity with the Newcomers somehow has food associated with it. The socials -- they're potluck. Bunco - you bring an appetizer. MahJongg - they finish either before dinner or go out to lunch afterwards. Canasta - they have lunch before. If it's something you need to bring a food to, so many people bring desserts or else something that has lots of cream and/or cheese. Sometimes it really frustrates me because I'm not that big on desserts, at least I'm trying hard not to be. That's why the last time we played Mexican Train dominoes, I brought a veggie tray with me. Really, only one woman brought a dessert (the same one who said to me "we need to start eating healthier") and there was one piece of her cake left over. Most of my veggies were gone, I only had a small amount that I brought home and I took a good sized platter. About that 17 day diet - regarding the yogurt, do you have to have regular or can you have Greek yogurt? Is it yogurt with fruit in it, or just plain?

    the Newcomers are having their monthly social tomorrow night at this one lady's house. I need to serve (EM) at the church so I'll be late. Think I'll bring my appetizer early (like around 3 or so). I found this recipe for stuffed celery. What it is, is low fat cream cheese mixed with vanilla yogurt. To that you add shredded carrot, pineapple, and the recipe calls for some onion but I didn't put any in. You put this mixture into the celery sticks. Each stick is something like 18 calories. I believe the sticks are about 5" long.

    Think I'll go watch a bit of TV, drink my water with lemon. Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I love to feed our birds and the variety of wildlife...deer, rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels. There is nothing like sitting outside on the patio with a cup of coffee and watch them flying around, chirping away and eating. I keep looking for nests and the only one that I see is the wren above the front door. Personally, I think it is too cold. The hummingbirds are expected back any day but it is just too cold for them. All of my plants that I ordered from the nurseries have arrived but the ground is still cold so I can't plant them yet....I sure hope it warms up soon.

    I go back to work on Monday....and just have too much to do around here. No matter how many loads I do...that laundry gremlin makes more....I think it is a never ending job.

    Have a good night sleep everyone!! !
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: yesterday I went to the movies with two friends.....it was a free movie for seniors (a regular event put on by my friend's bank)----you don't know what the movie is until you get there......you bring canned food for the food bank, they have door prizes and serve doughnuts and coffee (somebody mentioned seniors and events with sweets):laugh: the movie was "Soul Surfer":bigsmile: I had not heard of it and so at first it looked like "Gidget Goes Hawaiian in the 21 st Century".....instead it was a wonderful inspiring movie that has stayed in my head:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: if you have the opportunity to see it, I hope you will:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we are on our way home:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the trip was fabulous:bigsmile: :bigsmile: and perfect:bigsmile: and now I can't wait to get back to my real life with healthy food, lots of exercise, line dance classes, and my dogs and cats and regular posting on MFP

    :bigsmile: I try to avoid being invited to anyone's home for meals because I am such a picky eater but if I can't avoid it, I praise the food, eat what I can (I expand the limits of what I eat).......the time I am picky is when the food being offered is dessert or a snack.:bigsmile: there is absolutely no reason to feel obliged to eat sweets

    :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members.:bigsmile: when I get home, I'll start to get to know everyone better and post more personal replies :bigsmile:
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    Love that one about blaming weight on pregnancy!! It is sure depressing to weigh more unpregnant than I did pregnant with my 21 yo son (weight at that time 164#) can finally say I weigh less than that and it has been a long time since I could have said that. Waaaay to many years over weight, but today is all we have and rejoicing that I'm in a better place regarding my weight. Sounds like you are to, this is a great website and forum!!
  • cucoyannie
    well easter is coming up; what is everyone doing? how are you planning to spend next week AND easter sunday?
    i think we are going to the beach from thursday to saturday and then on easter sunday we are spending time with family that is coming from chicago. we will also take the time to visit church and spend a rather tranquil time at the ocean.
    want to share your plans?
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    well easter is coming up; what is everyone doing? how are you planning to spend next week AND easter sunday?
    i think we are going to the beach from thursday to saturday and then on easter sunday we are spending time with family that is coming from chicago. we will also take the time to visit church and spend a rather tranquil time at the ocean.
    want to share your plans?

    I am hoping the this weekend is nice....I would like to work outside a bit and finish laundry. I am working Easter Sunday so there will be a ton of food there. I will be able to keep to my diet plan without any problem. When I get home, we will have our ham dinner around 7PM. We live too far from my sister and her family to go for dinner.:sad:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    Natalie - why is it do you think that seniors always serve desserts? It seems that almost every activity with the Newcomers somehow has food associated with it. The socials -- they're potluck. Bunco - you bring an appetizer. MahJongg - they finish either before dinner or go out to lunch afterwards. Canasta - they have lunch before. If it's something you need to bring a food to, so many people bring desserts or else something that has lots of cream and/or cheese. Sometimes it really frustrates me because I'm not that big on desserts, at least I'm trying hard not to be. That's why the last time we played Mexican Train dominoes, I brought a veggie tray with me. Really, only one woman brought a dessert (the same one who said to me "we need to start eating healthier") and there was one piece of her cake left over. Most of my veggies were gone, I only had a small amount that I brought home and I took a good sized platter. About that 17 day diet - regarding the yogurt, do you have to have regular or can you have Greek yogurt? Is it yogurt with fruit in it, or just plain?

    You can have greek yogurt, you can add SF Jams to it... you can have NON FAT yogurt with fruit... no sugar... 80 calories 6 oz, great value at walmart has a great yogurt... I made it thru DAY 1...
    I am not weighing until the middle of the week to see how I am doing...
    Can't believe why seniors have to serve all that food, it's nutty, and I eat it!!! I have stopped serving alot of cakes and pies, and cookies, just fruit and ONE cookie a person..
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    One day at a time in this journey of fat and pounds.. I have finished DAY 1 of the 17 day diet, I survived...
    It was not bad.. we went out for dinner, I ordered a salad, extra chicken, no beans or onion straws on it... dressing on the side...
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just have a few minutes until Friday Night Lights comes on. This is the final season so DH and I want to be sure to catch them all. We've really enjoyed every season.

    Took Mac, my Norwegian Forest Cat who was sick, to the vet for his followup today and it was all good news. I am soooooo relieved. Next week I have to take Bandit, my Ragdoll, because I found a lump behind his ear and that's really worrisome. After the vet I went on a photo shoot to a local orchard. It was a lovely day, but breezy, to there were no closeup shots today. If I got one or two good shots I'll consider myself luck.

    Went through today's posts:

    Cherub, I :heart: your day of beauty idea. I don't use polish on my nails, altho they look like it because I use one of those systems where you file and buff, but I sure do need a pedicure. Haven't had one since last summer.

    :happy: Natalie, I am sooooo glad you had good news at the dr! That sure helps, doesn't it? Lots of luck on the 17-day diet. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. I know nothing about it but am hoping to have time to read about it.

    Linda, I've been walking but forgetting to keep track. I think I may be up to 12 miles. What are you up to now, 112? :bigsmile:

    :cry: I miss Lynn terribly. She was good for us all with her upbeat spirit. She helped me not to take me and everything else so seriously.

    Faye, I dearly love my bluebirds and would share them with you if I could. I'll tell you what, I will post photos of them I like and let you know when I do so you can go see them. :wink:

    Mary, don't blow away!!!!!:noway:

    Have a nice evening and a great weekend.

    Dee :flowerforyou:
    Dee 12 miles seems good to me!! As for me... 112?????? :noway: I better get cracking!! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
    Seriously, though - I'm having my day off exercise tomorrow - didn't have one last week and didn't take the chance to miss it - if you see what I mean?? In a rush - just off to work this fine Saturday morning!
    Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
    Sorry to hear about your cats - I know how worrying it can be when they're ill! I lost my wee Tilliebuddy in November - hope yours are feeling better!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Dont know what is up with me but I have been awake each morn this week at 6 am when kenneth leaves for work. I really like it but just not me. Not a morning person. Welcome to newcomers. You will love this site. Chiclet thanks for info about site. Hopefully that is what happened to Lynn. Shame on MFP. You know it got me to thinking. We really like and care about each other. Maybe we should all tell someone in our family that if something happens to us they can go to our site and post something for us. I would hate just not to hear from someone again. Just a thought. My daughter is on here also so I will tell her.
    Pregnancy weight. You know for some strange reason when I was pregnant was the only 4 times in my life when I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain lot of weight. I gained 10, 20, 15, and 6 pounds for my 4 times.
    Natalie, just a warning to be prepared for. 3rd day was very hard for me. adjustment I guess. Just be ready for it. After that has been piece of cake (not literally). Going to local craft show today with daughter and godchild. then pick up some supplies to come home and finishe bathroom. May finish this weekend. Hope to finish before we leave next week.
    My Easter plans. We are having Easter with kids and grandkids on Sunday since we wont be home. We are leaving Sat for VA and then DC or couple of days. Much needed time away just 2 of us. we will eat healthy and get lots and lots and lots of exercise. I will try to post later. Need to shower to get ready. Have a great day and wonderful weekend ladies.
    Vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Easter Plans: My mother's birthday is on Good Friday, so I plan to go to the rehab center and take her out to eat if she is well enough. Not sure about that, since she got another infection yesterday. In either case, I will go down to see her Friday. Saturday before I come home I plan to meet my niece in Wichita to go fabric shopping for flower girl dresses for her wedding.
    Sunday we will go to church, and then have a pot luck Easter dinner in the evening with family here in town.

    I've got to get going. I want to make a menu, get to the grocery store, and straighten up the house before someone comes at 1:00 to look at problems with my computer and fax machine. Have a great day!
  • momzcamp
    momzcamp Posts: 3
    I'm a newbie and not sure how to use all the tools on this site yet but determined to learn! Thanks for having a place for us older girls!

    I'm 58 and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes - never took it seriously until last week when my doctor really scared me. So for the past week I've been taking my blood sugar levels daily and they don't look good. Can't figure it out - I don't feel bad. Am going for diabetic/dietary counseling in 2 weeks but thought I would start here.

    Wish me luck?
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Just a check in, hope all is well here. I am running a bit between the two jobs, so I will catch up sometime. Diet is strong and I am hoping that weigh in on Sunday is a good one. I am so wanting to be down to my ideal again.

    Take care all, and remember to be true to yourself.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I tried to scan the posts since the last time I posted and my computer restarted for updates. I tried again and my mouse pad freaked out. I guess that means I should just post and get moving with my day.

    Hopefully, everyone is doing OK

    Only two more weeks of soccer then things will settle down a little around here before we get to the end of the year madness of all the extra stuff for the kiddos at school.

    I have not been sticking to 1200 calories a day lately. I wish I could say it was wonderful meals, but it has just been bad choices due to not having a second to plan things out better.

    Nice to see all the new faces. Nice to see so many of us old timers. Some one new has a beautiful German Shepherd in their profile picture. I should post a picture of our shepherd girl. She is over 15 now and starting to slow down.

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a newbie and not sure how to use all the tools on this site yet but determined to learn! Thanks for having a place for us older girls!

    I'm 58 and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes - never took it seriously until last week when my doctor really scared me. So for the past week I've been taking my blood sugar levels daily and they don't look good. Can't figure it out - I don't feel bad. Am going for diabetic/dietary counseling in 2 weeks but thought I would start here.

    Wish me luck?

    Welcome and Good Luck! I'm fairly new here but can say it's a great place to be!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday, All!

    Momzcamp: Welcome and good luck on your journey! This is a great group for support and encouragement. look forward to learning more about you!

    Annie: Good question...plans for Easter: I think we will go over to my parents since our boys will not come home then. They are not far away and if the weather is nice, we will likely take the boat over for Easter dinner with them. (It is closer by water than by road). My aunt and one uncle will also be there and I have not seen them in a while. I need to call and see what I need to bring...so I am GLAD that you asked!

    Mimi: Where are you? I thought you were back home? Miss hearing from you!!!!

    Marilyn: I hope that your weigh-in tomorrow is a good one!

    We are supposed to go to an engagement party for friends daughter and fiance. It is to be a casual outside party on the beach at someone's beach house, but the weather is WILD here today. No rain yet, but high winds and thunderstorms expected. I feel sorry for the folks who offered their home for the party. I know there are a lot of people invited and we will all be inside, most likely! That's the downside to outdoor events! DH is feeling like he is catching a cold...sore throat, etc., so we may not go anyway, if he still feels that way this evening.

    I hope that no one is affected by all of the tornados that tore through the country yesterday and today!

    Take care and have a good weekend, all! Kackie:heart:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I'm a newbie and not sure how to use all the tools on this site yet but determined to learn! Thanks for having a place for us older girls!

    I'm 58 and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes - never took it seriously until last week when my doctor really scared me. So for the past week I've been taking my blood sugar levels daily and they don't look good. Can't figure it out - I don't feel bad. Am going for diabetic/dietary counseling in 2 weeks but thought I would start here.

    Wish me luck?

    Welcome and Good Luck! I'm fairly new here but can say it's a great place to be!

    Good luck to you, I am also type 2 diabetic, on alot of oral meds, and need to lose about 30 pounds... would take 20... and started this new 17 day diet yesterday, am not weighing until later in the week, but I feel good.
    How is your a1c? I had to get mine under control and really exercise is a key factor..
    I rode my bike again outside today for 20 minutes, before it got to hot, suppose to be 97 here (arizona)..
    Welcome to the group..
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'm here!

    I've been posting once in a while. Not my usual long-winded posts but enough to stay in touch. I'm still in one-day-at-a-time mode. In other words, I'm doing well for part of the day and not so well for part of the day. I always welcome the morning and the new start.

    I've slacked off on veggies. It's time to get started full-bore again. It's amazing how veggies really do equal willpower. If I wait too long to eat them, I'm not in the mood. (And we know we HAVE to listen to our moods! :laugh: ) I pretty much have to fix them then start eating them. By the time I've had a few bites, I'm loving them. It's funny how a piece of chocolate is always easy to eat. :wink:

    Easter: I'm heading down to my folks' house in the Bay Area (about 2 hours away - an hour east of San Francisco). That is often - always? - a dangerous place for me to be. Not because they try to feed me but because I eat too much of the wrong things. Maybe it's about repeating childhood patterns. I'm not sure, but I know it usually takes me a few days to get back on track when I've been there.

    Both my folks tend to be critical (thus my amazing ability to be critical of myself :tongue: ) Last visit, my dad told me my legs looked a little plumper. Thank you, Dad. After my mom told me to stand up straight, i said something like, "Aaaaggghhh." She asked if I wanted her not to tell me. You bet I said YES!

    It's funny how, even at age 62 (and I know how lucky I am to still have my parents), I can act like such a kid. :noway:

    This visit, I'll be staying with my sister. That will be better for sticking to healthful eating. She used MFP to track her food for a while and wants to get back to it.

    I went to a breakfast that the church I've started going to put on for singles 55+. Am I really that old?!! :noway: I look around at the other folks in the 55+ category and don't relate. I think I'm in denial. :laugh: (Actually, this is not funny. How the heck did I get to where I fit into the 55+ age group? I want to get a face lift then start lying about my age. :laugh: )

    Time to get movin'. I hope you all have a wonderful day and good weather. We're all due!

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Michele - A Spin Gym is not as grand as it sounds, in fact, it's pocket sized though it weighs quite a lot. Basically, it's a steel disc (the weighty part!) with a hole in the middle. Through this hole goes a nylon cord. You spin the cord and do some exercises, quite similar to yoga etc but with the added pull on the weight to help build strength as well as help with cardio. The advertising says that you can use it sitting at your desk at work etc.... That's the theory! The furthest I have got with it is the sitting in a chair and doing some upper arm exercises. There is, apparently, a lot more - along with 2 dvds for instruction. I wondered if anyone had any experience of using it as I'm about to start looking for strength building exercises to do. Of course, there's Leslie too isn't there?
    By the way, I believe Spin Gym is an American product and there is probably a website to get a better idea.
    Mimi - How lovely to hear from you at length again!

    I've been logging my food religiously and seem to have eaten lots today but still have quite a few cals to use :noway: ... Problems eh?? :laugh:
    Hope everything is going well with you all!