Postnatal- April 2011



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Carebear- sounds like a blast…ok well not exactly but it must be done. I have to do that before I go back to work.

    tlcAK- I dread going back, I have 2 other children both boys that are 4 and 7. Not exactly sure what me time is because I have had kiddos for so long. It used to be me and hubby time when my aunt would take our boys but now we have our little girl.

    Hazelbliss6- Welcome! I find that the food journal helps a lot as well as the support
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Hi all! My son was born febuary 23rd, he's 7 weeks now and although i started working out in week 4 i wasn't getting much progress. I'm hoping using MFP will help me out of my plataue. I will be starting a boot-camp excercise program on May 2nd to jump start my progress again. Hopefully that with the support here will get me back on track :)

    Pre-preg weight: 158
    SW after baby: 191
    SW w/ MFP: 188
    CW - 187

    1st goal: 165 by August 30th
    2nd goal: 150 by Christmas '11

    Good goals! That's pretty much the same as mine...MFP so far has done pretty good for me because it's been an eye opener to see how much I was eating and how many calories they were. I'm trying to eat healthier but sometimes its hard to get something healthy made with a baby fussing.! Good luck at the boot camp!
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Exhausted today! Its my rest day on TurboFire and tonight is my 'cheat meal'.... birthday dinner with family. Tomorrow is a busy day too so I gotta remember to eat right! But a nap would be nice right about now- I know you all know how exhausted I am!! Baby has been sleeping in my arms, so the exhaustion is sooooo worth it!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Guess it is time for me to start "hanging out" on this board now instead of on the pregnancy board :laugh:

    As soon as I post this I am going to try to get caught up on all of your posts!

    Since it has been a week tonight since going into labor I guess it is time to share the story here :)

    I started contracting at 9:15 pm last Friday night and tried to go to sleep. That didn't work and finally at 1:20 am decided to call my mom to come stay with our other children so I could go to the hospital. Once I realized I constantly felt the urge to pee I knew it was time to go and the contractions never slowed. I arrived at the hospital at 2:00 am and I was 5 cm and 100% effaced, and he was born at 4:56 am. It was a beautiful calm birth and I finally used my hypnobirthing that I practiced with my second. Stadol helped me to be relaxed and not tensed up in between contractions. At 4:10 am at 8cm dilated (sat at 8cm for an hour) I happily had an epidural and it was all smooth sailing (I went natural with my two girls but not with my boys). He was my longest labor in terms of feeling the contractions. In terms of time spent laboring in the hospital (3 hours) he was second shortest (my third I was at the hospital for 2 1/4 hours before delivering). God was definitely good to me and answered my prayers for a nice labor and delivery. I am truly blessed.

    It has been quite an emotional week because one of my 12 year old kitties was diagnosed with intestinal cancer and is fading fast. My heart is broken :( and it is so hard to watch. I pray God helps me and I am aware when it is time to say goodbye. I just don't want him to suffer. So this week has been bitter sweet.

    Okay time to get caught up!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    So a trip to the car dealership yay! Got an oil change and had to explain to my 4 year old why we dont need a new car. Isnt a 2010 model new enough? I told him we can get one if he is paying :laugh:

    I have been lucky because Brooklynn has not needed a feeding while out thus far with the exception of a trip to Toys R Us that had a BRU inside with a mothers room. I am so worried about nursing in public because it is new and I feel like I would freak over an audience. Any bfeeding moms experience these feelings? How do you handle your "public" feedings?

    Sheri ~ I felt this way with my first two and vowed I wouldn't breastfeed in public. Then came my third. And one day we were out getting the kids photos taken and then we stopped out for a bite to eat. My baby got hungry and I went immediately to my diaper bag to mix up some formula. Much to my surprise I had forgotten to pack him a bottle! I was saying well, we have to go home right now (we were 45 minutes from home) then it dawned on me "hello you have two bottles attached to you!" I nursed him and from that moment on I never had an issue. I am discrete and if people have an issue with it, oh well, I will never see them again anyway :)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So a trip to the car dealership yay! Got an oil change and had to explain to my 4 year old why we dont need a new car. Isnt a 2010 model new enough? I told him we can get one if he is paying :laugh:

    I have been lucky because Brooklynn has not needed a feeding while out thus far with the exception of a trip to Toys R Us that had a BRU inside with a mothers room. I am so worried about nursing in public because it is new and I feel like I would freak over an audience. Any bfeeding moms experience these feelings? How do you handle your "public" feedings?

    Sheri ~ I felt this way with my first two and vowed I wouldn't breastfeed in public. Then came my third. And one day we were out getting the kids photos taken and then we stopped out for a bite to eat. My baby got hungry and I went immediately to my diaper bag to mix up some formula. Much to my surprise I had forgotten to pack him a bottle! I was saying well, we have to go home right now (we were 45 minutes from home) then it dawned on me "hello you have two bottles attached to you!" I nursed him and from that moment on I never had an issue. I am discrete and if people have an issue with it, oh well, I will never see them again anyway :)

    nice to see you here, your kids are beautiful! Sorry about your kitty that sucks pets are such a part of the family. We had to put my 21 y/o dog down when I was 16. It was heartbreaking. Hope little Wade is giving you a little time to rest here and there atleast. Brooklynn had her 2 week check up today and when she started crying I didn't even skip a beat I just whipped it out! I actually did take seesaey's advice though and have been wearing a cami under my top so with a tiny blanket nothing was visible.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Glad I could help!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Glad I could help!

    I am determined to nurse for the first year, my second got it for 7 weeks but that was all. I was juggling work, school and 3 year old and a newborn back then though. Now I just will have work a newborn, a 4 year old, and a 7 year old but hubby is a SAHD now so my life is much easier than it used to be.
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Breastfeeding & dieting is SO HARD for me ! Yes at first when the baby only gets its food from you the weight goes off a little bit easier , but then as baby get older it gets so hard to tell what they are taking from your body ! I am so frustrated right now ! This is week 2 and nothing ! And I have watched sodium took more water ! How can someone that is breastfeeding be retaing water ?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    maybe take in more calories? People say eat back exercise, some days I eat most and others I leave lots of leftovers just to keep my body guessing.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hope you all are doing well this weekend. I wish it would warm up here. Baby didn't sleep well last night but he sure does during the day Time to get that changed around! He is eats so much it is nuts. He would nurse 24/7 if I allowed him to. We have had to supplement with formula. Last night he had 6 ozs of formula which to me is amazing. He is one of those LOs that will continue to nurse even though he is passed out cold, so that is a good thing. None of my others were like that. They would start nursing and fall asleep quickly and stop which was frustrating. Guess he is just proving how he is his own little guy.

    Oh and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale and I have lost a whopping 10 lbs He was 8 lbs 9 ozs so I am waiting for awhile to step back on. I know I am retaining quite a bit of water right now. My ankles are more swollen now then they ever got when I was pregnant with Wade.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hope you all are doing well this weekend. I wish it would warm up here. Baby didn't sleep well last night but he sure does during the day Time to get that changed around! He is eats so much it is nuts. He would nurse 24/7 if I allowed him to. We have had to supplement with formula. Last night he had 6 ozs of formula which to me is amazing. He is one of those LOs that will continue to nurse even though he is passed out cold, so that is a good thing. None of my others were like that. They would start nursing and fall asleep quickly and stop which was frustrating. Guess he is just proving how he is his own little guy.

    Oh and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale and I have lost a whopping 10 lbs He was 8 lbs 9 ozs so I am waiting for awhile to step back on. I know I am retaining quite a bit of water right now. My ankles are more swollen now then they ever got when I was pregnant with Wade.

    Amazingly Brooklynn is sort of on a schedule, she is ready to nurse at 8pm out by 8:30 usually then up at 11ish ,2:30ish and somewhere between 5:30 and 6. Not too bad for a newborn but since I atleast have a ball park I know pretty much what to expect. She is up more in the day now but wants to nurse like every hour, wonder if I burn more calories when she cluster feeds like this :happy:

    Drink lots of water, keep down the sodium and stay off the scale. I only weigh once a week, but I should take my own advice. I drink tons of water so that is not the problem (travel everywhere with a 24 oz water bottle) but I am almost ALWAYS over on my sodium
  • Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!

    Welcome, we look forward to you being a part of this group. Certainly a great group of ladies here.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey ladies! I can officially join this group! Haven't had any time to post - but I will find some soon :smile:

    Annabelle Katherine was born 4/14 at 4:22. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz, and was 21 inches long. She's amazing and I'm enjoying every minute with her!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Congratulations again Megan! Glad to have you here with us!
  • i would love to join your group if possible! i have an 11 month old,i was breastfeeding him until about 2 months ago and while i was breastfeeding it was pretty much impossible for me to lose any weight,my dr said my body was storing calories for b-feeding and once he was done b-feeding i would see a change with all the healthy habits i was forming. she was totally right! my little boy started wanting more real food and wasnt really wanting b-milk anymore so i slowly stopped and immediately saw a drop in weight. ive lost 10 lbs since i stopped b-feeding and started my diet/exercise plan! now im focused on losing the rest of my weight and starting my little one out with healthy habits as well. i just joined MFP about a week ago and love it,i would love some new motivational friends too!!! :)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!

    Welcome! this time the weight has been moving slowly. My daughter was born 4-1
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    i would love to join your group if possible! i have an 11 month old,i was breastfeeding him until about 2 months ago and while i was breastfeeding it was pretty much impossible for me to lose any weight,my dr said my body was storing calories for b-feeding and once he was done b-feeding i would see a change with all the healthy habits i was forming. she was totally right! my little boy started wanting more real food and wasnt really wanting b-milk anymore so i slowly stopped and immediately saw a drop in weight. ive lost 10 lbs since i stopped b-feeding and started my diet/exercise plan! now im focused on losing the rest of my weight and starting my little one out with healthy habits as well. i just joined MFP about a week ago and love it,i would love some new motivational friends too!!! :)

  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hey ladies! I can officially join this group! Haven't had any time to post - but I will find some soon :smile:

    Annabelle Katherine was born 4/14 at 4:22. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz, and was 21 inches long. She's amazing and I'm enjoying every minute with her!

    Hello Annabelle!... oops I mean Megan :laugh: so glad she decided to come on out just 2 weeks after her due date buddy. I am so happy for you Megan.
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