30 DAY SHRED 4/18/2011



  • carmenvo
    carmenvo Posts: 34
    I should start week three this week, but I tried yesterday and I didn't even make it to half the program! That was a downer...
  • lisa01mb
    lisa01mb Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone and well done on starting the 30 day shred. I am now well into level 2 and believe me if you stick at it it WORKS!!!. I am definately a lot more toned, have definition on my arms and legs and the very faintest muscles on my abs!!!. I have a knee injury so have to adapy some of the moves but am still seeing the results. I have taken my time though and not moved up until I feel really ready but it WILL get easier. Good luck to you all and stick at it, remember its only 20 mins in your day.
  • cally112
    cally112 Posts: 16
    yay day 3 level one finished!! startin to feel it now, it was so hard just get started this morning lol!!!

    only 27 days left....lol :D
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Cant believe i have had 5 bottles of water already and i HATE water!! WTG ME!!!! lol...How is everyone feeling? day 2 done yet? I have to wait til kiddos go to bed.= )

    Congrats on the water! I use the crystal light packets to get through mine (I'm cheap so I actually use the walmart brand)

    I had planned to do the workout after my homework, but I was doing homework until 11:30 last night :( I am sooooo upset that I missed a day! UGH :grumble: ...:explode:

    I will have to make todays REALLY count!
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    Level 1 day 2 complete :) Started to follow it up with TF HIIT 15 but had technical difficulties - um sort of.... My sweats fell off :) hahaha Pretty rough problem to have huh... It has never happened to me before. Sore in a good way tonight but will try to get up early and try again. Must drink more water!!! Good job everyone!!

    LMAO! Not laughing at you but with you! With all that jumping around mine will hit the floor too if I don't tie them as tight as possible. It's a good problem to have I guess but oh so annoying!
  • carmenvo
    carmenvo Posts: 34
    I just did my second day of week 3, and it went a lot better than yesterday!

    How do you put that work out in the exercise board?
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Wednesday, April 20, 2011
    Winners and winners
    There are those who win now, and those who will win later. If everyone were to win first place all at once, the victory would have no real meaning.

    If you resent those who win the race, you give up a valuable opportunity. You give up the opportunity to learn from their examples.

    There are those who win in one area of life, and others who win in other areas of life. If everyone was the best at the very same thing, think of how terribly tedious and predictable things would be.

    Just because one person wins, or excels, or achieves, does not mean everyone else loses. Life’s victories do not happen in a vacuum, and their valuable consequences reach far beyond those who achieve them.

    Choose to be inspired, to learn from, and to catch the positive energy of those who win. Then make use of that energy, and build on it to win in your very own way.

    Sincerely celebrate the victories of those who win. For that makes you a winner, too.

    — Ralph Marston

    Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1K3uRHPai
  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    I know 100 people have asked before but I wasn't paying attention then cuz I didnt have the DVD then but, how are you logging your 30DS?
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    I know 100 people have asked before but I wasn't paying attention then cuz I didnt have the DVD then but, how are you logging your 30DS?

    No problem:smile: You log it in under circuit training
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Everyone seems to be going strong so far!! On to day 3!! Its gotta get easier after this right?? lol...Good Luck today!!
  • armywife121110
    Wow Day 3, my legs feel like jello!!! It feel great though :)
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    I'm about to get my day 3 shred on! shouldn't be as rough today since I didn't go to the gym this morning. Don't know about anyone else but I keep picturing the inches falling off.
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    Forgot to post I got through Day 2 yesterday. Day 3 is now complete!! Now I just need to get my eating in order, so I can join the actual shredding of inches/lbs :grumble:
  • Blakemore1229
    just finshed day 3..which was actually worse than day 2 for me...i dunno why this is always when i quit. But gonna push through all of it and get it done!! Great job everyone on your hard work
  • shellymallon
    Day 3 done. A little easier, but still sore EVERYWHERE!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    just finshed day 3..which was actually worse than day 2 for me...i dunno why this is always when i quit. But gonna push through all of it and get it done!! Great job everyone on your hard work

    You can stay with it! :wink: You are strong and determine! :bigsmile: You have all of us to tell about the soreness and complain about quitting. But we will all tell you just to do it anyway!? :laugh:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I know 100 people have asked before but I wasn't paying attention then cuz I didnt have the DVD then but, how are you logging your 30DS?

    No problem:smile: You log it in under circuit training

    I actually log it as aerobics, general... I just don't want to over shoot calories burned :frown: Better safe than sorry, plus I will be more suprised when I lose a lot more than expected :laugh:
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    Done with day 3! My legs were tired today, but today's workout seemed to go faster. Love it! 27 days to go!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Day three is done... those lunges and arm raises get me everytime!?
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Sore every where! Level 1 day 3 is done :) you all are doing amazing! Everyone keep pushing through the pain, give it another day or two and I promise the pain will subside.