The 17 Day Diet



  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Hi! I just found this website while googling the 17 day diet! So I joined :). I started the 17 day diet 5 days ago. I last weighed on Tuesday and had lost about 2.5 pounds. I entered my food from yesterday into the food tracker and it said that I only consumed about 800 calories. That isn't very much but I would have to eat obscene amounts of veggies in order to get 400 more cals in! I'm hoping that I start losing a few more pounds. I would like to lose about 15. Anyone have any tips or inspirational stories to keep me motivated?

    I'm on day 6! I've been having a hard time getting enough calories too. Make sure you get your one "fat" in, that will help. I've been using olive oil and vinegar on my salads with loads of turkey! I lost 5 pounds the first two days but now I'm still at the 5 pounds, which is fine since I'm only on day 6!
  • Hi all,

    I am on day 2 of the 3rd cycle (Achieve I think is what it's called). So far I'm down 15 pounds and I really like the eating plan. My question is - I still have a ways to go - so it is really OK to begin the 3rd cycle? It seems so lovely to have a starch at breakfast and another at lunch - but I am tempted to go back to cycle 1 instead to keep losing. However, the book seems to say that we do all three cycles and then go back to either 1 or 2 (rather than 4) if we need to keep losing.

    Glad to have found this message board - and it is lovely to see all the others on this plan. It really fits for me since I can really, really overdo carbs! However, on cycle 2, I had a baked potato one lunch and even though it was a small one, I didn't feel good. I am really enjoying the whole grain bread and oatmeal!
  • iheartshae
    iheartshae Posts: 34 Member
    My goals for today within this plan is to eat more calories (EVEN THOUGH I am seriously not hungry) and to keep getting all the water in. I've become a water freak. LOL

    I am seriously the queen of fast food and I haven't even wanted any of it. This is great. I mean its only been 3 days LOL but still.
  • Woo Hoo!! 0.8lbs in 2 days!! :D That little bit will help me stay motivated. I'm doing good really good today, no headache!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good Morning... hope everyone is having a tiptop day so far... I have drunk 4 glasses of water, and eaten my 17 day diet breakfast and my green tea... (yuk)...
    For lunch, chicken and carrots, and some grapes...
    Snack will be a yogurt...
    Pretty easy to follow...
    Going to play some bridge this afternoon, love that game, keeps the mind active..
  • I started the 17 day diet 9 days ago. I love it! I have lost 9 lbs. the first 2 days were hard, but I got thru it. I did cheat one night when my daughter made brownies but as soon as i saw the next morning that i weighed more than i did the previous morning I vowed not to cheat again. I love it! I can see such a difference in my body, My collar bone is more defined, i have shoulder definition (which I never have) and my belly and waist are a lot slimmer. My energy is up and I don't feel as hungry anymore. I do admit I still have some mind cravings for chocolate but nothing that bad. My husband started the diet with me and has lost almost 7 lbs. He has been training for marathons so his workouts are more strength and endurance which builds more muscle (which weighs more than fat), but he has never felt more healthy. I have been recommending this diet to everyone!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been logging my food here on MFP and noticed I'm way under in calories. I keep getting that warning that my calorie intake is too low and that I may go into starvation mode. Today I'm still under 1000 calories.

    I'm eating everything on the menu.

    What should I do?
  • I am reading you all post and it sounds interesting. Where did you all get the 17day diet from?
  • I've been logging my food here on MFP and noticed I'm way under in calories. I keep getting that warning that my calorie intake is too low and that I may go into starvation mode. Today I'm still under 1000 calories.

    I'm eating everything on the menu.

    What should I do?

    I haven't hit 1200 calories either since I started the diet and I just think since I haven't been hungry, it would be silly to just eat to get my calories up. What I'm going to do is not worry about it for this first 17 days. In the next cycle we can start adding different foods and I don't think we will have a problem getting the calories in then.
  • I am reading you all post and it sounds interesting. Where did you all get the 17day diet from?

    You can get the book at Walmart,, or your local bookstore.
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    I've been logging my food here on MFP and noticed I'm way under in calories. I keep getting that warning that my calorie intake is too low and that I may go into starvation mode. Today I'm still under 1000 calories.

    I'm eating everything on the menu.

    What should I do?

    I haven't hit 1200 calories either since I started the diet and I just think since I haven't been hungry, it would be silly to just eat to get my calories up. What I'm going to do is not worry about it for this first 17 days. In the next cycle we can start adding different foods and I don't think we will have a problem getting the calories in then.

    Exactly. The first cycle is like a detox anyways. So I'm not worried about the lowered calories.
  • Oh my our 17 day diet family is growing while I am shrinking! I am talking for real! I can see a belly that is heading towards flat and I skipped Cycle One. Just think had a I done the first cycle. I am on day nine. Pretty much I keep my carbs 50% lower than MFP suggests and are still losing inches - more impt to me than weight. Also I stay under the 1580 that MFP gives me so I am putting the 17DD and MFP together and it is awesome. This i can live by. The great part is that at the end I can always jump back into a cycle if I see the weight creep back in.

    The 17 minutes of exercise twice a day is easy also. Thanks for all you guys that became my friend since we started..

    Keep up the good work people.

    Congratulations! Why did you skip cycle one? I would be happy just losing 10-12 lbs but like you, inches are more impt than weight. What would you suggest?
  • Oh my our 17 day diet family is growing while I am shrinking! I am talking for real! I can see a belly that is heading towards flat and I skipped Cycle One. Just think had a I done the first cycle. I am on day nine. Pretty much I keep my carbs 50% lower than MFP suggests and are still losing inches - more impt to me than weight. Also I stay under the 1580 that MFP gives me so I am putting the 17DD and MFP together and it is awesome. This i can live by. The great part is that at the end I can always jump back into a cycle if I see the weight creep back in.

    The 17 minutes of exercise twice a day is easy also. Thanks for all you guys that became my friend since we started..

    Keep up the good work people.

    Congratulations! Why did you skip cycle one? I would be happy just losing 10-12 lbs but like you, inches are more impt than weight. What would you suggest?
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    Yes, I love the 17 day diet. It gave me the jump start I needed to start losing weight. Today is my last day of Cycle 1 and I've lost 8 lbs as of Monday 18th. I've tried so many other diets and always fall off the wagon after the first week, usually due to hunger. But with the 17 day diet, there is so much variety and healthy choices that you can snack all day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can have a little more variety and still continue to drop pounds. I have limited myself to 1200 calories a day, and I'm usually well under that during this first cycle. I need to lose 32 more pounds to reach my goal. Fitness pal is a great tool, to keep you on track and make sure you are getting enough nutrition from the foods you choose. Maui is on the horizon for the summer and I want to feel good in my sundresses, shorts and tanks. No bikini for me......
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    I did not want to lose the weight too fast plus I did not have but around 10 pounds to lose. I wanted something that could get me down to my weight goal and I could stay on to maintain my weight loss. This diet allows you to shift between cycles as needed. More than anything it gives me rules and I do better with those. The 17 minute workouts are not bad also. Who cannot find time for 17 minutes twice a day? It is a fun challenge.
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    I agree with you about needing rules to follow. The food lists make it so much easier to buy the things you need from the store and stay within those limits. I read an earlier post of yours about having headaches. You may not be getting enough protein. Try a boiled egg in the morning, that seems to stave off hunger for me, and then I have a yogurt sometime before lunch. Are you a coffee drinker? If so, continue to have your coffee, that is the only thing I did not give up, was my coffee and flavored creamer. I only drink one cup a day, so I figure that is my sweet treat for the day. I can see such a big difference in myself already, in my clothes, my energy and my skin. This is enough motivation for me to keep going. Keep up the good work, I can't wait till I'm 8 pounds away from my goal!! If there is any motivation I need the most, is to get my rear on my treadmill!!!
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kafoteh
    kafoteh Posts: 18
    Just curious before I purchase the book. What does the 17 Day Diet say about alcohol and eating out?
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Just curious before I purchase the book. What does the 17 Day Diet say about alcohol and eating out?

    No alcohol in cycle 1 or 2. do have it in cycle 3!! Limited..but it's there.
    It's all up to you. If you want a drink..have one. It will slow down your weight loss a bit.
    The book is really just a guide to healthy eating.
    And...there's a whole section on Dining Out.
    Go for it!
    Good luck!
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    I don't have my book here, but I don't think it recommends alcohol until Cycle 3. The servings are 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, or 1 1/2 oz of hard liquor. It all depends on how much weight you want to lose to begin with. Eating out is fine as long as you stick to the food lists. Protein is consumed in liberal amounts in the first cycle. No rice, pasta or starches until Cycle 2. So you can have a healthy piece of salmon or chicken and some generous amounts of vegetables and still be in the limits of Cycle 1. Hope that helped a little. Each cycle is 17 days.
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