The 17 Day Diet



  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
  • Midcoast_Mermaid
    bump! I started the 17 day diet far i've been feeling really hungry and have had a massive migraine all day :(

    I NEED VEGETABLE HELP!! I hate veggies :(
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Never heard of it, but, I'd like to look into it!!

    I use Great Value yogurt from Walmart, 80 calories non fat and sugar free ...
    I eat 2 a day...
    yummy flavors..

    Sugar free yogurt??? Tell me more! Love the stuff but they all have sooo much sugar! Is it a big container or small ones?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    Oh my our 17 day diet family is growing while I am shrinking! I am talking for real! I can see a belly that is heading towards flat and I skipped Cycle One. Just think had a I done the first cycle. I am on day nine. Pretty much I keep my carbs 50% lower than MFP suggests and are still losing inches - more impt to me than weight. Also I stay under the 1580 that MFP gives me so I am putting the 17DD and MFP together and it is awesome. This i can live by. The great part is that at the end I can always jump back into a cycle if I see the weight creep back in.

    The 17 minutes of exercise twice a day is easy also. Thanks for all you guys that became my friend since we started..

    Keep up the good work people.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :) Hey everybody. Just got the book today. Not really looking to have rapid weight loss or anything, just need to transition into eating healthier. I have a question before I start though: Do I need to follow the meal plans? Or is that strictly just a few samples? I'm pretty sure the book says that you can have unlimited proteins and veggies, and eggs, probiotics, and fruit are limited to two servings a day. Is that right? I don't have to eat a salad for every lunch?
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    . Today it is back on!! I think that trying to start this while having PMS might have been a bad idea lol. Im a carb freak and damn this is difficult lol.

    In the back of the book is a PMS diet week menu ;) use that and then go back to the regular cycle :)
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    bump! I started the 17 day diet far i've been feeling really hungry and have had a massive migraine all day :(

    I NEED VEGETABLE HELP!! I hate veggies :(

    I didn't have massive migraine but for a few days in the first week I did wake up with a dull headache. I think it's because you're body is going through withdrawal. Push through it, it doesn't last.. GL!.

    Try seasoning your veggies?
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I just downloaded this book and started reading it. Do any of you know if the detoxification process is rough? I ask this because I am still nursing my son and wouldn't want this to cause him to get sick or lose my milk supply. Maybe I can just play it by ear not sticking to the diet completely but atleast doing the recipes in order to keep my milk. Anyone have an answer or is in the same situation?

    Hi there.
    Congrats on your new addition!
    Dr. Mike has a Q & A here:

    He says this:
    Q: I am a nursing mother. Is this diet for me?
    A: We do not recommend this diet to pregnant or nursing mothers.

    And a few people said this:
    The reason for the disclaimer is that nursing moms need a few more calories per day to keep up milk production!
    Need more calories to make milk, you need more dairy products so your body doesn’t rob the calcium from your bones. You need more carbs for fuel since you burn 500 calories a day just to produce milk.

    So...not yet. It is a good healthy plan to follow...just add more dairy, carbs etc.
    Good luck!

    Thank you so much for answering my question! I will continue to read the book and look more into it. I might even go ahead a start the basic foundation of it like getting rid of white bread and refined sugar and continue to use MFP to count my calories. Ethan is 9 1/2 months old now so I am only nursing him 5ish times a day now since he started finger foods and puree's at 6 months. I will definitely be doing this after I wean him though! Thanks again!
  • 2ndHalf
    2ndHalf Posts: 15
    You guys are jamming!:smile: Happy for all of your success!
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    My husband and I started on 2-21-11. Finished 3 cycles and now starting 1 again. He lost about 40 and I about 30 so far. first 2 cycles hard as i ate a lot of sugar and carbs prior. Extreme cravings and headache lasted for over a week. But well worth it. When we were faced with a dinner with people or other thngs, we watched our calories during day to balance out.. Recipes are tasty. Diet not for everyone, but only one both of us stuck with longest. Having a partner in this helps I think. WE play with menus now that we understand how things work. I discovered fat free and sugar free 0 calorie salad dressing from Walden Farms through weight watchers magazine. I was able to find at Super Walmart and Jewel in Illinois. Taste good, and good sub as I don't care for oil and vinegar. I take green tea pills as I don't like tea.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    bumping cause im thinking about it.... :smile:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Well people, I have "mostly" stuck to the diet the last three days but have had a few items that were not on the plan. Mostly due to the fact that I'm finding it hard to get enough calories and I get sick of all that meat! the scale went up a little too but I dropped 5 pounds in two days so that's ok. My weight fluctuates terribly at times. I'm going to be strict from here on out....after all, it's only 17 days, right? :)

    Had a lovely "egg salad" this morning for breakfast. Two eggs, like 1/2 tsp of ff mayo (is that ok) and a little olive oil (cause I didn't want to use too much mayo), a little salt, and some pepper. Not bad, pretty dry, but not bad! For lunch, I'm having tuna over a salad with tomatoes. I have no idea what's for dinner. I need to go get some groceries because I'm out of yogurt!

    Small tip: When your fruits start to get too ripe, stick them in the freezer and then use them in smoothies with your yogurt. Love smoothies!
  • forgiven4life
    Never heard of it, but, I'd like to look into it!!

    I use Great Value yogurt from Walmart, 80 calories non fat and sugar free ...
    I eat 2 a day...
    yummy flavors..

    Sugar free yogurt??? Tell me more! Love the stuff but they all have sooo much sugar! Is it a big container or small ones?

    The Great Value yogurt is in smaller containers. I wouldn't say they are SUGAR FREE, but no added sugar. The sugar content comes from natural milks and fruits. And yes, they are yummy! Also if anyone has Krogers, they have really good Carbmaster yogurts. Tasty!
  • forgiven4life
    I'm so excited! I can't believe this weight is just melting off of me!! I've lost a total of 5.4 lbs since starting and I'm day 7 today. :bigsmile:
  • dcjulian
    dcjulian Posts: 33
    Couldn't stick with it cause it was too restrictive for me. I saw someone posted they started on cycle 2 and so I might look at that. Thanks!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    On day 3. I have a horrible headache today. Trying to remind myself it won't last long. Night time has been hard for me. I'm a nightime snacker. I've been munching on ice chips. I decided not to weight myself today. I don't want to be disappointed if I don't see a loss and realistically I know I'm not going to lose everyday. but with my stomach growling, I know I'd be upset and lose focus if I saw no weight loss. So I'll wait until Friday.

    Today I'm having the chicken vegetable soup for lunch. I'm really look forward to it.

    Someone asked earlier if you have to follow the menu, you don't. The menu is a guide, you can choose from the list of foods. I follow the menu only because it's easier for me.
  • michelle_d06
  • lauren0985
    lauren0985 Posts: 48 Member
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Hi! I just found this website while googling the 17 day diet! So I joined :). I started the 17 day diet 5 days ago. I last weighed on Tuesday and had lost about 2.5 pounds. I entered my food from yesterday into the food tracker and it said that I only consumed about 800 calories. That isn't very much but I would have to eat obscene amounts of veggies in order to get 400 more cals in! I'm hoping that I start losing a few more pounds. I would like to lose about 15. Anyone have any tips or inspirational stories to keep me motivated?