The 17 Day Diet



  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I bought the book yesterday and downloaded it to my Sony Reader (electronic book). I am going to start this tomorrow and am excited, but have one question:

    I mapped out what I will be eating tomorrow, and it is under 800 calories. Is this normal for Cycle 1? Can somebody look at my diary for tomorrow and tell me if I am missing something? Or is this correct for the first cycle?
  • mensane
    mensane Posts: 3 Member
    I am a vegetarian. Is this diet something I should even bother trying? Any other veggies doing this diet?
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I bought the book yesterday and downloaded it to my Sony Reader (electronic book). I am going to start this tomorrow and am excited, but have one question:

    I mapped out what I will be eating tomorrow, and it is under 800 calories. Is this normal for Cycle 1? Can somebody look at my diary for tomorrow and tell me if I am missing something? Or is this correct for the first cycle?

    It looks really good.
    Just add in more veggies..and protein. I usually try for 4-6 oz of protein.
    Good luck!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I am a vegetarian. Is this diet something I should even bother trying? Any other veggies doing this diet?

    Dr. Mike says:
    Yes. If you're a "lacto-ovo-vegetarian," you limit your protein to dairy products and eggs. That means you'll obtain your protein from probiotics like yogurt, eggs, and beans and legumes (depending on which Cycle you're on). "Semi-vegetarians," who avoid red meat but eat fish or chicken, can easily follow the diet. "Vegans" avoid all animal proteins. If you're a vegan, you can still follow the diet. Simply use vegan meat substitutes at meals for protein and use a probiotic supplement in place of yogurt. The 17 Day Diet adapts to virtually any ntritional lifestyle.
    Hope this helps!
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    Its worked for those who are NOT vegetarian. I have 2 friends that lost 30 plus lbs on it. I didn't lose hardly at all because I am vegetarian =(
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I am on the 4th day of the Second Cycle and I've come to a weight loss stop. Actually, I'm up a pound!! The first cycle was amazing and I lost 8 lbs right away. I only need to lose 8 more and I am nervous that this cycle isn't working for me. I am following the guidelines, and I feel heavier on "carb days", and apparently I am!

    Has anyone else who has done the diet run into the same problem during the second cycle too?- Should I go back and do the first cycle?

    I am trying not to get discouraged!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I managed to get it up to just over 900 calories. Not sure what else to add! I don't want to eat too little, but don't want to force calories in just to get the calories in either...
    I bought the book yesterday and downloaded it to my Sony Reader (electronic book). I am going to start this tomorrow and am excited, but have one question:

    I mapped out what I will be eating tomorrow, and it is under 800 calories. Is this normal for Cycle 1? Can somebody look at my diary for tomorrow and tell me if I am missing something? Or is this correct for the first cycle?

    It looks really good.
    Just add in more veggies..and protein. I usually try for 4-6 oz of protein.
    Good luck!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I am on the 4th day of the Second Cycle and I've come to a weight loss stop. Actually, I'm up a pound!! The first cycle was amazing and I lost 8 lbs right away. I only need to lose 8 more and I am nervous that this cycle isn't working for me. I am following the guidelines, and I feel heavier on "carb days", and apparently I am!

    Has anyone else who has done the diet run into the same problem during the second cycle too?- Should I go back and do the first cycle?

    I am trying not to get discouraged!

    Don't get discouraged!
    It'll be okay.
    It was the same with me. I stalled for a few weeks.
    So I changed the carb days to 1 day a week...instead of every other day. Carbs don't work well for me.
    It's okay to mix it up a bit...and see what works for you.
    Good luck!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Keep plugging away at it, I am almost done with day 6, can't believe I have been on this diet for 6 days, it's really not bad... I am finding I am getting a bit bored with the meals, but I will survive, until I can add some carbs back into my diet...
    I think that carbs are my enenmy, but I know we have to have some in order to make the body work right.
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    The stall or weight gain might be due to you adding too many carbs at one time or lack of water. The human body is smart and is always in survival mode. On this diet, we limit the amount of carbs and processed foods. Once you reintroduce these items to your body the body hoards it and takes in as much as it can get. The body knows that you went 17 days without and its thinking is that you will do it again so it goes into store store store mode. Where does the body like to store excess? In FAT which we see in pounds. At the beginning of this diet, much of the weight loss is water weight. You are working to re-train your body to enjoy good nutritious foods that are not full of sugars and highly processed. No matter what 3500 calories makes a pound. The body needs calories to function so I am begging you guys that are below 1000-1200 to find a way to hit these numbers at minimum. Especially if you are also exercising. YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR BODY TO GO INTO STARVATION MODE! You want weight loss that will stay not something to do to drop 30 pounds and put it back on. Doing this will only make your body add more weight because it knows you could try and starve/kill/diet it again thus the yo-yo! I know that fast is fun however do something that you can stick to for the long haul.

    Keep Up The Good Work 17DD People.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Another questions: Are my carbs looking too high for tomorrow (start day) I am getting in lots of veggies and my fruits/probiotics (?) but carbs are at like, 80. Is this too much?
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    Tomorrow is first day of the 2nd cycle (activate) I just baked the cookies. First 9 I cooked for 16mins, which was too long, and they came out pretty brown-not quiet burnt. So the 2nd half of the batter I cooked for 14.5 mins and they came out looking perfect. My kitchen smells AMAZING so I can't wait to try one tomorrow morning!!

    One question though.. The day 1 menu doesn't have green tea listed @ lunch or dinner AND there's only 1 snack.. The rest of the 17 days have 3 green teas per day and 2 snacks. Was there a misprint or is that how C2D1 is??

  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Anyone have any idea what the approximate carb levels are per phase? :smile:
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I don't think your 80g of carbs is too high considering fruit takes up a majority of the carbs in this diet. I have introduced carbs to my diet for 2 days now, and the 2 servings of carbs that I have usually are 14g-20g each. I have hit the 100 mark for carbs which made me nervous as well, but an apple is 22 grams and grapes are 16, that is a pretty big chunk so i figured it was OK.

    I hope that my body will get used to the carbs and my weight loss starts back again. Should I up my daily exercise?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    i ordered the book and it's coming tomorrow. depending on how my weekend will go I'll start saturday or monday, at what point can you do more working out than 17 min a day? Next month I want to start taking boot camp classes (45-50min) and i also want to bike more. does the book address this at all?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Anyone have any idea what the approximate carb levels are per phase? :smile:

    I would be happy to provide anyone with a pdf version of the book if they need it.

    Unless you're the publisher or author who's authorized to distribute free copies, this is stealing. please don't. would you really advocate walking into a store and swiping a book? same thing. this costs real jobs.
  • forgiven4life
    Good morning 17 DD peeps! Lovely morning here even though I am up a little from yesterday. I think I ate too much late last night. I had a meeting after work and was not able to eat until after 8pm last night. I did stay on plan (for the most part. I had to give in to my chocolate craving since I am PMS'ing and I made brownies for daughter's class. I had a little taste. :wink: ). I made some AMAZING turkey burgers and they were so good I ate two of them (no bun of course). And I had a side of sauteed green beans with mushrooms, garlic, and onions. Delicious! I am absolutley loving this. The food I eat is scrumptious. It doesn't have to be boring. I made me a nice omelet this morning with 1 egg, 2 egg whites, mushrooms onions and I did use a wedge of Laughing Cow lowfat cheese. We can have fat free cheese, but I thought this would be okay too.

    Those concerned with the low calories on Cycle 1, I would try not to worry too much about it. If we stress out over it, it could hinder our bodies from losing weight. It's only 17 days. If you can find a way to get your calories close to 1200 without gorging yourself, that is great. I, however, can not. I am so full and not hungry, I just can't eat that much. I know in the next cycle I will be adding more carbs, which will up my calories. Also the different kinds of meat we are allowed will help with that as well.

    As far as exercise, we don't have to only do 17 min a day. I think he says a minimum of 17, but try to do 17 in the morning and at night. I think in cycle 2 he says we should bump it up to 30, but I would have to go back and look at my book again.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Only Cycle 1, Day 1 for me....but so far, so good! :)

    The only thing was the green tea....omg, disgusting! I had to plug my nose to get it down, but it didn't really help. lol. But I want to do this right so I can get full results...if that means choking down 2 cups of green tea a day, then I will do it.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    OMGOSH I just made the most fabulous thing for breakfast!!! I took a serving of frozen strawberries out of the freezer and crushed them up in my ninja, then added one truvia and a small container of Activia light vanilla yogurt. Tastes like sherbert, I'm not sure it even needed the Truvia!!! JACKPOT!
  • ChirishGirl
    ChirishGirl Posts: 111
    I just saw the book at Target this weekend.