What are you most looking forward to?



  • adristory
    adristory Posts: 42 Member
    Where to start....

    Looking forward to a Disney trip, in which I do not have to worry about wether or not my butt will fit in the ride. Same thing goes for my worry of plane seats.

    Shopping - in my own closet!

    Getting rid of knee! Back, heel pain that I am sure is weight related

    Being able to run a half marathon
  • adristory
    adristory Posts: 42 Member
    Not getting so sweaty and pissed off in the dressing rooms trying to find something that looks decent. Those three way mirrors? I'd like to not hate them

    Oh yeah...looking up at a mirror confidently.
  • eternlgladiator
    I'm looking forward to getting rid of the washing machine. :)
  • Ravencjw
    Ravencjw Posts: 18
    I want to buy a whole new wardrobe. I am looking forward to my feet getting smaller...Did you know that you lose weight in your feet???....cool...hu?...I have a really cool pair of dress boots that I want to wear that I bought a few years ago. I want to walk my dog around the block and to be able to keep up with the little bugger. I want to go on carnival rides again....I love them...I live in Omak Washington and they have a huge rodeo (The Omak Stampede with the suicide race) with a carnival every year and I haven't been able to go on the rides for years even though I live here. It's coming up in August and I would love to get 30 pounds off before it starts so it will not be so hard to walk around in the heat. I want to go up in a small airplane for the first time ever. I want to go hiking without rolling down a hill........ I am most looking forward to being healthy and not hurting.....
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    1. Thighs not rubbing together and wearing out jeans and pants faster than necessary.
    2. Not breaking into a sweat just from brushing my teeth or tying my shoes. (so not kidding)
    3. My back not hurting anymore.
    4. Getting off BP meds.
    5. Being able to walk into ANY "normal" store that carries clothes and be able to pull something off the wrack and fit into it.
    6. Being able to wear pumps without the pads of my feet screaming after only 10 minutes of wear.
    7. New wardrobe.
    8. Not dreading the summer time due to heat headaches and sweating profusely.
    9. More energy.
    10. Seeing a man flirt and not always assuming he has to be looking at the hot skinny blonde behind me.
    11. Noto having to wear shorts under a dress or skirt so my thighs don't rub together and get a rash.
    12. Being able to take a bath and not have the water be seperated behind me and in front because of my hips.
    13. Playing with my son instead of sitting down and watching him play because I am too tired.
    14. Living long enough to watch my boy grow into a wonderful man, father and husband.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I am looking forward to Playing outside with my son without getting out of breath :)
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I can't wait to have no stomach flab hanging there reminding everyday that I am too big to be healthy. I also can't wait to see if this summer I can actually breathe while outside in the heat. New clothes would be great, too.
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    I have alot I'm looking forward too!
    1. Being able to wear a swimsuit without feeling like I need to wear a t-shirt and shorts over it!
    2. Cute clothes- already bought some and can't wait to feel like I look good in them.
    3. Having lots of energy- when I first started I had none! As I am getting into better shape I find myself wanting to do things and exercise more.
    4. Making the evil cinderella sisters jealous!- talking about my 5 sister in-laws. Even at my goal I will still be bigger than most of them, but even being somewhere between 20-50 pounds heavier than them right now they all ready are becoming very uncomfortable with me losing weight, and even try to sabatoge at times.
    5. Being thinner or around the same size as my mom. She lost 150 pound a couple years ago and has maintained it really well, since she lost it has made me feel weird that my mom weighs less than me. I'm very happy she lost it I have just felt like a Twenty something year old should weigh less than a forty something year old.
    6. Feeling comfortable in stores. I always feel like people in stores or cashiers look at some of the sizes I buy and think this must not be for her or girl there's no way you could fit in that. I know alot of this is just in my head and it has been getting better since I've lost weight hoping it will completely go away by the time I get to my goal.
    7. Having a smaller waist and weighing less than my husband. He is kinda freakish- in the way that he is 6'3" and only weighs 160lbs. but no matter what he eats or does he can't gain weight. He has like a 30 inch waist hoping I can get below that.
    8. Wearing Shorts. I honestly don't think I've worn shorts since I was 14 or if I did it was because of my 8th and 9th grade P.E. class which I hated. In high school we could wear pants. Looking forward to feel like I can wear shorts and that my legs don't look like they belong to a hippo.

    I love number 8. I would love to be able to wear shorts. It's been forever. Other than covering wearing them over my swimsuit. I'll never have the perfect body. But I want to be able to look good in clothes and feel comfortable.

    Hey quick comment: you CAN have the perfect body! I totally told myself that too, but it's much healthier for us to believe in ourselves! You can DO IT!!!
  • crythreetears
    crythreetears Posts: 42 Member
    Being healthy, and wearing normal size clothes.
  • crusinforlosin
    Finishing something I started. I have never really done that . =]
  • rainbowcheerios
    I WANT TO LOSE "my three"!!!! That's what I call the bottom of my tummy because the part that sticks out looks like a sideways three to me :3
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Standing in a bikini at the river & thinking.. LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Oh, so many things...

    I've been bellydancing for 4+ years, and my belly keeps dancing long after the rest of me stops moving, if you know what I mean. I look forward to the day when that is no longer the case. That will be the day that I no longer feel the need to wear costumes where my tummy is totally covered with fringe!

    The other thing I am looking forward to is kinda silly, and I may never realistically get there on account of the way I am shaped...but you know when someone is lean and when they stand with their ankles touching, there is a little gap between their thighs? Totally envious of that.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Couple things:

    1. Feeling like a woman again. (Do I have to explain?!?)
    2. Wearing clothes I think are cute instead of forgiving.
    3. Not limiting myself to activities not requiring a bathing suit.
    4. Standing on the scale at the doctors office.
    5. Talking to my mom about something other than my weight loss.
    6. Helping others on their journey.
    7. Feeling younger.
    8. Being thin, but still having empathy for others not there.
    9. Running my first 5K.
    10. My updated signature on MFP saying I lost it years ago, and never gained it back.
  • alibaba0310
    I LOVE THIS THREAD. i have quite a few to add:
    -while backpacking, being able to take off my shirt and just stand in a sports bra to wash my shirt in a stream! i cant do that now cause im just not confident enough
    -wearing a swim suit and not having to hide under towels or jump in the pool as fast as i possibly can to stop people from seeing me
    -being able to dance in a sleeveless top without being totally embarrassed about my arms!
    -getting the guy i have liked for years to ask me out (hopefully)
    -being back to the size 4 pants i was a few years ago (currently a size 8/10)
    -being able to wear short shorts! i am sooo self-concious about the length of my shorts hiding alot
    -my belly button not being an inch deep
    -getting my bellybutton pierced! (i loovvveeee belly button piercings but am just too embarrassed about my belly right now)
    -not being the slowest backpacker in our group!
    -being able to ice climb in alaska without completely dying! (spending a month in the alaskan wilderness this summer)
    -crossing my legs again comfortably!
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    LOVE this thread - im welling up reading them all - they all reflect what im looking forward to - Im looking forward to all of them - but most of all im looking forward to blending in and going along UNNOTICED if you know what I mean ? - Im half way there now and am starting to feel the right side of normal - most of all im looking forward to just picking clothes off the rail rather than looking at sizes FIRST - THEN seeing if I like it or not - Reading this thread has motivated me all over again - thanks guys x x
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    About 5 years ago I lost a lot of weight and gained it back, for a short time I would fit in a size 40 slim fit wrangler jeans, I would like to do that again, am almost there. After that I am in uncharted territory and will be smaller then I have been in the last 40 years.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm most looking forward to actually looking good in a bikini! Right now I feel like I'm always trying to hide my belly when I'm swimming. I hate that. Also I want to go shopping! I haven't gone clothes shopping since black friday last year, and I hated it because I couldn't fit into the clothes I like the most. Also I have a couple pairs of really cute shorts & jeans that I haven't been able to wear much because I bought them right before I started gaining weight... can't wait to fit into those again!!
  • pinme13
    pinme13 Posts: 52 Member
    Just looking forward to feeling comfortable in my own skin and liking how my body looks.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I am most looking forward to:

    1) Being the one my friends are envious of, instead of the one they feel bad for and is ignored
    2) Fitting into a clothing size that I have always dreamed of - size 4 or 6
    3) Have people not be surprised when I tell them how much I work out ("wait YOU'RE a runner?")
    4) To be able to give people advice, that they will listen to
    5) To get looks when I walk by, because I look that good
    6) To look "good enough" for my parents
    7) So I can be proud of myself for reaching my goal and accepting my body
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