The 17 Day Diet



  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good job everyone.. I went on a field trip today, and just drank ALL my water in one hour, now I will be in the potty all evening, but wanted to get it in....
    Have a good evening..
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    I started the diet on Sunday. Came across it on this website. Wanted to do something to loose weight. And I needed a guideline to tell me what to eat.

    Here is my day: Get up drink a cup of warm water wth 1/2 squeezed lemon juice.
    Breakfast: 2 eggs either scrambled or fried. Use the canola oil spray. 1/2 grapefruit and tea

    Snack: plain yogert with a spoon of the sugar free raspberry jam.

    Lunch: spinach salad with chicken strips and a cup of strawberries with Light raspberry vinergertte dressing. with a cup of green tea

    Dinner: steamed brocolli and cauliflower with grilled salmon. or a can of tuna and a cup of tea

    Snack yogurt with fruit jam

    That sums up my day mostyl.
    I change it up a bit and add more or less vegis. Carrots, cucumbers salad. Chicken Salmon and tuna are my main meats for now.

    And apparently its working cause I lost 4 pounds in 5 days.

    I hope it keeps on working. Because when you see results then it makes you want to stay on it even more.
  • cdriggs702
    cdriggs702 Posts: 2 Member
  • fullerlj
    fullerlj Posts: 25
    I was able to hit 1300 calories today on day 4 of 1st Cycle. I ate a lot of protein though. It says to eat unlimited protein and so I did! Got in my calories and I think I feel a lot better about this diet now, cause the one thing i was afraid of was not getting enough calories, that is how I plateaued last time. It just took me a couple days to figure out how to get them in....and the answer for me is PROTEIN!

    I can't wait to weigh in next wednesday to see how much i lose after starting the diet.
    I have been losing 3 lbs. a week since I started MFP two weeks ago. So we will see how the diet will affect my numbers. :smile:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Thank you Janel!
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I would like to start this diet next week, downloaded the book on my nook and will be reading it over the week end. Wish me luck I have 15 pounds to loose to my goal weight of 135
  • alisteph
    alisteph Posts: 3 Member
    I joined MFP a few months ago. I was exercising 5 days a week and watching my diet 1200-15000 cal/day. However after 3 months, I only lost 4 pounds. I started the 17 Day Diet 4/18/11. I too felt hungry the first couple of days, but figured out how to inc calories w/protein. My workout schedule has not changed. I'm down 5 pounds as of this morning (4/21/11). I know the weight loss will slow, but this kind of jump start is great motivation.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I would like to start this diet next week, downloaded the book on my nook and will be reading it over the week end. Wish me luck I have 15 pounds to loose to my goal weight of 135

    You can do it!
    Good luck!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I joined MFP a few months ago. I was exercising 5 days a week and watching my diet 1200-15000 cal/day. However after 3 months, I only lost 4 pounds. I started the 17 Day Diet 4/18/11. I too felt hungry the first couple of days, but figured out how to inc calories w/protein. My workout schedule has not changed. I'm down 5 pounds as of this morning (4/21/11). I know the weight loss will slow, but this kind of jump start is great motivation.

    Great job!

  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I think I'll start tomorrow, as the book arrives today. (No, UPS< I'm not stalking the tracking....really....)
    Anyone have any suggestions? It seems that I'll be eating a ton of fish to keep the protein &calories way up. And drink tons of water.

    I'm doing this for the (or a jump start on part of the ) last 15-20 pounds. Anyone else in the same boat and have done this for long enough to give me an idea of what to expect? I'm doing this with several events in mind. first one is june 15th & involves swimwear, so i have less than two months, one of which will be, ideally, very heavy with gym classes.
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Today is day 5 and it's going great. I had a little cheat yesterday, I had some cereal with 2% milk. But just a small cup worth. I've still lost 7lbs and I'm not hungry anymore. I don't have those annoying hunger pains or headaches. I think it'll be pretty easy to finish this first cycle now.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Hi 17 DD peeps,Ive been following this thread a little reading your input, I too have the book and have been kind of toying with it in the last month but have never managed to do the 1st full 17 days however when I am on it I have managed to lose and was doing really good thus far, so today I am recommitting myself to not cheat and actually do the full 17 days. I have tried the green tea and with lemon and truvia. So if anyone would friend me that is doing this I would love more suppoters from the 17 DD threads. One of my coworkers has lost 45 lbs since January on the 17 DD and she inspired me to try it. I also find I fall shy on calories and like some of you I dont feel hungry either.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I joined MFP a few months ago. I was exercising 5 days a week and watching my diet 1200-15000 cal/day. However after 3 months, I only lost 4 pounds.

    This is exactly me and this is just what I needed to hear.

    I think I'll purchase the kindle version of the book on my phone today. I actually read the free "sample" kindle book earlier.

    I will be starting Monday! (I'm OCD about that. haha)
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    One full week doing the 17 Day Diet, as well as continuing with the 30 Day Shred and I've lost 5 pounds! Very happy with this! However, I am at the bottom of the lose 5 pounds gain em back so now is where I need to be strong and power through because normally this is where I sabotage myself with pizza or something wonderful like that (mmmm bread). If I've lost another 5 pounds in another week then that will be the lowest I've gotten to in 3 years! I hope, no I KNOW I will make it! Also, I highly recommend the 30 day shred, I am on day 22 and see major results for only a 25 minute workout, and I haven't been all that consistent either ie. doing it every single day (so I'm on day 22 in the sense that I've done 22 workouts). I didn't lose any weight doing it alone, but coupled with the 17 day diet, it's working great! And it goes by super fast with the 3 circuits. :).
  • llazan
    llazan Posts: 3
    I don't eat eggs at all...I tried a hard boiled one day to see if I could stomach it but it was gross. So those are out for me! I am starting the diet full-on on Monday...kind of been doing little things here and there and buying the food this week. I decided that in order for it to work for me, I'll need to have one cheat. I'm going to have one english muffin each morning with breakfast because just yogurt and fruit is not enough. And I will be eating more than enough veggies and chicken throughout the rest of the day so I don't realistically think I could add that in the morning. I eat the Thomas brand, the light multi-grain ones. They have 100 calories each, 25g carbs, 8g of fiber and less than 1g of sugar. It sucks that I'm breaking the no-carbs rule but I really don't think I can make it through the 17 days if I only have fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Plus its a ton of fiber which is good for digestion! I think the bottom line is to try and follow the diet as closely as you can but also to make it work for YOU. If you need to make 1 substitution in order to be successful, do it. That's way better than following it to the T and then quitting. I love My Fitness Pal...this will help so much!! Good luck everyone!
  • llazan
    llazan Posts: 3
    I am going to be getting this book soon and wondering what people are doing for breakfast that does not include eggs? I am not a egg eater and most diets have eggs for the breakfast meals. Any ideas?? Thanks

    I don't eat eggs at all...I tried a hard boiled one day to see if I could stomach it but it was gross. So those are out for me! I am starting the diet full-on on Monday...kind of been doing little things here and there and buying the food this week. I decided that in order for it to work for me, I'll need to have one cheat. I'm going to have one english muffin each morning with breakfast because just yogurt and fruit is not enough. And I will be eating more than enough veggies and chicken throughout the rest of the day so I don't realistically think I could add that in the morning. I eat the Thomas brand, the light multi-grain ones. They have 100 calories each, 25g carbs, 8g of fiber and less than 1g of sugar. It sucks that I'm breaking the no-carbs rule but I really don't think I can make it through the 17 days if I only have fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Plus its a ton of fiber which is good for digestion! I think the bottom line is to try and follow the diet as closely as you can but also to make it work for YOU. If you need to make 1 substitution in order to be successful, do it. That's way better than following it to the T and then quitting. I love My Fitness Pal...this will help so much!! Good luck everyone!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Eating out is relatively EASY if you have chicken and a veggie, or chicken and a salad, or turkey on a salad, tell them to leave off the croutons… and dressing on the side.. I choose balsamic vinegarette most of the time, and it works.. I am very full when I get done with a big salad…

    How you all doing today? I had my scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast, didn't have my tea, had coffee instead... drank some water, having gyro's for lunch (ooops not on plan), no pita, tomoato lettuse and carrots... it's ok, I am doing fine..
    Ate way over 1200 yesterday (300 over) and i think i am down another .5 lbs, not sure, will weigh again next thursday.. for the officially weight loss...

    Are you happy??????

  • I am going to be getting this book soon and wondering what people are doing for breakfast that does not include eggs? I am not a egg eater and most diets have eggs for the breakfast meals. Any ideas?? Thanks

    When I don't eat eggs for breakfast, I usually make smoothies. We can have acidophilous milk and it tastes pretty good. It tastes "almost" like regular milk so it makes a good smoothie. Though I have found when I don't have eggs, I get hungry MUCH sooner than when I do. I may start adding some flax seeds in my smoothies. Some people use the kefir, but even the fruit flavored kefir I can't handle. :sick:

    As far as how I'm doing today, today is the first time I have REALLY went off plan. I'm at the end of TOM and I thought I was doing pretty good about not having chocolate cravings, carb cravings, etc. Today it went into effect big time. A couple of days ago I had a Hershey's chocolate nugget, but that was that. Today I had another and I noticed while I was eating it that is was soooooo sweet. That is so funny. Usually I could just sit and eat a few of them. Anyway, at lunch (I went to lunch really late and had already eaten) I had some errands to run. I got really thirsty while I was out and was going to splurge and get a Coke Zero from the vending machine. Well the stupid machine gives me a regular coke! :angry: So what do I do? Of course I drink it because I was thirsty and didn't want to waste my money. And then I go get a grilled chicken salad and I ate the corn salsa that is on the side. :noway: Oh well. I didn't do too terrible bad. My carbs are still relatively low. I'll try to drink some extra water and hope the scale doesn't do evil things in the morning. :wink:
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Have done really well the past 2 days. On day 2 and was down 2.5 pounds today. I got Chipotle for dinner and feel I made a really good choice on what I got:

    Burrito Bowl
    2 Servings of Chicken
    1/2 serving of pinto beans

    I only ate half of it, for a total of 245 calories, 7 grams of fat, 32 g protein and only like, 10 carbs.

    I havent been too hungry, but I am still craving sweets *sigh* Then again, TOM is only days that is probably it.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Are we having fun on this diet????
    Of course, we are watching the pounds melt away from that mean old scale!!!
    Tonight I am going to Red robin, and have chosen, from their menu online to order the salmon, on lettuce bun, with a side of veggies instead of potato and lots of tomatos, dressings on the side... should work just fine.. eh?
    Tomorrow we are going to a dog show.. then I have to go to Walmart to get more yogurt.
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