Starting P90X!



  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Hi Jess!


    Hey girl! Are you using the Carb Manipulation? How's it going for ya?


    I just started using it again. When I tried it the first time it broke my plateau.
    I am going to stick with it and see if I can get to that number...and my abs:bigsmile:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Way to go with the "heavy" weights Jess.
    I am anxious to get some heavier ones myself so I can build up to where you are. Right now with my 15's I feel like I am spinning my wheels...I have tried to hold 2 weights in one hand to make it harder, but that is really difficult.
    I used my husband 30's the other day for some back excercises and they were tough!
    Gonna do it again!

  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    I know I have not posted in a while. After I was out of town I got really I had to take the week off. I was working out... but just didn't post! But I am back on the "wagon"!!! Finals coming up tooo soooo.... ugh... P90X is really good to keep stress level down. Today is Yoga for me!! See ya all later!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Girls, I'm feeling wimpy with my 10-15 lbs. on most exercises. Currently, all I have are 5 and 10 pound dumbbells, so I have to hold a 10 and 5 to do some exercises. I need to get heavier weights because my reps can push twenty sometimes. But 30s? :noway: Not yet, anyway :tongue:

    Today was Kenpo X. I like that one for some reason.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    WOW Jess! You are amazing and so inspiring! I use half the weight you do on the shoulder presses and deep swimmers press (15). That is just awesome!!! WOW you are my idol!!! How many reps do you do??? Way to go on your run today already!!!


    Thanks!! I started out using 10-15#, so I've really gained a LOT of strength from P90X. LOVE it! I usually stick to the heavy weights, low reps, no more than 10 reps. And I also a lot of times only do ONE set of each exercise, so like on C & B and S & A where you do a repeat, my dh & I just do them once. It makes the workouts only about 30 min, but you really work it lifting heavy! Try it sometime. :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Girls, I'm feeling wimpy with my 10-15 lbs. on most exercises. Currently, all I have are 5 and 10 pound dumbbells, so I have to hold a 10 and 5 to do some exercises. I need to get heavier weights because my reps can push twenty sometimes. But 30s? :noway: Not yet, anyway :tongue:

    Today was Kenpo X. I like that one for some reason.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Don't feel wimpy, just keep at it! You're just starting out. I definitely think you need to put heavier weights on your Christmas list. :wink:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well tonight I switched it up alittle bit. I did Tony's Yoga Hawaii workout. (It has a strange name). It was really good. Then I did Biggest Loser Cardio Max, all 3 segments. I burned over 600 calories all together and had a really good workout tonight. I am definitely worn out and ready for bed.

    Sounds like everyone is doing really good. On weights, I have dumbbells ranging from 5 lbs to 40 lbs. I lift using the various weights depending on the exercises. I am careful not to raise too quick though as I do not want to cause any kind of injury.

    Well, everyone have a great nights sleep and excellent workout tomorrow!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey Tena! You're still doing great!

    I did the P90X Plus Upper body plus this morning. I haven't done this one in a while and had forgotten how much I love it!! Good, quick 40 min upper body w/o!

    Have a good one!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Hello! Today was back and legs for me. My youngest told me last night at about 8:00 her eye felt funny. By nine, it was very mattery. SOO, I spent over an hour typing up lesson plans for a sub, and then got up at 5:00 to get my classroom ready and materials out. As my husband was getting ready to leave for work at the same time (we have a 13 year old-didn't leave the young one home alone!) his door handle on his running-to-warm-up work truck broke. We fiddled for awhile, and ended up having to call the police for help to break into the truck.

    I took the younger daughter to the doctor and she confirmed pink eye. Doc said no school until 24 hours of eye drops. We took advantage of the non-sick sick day by setting up the Christmas tree so we'll be ready for company all next weekend.

    Point of my whole long story, didn't work out until evening. 58 minutes of Back and Legs + 16 minutes of ARX= 2 hours with all the interruptions :explode: But, it is done and I'm thrilled. My lower back is very tight, so this next rest week should be nice. I plan to run a bit :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Point of my whole long story, didn't work out until evening. 58 minutes of Back and Legs + 16 minutes of ARX= 2 hours with all the interruptions :explode: But, it is done and I'm thrilled. My lower back is very tight, so this next rest week should be nice. I plan to run a bit :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Oh, what a day!! You poor thing!! I hope the pink eye clears up fast and no one else gets it!!! Good for you for still getting in your workout though, WTG!!!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I did a gym style leg workout this morning, and will do Ab RipperX this afternoon. I'lll do my run tomorrow morning w/ my buddies.

    Just FYI, I'm going on vacation w/ my family to TX for a week!! So if you don't see me around the threads, you know why. I will probably be checking my email when I can though! (I couldn't go a week w/out internet!!! :sad: ) I do plan on doing some working out while I'm gone, my dh, brothers, and SIL, and Mom all do P90X!!! He has the chinup bar and I'm packing my resistance bands. :wink: And of course my running shoes so I can run on the beach!!!!

  • taxieb
    I did my first day of P90X! I am so sore....but I love it :happy: I did Chest & Back this morning before work and did Ab Ripper tonight. Ouch! I did fine with my food today too. I have to admit I am not looking forward to Plyometrics tomorrow. It looks like a real killer......I hope I survive!

  • taxieb
    I did survive! I'm on day 4 now and I wasn't able to finish the yoga....I feel kinda lame :grumble: but I think I will try to do some more of it tonight. I'm looking forward to legs and back tomorrow!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Taxi: Way to go! I have to say Yoga is not one of my favorite workouts in the series. The second half is easier than the first, in my opinion. Part of my problem with the Yoga is just the length of time. 90 minute in one stretch is a long period of time in the life of a working wife and mom!!

    Let us know what you think of legs and back. I always feel that one! In fact the first time I did it, I was sore for a whole weekend :tongue:

    This is my second recovery week. I'm not following the program; I've been running each day. I have missed running, so it feels really good.
  • csnook2
    My wife and I are in our second round of X. We absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it til my daddy takes my T-Bird away! (Thank You Mr. Horton) The workouts are intense, but you get the different stages on the DVD's so ANYBODY can do it.

    Teach; I agree with you on the Legs/Back! That one is a major muscle workout! Unfortunately, Plyo was a little too intense for my old guy knees so I have to sub, but I "Do my best, forget the rest!"
  • ladyhawk
    ladyhawk Posts: 101
    I would like to purchase this workout series but would like to know if I have to purchase additional equipment like a pull up bar and push up equipment? I have never worked out in my home before but I find I am waking up 3-4 a.m. and would like to do something with that time rather than lying in bed waiting for the time to get up and get to work
  • csnook2
    LadyHawk- The program, I believe, comes with a resistance band. You can do ALL of the circuit training moves with the band. Instead of pull-ups/chin-ups, you can do Lat pull downs. (My wife does these because she doesn't have the strength for a pull-up) Every exercise can be modified to work for you. It is just making the decision to Push Play everyday. We are coming up on 120 days with X, and I don't regret a day of it. I feel better than I have in over 20 years. We are ALL worth the price of the program!


  • taxieb
    Hi all!
    Thanks for the encouragement Teach :wink: I liked the legs and back and LOVED Kenpo yesterday! I did X stretch today and my sore, tight muscles thank me. I definitely did not stick to my diet yesterday for Thanksgiving, but I didn't go overboard either. I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day!
  • taxieb
    Hi again,
    Well, one week of P90X down. I havn't lost a lb or a 1/4 inch yet....but I know I will. I did my chest and back as well as ab ripper today. I made the mistake of doing chest/back with no fuel...normally I eat breakfast, but didn't today and I definitely noticed :sick: So, I made sure I did my abs a couple of hours after lunch. I'm doing a lot better with the ab workout...less resting...more working! :smile: I will need to increase my weight on most of the exercises, except maybe the flys. I'm doing 15 reps fairly easily with 10 lbs so I will try 15lbs next time.
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    My husband and I started P90x on Saturday and so far I am very impressed. You have to be in pretty decent shape to do this program so I am pleased I could keep up with the first three! Do any of you do supplemental cardio on weight days? I did the arms & shoulders this morning, and ab ripper and know I will want to go for a run after work. Is that too much?